提交 72eeafe0 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Some cleanup to make room for future improvements.

上级 6d9e8472
......@@ -41,18 +41,19 @@ library
mtl >= 2.2.1,
QuickCheck >= 2.7.4
......@@ -63,10 +64,9 @@ executable shellcheck
mtl >= 2.2.1,
QuickCheck >= 2.7.4
main-is: shellcheck.hs
......@@ -78,10 +78,9 @@ test-suite test-shellcheck
mtl >= 2.2.1,
QuickCheck >= 2.7.4
main-is: test/shellcheck.hs
......@@ -18,10 +18,17 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
module ShellCheck.Analytics (AnalysisOptions(..), defaultAnalysisOptions, filterByAnnotation, runAnalytics, shellForExecutable, runTests) where
module ShellCheck.Analytics (runAnalytics, ShellCheck.Analytics.runTests) where
import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Parser
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Regex
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
......@@ -31,11 +38,6 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Debug.Trace
import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.Options
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Parser hiding (runTests)
import ShellCheck.Regex
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.QuickCheck.All (forAllProperties)
import Test.QuickCheck.Test (quickCheckWithResult, stdArgs, maxSuccess)
......@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ data Parameters = Parameters {
-- Checks that are run on the AST root
treeChecks :: [Parameters -> Token -> [Note]]
treeChecks :: [Parameters -> Token -> [TokenComment]]
treeChecks = [
(\p t -> (mapM_ ((\ f -> f t) . (\ f -> f p))
......@@ -81,19 +83,28 @@ checksFor Bash = [
runAnalytics :: AnalysisOptions -> Token -> [Note]
runAnalytics options root = runList options root treeChecks
runAnalytics :: AnalysisSpec -> AnalysisResult
runAnalytics options = AnalysisResult {
arComments =
nub . filterByAnnotation (asScript options) $
runList options treeChecks
runList options root list = notes
runList :: AnalysisSpec -> [Parameters -> Token -> [TokenComment]]
-> [TokenComment]
runList spec list = notes
root = asScript spec
params = Parameters {
shellType = fromMaybe (determineShell root) $ optionShellType options,
shellTypeSpecified = isJust $ optionShellType options,
shellType = fromMaybe (determineShell root) $ asShellType spec,
shellTypeSpecified = isJust $ asShellType spec,
parentMap = getParentTree root,
variableFlow = getVariableFlow (shellType params) (parentMap params) root
variableFlow =
getVariableFlow (shellType params) (parentMap params) root
notes = filter (\c -> getCode c `notElem` optionExcludes options) $ concatMap (\f -> f params root) list
getCode (Note _ _ c _) = c
notes = concatMap (\f -> f params root) list
getCode (TokenComment _ (Comment _ c _)) = c
checkList l t = concatMap (\f -> f t) l
......@@ -107,21 +118,10 @@ determineShell (T_Script _ shebang _) = fromMaybe Bash . shellForExecutable $ sh
shellFor s | ' ' `elem` s = shellFor $ takeWhile (/= ' ') s
shellFor s = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ s
shellForExecutable "sh" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "ash" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "dash" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "ksh" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "ksh88" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "ksh93" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "bash" = return Bash
shellForExecutable _ = Nothing
-- Checks that are run on each node in the AST
runNodeAnalysis f p t = execWriter (doAnalysis (f p) t)
nodeChecks :: [Parameters -> Token -> Writer [Note] ()]
nodeChecks :: [Parameters -> Token -> Writer [TokenComment] ()]
nodeChecks = [
......@@ -216,10 +216,9 @@ nodeChecks = [
filterByAnnotation token =
filter (not . shouldIgnore)
numFor (Note _ _ code _) = code
idFor (Note id _ _ _) = id
idFor (TokenComment id _) = id
shouldIgnore note =
any (shouldIgnoreFor (numFor note)) $
any (shouldIgnoreFor (getCode note)) $
getPath parents (T_Bang $ idFor note)
shouldIgnoreFor num (T_Annotation _ anns _) =
any hasNum anns
......@@ -228,12 +227,17 @@ filterByAnnotation token =
shouldIgnoreFor _ _ = False
parents = getParentTree token
addNote note = tell [note]
makeNote severity id code note = addNote $ Note id severity code note
warn = makeNote WarningC
err = makeNote ErrorC
info = makeNote InfoC
style = makeNote StyleC
makeComment :: Severity -> Id -> Code -> String -> TokenComment
makeComment severity id code note =
TokenComment id $ Comment severity code note
addComment note = tell [note]
