提交 8dd40efb 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Add support for -a: emit for sourced files.

上级 73d06c4f
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import qualified ShellCheck.Checks.ShellSupport
analyzeScript :: AnalysisSpec -> AnalysisResult
analyzeScript spec = AnalysisResult {
arComments =
filterByAnnotation (asScript spec) . nub $
filterByAnnotation spec params . nub $
runAnalytics spec
++ runChecker params (checkers params)
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ data VariableState = Dead Token String | Alive deriving (Show)
defaultSpec root = AnalysisSpec {
asScript = root,
asShellType = Nothing,
asCheckSourced = False,
asExecutionMode = Executed
......@@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ pScript s =
pSpec = ParseSpec {
psFilename = "script",
psScript = s
psScript = s,
psCheckSourced = False
in prRoot . runIdentity $ parseScript (mockedSystemInterface []) pSpec
......@@ -801,9 +803,10 @@ whenShell l c = do
when (shell `elem` l ) c
filterByAnnotation token =
filterByAnnotation asSpec params =
filter (not . shouldIgnore)
token = asScript asSpec
idFor (TokenComment id _) = id
shouldIgnore note =
any (shouldIgnoreFor (getCode note)) $
......@@ -813,9 +816,9 @@ filterByAnnotation token =
hasNum (DisableComment ts) = num == ts
hasNum _ = False
shouldIgnoreFor _ T_Include {} = True -- Ignore included files
shouldIgnoreFor _ T_Include {} = not $ asCheckSourced asSpec
shouldIgnoreFor _ _ = False
parents = getParentTree token
parents = parentMap params
getCode (TokenComment _ (Comment _ c _)) = c
-- Is this a ${#anything}, to get string length or array count?
......@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ checkScript sys spec = do
checkScript contents = do
result <- parseScript sys ParseSpec {
psFilename = csFilename spec,
psScript = contents
psScript = contents,
psCheckSourced = csCheckSourced spec
let parseMessages = prComments result
let analysisMessages =
......@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ checkScript sys spec = do
AnalysisSpec {
asScript = root,
asShellType = csShellTypeOverride spec,
asCheckSourced = csCheckSourced spec,
asExecutionMode = Executed
......@@ -88,13 +90,21 @@ getErrors sys spec =
check = checkWithIncludes []
checkWithSpec includes =
getErrors (mockedSystemInterface includes)
checkWithIncludes includes src =
(mockedSystemInterface includes)
emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = src,
csExcludedWarnings = [2148]
checkWithSpec includes emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = src,
csExcludedWarnings = [2148]
checkRecursive includes src =
checkWithSpec includes emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = src,
csExcludedWarnings = [2148],
csCheckSourced = True
prop_findsParseIssue = check "echo \"$12\"" == [1037]
......@@ -153,6 +163,12 @@ prop_cantSourceDynamic2 =
prop_canSourceDynamicWhenRedirected =
null $ checkWithIncludes [("lib", "")] "#shellcheck source=lib\n. \"$1\""
prop_recursiveAnalysis =
[2086] == checkRecursive [("lib", "echo $1")] "source lib"
prop_recursiveParsing =
[1037] == checkRecursive [("lib", "echo \"$10\"")] "source lib"
prop_sourceDirectiveDoesntFollowFile =
null $ checkWithIncludes
[("foo", "source bar"), ("bar", "baz=3")]
......@@ -34,14 +34,27 @@ format = return Formatter {
putStrLn "<checkstyle version='4.3'>",
onFailure = outputError,
onResult = outputResult,
onResult = outputResults,
footer = putStrLn "</checkstyle>"
outputResult result contents = do
let comments = makeNonVirtual (crComments result) contents
putStrLn . formatFile (crFilename result) $ comments
outputResults cr sys =
if null comments
then outputFile (crFilename cr) "" []
else mapM_ outputGroup fileGroups
comments = crComments cr
fileGroups = groupWith sourceFile comments
outputGroup group = do
let filename = sourceFile (head group)
result <- (siReadFile sys) filename
let contents = either (const "") id result
outputFile filename contents group
outputFile filename contents warnings = do
