compute_primitives.h 10.1 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

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#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <hip/hip_fp16.h>

#include "paddle/fluid/platform/cuda_device_function.h"
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#include "paddle/fluid/platform/float16.h"

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namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
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namespace kernel_primitives {
namespace details {

#ifdef __HIPCC__
constexpr int kReduceMaxThread = 256;
34 35
constexpr int kWarpSize = 64;
constexpr int kReduceMaxThread = 128;
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constexpr int kWarpSize = 32;

40 41
// kGlobalMode: block reduce, each block gets an output;
// kLocalMode: thread reduce, each thread gets an output;
42 43
enum ReduceMode { kGlobalMode, kLocalMode };

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template <typename T>
class MPTypeTrait {
  using Type = T;

template <>
class MPTypeTrait<platform::float16> {
  using Type = float;

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 * @brief will be used in BlockYReduce, get the index of reduce_num in shared
 * memory
__device__ __forceinline__ int SharedMemoryIndex(int index) {
  return (threadIdx.y + index) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
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template <typename T, typename ReduceOp>
__device__ __forceinline__ T WarpReduce(T val, ReduceOp reducer) {
  unsigned mask = 0u;
  CREATE_SHFL_MASK(mask, true);
  for (int stride = details::kWarpSize / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1) {
    T temp = paddle::platform::CudaShuffleDownSync(mask, val, stride);
    val = reducer(val, temp);
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  return val;
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/* e.g.
 * |---------block---------|
 * |warp0|warp1|warp2|warp3|
 * |0~31|32~63|64~95|96~127|  ---->blockDim.x = 128
 *  \|/  \|/   \|/    \|/     ---->1. First WarpReduce in each warp
 * res0  res1  res2  res3     ---->2. Store result of each warp to shared memory
 *   \    \    /     /        ---->3. Load the result above from shared memory
 *        res                         to warp0 and process the second WarpReduce

 * @brief BlockXReduce reduce along blockDim.x
template <typename T, typename ReduceOp>
__device__ __forceinline__ T BlockXReduce(T val, ReduceOp reducer) {
  using details::kWarpSize;
  __shared__ T shared[2 * kWarpSize];
  int block_dim_x = blockDim.x;
  if (blockDim.x > kWarpSize) {
    block_dim_x = blockDim.x / kWarpSize;
    int lane = threadIdx.x % kWarpSize;
    int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int wid = tid / kWarpSize;
    int bid = threadIdx.y;
    val = WarpReduce(val, reducer);
    if (lane == 0) {
      shared[wid] = val;
    val = shared[bid * block_dim_x + lane];
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  unsigned mask = 0u;
  CREATE_SHFL_MASK(mask, true);
  for (int stride = 1; stride < block_dim_x; stride <<= 1) {
    T temp = paddle::platform::CudaShuffleDownSync(mask, val, stride);
    val = reducer(val, temp);
  return val;

 * @brief BlockYReduce reduce along blockDim.y
template <typename T, typename ReduceOp>
__device__ __forceinline__ T BlockYReduce(T val, ReduceOp reducer) {
  __shared__ T shared_memory[details::kReduceMaxThread];
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  shared_memory[SharedMemoryIndex(0)] = val;
  for (int stride = blockDim.y / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1) {
    if (threadIdx.y < stride && threadIdx.y + stride < blockDim.y) {
      T temp = shared_memory[SharedMemoryIndex(stride)];
      val = reducer(val, temp);
    shared_memory[SharedMemoryIndex(0)] = val;
  return val;

}  // namespace details
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 * @brief unary function
 * @param
 * T: data type of in
 * OutT: data type of out
 * NX: the cols of in
 * NY: the rows of in
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
 * OpFunc: compute functor which have an operator() as following
 *     template <typename T, typename OutT>
 *     struct XxxFunctor {
 *       HOSTDEVICE OutT operator()(const T& a) const {
 *         return ...;
 *       }
 *     };
template <typename T, typename OutT, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize,
          class OpFunc>
__device__ __forceinline__ void ElementwiseUnary(OutT* out, const T* in,
                                                 OpFunc compute) {
#pragma unroll
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NX * NY; idx++) {
    out[idx] = static_cast<OutT>(compute(in[idx]));
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 * @brief binary function, in1 and in2 have same shape
 * @param
166 167 168 169 170
 * T: data type of in1, in2
 * OutT: data type of out
 * NX: the cols of in1, in2
 * NY: the rows of in1, in2
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
171 172 173 174 175 176 177
 * OpFunc: compute functor which have an operator() as following
 *     template <typename T, typename OutT>
 *     struct XxxFunctor {
 *       HOSTDEVICE OutT operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const {
 *         return ...;
 *       }
 *     };
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template <typename T, typename OutT, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize,
          class OpFunc>
__device__ __forceinline__ void ElementwiseBinary(OutT* out, const T* in1,
                                                  const T* in2,
                                                  OpFunc compute) {
#pragma unroll
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NX * NY; ++idx) {
    out[idx] = static_cast<OutT>(compute(in1[idx], in2[idx]));
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 * @brief ternary function, in1, in2 and in3 have same shape
 * @param
193 194 195 196 197
 * T: data type of in1, in2, in3
 * OutT: data type of out
 * NX: the cols of in1, in2
 * NY: the rows of in1, in2
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
198 199 200 201 202 203 204
 * OpFunc: compute functor which have an operator() as following
 *     template <typename T, typename OutT>
 *     struct XxxFunctor {
 *       HOSTDEVICE OutT operator()(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c) const {
 *         return ...;
 *       }
 *     };
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template <typename T, typename OutT, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize,
          class OpFunc>
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__device__ __forceinline__ void ElementwiseTernary(OutT* out, const T* in1,
                                                   const T* in2, const T* in3,
                                                   OpFunc compute) {
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#pragma unroll
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NX * NY; ++idx) {
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
    out[idx] = static_cast<OutT>(compute(in1[idx], in2[idx], in3[idx]));