warn :: MonadWriter [TokenComment] m => Id -> Code -> String -> m ()
warn id code str = addComment $ makeComment WarningC id code str
err id code str = addComment $ makeComment ErrorC id code str
info id code str = addComment $ makeComment InfoC id code str
style id code str = addComment $ makeComment StyleC id code str
isVariableStartChar x = x == '_' || isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x
isVariableChar x = isVariableStartChar x || isDigit x
......@@ -343,23 +347,33 @@ getLeadingFlags = getFlagsUntil (not . ("-" `isPrefixOf`))
[] -> Nothing
(r:_) -> Just r
verify :: (Parameters -> Token -> Writer [Note] ()) -> String -> Bool
verify :: (Parameters -> Token -> Writer [TokenComment] ()) -> String -> Bool
verify f s = checkNode f s == Just True
verifyNot :: (Parameters -> Token -> Writer [Note] ()) -> String -> Bool
verifyNot :: (Parameters -> Token -> Writer [TokenComment] ()) -> String -> Bool
verifyNot f s = checkNode f s == Just False
verifyTree :: (Parameters -> Token -> [Note]) -> String -> Bool
verifyTree f s = checkTree f s == Just True
verifyTree :: (Parameters -> Token -> [TokenComment]) -> String -> Bool
verifyTree f s = producesComments f s == Just True
verifyNotTree :: (Parameters -> Token -> [Note]) -> String -> Bool
verifyNotTree f s = checkTree f s == Just False
verifyNotTree :: (Parameters -> Token -> [TokenComment]) -> String -> Bool
verifyNotTree f s = producesComments f s == Just False
checkNode f = checkTree (runNodeAnalysis f)
checkTree f s = case parseShell defaultAnalysisOptions "-" s of
(ParseResult (Just (t, m)) _) -> Just . not . null $ runList defaultAnalysisOptions t [f]
_ -> Nothing
defaultSpec root = AnalysisSpec {
asScript = root,
asShellType = Nothing,
asExecutionMode = Executed
checkNode f = producesComments (runNodeAnalysis f)
producesComments :: (Parameters -> Token -> [TokenComment]) -> String -> Maybe Bool
producesComments f s = do
root <- prRoot pResult
return . not . null $ runList (defaultSpec root) [f]
pSpec = ParseSpec { psScript = s }
pResult = runIdentity $ parseScript (mockedSystemInterface []) pSpec
-- Copied from https://wiki.haskell.org/Edit_distance
dist :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
......@@ -628,13 +642,13 @@ mayBecomeMultipleArgs t = willBecomeMultipleArgs t || f t
prop_checkShebangParameters1 = verifyTree checkShebangParameters "#!/usr/bin/env bash -x\necho cow"
prop_checkShebangParameters2 = verifyNotTree checkShebangParameters "#! /bin/sh -l "
checkShebangParameters _ (T_Script id sb _) =
[Note id ErrorC 2096 "On most OS, shebangs can only specify a single parameter." | length (words sb) > 2]
[makeComment ErrorC id 2096 "On most OS, shebangs can only specify a single parameter." | length (words sb) > 2]
prop_checkShebang1 = verifyNotTree checkShebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash -x\necho cow"
prop_checkShebang2 = verifyNotTree checkShebang "#! /bin/sh -l "
prop_checkShebang3 = verifyTree checkShebang "ls -l"
checkShebang params (T_Script id sb _) =
[Note id ErrorC 2148 "Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a shebang."
[makeComment ErrorC id 2148 "Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a shebang."
| not (shellTypeSpecified params) && sb == "" ]
prop_checkBashisms = verify checkBashisms "while read a; do :; done < <(a)"
......@@ -901,15 +915,15 @@ prop_checkRedirectToSame5 = verifyNot checkRedirectToSame "foo > bar 2> bar"
checkRedirectToSame params s@(T_Pipeline _ _ list) =
mapM_ (\l -> (mapM_ (\x -> doAnalysis (checkOccurrences x) l) (getAllRedirs list))) list
note x = Note x InfoC 2094
note x = makeComment InfoC x 2094
"Make sure not to read and write the same file in the same pipeline."
checkOccurrences t@(T_NormalWord exceptId x) u@(T_NormalWord newId y) =
when (exceptId /= newId
&& x == y
&& not (isOutput t && isOutput u)
&& not (special t)) $ do
addNote $ note newId
addNote $ note exceptId
addComment $ note newId
addComment $ note exceptId
checkOccurrences _ _ = return ()
getAllRedirs = concatMap (\t ->
case t of
......@@ -1028,7 +1042,7 @@ checkArrayWithoutIndex params _ =
return . maybeToList $ do
name <- getLiteralString token
assignment <- Map.lookup name map
return [Note id WarningC 2128
return [makeComment WarningC id 2128
"Expanding an array without an index only gives the first element."]
readF _ _ _ = return []
......@@ -2495,6 +2509,17 @@ findSubshelled (StackScopeEnd:rest) ((reason, scope):oldScopes) deadVars =
foldl (\m (_, token, var, _) ->
Map.insert var (Dead token reason) m) deadVars scope
-- FIXME: This is a very strange way of doing it.