let comments = makeNonVirtual warnings contents
putStrLn . formatFile filename $ comments
formatFile name comments = concat [
"<file ", attr "name" name, ">\n",
......@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ import ShellCheck.Interface
-- A formatter that carries along an arbitrary piece of data
data Formatter = Formatter {
header :: IO (),
onResult :: CheckResult -> String -> IO (),
onResult :: CheckResult -> SystemInterface IO -> IO (),
onFailure :: FilePath -> ErrorMessage -> IO (),
footer :: IO ()
sourceFile (PositionedComment pos _ _) = posFile pos
lineNo (PositionedComment pos _ _) = posLine pos
endLineNo (PositionedComment _ end _) = posLine end
colNo (PositionedComment pos _ _) = posColumn pos
......@@ -31,14 +31,25 @@ format = return Formatter {
header = return (),
footer = return (),
onFailure = outputError,
onResult = outputResult
onResult = outputAll
outputError file error = hPutStrLn stderr $ file ++ ": " ++ error
outputResult result contents = do
let comments = makeNonVirtual (crComments result) contents
mapM_ (putStrLn . formatComment (crFilename result)) comments
outputAll cr sys = mapM_ f groups
comments = crComments cr
groups = groupWith sourceFile comments
f :: [PositionedComment] -> IO ()
f group = do
let filename = sourceFile (head group)
result <- (siReadFile sys) filename
let contents = either (const "") id result
outputResult filename contents group
outputResult filename contents warnings = do
let comments = makeNonVirtual warnings contents
mapM_ (putStrLn . formatComment filename) comments
formatComment filename c = concat [
filename, ":",
......@@ -43,15 +43,22 @@ colorForLevel level =
"style" -> 32 -- green
"message" -> 1 -- bold
"source" -> 0 -- none
otherwise -> 0 -- none
_ -> 0 -- none
outputError options file error = do
color <- getColorFunc $ foColorOption options
hPutStrLn stderr $ color "error" $ file ++ ": " ++ error
outputResult options result contents = do
outputResult options result sys = do
color <- getColorFunc $ foColorOption options
let comments = crComments result
let fileGroups = groupWith sourceFile comments
mapM_ (outputForFile color sys) fileGroups
outputForFile color sys comments = do
let fileName = sourceFile (head comments)
result <- (siReadFile sys) fileName
let contents = either (const "") id result
let fileLines = lines contents
let lineCount = fromIntegral $ length fileLines
let groups = groupWith lineNo comments
......@@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ outputResult options result contents = do
else fileLines !! fromIntegral (lineNum - 1)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ color "message" $
"In " ++ crFilename result ++" line " ++ show lineNum ++ ":"
"In " ++ fileName ++" line " ++ show lineNum ++ ":"
putStrLn (color "source" line)
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn (color (severityText c) $ cuteIndent c)) x
putStrLn ""
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ newtype SystemInterface m = SystemInterface {
data CheckSpec = CheckSpec {
csFilename :: String,
csScript :: String,
csCheckSourced :: Bool,
csExcludedWarnings :: [Integer],
csShellTypeOverride :: Maybe Shell
} deriving (Show, Eq)
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ emptyCheckSpec :: CheckSpec
emptyCheckSpec = CheckSpec {
csFilename = "",
csScript = "",
csCheckSourced = False,
csExcludedWarnings = [],
csShellTypeOverride = Nothing
......@@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ emptyCheckSpec = CheckSpec {
-- Parser input and output
data ParseSpec = ParseSpec {
psFilename :: String,
psScript :: String
psScript :: String,
psCheckSourced :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseResult = ParseResult {
......@@ -66,7 +69,8 @@ data ParseResult = ParseResult {
data AnalysisSpec = AnalysisSpec {
asScript :: Token,
asShellType :: Maybe Shell,
asExecutionMode :: ExecutionMode
asExecutionMode :: ExecutionMode,
asCheckSourced :: Bool
newtype AnalysisResult = AnalysisResult {
