提交 e0e46e97 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Add wiki links to output, and a -W controlling it. (Fixes #920)

上级 79319558
## ???
### Added
- Command line option --severity/-S for filtering by minimum severity
- Command line option --wiki-link-count/-W for showing wiki links
- SC2236/SC2237: Suggest -n/-z instead of ! -z/-n
- SC2238: Warn when redirecting to a known command name, e.g. ls > rm
### Changed
......@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ not warn at all, as `ksh` supports decimals in arithmetic contexts.
: Print version information and exit.
**-W** *NUM*,\ **--wiki-link-count=NUM**
: For TTY output, show *NUM* wiki links to more information about mentioned
warnings. Set to 0 to disable them entirely.
**-x**,\ **--external-sources**
: Follow 'source' statements even when the file is not specified as input.
......@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ options = [
"Minimum severity of errors to consider (error, warning, info, style)",
Option "V" ["version"]
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information",
Option "W" ["wiki-link-count"]
(ReqArg (Flag "wiki-link-count") "NUM")
"The number of wiki links to show, when applicable.",
Option "x" ["external-sources"]
(NoArg $ Flag "externals" "true") "Allow 'source' outside of FILES"
......@@ -296,6 +299,14 @@ parseOption flag options =
Flag "wiki-link-count" countString -> do
count <- parseNum countString
return options {
formatterOptions = (formatterOptions options) {
foWikiLinkCount = count
_ -> return options
die s = do
......@@ -304,7 +315,7 @@ parseOption flag options =
parseNum ('S':'C':str) = parseNum str
parseNum num = do
unless (all isDigit num) $ do
printErr $ "Bad exclusion: " ++ num
printErr $ "Invalid number: " ++ num
throwError SyntaxFailure
return (Prelude.read num :: Integer)
......@@ -22,18 +22,27 @@ module ShellCheck.Formatter.TTY (format) where
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Formatter.Format
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import GHC.Exts
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Info
wikiLink = "https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/"
-- An arbitrary Ord thing to order warnings
type Ranking = (Char, Severity, Integer)
format :: FormatterOptions -> IO Formatter
format options = return Formatter {
header = return (),
footer = return (),
onFailure = outputError options,
onResult = outputResult options
format options = do
topErrorRef <- newIORef []
return Formatter {
header = return (),
footer = outputWiki topErrorRef,
onFailure = outputError options,
onResult = outputResult options topErrorRef
colorForLevel level =
case level of
......@@ -45,13 +54,60 @@ colorForLevel level =
"source" -> 0 -- none
_ -> 0 -- none
rankError :: PositionedComment -> Ranking
rankError err = (ranking, cSeverity $ pcComment err, cCode $ pcComment err)
ranking =
if cCode (pcComment err) `elem` uninteresting
then 'Z'
else 'A'
-- A list of the most generic, least directly helpful
-- error codes to downrank.
uninteresting = [
1009, -- Mentioned parser error was..
1019, -- Expected this to be an argument
1036, -- ( is invalid here
1047, -- Expected 'fi'
1062, -- Expected 'done'
1070, -- Parsing stopped here (generic)
1072, -- Missing/unexpected ..
1073, -- Couldn't parse this ..
1088, -- Parsing stopped here (paren)
1089 -- Parsing stopped here (keyword)
appendComments errRef comments max = do
previous <- readIORef errRef
let current = map (\x -> (rankError x, cCode $ pcComment x, cMessage $ pcComment x)) comments
writeIORef errRef . take max . nubBy equal . sort $ previous ++ current
fst3 (x,_,_) = x
equal x y = fst3 x == fst3 y
outputWiki :: IORef [(Ranking, Integer, String)] -> IO ()
outputWiki errRef = do
issues <- readIORef errRef
unless (null issues) $ do
putStrLn "For more information:"
mapM_ showErr issues
showErr (_, code, msg) =
putStrLn $ " " ++ wikiLink ++ "SC" ++ show code ++ " -- " ++ shorten msg
limit = 40
shorten msg =
if length msg < limit
then msg
else (take (limit-3) msg) ++ "..."
outputError options file error = do
color <- getColorFunc $ foColorOption options
hPutStrLn stderr $ color "error" $ file ++ ": " ++ error
outputResult options result sys = do
outputResult options ref result sys = do
color <- getColorFunc $ foColorOption options
let comments = crComments result
appendComments ref comments (fromIntegral $ foWikiLinkCount options)
let fileGroups = groupWith sourceFile comments
mapM_ (outputForFile color sys) fileGroups
......@@ -87,7 +143,7 @@ cuteIndent comment =
if sameLine && delta > 2 && delta < 32 then arrow delta else "^--"
code code = "SC" ++ show code
code num = "SC" ++ show num
getColorFunc colorOption = do
term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module ShellCheck.Interface
, ParseResult(prComments, prTokenPositions, prRoot)
, AnalysisSpec(asScript, asShellType, asExecutionMode, asCheckSourced)
, AnalysisResult(arComments)
, FormatterOptions(foColorOption)
, FormatterOptions(foColorOption, foWikiLinkCount)
, Shell(Ksh, Sh, Bash, Dash)
, ExecutionMode(Executed, Sourced)
, ErrorMessage
......@@ -145,12 +145,14 @@ newAnalysisResult = AnalysisResult {
-- Formatter options
newtype FormatterOptions = FormatterOptions {
foColorOption :: ColorOption
data FormatterOptions = FormatterOptions {
foColorOption :: ColorOption,
foWikiLinkCount :: Integer
newFormatterOptions = FormatterOptions {
foColorOption = ColorAuto
foColorOption = ColorAuto,
foWikiLinkCount = 3
Markdown is supported
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