-- For each variable read/write, run a stateful function that emits
-- comments. The comments are collected and returned.
doVariableFlowAnalysis ::
(Token -> Token -> String -> State t [v])
-> (Token -> Token -> String -> DataType -> State t [v])
-> t
-> [StackData]
-> [v]
doVariableFlowAnalysis readFunc writeFunc empty flow = evalState (
foldM (\list x -> do { l <- doFlow x; return $ l ++ list; }) [] flow
) empty
......@@ -2548,7 +2573,7 @@ checkSpacefulness params t =
readF _ token name = do
spaced <- hasSpaces name
return [Note (getId token) InfoC 2086 warning |
return [makeComment InfoC (getId token) 2086 warning |
&& not (isArrayExpansion token) -- There's another warning for this
&& not (isCounting token)
......@@ -2652,9 +2677,9 @@ checkQuotesInLiterals params t =
&& not (isParamTo parents "eval" expr)
&& not (isQuoteFree parents expr)
then [
Note (fromJust assignment)WarningC 2089
makeComment WarningC (fromJust assignment) 2089
"Quotes/backslashes will be treated literally. Use an array.",
Note (getId expr) WarningC 2090
makeComment WarningC (getId expr) 2090
"Quotes/backslashes in this variable will not be respected."
else [])
Copyright 2012-2015 Vidar Holen
This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module ShellCheck.Analyzer (analyzeScript) where
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Analytics
-- TODO: Clean up the cruft this is layered on
analyzeScript :: AnalysisSpec -> AnalysisResult
analyzeScript = runAnalytics
Copyright 2012-2015 Vidar Holen
This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ShellCheck.Checker (checkScript, ShellCheck.Checker.runTests) where
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Parser
import ShellCheck.Analyzer
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified System.IO
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck.All
tokenToPosition map (TokenComment id c) = fromMaybe fail $ do
position <- Map.lookup id map
return $ PositionedComment position c
fail = error "Internal shellcheck error: id doesn't exist. Please report!"
checkScript :: Monad m => SystemInterface m -> CheckSpec -> m CheckResult
checkScript sys spec = do
results <- checkScript (csScript spec)
return CheckResult {
crComments = results
checkScript contents = do
result <- parseScript sys ParseSpec { psScript = contents }
let parseMessages = prComments result
let analysisMessages =
fromMaybe [] $
(arComments . analyzeScript . analysisSpec)
<$> prRoot result
let translator = tokenToPosition (prTokenPositions result)
return . sortMessages . filter shouldInclude $
(parseMessages ++ map translator analysisMessages)
shouldInclude (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) =
code `notElem` csExcludedWarnings spec
sortMessages = sortBy (comparing order)
order (PositionedComment pos (Comment severity code message)) =
(posFile pos, posLine pos, posColumn pos, code, message)
getPosition (PositionedComment pos _) = pos
analysisSpec root =
AnalysisSpec {
asScript = root,
asShellType = csShellTypeOverride spec,
asExecutionMode = Executed
getErrors sys spec =
map getCode . crComments $
runIdentity (checkScript sys spec)
getCode (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) = code
check str =
(mockedSystemInterface [])
emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = str,
csExcludedWarnings = [2148]
prop_findsParseIssue = check "echo \"$12\"" == [1037]
prop_commentDisablesParseIssue1 =
null $ check "#shellcheck disable=SC1037\necho \"$12\""
prop_commentDisablesParseIssue2 =
null $ check "#shellcheck disable=SC1037\n#lol\necho \"$12\""
prop_findsAnalysisIssue =
check "echo $1" == [2086]
prop_commentDisablesAnalysisIssue1 =
null $ check "#shellcheck disable=SC2086\necho $1"
prop_commentDisablesAnalysisIssue2 =
null $ check "#shellcheck disable=SC2086\n#lol\necho $1"
prop_optionDisablesIssue1 =
null $ getErrors
(mockedSystemInterface [])
emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = "echo $1",
csExcludedWarnings = [2148, 2086]
prop_optionDisablesIssue2 =
null $ getErrors
(mockedSystemInterface [])
emptyCheckSpec {
csScript = "echo \"$10\"",
csExcludedWarnings = [2148, 1037]
return []
runTests = $quickCheckAll
module ShellCheck.Data where
import ShellCheck.Interface
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_ShellCheck (version)
......@@ -73,3 +74,15 @@ sampleWords = [
"tango", "uniform", "victor", "whiskey", "xray", "yankee",
