subgraph_splitter.cc 5.7 KB
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#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/subgraph_splitter.h"

namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {

const char *SubGraphSplitter::kMarkerAttrName =

std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> SubGraphSplitter::operator()() {
  return ExtractSubGraphs();

// Mark the output variables inside a subgraph with the func.
inline void MarkOutLinksInSubGraph(const Function *func) {
  for (auto *var : func->outlinks) {
    var->attr(SubGraphSplitter::kMarkerAttrName).Bool() = true;

void SubGraphSplitter::MarkNodesInsideSubGraph() {
  for (auto &node : GraphTraits<DataFlowGraph>(graph_).nodes()) {
    if (node_inside_subgraph_teller_(&node)) {
      node.attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool() = true;
      if (node.type() == Node::Type::kFunction) {
        // If a function is inside the sub-graph, mark all the output variables
        // to be inside too, so that two marked functions will be inside a same
        // sub-graph, lets take a example:  A_function->var->B_function, if
        // A_function is marked, var should also be marked, so that B_function
        // will be in the same sub-graph with A_function if B_function is
        // marked.
        MarkOutLinksInSubGraph(static_cast<const Function *>(&node));

const char *kUnionFindParent = "_sub_graph_splitter_union_find_parent_";

// Use the Union Find(UF) algorithm to find fully connected sub-graphs, if node
// a's output is node b, that is a and b is in the same sub-graph. The UF
// algorithm will group them to the same cluster.
using node_map_t = std::unordered_map<int, Node *>;
// Find the ancestor id of a node.
int UnionFindGetAncestor(const node_map_t &node_map, size_t id) {
  int tmp = id;
  do {
    tmp = node_map.at(tmp)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32();
  } while (node_map.at(tmp)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() != tmp);
  return tmp;
// Make this two node share the same ancestor.
// TODO(Superjom) bad performance, make a balanced tree latter.
void UnionFindCombine(const node_map_t &node_map, size_t a, size_t b) {
  int a_ancestor = UnionFindGetAncestor(node_map, a);
  int b_ancestor = UnionFindGetAncestor(node_map, b);
  node_map.at(b_ancestor)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;
  node_map.at(a)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;
  node_map.at(b)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;

std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> SubGraphSplitter::ExtractSubGraphs() {
  std::vector<Node *> marked_nodes;
  for (auto &node : GraphTraits<DataFlowGraph>(graph_).nodes()) {
    if (node.attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool()) {
  // extract sub-graphs in the marked node set, use Union Find algorithm.
  node_map_t node_map;  // id to ptr
  for (auto *n : marked_nodes) {
    // n's parent == n.id means it is the ancestor
    n->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = n->id();
    node_map[n->id()] = n;
  std::unordered_set<Node *> visited;
  for (auto *n : marked_nodes) {
    for (auto *out : n->outlinks) {
      if (node_map.count(out->id())) {
        UnionFindCombine(node_map, n->id(), out->id());

  std::unordered_map<int /*ancestor*/, std::vector<Node *>> clusters;
  for (auto *n : marked_nodes) {
    if (n->type() == Node::Type::kFunction) {
  std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> result;
  std::for_each(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(),
                [&](const decltype(clusters)::value_type &it) {

  return result;

void SubGraphFuse::operator()() { ReplaceNodesWithSubGraphs(); }

void SubGraphFuse::ReplaceNodesWithSubGraphs() {
  auto subgraphs = SubGraphSplitter(graph_, node_inside_subgraph_teller_)();
  for (auto &subgraph : subgraphs) {
    // replace this sub-graph with the first node. Two steps: 1. Create a Block
    // Node that contains this subgraph 2. Mark the nodes inside the sub-graph
    // as deleted. 3. Replace the deleted node with the new Block Node.
    auto *block_node = graph_->nodes.Create(Node::Type::kFunctionBlock);
    auto io = ExtractInputAndOutputOfSubGraph(subgraph);
    block_node->inlinks = std::move(io.first);
    block_node->outlinks = std::move(io.second);
    for (auto *node : subgraph) {
      // TODO(Superjomn) need a unified mechanism to treat deleted node in each
      // pass.

    std::unordered_map<Node *, Node *>
        delelte_node_map;  // deleted node to BlockNode
    for (auto *n : block_node->inlinks) {
    for (auto *n : block_node->outlinks) {
    for (auto *n : block_node->inlinks) {
    for (auto *n : block_node->outlinks) {

}  // namespace analysis
}  // namespace inference
}  // namespace paddle