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# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
import math
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import paddle
from paddle import Tensor

__all__ = [

def _cat(x: List[Tensor], data_type: str) -> Tensor:
    l = [paddle.to_tensor(_, data_type) for _ in x]
    return paddle.concat(l)

def _acosh(x: Union[Tensor, float]) -> Tensor:
    if isinstance(x, float):
        return math.log(x + math.sqrt(x**2 - 1))
    return paddle.log(x + paddle.sqrt(paddle.square(x) - 1))

def _extend(M: int, sym: bool) -> bool:
    """Extend window by 1 sample if needed for DFT-even symmetry. """
    if not sym:
        return M + 1, True
        return M, False

def _len_guards(M: int) -> bool:
    """Handle small or incorrect window lengths. """
    if int(M) != M or M < 0:
        raise ValueError('Window length M must be a non-negative integer')

    return M <= 1

def _truncate(w: Tensor, needed: bool) -> Tensor:
    """Truncate window by 1 sample if needed for DFT-even symmetry. """
    if needed:
        return w[:-1]
        return w

def _general_gaussian(M: int,
                      sym: bool = True,
                      dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a window with a generalized Gaussian shape.
    This function is consistent with
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    n = paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype) - (M - 1.0) / 2.0
    w = paddle.exp(-0.5 * paddle.abs(n / sig)**(2 * p))

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _general_cosine(M: int,
                    a: float,
                    sym: bool = True,
                    dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a generic weighted sum of cosine terms window.
    This function is consistent with
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)
    fac = paddle.linspace(-math.pi, math.pi, M, dtype=dtype)
    w = paddle.zeros((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    for k in range(len(a)):
        w += a[k] * paddle.cos(k * fac)
    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _general_hamming(M: int,
                     alpha: float,
                     sym: bool = True,
                     dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a generalized Hamming window.
    This function is consistent with
    return _general_cosine(M, [alpha, 1. - alpha], sym, dtype=dtype)

def _taylor(M: int,
            sym: bool = True,
            dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Taylor window.
    The Taylor window taper function approximates the Dolph-Chebyshev window's
    constant sidelobe level for a parameterized number of near-in sidelobes.
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)
    # Original text uses a negative sidelobe level parameter and then negates
    # it in the calculation of B. To keep consistent with other methods we
    # assume the sidelobe level parameter to be positive.
    B = 10**(sll / 20)
    A = _acosh(B) / math.pi
    s2 = nbar**2 / (A**2 + (nbar - 0.5)**2)
    ma = paddle.arange(1, nbar, dtype=dtype)

    Fm = paddle.empty((nbar - 1, ), dtype=dtype)
    signs = paddle.empty_like(ma)
    signs[::2] = 1
    signs[1::2] = -1
    m2 = ma * ma
    for mi in range(len(ma)):
        numer = signs[mi] * - m2[mi] / s2 / (A**2 +
                                                           (ma - 0.5)**2))
        if mi == 0:
            denom = 2 * - m2[mi] / m2[mi + 1:])
        elif mi == len(ma) - 1:
            denom = 2 * - m2[mi] / m2[:mi])
            denom = 2 * - m2[mi] / m2[:mi]) *
                1 - m2[mi] / m2[mi + 1:])

        Fm[mi] = numer / denom

    def W(n):
        return 1 + 2 * paddle.matmul(
            paddle.cos(2 * math.pi * ma.unsqueeze(1) * (n - M / 2. + 0.5) / M))

    w = W(paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype))

    # normalize (Note that this is not described in the original text [1])
    if norm:
        scale = 1.0 / W((M - 1) / 2)
        w *= scale
    w = w.squeeze()
    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _hamming(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Hamming window.
    The Hamming window is a taper formed by using a raised cosine with
    non-zero endpoints, optimized to minimize the nearest side lobe.
    return _general_hamming(M, 0.54, sym, dtype=dtype)

def _hann(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Hann window.
    The Hann window is a taper formed by using a raised cosine or sine-squared
    with ends that touch zero.
    return _general_hamming(M, 0.5, sym, dtype=dtype)

def _tukey(M: int,
           sym: bool = True,
           dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Tukey window.
    The Tukey window is also known as a tapered cosine window.
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)

    if alpha <= 0:
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    elif alpha >= 1.0:
        return hann(M, sym=sym)

