未验证 提交 afada439 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1311 from ngzhian/1310

Use regex to match special flags for printf
......@@ -517,6 +517,8 @@ prop_checkPrintfVar13= verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf '%s %s\\n' 1 2 3 4"
prop_checkPrintfVar14= verify checkPrintfVar "printf '%*s\\n' 1"
prop_checkPrintfVar15= verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf '%*s\\n' 1 2"
prop_checkPrintfVar16= verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf $'string'"
prop_checkPrintfVar17= verify checkPrintfVar "printf '%-*s\\n' 1"
prop_checkPrintfVar18= verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf '%-*s\\n' 1 2"
checkPrintfVar = CommandCheck (Exactly "printf") (f . arguments) where
f (doubledash:rest) | getLiteralString doubledash == Just "--" = f rest
f (dashv:var:rest) | getLiteralString dashv == Just "-v" = f rest
......@@ -527,11 +529,20 @@ checkPrintfVar = CommandCheck (Exactly "printf") (f . arguments) where
case string of
'%':'%':rest -> countFormats rest
'%':'(':rest -> 1 + countFormats (dropWhile (/= ')') rest)
'%':'*':rest -> 2 + countFormats rest -- width is specified as an argument
'%':rest -> 1 + countFormats rest
'%':rest -> regexBasedCountFormats rest + countFormats (dropWhile (/= '%') rest)
_:rest -> countFormats rest
[] -> 0
regexBasedCountFormats rest =
maybe 1 (foldl (\acc group -> acc + (if group == "*" then 1 else 0)) 1) (matchRegex re rest)
-- constructed based on specifications in "man printf"
re = mkRegex "#?-?\\+? ?0?(\\*|\\d*).?(\\d*|\\*)[diouxXfFeEgGaAcsb]"
-- \____ _____/\___ ____/ \____ ____/\________ ________/
-- V V V V
-- flags field width precision format character
-- field width and precision can be specified with a '*' instead of a digit,
-- in which case printf will accept one more argument for each '*' used
check format more = do
fromMaybe (return ()) $ do
string <- getLiteralString format
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