 * @brief a general function for elementwise computation, all inputs have
 *        the same shape.
 * @param
 * T: data type of in1, in2, in3
 * OutT: data type of out
 * NX: the cols of in1, in2
 * NY: the rows of in1, in2
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
 * OpFunc: compute functor which have an operator() as following
 *     template <typename T, typename OutT>
 *     struct XxxFunctor {
 *       HOSTDEVICE OutT operator()(const T* args) const {
 *         return ...;
 *       }
 *     };
template <typename T, typename OutT, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize, int Arity,
          class OpFunc>
__device__ __forceinline__ void ElementwiseAny(OutT* out, T (*ins)[NX * NY],
                                               OpFunc compute) {
  T args[Arity];
#pragma unroll
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NX * NY; ++idx) {
#pragma unroll
    for (int j = 0; j < Arity; ++j) {
      args[j] = ins[j][idx];
    out[idx] = static_cast<OutT>(compute(args));
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 * @brief cycle binary function, in1's shape size is [1, NX], in2's shape size
 * is [NY, NX], out's shape size is [NY, NX]
 * @param
253 254 255 256 257 258
 * T: data type of in1, in2
 * OutT: data type of out
 * NX: the cols of in1, in2
 * NY: the rows of in1, in2
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
 * OpFunc: compute functor eg: in1 + in2, in1 - in2
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template <typename T, typename OutT, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize,
          class OpFunc>
__device__ __forceinline__ void CycleBinary(OutT* out, const T* in1,
                                            const T* in2, OpFunc compute) {
#pragma unroll
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NX; idx++) {
#pragma unroll
    for (int idy = 0; idy < NY; idy++) {
      out[idx + idy * NX] =
          static_cast<OutT>(compute(in1[idx], in2[idx + idy * NX]));
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 * @brief reduce function, in's shape size is [NX, NY].
 * If ReduceMode == kLocalMode then reduce NX, the shape of out is [NY, 1],
 * if ReduceMode == kGlobalMode then reduce between different threads, the
 * shape of out is [NY, NX]. If reduce_last_dim is false and reduce_num was
 * split, BlockYReduce will be called. If reduce_last_dim is true and
 * reduce_num was split, BlockXReduce will be called
 * @typename
282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326
 * T: data type of in
 * NX: the cols of in
 * NY: the rows of in
 * BlockSize: the config of this device
 * OpFunc: reduce functor, eg: CustomSum, CustomMean in reduce_functor_op.h
 * @param:
 * reducer: reduce functor, eg: CustomSum<T>()
 * reduce_last_dim: if in's last dim need to be reduce then reduce_last_dim =
 * true
template <typename T, int NX, int NY, int BlockSize, class OpFunc,
          details::ReduceMode Mode>
__device__ __forceinline__ void Reduce(T* out, const T* in, OpFunc reducer,
                                       bool reduce_last_dim) {
  int block_index = blockDim.y;

  if (Mode == details::ReduceMode::kGlobalMode) {
    bool block_reduce_y = (!reduce_last_dim) && (block_index > 1);
    // when reduce is not required for the last dim, and reduce num has been
    // split into multiple threads
    if (block_reduce_y) {
#pragma unroll
      for (int i = 0; i < NY * NX; i++) {  // reduce along blockdim.y
        out[i] = details::BlockYReduce<T, OpFunc>(out[i], reducer);

    // when last dimension need to be reduced
    if (reduce_last_dim) {
#pragma unroll
      for (int i = 0; i < NY * NX; i++) {  // reduce along blockDim.x
        out[i] = details::BlockXReduce<T, OpFunc>(out[i], reducer);
  } else {  // else  kLocalMode
#pragma unroll
    for (int i = 0; i < NY; ++i) {
#pragma unroll
      for (int j = 0; j < NX; ++j) {
        out[i] = reducer(out[i], in[i * NX + j]);

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}  // namespace kernel_primitives
}  // namespace operators
}  // namespace paddle