Im2Col.h 5.3 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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#pragma once

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#include "TensorShape.h"
#include "TensorType.h"
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#include "neon/neon_util.h"

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namespace paddle {

/* The storage format of the coldata in the Im2ColFunctor and Col2ImFunctor. */
enum ColFormat { kCFO = 0, kOCF = 1 };

 * \brief Converts the image data of three dimensions(CHW) into a colData of
 *        five dimensions in the Im2ColFunctor calculation,
 *        And in the Col2ImFunctor calculation, it is reversed.
31 32 33 34 35
 * \param imData   Image data.
 * \param imShape  The shape of imData,
 *                 [inputChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth].
 * \param colData  Column data.
 * \param colShape The shape of colData.
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
 * If the template argument Format is kCFO, the shape of colData is:
 * [inputChannels, filterHeight, filterWidth, outputHeight, outputWidth]
 * So, it is easy to reshape into a convolution matrix for convolution
 * calculation based on matrix multiplication.
 * The shape of convolution matrix is [height, width], where the height is equal
 * inputChannels * filterHeight * filterWidth, and the width is equal
 * outputHeight * outputWidth.
 * Reshape:
 *     shape of colData           shape of convolution matrix
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 *     [inputChannels,
 *      filterHeight,
 *      filterWidth,      ======>      [height, width]
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
 *      outputHeight,
 *      outputWidth]
 * If the template argument Format is kOCF, the shape of colData is:
 * [outputHeight, outputWidth, inputChannels, filterHeight, filterWidth]
 * So, it is easy to reshape into a sequence matrix for rnn calculation.
 * The shape of sequence matrix is [seqLength, stepSize], where the seqLength
 * is equal outputHeight * outputWidth, and the stepSize is equal
 * inputChannels * filterHeight * filterWidth.
 * Reshape:
 *     shape of colData             shape of sequence matrix
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
 *     [outputHeight,
 *      outputWidth,
 *      inputChannels,    ======>    [seqLength, stepSize]
 *      filterHeight,
 *      filterWidth]
 * \note The caller needs to ensure that imShape.inputChannels is equal to
 *       colShape.inputChannels.
template <ColFormat Format, DeviceType Device, class T>
class Im2ColFunctor {
  void operator()(const T* imData,
                  const TensorShape& imShape,
                  T* colData,
                  const TensorShape& colShape,
                  int strideHeight,
                  int strideWidth,
                  int paddingHeight,
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                  int paddingWidth,
                  int dilationHeight = 1,
                  int dilationWidth = 1);
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template <ColFormat Format, DeviceType Device, class T>
class Col2ImFunctor {
  void operator()(T* imData,
                  const TensorShape& imShape,
                  const T* colData,
                  const TensorShape& colShape,
                  int strideHeight,
                  int strideWidth,
                  int paddingHeight,
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                  int paddingWidth,
                  int dilationHeight = 1,
                  int dilationWidth = 1);
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template <class T>
class Im2ColMobileFunctor {
  void operator()(const T* imData,
                  const TensorShape& imShape,
                  T* colData,
                  const TensorShape& colShape,
                  int strideHeight,
                  int strideWidth,
                  int paddingHeight,
                  int paddingWidth,
                  int dilationHeight,
                  int dilationWidth,
                  int inputChannels,
                  int colOffset,
                  int colOutputHeight,
                  int colWidth) {
    int inputHeight = imShape[1];
    int inputWidth = imShape[2];
    int filterHeight = colShape[1];
    int filterWidth = colShape[2];
    int outputWidth = colShape[4];

    for (int ic = 0; ic < inputChannels; ic++) {
      for (int oh = 0; oh < colOutputHeight; oh++) {
        T* dstData = colData + oh * outputWidth;
        for (int fh = 0; fh < filterHeight; fh++) {
          for (int fw = 0; fw < filterWidth; fw++) {
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            int imRowIdx = (oh + colOffset) * strideHeight +
                           fh * dilationHeight - paddingHeight;
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            if (imRowIdx < 0 || imRowIdx >= inputHeight) {
              memset(dstData, 0, outputWidth * sizeof(T));
            } else {
              for (int ow = 0; ow < outputWidth; ow++) {
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                int imColIdx =
                    ow * strideWidth + fw * dilationWidth - paddingWidth;
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                if (imColIdx < 0 || imColIdx >= inputWidth) {
                  dstData[ow] = T(0);
                } else {
                  dstData[ow] = imData[imRowIdx * inputWidth + imColIdx];
            dstData += colWidth;
      colData += filterHeight * filterWidth * colWidth;
      imData += inputHeight * inputWidth;
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}  // namespace paddle