shellForExecutable :: String -> Maybe Shell
shellForExecutable "sh" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "ash" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "dash" = return Sh
shellForExecutable "ksh" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "ksh88" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "ksh93" = return Ksh
shellForExecutable "bash" = return Bash
shellForExecutable _ = Nothing
Copyright 2012-2015 Vidar Holen
This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module ShellCheck.Interface where
import ShellCheck.AST
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data SystemInterface m = SystemInterface {
-- Read a file by filename, or return an error
siReadFile :: String -> m (Either ErrorMessage String)
-- ShellCheck input and output
data CheckSpec = CheckSpec {
csScript :: String,
csExcludedWarnings :: [Integer],
csShellTypeOverride :: Maybe Shell
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data CheckResult = CheckResult {
crComments :: [PositionedComment]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyCheckSpec = CheckSpec {
csScript = "",
csExcludedWarnings = [],
csShellTypeOverride = Nothing
-- Parser input and output
data ParseSpec = ParseSpec {
psScript :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseResult = ParseResult {
prComments :: [PositionedComment],
prTokenPositions :: Map.Map Id Position,
prRoot :: Maybe Token
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Analyzer input and output
data AnalysisSpec = AnalysisSpec {
asScript :: Token,
asShellType :: Maybe Shell,
asExecutionMode :: ExecutionMode
data AnalysisResult = AnalysisResult {
arComments :: [TokenComment]
-- Supporting data types
data Shell = Ksh | Sh | Bash deriving (Show, Eq)
data ExecutionMode = Executed | Sourced deriving (Show, Eq)
type ErrorMessage = String
type Code = Integer
data Severity = ErrorC | WarningC | InfoC | StyleC deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Position = Position {
posFile :: String, -- Filename
posLine :: Integer, -- 1 based source line
posColumn :: Integer -- 1 based source column, where tabs are 8
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Comment = Comment Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data PositionedComment = PositionedComment Position Comment deriving (Show, Eq)
data TokenComment = TokenComment Id Comment deriving (Show, Eq)
-- For testing
mockedSystemInterface :: [(String, String)] -> SystemInterface Identity
mockedSystemInterface files = SystemInterface {
siReadFile = rf
rf file =
case filter ((== file) . fst) files of
[] -> return $ Left "File not included in mock."
[(_, contents)] -> return $ Right contents
module ShellCheck.Options where
data Shell = Ksh | Sh | Bash
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnalysisOptions = AnalysisOptions {
optionShellType :: Maybe Shell,
optionExcludes :: [Integer]
defaultAnalysisOptions = AnalysisOptions {
optionShellType = Nothing,
optionExcludes = []
......@@ -18,19 +18,21 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
module ShellCheck.Parser (Note(..), Severity(..), parseShell, ParseResult(..), ParseNote(..), sortNotes, noteToParseNote, runTests, readScript) where
module ShellCheck.Parser (parseScript, runTests) where
import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Options
import Text.Parsec
import ShellCheck.Interface
import Text.Parsec hiding (runParser)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, partition, sortBy, intercalate, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad.State as Ms
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Mr
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (readList)
import System.IO
......@@ -38,6 +40,10 @@ import Text.Parsec.Error
import GHC.Exts (sortWith)
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
type SCBase m = Mr.ReaderT (SystemInterface m) (Ms.StateT SystemState m)
type SCParser m v = ParsecT String UserState (SCBase m) v
backslash :: Monad m => SCParser m Char
backslash = char '\\'
linefeed = optional carriageReturn >> char '\n'
singleQuote = char '\'' <|> unicodeSingleQuote
......@@ -119,9 +125,18 @@ almostSpace =
--------- Message/position annotation on top of user state