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
type SCBase m = Mr.ReaderT (SystemInterface m) (Ms.StateT SystemState m)
type SCBase m = Mr.ReaderT (Environment m) (Ms.StateT SystemState m)
type SCParser m v = ParsecT String UserState (SCBase m) v
backslash :: Monad m => SCParser m Char
......@@ -248,12 +248,14 @@ addParseNote n = do
shouldIgnoreCode code = do
context <- getCurrentContexts
return $ any disabling context
checkSourced <- Mr.asks checkSourced
return $ any (disabling checkSourced) context
disabling (ContextAnnotation list) =
any disabling' list
disabling (ContextSource _) = True -- Don't add messages for sourced files
disabling _ = False
disabling checkSourced item =
case item of
ContextAnnotation list -> any disabling' list
ContextSource _ -> not $ checkSourced
_ -> False
disabling' (DisableComment n) = code == n
disabling' _ = False
......@@ -297,6 +299,11 @@ initialSystemState = SystemState {
parseProblems = []
data Environment m = Environment {
systemInterface :: SystemInterface m,
checkSourced :: Bool
parseProblem level code msg = do
pos <- getPosition
parseProblemAt pos level code msg
......@@ -1879,7 +1886,7 @@ readSource pos t@(T_Redirecting _ _ (T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:file:_))) = do
"This file appears to be recursively sourced. Ignoring."
return t
else do
sys <- Mr.ask
sys <- Mr.asks systemInterface
input <-
if filename == "/dev/null" -- always allow /dev/null
then return (Right "")
......@@ -2788,16 +2795,22 @@ readScript = do
-- Interactively run a parser in ghci:
-- debugParse readScript "echo 'hello world'"
debugParse p string = runIdentity $ do
(res, _) <- runParser (mockedSystemInterface []) p "-" string
(res, _) <- runParser testEnvironment p "-" string
return res
testEnvironment =
Environment {
systemInterface = (mockedSystemInterface []),
checkSourced = False
isOk p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just True -- The string parses with no warnings
isWarning p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just False -- The string parses with warnings
isNotOk p s = parsesCleanly p s == Nothing -- The string does not parse
parsesCleanly parser string = runIdentity $ do
(res, sys) <- runParser (mockedSystemInterface [])
(res, sys) <- runParser testEnvironment
(parser >> eof >> getState) "-" string
case (res, sys) of
(Right userState, systemState) ->
......@@ -2842,22 +2855,22 @@ getStringFromParsec errors =
Message s -> if null s then Nothing else return $ s ++ "."
runParser :: Monad m =>
SystemInterface m ->
Environment m ->
SCParser m v ->
String ->
String ->
m (Either ParseError v, SystemState)
runParser sys p filename contents =
runParser env p filename contents =
(runParserT p initialUserState filename contents)
system = lift . lift . lift
parseShell sys name contents = do
(result, state) <- runParser sys (parseWithNotes readScript) name contents
parseShell env name contents = do
(result, state) <- runParser env (parseWithNotes readScript) name contents
case result of
Right (script, userstate) ->
return ParseResult {
......@@ -2943,7 +2956,12 @@ posToPos sp = Position {
parseScript :: Monad m =>
SystemInterface m -> ParseSpec -> m ParseResult
parseScript sys spec =
parseShell sys (psFilename spec) (psScript spec)
parseShell env (psFilename spec) (psScript spec)
env = Environment {
systemInterface = sys,
checkSourced = psCheckSourced spec
return []
......@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ not warn at all, as `ksh` supports decimals in arithmetic contexts.
**-a**,\ **--check-sourced**
: Emit warnings in sourced files. Normally, `shellcheck` will only warn
about issues in the specified files. With this option, any issues in
sourced files files will also be reported.
**-C**[*WHEN*],\ **--color**[=*WHEN*]
: For TTY output, enable colors *always*, *never* or *auto*. The default
......@@ -67,6 +73,7 @@ not warn at all, as `ksh` supports decimals in arithmetic contexts.
line (plus `/dev/null`). This option allows following any file the script
may `source`.
