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# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from .context import Context

def launch():
    Paddle distribution training entry ``python -m paddle.distributed.launch``.
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-bash1

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch [-h] [--master MASTER] [--rank RANK]
                   [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [--nnodes NNODES]
                   [--nproc_per_node NPROC_PER_NODE] [--log_dir LOG_DIR]
                   [--run_mode RUN_MODE] [--job_id JOB_ID] [--devices DEVICES]
                   [--host HOST] [--servers SERVERS] [--trainers TRAINERS]
                   [--trainer_num TRAINER_NUM] [--server_num SERVER_NUM]
                   [--gloo_port GLOO_PORT] [--with_gloo WITH_GLOO]
                   [--max_restart MAX_RESTART] [--elastic_level ELASTIC_LEVEL]
                   [--elastic_timeout ELASTIC_TIMEOUT]
                   training_script ...

    Base Parameters:
        - ``--master``: The master/rendezvous server, support http:// and etcd://, default with http://. e.g., ``--master=``. Default ``--log_dir=None``.

        - ``--rank``: The rank of the node, can be auto assigned by master. Default ``--rank=-1``.

        - ``--log_level``: The log levl to set for logging.setLevel. Default ``--log_level=INFO``.

        - ``--nnodes``: The number of nodes for a distributed job, it can be a range in elastic mode, e.g., ``--nnnodes=2:3``. Default ``--nnodes=1``.

        - ``--nproc_per_node``: The number of processes to launch on a node. In gpu training, it should be less or equal to the gpus number of you system.  e.g., ``--nproc_per_node=8``

        - ``--log_dir``: The path for each process's log. e.g., ``--log_dir=output_dir``. Default ``--log_dir=log``.

        - ``--run_mode``: The run mode of job, can be:collective/ps/ps-heter. e.g., ``--run_mode=ps``. Default ``--run_mode=collective``.

        - ``--job_id``: The job unique id, it affects the log files' name. e.g., ``--job_id=job1``. Default ``--job_id=default``.

        - ``--devices``: The selected accelerate devices on nodes, can be gpu/xpu/npu/mlu etc.. e.g., ``--devices=0,1,2,3`` will launch four training processes each bound to one device.

        - ``training_script``: The full path to the single GPU training program/script to be launched in parallel, followed by all the arguments for the training script. e.g., ````

        - ``training_script_args``: The args of training_script. e.g., ``--lr=0.1``

    Collective Parameters:
        - ``--ips``: [DEPRECATED] Paddle cluster nodes ips, e.g., ``--ips=,``. Default ``--ips=``.

    Parameter-Server Parameters:
        - ``--servers``: User defined servers ip:port, e.g., ``--servers=","``

        - ``--trainers``: User defined trainers ip:port, e.g., ``--trainers=",,,"``

        - ``--workers``: [DEPRECATED] The same as trainers.

        - ``--trainer_num``: Number of trainers on each node, can be 0.

        - ``--worker_num``: [DEPRECATED] The same as trainer_num.

        - ``--server_num``: Number of servers on each node, can be 0.

        - ``--heter_workers``: User defined heter workers ip1:port1;ip2:port2, e.g., ``--heter_workers=";"``

        - ``--heter_worker_num``: Number of heter_workers in each stage (It recommend to set when in the emulated distributed environment using single node)
        - ``--heter_devices``: Type of heter_device in each stage

        - ``--gloo_port``: Gloo http Port. Default ``--gloo_port=6767``.

        - ``--with_gloo``: Using gloo or not. Default ``--with_gloo=0``.

    Elastic Parameters:
        - ``--max_restart``: The maximum restart times for an elastic job. Default ``--max_restart=3``.

        - ``--elastic_level``: The elastic level: -1: disable, 0: failed exit, peers hold, 1: internal restart. Default ``--elastic_level=-1``.

        - ``--elastic_timeout``: Seconds to wait before elastic job begin to train. Default ``--elastic_timeout=30``.


    Examples 0 (master, ip/port auto detection):

            # For training on multi node, run the following command in one of the nodes

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --nnodes 2

            # Then the following info will be print

            # Copy the following command to other nodes to run.
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # python -m paddle.distributed.launch --master --nnodes 2
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            # Follow the instruction above and paste the command in other nodes can launch a multi nodes training job.

            # There are two ways to launch a job with the same command for multi nodes training
            # 1) using the following command in every nodes, make sure the ip is one of the training node and the port is available on that node
            # python -m paddle.distributed.launch --master --nnodes 2
            # 2) using the following command in every nodes with a independent etcd service
            # python -m paddle.distributed.launch --master etcd:// --nnodes 2

            # This functionality works will for both collective and ps mode and even with other arguments.

    Examples 1 (collective, single node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash1
            # For training on single node using 4 gpus.

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --devices=0,1,2,3 --lr=0.01
    Examples 2 (collective, multi node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash2

            # For training on multiple nodes, e.g.,, 

            # On

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --devices=0,1,2,3 --master= --lr=0.01

            # On
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --devices=0,1,2,3 --master= --lr=0.01
    Examples 3 (ps, cpu, single node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash3

            # To simulate distributed environment using single node, e.g., 2 servers and 4 workers.
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --server_num=2 --worker_num=4 --lr=0.01
    Examples 4 (ps, cpu, multi node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash4

            # For training on multiple nodes, e.g.,, where each node with 1 server and 2 workers.

            # On

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers=",,," --lr=0.01

            # On

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers=",,," --lr=0.01

            # Or with master, the following command run 2 server and 2 trainer on each node.

            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --master --server_num=2 --trainer_num=2 --nnodes 2

    Examples 5 (ps, gpu, single node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash5

           # To simulate distributed environment using single node, e.g., 2 servers and 4 workers, each worker use single gpu.
            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --server_num=2 --worker_num=4 --lr=0.01
    Examples 6 (ps, gpu, multi node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash6

            # For training on multiple nodes, e.g.,, where each node with 1 server and 2 workers.

            # On

            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers=",,," --lr=0.01

            # On

            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers=",,," --lr=0.01

    Examples 7 (ps-heter, cpu + gpu, single node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash7

            # To simulate distributed environment using single node, e.g., 2 servers and 4 workers, two workers use gpu, two workers use cpu.
            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --server_num=2 --worker_num=2 --heter_worker_num=2 --lr=0.01
    Examples 8 (ps-heter, cpu + gpu, multi node):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash8

            # For training on multiple nodes, e.g.,, where each node with 1 server, 1 gpu worker, 1 cpu worker.

            # On

            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers="," --heter_workers="," --lr=0.01

            # On

            export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --servers="," --workers="," --heter_workers="," --lr=0.01

    Examples 9 (elastic):
        .. code-block:: bash
            :name: code-block-example-bash9

            # With the following command, the job will begin to run immediately if 4 nodes are ready,
            # or it will run after elastic_timeout if only 2 or 3 nodes ready
            python -m paddle.distributed.launch --master etcd:// --nnodes 2:4
            # once the number of nodes changes between 2:4 during training, the strategy holds

    # initialize the context to run
    ctx = Context()

    if ctx.is_legacy_mode():

        # legacy mode
        from paddle.distributed.fleet import launch


        from . import controllers

        # initialize the selected controller
        c = controllers.init(ctx)

        # run the pods

        # manager or just wait pod

if __name__ == "__main__":