data Note = Note Id Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseNote = ParseNote SourcePos Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data Severity = ErrorC | WarningC | InfoC | StyleC deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Context = ContextName SourcePos String | ContextAnnotation [Annotation] deriving (Show)
type Code = Integer
data UserState = UserState {
lastId :: Id,
positionMap :: Map.Map Id SourcePos,
parseNotes :: [ParseNote]
initialUserState = UserState {
lastId = Id $ -1,
positionMap = Map.empty,
parseNotes = []
codeForParseNote (ParseNote _ _ code _) = code
noteToParseNote map (Note id severity code message) =
......@@ -129,17 +144,17 @@ noteToParseNote map (Note id severity code message) =
pos = fromJust $ Map.lookup id map
initialState = (Id $ -1, Map.empty, [])
getLastId = do
(id, _, _) <- getState
return id
getLastId = lastId <$> getState
getNextIdAt sourcepos = do
(id, map, notes) <- getState
let newId = incId id
let newMap = Map.insert newId sourcepos map
putState (newId, newMap, notes)
state <- getState
let newId = incId (lastId state)
let newMap = Map.insert newId sourcepos (positionMap state)
putState $ state {
lastId = newId,
positionMap = newMap
return newId
where incId (Id n) = Id $ n+1
......@@ -147,23 +162,16 @@ getNextId = do
pos <- getPosition
getNextIdAt pos
modifyMap f = do
(id, map, parsenotes) <- getState
putState (id, f map, parsenotes)
getMap = do
(_, map, _) <- getState
return map
getParseNotes = do
(_, _, notes) <- getState
return notes
getMap = positionMap <$> getState
getParseNotes = parseNotes <$> getState
addParseNote n = do
irrelevant <- shouldIgnoreCode (codeForParseNote n)
unless irrelevant $ do
(a, b, notes) <- getState
putState (a, b, n:notes)
state <- getState
putState $ state {
parseNotes = n : parseNotes state
shouldIgnoreCode code = do
context <- getCurrentContexts
......@@ -175,16 +183,22 @@ shouldIgnoreCode code = do
disabling' (DisableComment n) = code == n
-- Store potential parse problems outside of parsec
data SystemState = SystemState {
contextStack :: [Context],
parseProblems :: [ParseNote]
initialSystemState = SystemState {
contextStack = [],
parseProblems = []
parseProblem level code msg = do
pos <- getPosition
parseProblemAt pos level code msg
setCurrentContexts c =
Ms.modify (\(list, _) -> (list, c))
getCurrentContexts = do
(_, context) <- Ms.get
return context
setCurrentContexts c = Ms.modify (\state -> state { contextStack = c })
getCurrentContexts = contextStack <$> Ms.get
popContext = do
v <- getCurrentContexts
......@@ -203,7 +217,11 @@ pushContext c = do
parseProblemAt pos level code msg = do
irrelevant <- shouldIgnoreCode code
unless irrelevant $
Ms.modify (first ((:) (ParseNote pos level code msg)))
Ms.modify (\state -> state {
parseProblems = note:parseProblems state
note = ParseNote pos level code msg
-- Store non-parse problems inside
......@@ -2152,15 +2170,17 @@ readScript = do
readUtf8Bom = called "Byte Order Mark" $ string "\xFEFF"
rp p filename contents = Ms.runState (runParserT p initialState filename contents) ([], [])
isWarning p s = fst cs && (not . null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
isOk p s = fst cs && (null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
isWarning p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just False
isOk p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just True
checkString parser string =
case rp (parser >> eof >> getState) "-" string of
(Right (tree, map, notes), (problems, _)) -> (True, notes ++ problems)
(Left _, (n, _)) -> (False, n)
parsesCleanly parser string = runIdentity $ do
(res, sys) <- runParser (mockedSystemInterface [])
(parser >> eof >> getState) "-" string
case (res, sys) of
(Right userState, systemState) ->
return $ Just . null $ parseNotes userState ++ parseProblems systemState
(Left _, _) -> return Nothing
parseWithNotes parser = do
item <- parser
......@@ -2172,8 +2192,6 @@ compareNotes (ParseNote pos1 level1 _ s1) (ParseNote pos2 level2 _ s2) = compare
sortNotes = sortBy compareNotes
data ParseResult = ParseResult { parseResult :: Maybe (Token, Map.Map Id SourcePos), parseNotes :: [ParseNote] } deriving (Show)
makeErrorFor parsecError =
ParseNote (errorPos parsecError) ErrorC 1072 $
getStringFromParsec $ errorMessages parsecError
......@@ -2191,13 +2209,39 @@ getStringFromParsec errors =
Message s -> if null s then Nothing else return $ s ++ "."
unexpected s = "Unexpected " ++ (if null s then "eof" else s) ++ "."
