提交 a8376a09 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Minor renaming and output fixes

上级 5ed89d22
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ isCondition (child:parent:rest) =
_ -> []
-- helpers to build replacements
replace_start id params n r =
replaceStart id params n r =
let tp = tokenPositions params
(start, _) = tp Map.! id
new_end = start {
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ replace_start id params n r =
repEndPos = new_end,
repString = r
replace_end id params n r =
replaceEnd id params n r =
-- because of the way we count columns 1-based
-- we have to offset end columns by 1
let tp = tokenPositions params
......@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ replace_end id params n r =
repEndPos = new_end,
repString = r
surround_with id params s =
[replace_start id params 0 s, replace_end id params 0 s]
surroundWidth id params s = fixWith [replaceStart id params 0 s, replaceEnd id params 0 s]
fixWith fixes = newFix { fixReplacements = fixes }
prop_checkEchoWc3 = verify checkEchoWc "n=$(echo $foo | wc -c)"
checkEchoWc _ (T_Pipeline id _ [a, b]) =
......@@ -1371,8 +1371,7 @@ prop_checkBackticks3 = verifyNot checkBackticks "echo `#inlined comment` foo"
checkBackticks params (T_Backticked id list) | not (null list) =
addComment $
makeCommentWithFix StyleC id 2006 "Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`."
[(replace_start id params 1 "$("), (replace_end id params 1 ")")]
-- style id 2006 "Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`."
(fixWith [replaceStart id params 1 "$(", replaceEnd id params 1 ")"])
checkBackticks _ _ = return ()
prop_checkIndirectExpansion1 = verify checkIndirectExpansion "${foo$n}"
......@@ -1677,7 +1676,7 @@ checkSpacefulness params t =
"This default assignment may cause DoS due to globbing. Quote it."
makeCommentWithFix InfoC (getId token) 2086
"Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting." (surround_with (getId token) params "\"")
"Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting." (surroundWidth (getId token) params "\"")
-- makeComment InfoC (getId token) 2086
-- "Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting."
......@@ -2576,9 +2575,8 @@ checkUncheckedCdPushdPopd params root =
&& not (isSafeDir t)
&& not (name t `elem` ["pushd", "popd"] && ("n" `elem` map snd (getAllFlags t)))
&& not (isCondition $ getPath (parentMap params) t)) $
-- warn (getId t) 2164 "Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails."
warnWithFix (getId t) 2164 "Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails."
[replace_end (getId t) params 0 " || exit"]
(fixWith [replaceEnd (getId t) params 0 " || exit"])
checkElement _ = return ()
name t = fromMaybe "" $ getCommandName t
isSafeDir t = case oversimplify t of
......@@ -2735,7 +2733,7 @@ checkArrayAssignmentIndices params root =
T_Literal id str -> [(id,str)]
_ -> []
guard $ '=' `elem` str
return $ warnWithFix id 2191 "The = here is literal. To assign by index, use ( [index]=value ) with no spaces. To keep as literal, quote it." (surround_with id params "\"")
return $ warnWithFix id 2191 "The = here is literal. To assign by index, use ( [index]=value ) with no spaces. To keep as literal, quote it." (surroundWidth id params "\"")
if null literalEquals && isAssociative
then warn (getId t) 2190 "Elements in associative arrays need index, e.g. array=( [index]=value ) ."
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ instance ToJSON Replacement where
"replaceWith" .= str
instance ToJSON (PositionedComment) where
instance ToJSON PositionedComment where
toJSON comment =
let start = pcStartPos comment
end = pcEndPos comment
......@@ -82,9 +82,14 @@ instance ToJSON (PositionedComment) where
<> "level" .= severityText comment
<> "code" .= cCode c
<> "message" .= cMessage c
<> "replaceWith" .= pcFix comment
<> "fix" .= pcFix comment
instance ToJSON Fix where
toJSON fix = object [
"replacements" .= fixReplacements fix
outputError file msg = hPutStrLn stderr $ file ++ ": " ++ msg
collectResult ref result _ =
modifyIORef ref (\x -> crComments result ++ x)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import ShellCheck.Formatter.Format
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Exts
import System.IO
import System.Info
......@@ -129,35 +130,53 @@ outputForFile color sys comments = do
putStrLn (color "source" line)
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn (color (severityText c) $ cuteIndent c)) commentsForLine
putStrLn ""
-- in the spirit of error prone
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn "Did you mean:" >> putStrLn (fixedString c line)) commentsForLine
-- FIXME: Enable when reasonably stable
-- showFixedString color comments lineNum line
) groups
hasApplicableFix lineNum comment = fromMaybe False $ do
replacements <- fixReplacements <$> pcFix comment
guard $ all (\c -> onSameLine (repStartPos c) && onSameLine (repEndPos c)) replacements
return True
onSameLine pos = posLine pos == lineNum
-- FIXME: Work correctly with multiple replacements
showFixedString color comments lineNum line =
case filter (hasApplicableFix lineNum) comments of
(first:_) -> do
-- in the spirit of error prone
putStrLn $ color "message" "Did you mean: "
putStrLn $ fixedString first line
putStrLn ""
_ -> return ()
-- need to do something smart about sorting by end index
fixedString :: PositionedComment -> String -> String
fixedString comment line =
case (pcFix comment) of
Nothing -> ""
Just rs ->
apply_replacement rs line 0
applyReplacement (fixReplacements rs) line 0
apply_replacement [] s _ = s
apply_replacement (rep:xs) s offset =
applyReplacement [] s _ = s
applyReplacement (rep:xs) s offset =
let replacementString = repString rep
start = (posColumn . repStartPos) rep
end = (posColumn . repEndPos) rep
z = do_replace start end s replacementString
z = doReplace start end s replacementString
len_r = (fromIntegral . length) replacementString in
apply_replacement xs z (offset + (end - start) + len_r)
applyReplacement xs z (offset + (end - start) + len_r)
-- FIXME: Work correctly with tabs
-- start and end comes from pos, which is 1 based
-- do_replace 0 0 "1234" "A" -> "A1234" -- technically not valid
-- do_replace 1 1 "1234" "A" -> "A1234"
-- do_replace 1 2 "1234" "A" -> "A234"
-- do_replace 3 3 "1234" "A" -> "12A34"
-- do_replace 4 4 "1234" "A" -> "123A4"
-- do_replace 5 5 "1234" "A" -> "1234A"
do_replace start end o r =
-- doReplace 0 0 "1234" "A" -> "A1234" -- technically not valid
-- doReplace 1 1 "1234" "A" -> "A1234"
-- doReplace 1 2 "1234" "A" -> "A234"
-- doReplace 3 3 "1234" "A" -> "12A34"
-- doReplace 4 4 "1234" "A" -> "123A4"
-- doReplace 5 5 "1234" "A" -> "1234A"
doReplace start end o r =
let si = fromIntegral (start-1)
ei = fromIntegral (end-1)
(x, xs) = splitAt si o
......@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ module ShellCheck.Interface
, emptyCheckSpec
, newPositionedComment
, newComment
, Fix
, Fix(fixReplacements)
, newFix
, Replacement(repStartPos, repEndPos, repString)
, newReplacement
) where
......@@ -209,7 +210,13 @@ newReplacement = Replacement {
repString = ""
type Fix = [Replacement]
data Fix = Fix {
fixReplacements :: [Replacement]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newFix = Fix {
fixReplacements = []
data PositionedComment = PositionedComment {
pcStartPos :: Position,
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