This is an incomplete list of authors of [Paddle]( codebase, to see a full list, please use the source control tool git. PaddlePaddle community encourges every Paddle codebase author include his/her GitHub account and fullname here.
This is an incomplete list of authors of [Paddle]( codebase, to see a full list, please use the source control tool git. PaddlePaddle community encourages every Paddle codebase author include his/her GitHub account and fullname here.
| Github account | name |
| Github account | name |
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ This is an incomplete list of authors of [Paddle](
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ This is an incomplete list of authors of [Paddle](
| jacquesqiao | Long-Fei Qiao |
| jacquesqiao | Long-Fei Qiao |
| [jakpiase]( | Jakub Piasecki |
| [jakpiase]( | Jakub Piasecki |
| [jczaja]( | Jacek Czaja |
| [jczaja]( | Jacek Czaja |