recompute intermediate activations to save then memory for 'Sequential' models.
recompute intermediate activations to save the memory for 'Sequential' models. use 'ctx' to transmit some context params, it is similar to 'recompute_hybrid' API.
ctx(dict): include 'segments' and 'preserve_rng_state' keys, the key 'segments' (int, default 1), represents the number of chunks to create in the model,
ctx(dict): include 'segments' and 'preserve_rng_state' keys, the key 'segments' (int, default 1), represents the number of chunks to create in the model,
the key 'preserve_rng_state' (bool, optional, default=True) indicate whether to save the forward rng. If it is True, then the last forward rng value will be
the key 'preserve_rng_state' (bool, optional, default=True) indicate whether to save the forward rng. If it is True, then the last forward rng value will be
restored when the forward recalculation of backpropagation is performed. and some keys such as 'mp_group', 'offload' and 'partition' are invalid here,
restored when the forward recalculation of backpropagation is performed.
they are useful in 'recompute_hybrid' API.
functions(paddle.nn.Sequential): layer of sequence of layers that describes part of forward pass of the model
functions(paddle.nn.Sequential): layer of sequence of layers that describes part of forward pass of the model
whose intermediate activations will be released to save memory in forward stage and will be recomputed
whose intermediate activations will be released to save memory in forward stage and will be recomputed
ctx(dict): include 'mp_group', 'offload', and 'partition' keys. the key 'mp_group' (Group), represents the avtivations are splitted
ctx(dict): include 'mp_group', 'offload', and 'partition' keys. the key 'mp_group' (Group), represents the avtivations are splitted
in which group. the key 'offload' (bool, optional, default=False), represents whether to offload to cpu. the key 'partition' (bool, optional, default=False),
in which group. the key 'offload' (bool, optional, default=False), represents whether to offload to cpu. the key 'partition' (bool, optional, default=False),
represents whether to split activations in the mp_group. and some keys such as 'segments' and 'preserve_rng_state' are invalid here, they are useful in
represents whether to split activations in the mp_group.
'recompute_sequential' API.
function(paddle.nn.Layer): layer of sequence of layers that describes part of forward pass of the model
function(paddle.nn.Layer): layer of sequence of layers that describes part of forward pass of the model
whose intermediate activations will be released to save memory in forward stage and will be recomputed
whose intermediate activations will be released to save memory in forward stage and will be recomputed