提交 c566efd4 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Warn about UTF-8 BOMs in scripts.

上级 47c220d5
......@@ -1271,8 +1271,8 @@ readHereString = called "here string" $ do
readNewlineList = many1 ((newline <|> carriageReturn) `thenSkip` spacing)
readLineBreak = optional readNewlineList
prop_roflol = isWarning readScript "a &; b"
prop_roflol2 = isOk readScript "a & b"
prop_readSeparator1 = isWarning readScript "a &; b"
prop_readSeparator2 = isOk readScript "a & b"
readSeparatorOp = do
notFollowedBy2 (g_AND_IF <|> g_DSEMI)
notFollowedBy2 (string "&>")
......@@ -1917,6 +1917,10 @@ prop_readScript4 = isWarning readScript "#!/usr/bin/perl\nfoo=("
readScript = do
id <- getNextId
pos <- getPosition
optional $ do
parseProblem ErrorC 1082 $
"This file has a UTF-8 BOM. Remove it with: LC_CTYPE=C sed '1s/^...//' < yourscript ."
sb <- option "" readShebang
verifyShell pos (getShell sb)
if (isValidShell $ getShell sb) /= Just False
......@@ -1976,6 +1980,8 @@ readScript = do
readUtf8Bom = called "Byte Order Mark" $ string "\xFEFF"
rp p filename contents = Ms.runState (runParserT p initialState filename contents) ([], [])
isWarning p s = (fst cs) && (not . null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
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