onednn_context.h 5.1 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>     // NOLINT
#include "dnnl.hpp"  // NOLINT
#include "paddle/phi/backends/cpu/cpu_context.h"
#include "paddle/phi/common/layout.h"
#include "paddle/phi/common/place.h"

namespace phi {

class OneDNNContextThreadLocals {
  // default mkldnn session id

  typedef OneDNNContextThreadLocals self;
  struct Body {
    bool said_once = false;
    size_t cur_mkldnn_session_id;
    // Current data input shape string.
    // - For fixed-shape, it's a null string in default.
    // - For dynamic-shape, it's user specific.
    std::string cur_input_shape_str;
    // the cache capacity of different input shapes for MKLDNN.
    // Default 1 means fixed input shape, not dynamic shape.
    int cur_input_shape_cache_capacity;
    // Recently registered data_format. This is needed to
    // know for converting MKL-DNN Tensor to non MKL-DNN
    DataLayout cur_paddle_data_layout;
    // MKL-DNN stream used for execution of primitives (per-thread)
    dnnl::engine cur_engine;
    dnnl::stream cur_stream;
    std::string key_suffix;  // Key identifying current Executor
    bool key_attach_thread_id = true;
    void* exec_ptr_ = nullptr;

    void set_cur_mkldnn_session_id(size_t sid);
    size_t get_cur_mkldnn_session_id(void);
    void set_cur_input_shape_str(std::string input_shape_str);
    void set_cur_input_shape_cache_capacity(int input_shape_cache_capacity);
    void set_cur_paddle_data_layout(DataLayout dl);
    DataLayout get_cur_paddle_data_layout(void);
    void log_lib_version(void);
    const dnnl::engine& get_engine(void) { return cur_engine; }
    dnnl::stream& get_stream(void) { return cur_stream; }
    void set_key_suffix(const std::string& suffix) { key_suffix = suffix; }
    const std::string& get_key_suffix(void) const { return key_suffix; }
    void disable_tid_in_key(void) { key_attach_thread_id = false; }
    bool is_tid_used_in_key(void) const { return key_attach_thread_id; }
    void set_curr_exec(void* exec_ptr) { exec_ptr_ = exec_ptr; }
    void* get_curr_exec(void) const { return exec_ptr_; }
  OneDNNContextThreadLocals() = default;
  OneDNNContextThreadLocals(const OneDNNContextThreadLocals& c) = delete;

  // default mkldnn session id
  static constexpr size_t kMKLDNNSessionID_Default = 0;
  // mkldnn session id for cache clearing mode
  static constexpr size_t kMKLDNNSessionID_CacheClearing = -1;
  static Body& fetch() {
    thread_local Body b;
    return b;

class OneDNNContext : public CPUContext {
  template <class T>
  using BlobPtr_t = std::shared_ptr<T>;
  template <class P1, class P2>
  using umap_value_smart_t = std::unordered_map<P1, BlobPtr_t<P2>>;
  template <class T>
  using umap_key_string_t = umap_value_smart_t<std::string, T>;

  // Following three maps are used to cache MKLDNN primitives.
  // There relations are:
  // - BlobMap = Map<cur_thread_id, ShapeBlob>
  // - ShapeBlob = Map<cur_input_shape_str, KeyBlob>
  // - KeyBlob  = Map<blob_name, blob>

  using KeyBlob = umap_key_string_t<void>;
  using ShapeBlob = umap_key_string_t<KeyBlob>;
  using BlobMap = umap_value_smart_t<int, ShapeBlob>;

  // Auxillary two-level structure (shape, executor) to easier control
  // clearing cache objects related to specific executor

  using ExecKey = void*;
  using ExecMapCacheIterPair = std::pair<BlobPtr_t<KeyBlob>, KeyBlob::iterator>;
  using ExecMap =
      std::unordered_map<ExecKey, std::vector<ExecMapCacheIterPair>>;
  using ExecShape = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ExecMap>>;

  explicit OneDNNContext(const Place& place);
  /* \brief  Get the active engine */
  const dnnl::engine& GetEngine() const { return tls().get_engine(); }

  // Remove all entries from the blob map
  void ResetBlobMap(void* ptr);

  // Prevent next ResetBlobMap()
  void BlockNextCacheClearing();

  // Get the ShapeBlob size in cur_mkldnn_session_id.
  size_t GetShapeBlobSize() const;

  // Set data to blob (i.e. name/data pair). Create blob if not existing
  void SetBlob(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<void> data) const;

  // Calculate number of oneDNN objects cached
  unsigned int GetCachedObjectsNumber(void) const;

  // Find a saved blob. Return nullptr if not found
  std::shared_ptr<void> GetBlob(const std::string& name) const;

  static auto tls() -> decltype(OneDNNContextThreadLocals::fetch()) {
    return OneDNNContextThreadLocals::fetch();

  struct Impl;
  std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_;

}  // namespace phi