echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01 or lanxianghit) and one TPM (saxon-zh or Boyan-Liu or swtkiwi) approval for the api change for the management reason of API interface.\n"
echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01 or lanxianghit) and one TPM (saxon-zh or Boyan-Liu or swtkiwi or Heeenrrry) approval for the api change for the management reason of API interface.\n"
echo_line="You must have one TPM (saxon-zh or Boyan-Liu or swtkiwi) approval for the api change for the management reason of API document.\n"
echo_line="You must have one TPM (saxon-zh or Boyan-Liu or swtkiwi or Heeenrrry) approval for the api change for the management reason of API document.\n"