......@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
......@@ -75,21 +76,23 @@ defaultOptions = Options {
usageHeader = "Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES..."
options = [
Option "e" ["exclude"]
(ReqArg (Flag "exclude") "CODE1,CODE2..") "exclude types of warnings",
Option "f" ["format"]
(ReqArg (Flag "format") "FORMAT") $
"output format (" ++ formatList ++ ")",
Option "a" ["check-sourced"]
(NoArg $ Flag "sourced" "false") "Include warnings from sourced files",
Option "C" ["color"]
(OptArg (maybe (Flag "color" "always") (Flag "color")) "WHEN")
"Use color (auto, always, never)",
Option "e" ["exclude"]
(ReqArg (Flag "exclude") "CODE1,CODE2..") "Exclude types of warnings",
Option "f" ["format"]
(ReqArg (Flag "format") "FORMAT") $
"Output format (" ++ formatList ++ ")",
Option "s" ["shell"]
(ReqArg (Flag "shell") "SHELLNAME")
"Specify dialect (sh, bash, dash, ksh)",
Option "x" ["external-sources"]
(NoArg $ Flag "externals" "true") "Allow 'source' outside of FILES.",
Option "V" ["version"]
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information"
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information",
Option "x" ["external-sources"]
(NoArg $ Flag "externals" "true") "Allow 'source' outside of FILES"
printErr = lift . hPutStrLn stderr
......@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ getExclusions options =
map (Prelude.read . clean) elements :: [Int]
toStatus = liftM (either id id) . runExceptT
toStatus = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT
getEnvArgs = do
opts <- getEnv "SHELLCHECK_OPTS" `catch` cantWaitForLookupEnv
......@@ -193,23 +196,27 @@ runFormatter sys format options files = do
newStatus <- process file `catch` handler file
return $ status `mappend` newStatus
handler :: FilePath -> IOException -> IO Status
handler file e = do
onFailure format file (show e)
handler file e = reportFailure file (show e)
reportFailure file str = do
onFailure format file str
return RuntimeException
process :: FilePath -> IO Status
process filename = do
contents <- inputFile filename
let checkspec = (checkSpec options) {
csFilename = filename,
csScript = contents
result <- checkScript sys checkspec
onResult format result contents
return $
if null (crComments result)
then NoProblems
else SomeProblems
input <- (siReadFile sys) filename
either (reportFailure filename) check input
check contents = do
let checkspec = (checkSpec options) {
csFilename = filename,
csScript = contents
result <- checkScript sys checkspec
onResult format result sys
return $
if null (crComments result)
then NoProblems
else SomeProblems
parseColorOption colorOption =
case colorOption of
......@@ -254,6 +261,13 @@ parseOption flag options =
Flag "sourced" _ ->
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csCheckSourced = True
_ -> return options
die s = do
......@@ -268,14 +282,28 @@ parseOption flag options =
ioInterface options files = do
inputs <- mapM normalize files
cache <- newIORef emptyCache
return SystemInterface {
siReadFile = get inputs
siReadFile = get cache inputs
get inputs file = do
emptyCache :: Map.Map FilePath String
emptyCache = Map.empty
get cache inputs file = do
map <- readIORef cache
case Map.lookup file map of
Just x -> return $ Right x
Nothing -> fetch cache inputs file
fetch cache inputs file = do
ok <- allowable inputs file
if ok
then (Right <$> inputFile file) `catch` handler
then (do
(contents, shouldCache) <- inputFile file
when shouldCache $
modifyIORef cache $ Map.insert file contents
return $ Right contents
) `catch` handler
else return $ Left (file ++ " was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).")
......@@ -296,16 +324,19 @@ ioInterface options files = do
fallback path _ = return path
inputFile file = do
handle <-
(handle, shouldCache) <-
if file == "-"
then return stdin
else openBinaryFile file ReadMode
then return (stdin, True)
else do
h <- openBinaryFile file ReadMode
reopenable <- hIsSeekable h
return (h, not reopenable)
hSetBinaryMode handle True
contents <- decodeString <$> hGetContents handle -- closes handle
seq (length contents) $
return contents
return (contents, shouldCache)
-- Decode a char8 string into a utf8 string, with fallback on
-- ISO-8859-1. This avoids depending on additional libraries.
Markdown is supported
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