parseShell options filename contents =
case rp (parseWithNotes readScript) filename contents of
(Right (script, map, notes), (parsenotes, _)) ->
ParseResult (Just (script, map)) (nub . sortNotes . excludeNotes $ notes ++ parsenotes)
(Left err, (p, context)) ->
ParseResult Nothing
(nub . sortNotes . excludeNotes $ p ++ notesForContext context ++ [makeErrorFor err])
runParser :: Monad m =>
SystemInterface m ->
SCParser m v ->
String ->
String ->
m (Either ParseError v, SystemState)
runParser sys p filename contents =
(runParserT p initialUserState filename contents)
parseShell sys contents = do
(result, state) <- runParser sys (parseWithNotes readScript) "" contents
case result of
Right (script, tokenMap, notes) ->
return ParseResult {
prComments = map toPositionedComment $ nub $ notes ++ parseProblems state,
prTokenPositions = Map.map posToPos tokenMap,
prRoot = Just script
Left err ->
return ParseResult {
prComments =
map toPositionedComment $
notesForContext (contextStack state)
++ [makeErrorFor err]
++ parseProblems state,
prTokenPositions = Map.empty,
prRoot = Nothing
isName (ContextName _ _) = True
isName _ = False
......@@ -2206,7 +2250,25 @@ parseShell options filename contents =
"Couldn't parse this " ++ str ++ "."
second (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos InfoC 1009 $
"The mentioned parser error was in this " ++ str ++ "."
excludeNotes = filter (\c -> codeForParseNote c `notElem` optionExcludes options)
toPositionedComment :: ParseNote -> PositionedComment
toPositionedComment (ParseNote pos severity code message) =
PositionedComment (posToPos pos) $ Comment severity code message
posToPos :: SourcePos -> Position
posToPos sp = Position {
posFile = sourceName sp,
posLine = fromIntegral $ sourceLine sp,
posColumn = fromIntegral $ sourceColumn sp
-- TODO: Clean up crusty old code that this is layered on top of
parseScript :: Monad m =>
SystemInterface m -> ParseSpec -> m ParseResult
parseScript sys spec =
parseShell sys (psScript spec)
lt x = trace (show x) x
ltt t = trace (show t)
Copyright 2012-2015 Vidar Holen
This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ShellCheck.Simple (shellCheck, ShellCheckComment, scLine, scColumn, scSeverity, scCode, scMessage, runTests) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import ShellCheck.Analytics hiding (runTests)
import ShellCheck.Options
import ShellCheck.Parser hiding (runTests)
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
import Text.Parsec.Pos
shellCheck :: AnalysisOptions -> String -> [ShellCheckComment]
shellCheck options script =
let (ParseResult result notes) = parseShell options "-" script in
let allNotes = notes ++ concat (maybeToList $ do
(tree, posMap) <- result
let list = runAnalytics options tree
return $ map (noteToParseNote posMap) $ filterByAnnotation tree list
map formatNote $ nub $ sortNotes allNotes
data ShellCheckComment = ShellCheckComment { scLine :: Int, scColumn :: Int, scSeverity :: String, scCode :: Int, scMessage :: String }
instance Show ShellCheckComment where
show c = concat ["(", show $ scLine c, ",", show $ scColumn c, ") ", scSeverity c, ": ", show (scCode c), " ", scMessage c]
severityToString s =
case s of
ErrorC -> "error"
WarningC -> "warning"
InfoC -> "info"
StyleC -> "style"
formatNote (ParseNote pos severity code text) =
ShellCheckComment (sourceLine pos) (sourceColumn pos) (severityToString severity) (fromIntegral code) text
testCheck = shellCheck defaultAnalysisOptions { optionExcludes = [2148] } -- Ignore #! warnings
prop_findsParseIssue =
let comments = testCheck "echo \"$12\"" in
length comments == 1 && scCode (head comments) == 1037
prop_commentDisablesParseIssue1 =
null $ testCheck "#shellcheck disable=SC1037\necho \"$12\""
prop_commentDisablesParseIssue2 =
null $ testCheck "#shellcheck disable=SC1037\n#lol\necho \"$12\""
prop_findsAnalysisIssue =
let comments = testCheck "echo $1" in
length comments == 1 && scCode (head comments) == 2086
prop_commentDisablesAnalysisIssue1 =
null $ testCheck "#shellcheck disable=SC2086\necho $1"
prop_commentDisablesAnalysisIssue2 =
null $ testCheck "#shellcheck disable=SC2086\n#lol\necho $1"
prop_optionDisablesIssue1 =
null $ shellCheck (defaultAnalysisOptions { optionExcludes = [2086, 2148] }) "echo $1"
prop_optionDisablesIssue2 =
null $ shellCheck (defaultAnalysisOptions { optionExcludes = [2148, 1037] }) "echo \"$10\""
return []
runTests = $quickCheckAll
......@@ -17,43 +17,59 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Checker
import ShellCheck.Interface
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans.List
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Either
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IO.Device
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Options
import ShellCheck.Simple
import ShellCheck.Analytics
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Info
import Text.JSON
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Flag = Flag String String
data Status = NoProblems | SomeProblems | BadInput | SupportFailure | SyntaxFailure | RuntimeException deriving (Ord, Eq)
data JsonComment = JsonComment FilePath ShellCheckComment
instance Error Status where
noMsg = RuntimeException
data Status =
| SomeProblems
| BadInput
| SupportFailure
| SyntaxFailure
| RuntimeException
deriving (Ord, Eq)
instance Monoid Status where
mempty = NoProblems
mappend = max
lineNo (PositionedComment pos _) = posLine pos
colNo (PositionedComment pos _) = posColumn pos
codeNo (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) = code
messageText (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ _ t)) = t
severityText :: PositionedComment -> String
severityText (PositionedComment _ (Comment c _ _)) =
case c of
ErrorC -> "error"
WarningC -> "warning"
InfoC -> "info"
StyleC -> "style"
header = "Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES..."
