infermeta_utils.h 6.4 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "paddle/pten/core/meta_tensor.h"
#include "paddle/utils/small_vector.h"

namespace pten {

// TODO(chenweihang): add other flags if needed
struct MetaConfig {
  bool is_runtime{true};

  MetaConfig() = default;

  // supporting implicit construction is easier to use
  MetaConfig(bool is_runtime) : is_runtime(is_runtime) {}  // NOLINT

class InferMetaContext {
  InferMetaContext() = default;
  explicit InferMetaContext(MetaConfig config) : config_(config) {}

  void SetMetaConfig(MetaConfig config);
  void EmplaceBackInput(std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor> input);
  void EmplaceBackOutput(std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor> output);
  void EmplaceBackAttr(paddle::any attr);

  void EmplaceBackInputs(
      paddle::SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor>> inputs);
  void EmplaceBackOutputs(
      paddle::SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor>> outputs);

  const std::pair<int, int>& InputRangeAt(size_t idx) const;
  const std::pair<int, int>& OutputRangeAt(size_t idx) const;

  const MetaConfig& GetMetaConfig() const;
  const MetaTensor& InputAt(size_t idx) const;
  MetaTensor* MutableOutputAt(size_t idx);

  template <typename AttrType>
  AttrType AttrAt(size_t idx) {
    try {
      return paddle::any_cast<AttrType>(;
    } catch (paddle::bad_any_cast&) {
          "Attribute cast error in InferMeta Context."));

  MetaConfig config_;

  // NOTE(chenweihang): Because the MetaTensor is a base class, and MetaTensor
  // objects are all created in each round, so we have to use smart pointer
  // here, maybe we can implemented a new InferMetaContext and a series utils
  // specifically for fluid to avoid using shared_ptr
  paddle::SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor>> inputs_;
  paddle::SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<pten::MetaTensor>> outputs_;
  paddle::SmallVector<paddle::any> attrs_;

  paddle::SmallVector<std::pair<int, int>> input_range_;
  paddle::SmallVector<std::pair<int, int>> output_range_;

#define PT_INFER_META(...) \
  ::pten::InferMetaFnImpl<decltype(&__VA_ARGS__), &__VA_ARGS__>::Call

#define PT_SPECIALIZE_InferMetaFnCallHelper_FOR_ATTRIBUTE(attr_type)           \
  template <typename... Tail>                                                  \
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper<attr_type, Tail...> {                           \
    template <int in_idx, int attr_idx, int out_idx, typename... PreviousArgs> \
    static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx, PreviousArgs&... pargs) {          \
      static_assert(out_idx == 0,                                              \
                    "InferMeta's Attributes should appear before Outputs.");   \
      attr_type arg = ctx->AttrAt<attr_type>(attr_idx);                        \
      InferMetaFnCallHelper<                                                   \
          Tail...>::template Call<in_idx, attr_idx + 1, out_idx>(pargs...,     \
                                                                 arg);         \
    }                                                                          \

template <typename T>
struct InferMetaTypeTag {};

template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
struct InferMetaFnImpl;

template <typename Return, typename... Args, Return (*infer_meta_fn)(Args...)>
struct InferMetaFnImpl<Return (*)(Args...), infer_meta_fn> {
  static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx) {
                          InferMetaTypeTag<int>>::template Call<0, 0, 0>(ctx);

  template <typename... RemainingArgs>
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper;

  template <typename... Tail>
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper<const MetaTensor&, Tail...> {
    template <int in_idx, int attr_idx, int out_idx, typename... PreviousArgs>
    static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx, PreviousArgs&... pargs) {
      static_assert(attr_idx == 0,
                    "InferMeta's Input should appear before Attributes.");
      static_assert(out_idx == 0,
                    "InferMeta's Input should appear before Outputs.");
      const std::pair<int, int> range = ctx->InputRangeAt(in_idx);
      const MetaTensor& arg = ctx->InputAt(range.first);
          Tail...>::template Call<in_idx + 1, attr_idx, out_idx>(ctx,

  // TODO(chenweihang): support vector<MetaTensor> input later

  template <typename... Tail>
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper<MetaTensor*, Tail...> {
    template <int in_idx, int attr_idx, int out_idx, typename... PreviousArgs>
    static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx, PreviousArgs&... pargs) {
      const std::pair<int, int> range = ctx->OutputRangeAt(out_idx);
      MetaTensor* arg = ctx->MutableOutputAt(range.first);
          Tail...>::template Call<in_idx, attr_idx, out_idx + 1>(ctx,

  // TODO(chenweihang): support vector<MetaTensor> output later

  template <typename... Tail>
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper<MetaConfig, Tail...> {
    template <int in_idx, int attr_idx, int out_idx, typename... PreviousArgs>
    static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx, PreviousArgs&... pargs) {
      const MetaConfig& arg = ctx->GetMetaConfig();
      InferMetaFnCallHelper<Tail...>::template Call<in_idx, attr_idx, out_idx>(
          ctx, pargs..., arg);

  /* End case */
  template <typename T>
  struct InferMetaFnCallHelper<InferMetaTypeTag<T>> {
    template <int in_idx, int attr_idx, int out_idx>
    static void Call(InferMetaContext* ctx, Args&... args) {
      return infer_meta_fn(args...);

}  // namespace pten