    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    n = paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype)
    width = int(alpha * (M - 1) / 2.0)
    n1 = n[0:width + 1]
    n2 = n[width + 1:M - width - 1]
    n3 = n[M - width - 1:]

    w1 = 0.5 * (1 + paddle.cos(math.pi * (-1 + 2.0 * n1 / alpha / (M - 1))))
    w2 = paddle.ones(n2.shape, dtype=dtype)
    w3 = 0.5 * (1 + paddle.cos(math.pi * (-2.0 / alpha + 1 + 2.0 * n3 / alpha /
                                          (M - 1))))
    w = paddle.concat([w1, w2, w3])

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _kaiser(M: int,
            beta: float,
            sym: bool = True,
            dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Kaiser window.
    The Kaiser window is a taper formed by using a Bessel function.
    raise NotImplementedError()

def _gaussian(M: int,
              std: float,
              sym: bool = True,
              dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Gaussian window.
    The Gaussian widows has a Gaussian shape defined by the standard deviation(std).
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    n = paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype) - (M - 1.0) / 2.0
    sig2 = 2 * std * std
    w = paddle.exp(-n**2 / sig2)

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _exponential(M: int,
                 sym: bool = True,
                 dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute an exponential (or Poisson) window. """
    if sym and center is not None:
        raise ValueError("If sym==True, center must be None.")
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    if center is None:
        center = (M - 1) / 2

    n = paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype)
    w = paddle.exp(-paddle.abs(n - center) / tau)

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _triang(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a triangular window.
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    n = paddle.arange(1, (M + 1) // 2 + 1, dtype=dtype)
    if M % 2 == 0:
        w = (2 * n - 1.0) / M
        w = paddle.concat([w, w[::-1]])
        w = 2 * n / (M + 1.0)
        w = paddle.concat([w, w[-2::-1]])

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _bohman(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Bohman window.
    The Bohman window is the autocorrelation of a cosine window.
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)

    fac = paddle.abs(paddle.linspace(-1, 1, M, dtype=dtype)[1:-1])
    w = (1 - fac) * paddle.cos(math.pi * fac) + 1.0 / math.pi * paddle.sin(
        math.pi * fac)
    w = _cat([0, w, 0], dtype)

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def _blackman(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a Blackman window.
    The Blackman window is a taper formed by using the first three terms of
    a summation of cosines. It was designed to have close to the minimal
    leakage possible.  It is close to optimal, only slightly worse than a
    Kaiser window.
    return _general_cosine(M, [0.42, 0.50, 0.08], sym, dtype=dtype)

def _cosine(M: int, sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute a window with a simple cosine shape.
    if _len_guards(M):
        return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype)
    M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym)
    w = paddle.sin(math.pi / M * (paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype) + .5))

    return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)

def get_window(window: Union[str, Tuple[str, float]],
               win_length: int,
               fftbins: bool = True,
               dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Return a window of a given length and type.

        window (Union[str, Tuple[str, float]]): The window function applied to the signal before the Fourier transform. Supported window functions: 'hamming', 'hann', 'kaiser', 'gaussian', 'exponential', 'triang', 'bohman', 'blackman', 'cosine', 'tukey', 'taylor'.
        win_length (int): Number of samples.
        fftbins (bool, optional): If True, create a "periodic" window. Otherwise, create a "symmetric" window, for use in filter design. Defaults to True.
        dtype (str, optional): The data type of the return window. Defaults to 'float64'.

        Tensor: The window represented as a tensor.
    sym = not fftbins

    args = ()
    if isinstance(window, tuple):
        winstr = window[0]
        if len(window) > 1:
            args = window[1:]
    elif isinstance(window, str):
        if window in ['gaussian', 'exponential']:
            raise ValueError("The '" + window + "' window needs one or "
                             "more parameters -- pass a tuple.")
            winstr = window
        raise ValueError("%s as window type is not supported." %

        winfunc = eval('_' + winstr)
    except NameError as e:
        raise ValueError("Unknown window type.") from e

    params = (win_length, ) + args
    kwargs = {'sym': sym}
    return winfunc(*params, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)