options = [
Option "e" ["exclude"]
......@@ -66,51 +82,42 @@ options = [
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information"
printErr = hPutStrLn stderr
instance JSON (JsonComment) where
showJSON (JsonComment filename c) = makeObj [
("file", showJSON filename),
("line", showJSON $ scLine c),
("column", showJSON $ scColumn c),
("level", showJSON $ scSeverity c),
("code", showJSON $ scCode c),
("message", showJSON $ scMessage c)
printOut = lift . hPutStrLn stdout
printErr = lift . hPutStrLn stderr
instance JSON (PositionedComment) where
showJSON comment@(PositionedComment pos (Comment level code string)) = makeObj [
("file", showJSON $ posFile pos),
("line", showJSON $ posLine pos),
("column", showJSON $ posColumn pos),
("level", showJSON $ severityText comment),
("code", showJSON code),
("message", showJSON string)
readJSON = undefined
parseArguments :: [String] -> ErrorT Status IO ([Flag], [FilePath])
parseArguments :: [String] -> ExceptT Status IO ([Flag], [FilePath])
parseArguments argv =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
(opts, files, []) -> return (opts, files)
(_, _, errors) -> do
liftIO . printErr $ concat errors ++ "\n" ++ usageInfo header options
printErr $ concat errors ++ "\n" ++ usageInfo header options
throwError SyntaxFailure
formats :: Map.Map String (AnalysisOptions -> [FilePath] -> IO Status)
formats = Map.fromList [
("json", forJson),
("gcc", forGcc),
("checkstyle", forCheckstyle),
("tty", forTty)
toStatus = liftM (either id (const NoProblems)) . runErrorT
catchExceptions :: IO Status -> IO Status
catchExceptions action = action `catch` handler
handler err = do
printErr $ show (err :: SomeException)
return RuntimeException
checkComments comments = if null comments then NoProblems else SomeProblems
forTty :: AnalysisOptions -> [FilePath] -> IO Status
forTty options files = do
output <- mapM doFile files
return $ mconcat output
forTty :: SystemInterface IO -> CheckSpec -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT Status IO ()
forTty sys spec files = mapM_ doFile files
clear = ansi 0
ansi n = "\x1B[" ++ show n ++ "m"
......@@ -126,88 +133,99 @@ forTty options files = do
colorComment level comment =
ansi (colorForLevel level) ++ comment ++ clear
doFile path = catchExceptions $ do
contents <- readContents path
doInput path contents
doInput filename contents = do
doFile filename = do
contents <- lift $ inputFile filename
comments <- lift (crComments <$> checkScript sys spec { csScript = contents })
let fileLines = lines contents
let lineCount = length fileLines
let comments = getComments options contents
let groups = groupWith scLine comments
let lineCount = fromIntegral $ length fileLines
let groups = groupWith lineNo comments
colorFunc <- getColorFunc
mapM_ (\x -> do
let lineNum = scLine (head x)
let lineNum = lineNo (head x)
let line = if lineNum < 1 || lineNum > lineCount
then ""
else fileLines !! (lineNum - 1)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ colorFunc "message"
else fileLines !! (fromIntegral $ lineNum - 1)
printOut ""
printOut $ colorFunc "message"
("In " ++ filename ++" line " ++ show lineNum ++ ":")
putStrLn (colorFunc "source" line)
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn (colorFunc (scSeverity c) $ cuteIndent c)) x
putStrLn ""
printOut (colorFunc "source" line)
mapM_ (\c -> printOut (colorFunc (severityText c) $ cuteIndent c)) x
printOut ""
) groups
return . checkComments $ comments
cuteIndent :: PositionedComment -> String
cuteIndent comment =
replicate (scColumn comment - 1) ' ' ++
"^-- " ++ code (scCode comment) ++ ": " ++ scMessage comment
replicate (fromIntegral $ colNo comment - 1) ' ' ++
"^-- " ++ code (codeNo comment) ++ ": " ++ messageText comment
code code = "SC" ++ show code
getColorFunc = do
term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
term <- lift $ hIsTerminalDevice stdout
let windows = "mingw" `isPrefixOf` os
return $ if term && not windows then colorComment else const id
forJson :: AnalysisOptions -> [FilePath] -> IO Status
forJson options files = catchExceptions $ do
comments <- runListT $ do
file <- ListT $ return files
comment <- ListT $ commentsFor options file
return $ JsonComment file comment
putStrLn $ encodeStrict comments
return $ checkComments comments
forJson :: a -> Formatter
forJson _ result = do
let comments = concatMap getComments (crComments result)
lift $ putStrLn $ encodeStrict comments
getComments (_, FileResult comments) = comments
getComments (file, FileError str) = [
Position {
posFile = file,
posLine = 1,
posColumn = 1
(Comment ErrorC 1000 str)
-- Mimic GCC "file:line:col: (error|warning|note): message" format
forGcc :: AnalysisOptions -> [FilePath] -> IO Status
forGcc options files = do
files <- mapM process files
return $ mconcat files
forGcc :: SystemInterface IO -> Formatter
forGcc io result = do
mapM_ (uncurry process) (crComments result)
process file = catchExceptions $ do
contents <- readContents file
let comments = makeNonVirtual (getComments options contents) contents
mapM_ (putStrLn . format file) comments
return $ checkComments comments
process filename (FileError string) = do
printErr $ string
process filename (FileResult result) = do
fileInput <- lift $ siReadFile io filename
when (isLeft fileInput) $ do
printErr $ "Failed to re-open " ++ filename
throwError RuntimeException
let contents = fromRight fileInput
let comments = makeNonVirtual result contents
mapM_ (printOut . format filename) comments
format filename c = concat [
filename, ":",
show $ scLine c, ":",
show $ scColumn c, ": ",
case scSeverity c of
show $ lineNo c, ":",
show $ colNo c, ": ",
case severityText c of
"error" -> "error"
"warning" -> "warning"
_ -> "note",
": ",
concat . lines $ scMessage c,
" [SC", show $ scCode c, "]"
concat . lines $ messageText c,
" [SC", show $ codeNo c, "]"
-- Checkstyle compatible output. A bit of a hack to avoid XML dependencies
forCheckstyle :: AnalysisOptions -> [FilePath] -> IO Status
forCheckstyle options files = do
putStrLn "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
putStrLn "<checkstyle version='4.3'>"
statuses <- mapM process files
putStrLn "</checkstyle>"
forCheckstyle :: SystemInterface IO -> Formatter
forCheckstyle _ result = do
printOut "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
printOut "<checkstyle version='4.3'>"
statuses <- mapM process (crComments result)
printOut "</checkstyle>"
return $ mconcat statuses
process file = catchExceptions $ do
comments <- commentsFor options file
putStrLn (formatFile file comments)
return $ checkComments comments
process (file, FileError str) =
printOut (formatError file str)
process (file, FileResult comments) =
printOut (formatFile file comments)
severity "error" = "error"
severity "warning" = "warning"
......@@ -225,35 +243,39 @@ forCheckstyle options files = do
format c = concat [
"<error ",
attr "line" $ show . scLine $ c,
attr "column" $ show . scColumn $ c,
attr "severity" $ severity . scSeverity $ c,
attr "message" $ scMessage c,
attr "source" $ "ShellCheck.SC" ++ show (scCode c),
attr "line" $ show . lineNo $ c,
attr "column" $ show . colNo $ c,
attr "severity" . severity $ severityText c,
attr "message" $ messageText c,
attr "source" $ "ShellCheck.SC" ++ show (codeNo c),
commentsFor options file = liftM (getComments options) $ readContents file
getComments = shellCheck
formatError file msg = concat [
"<file ", attr "name" file, ">\n",
"<error ",
attr "line" "1",
attr "column" "1",
attr "severity" $ severity "error",
attr "message" msg,
attr "source" "ShellCheck",
readContents :: FilePath -> IO String
readContents file =
if file == "-"
then getContents
else readFile file
-- Realign comments from a tabstop of 8 to 1
makeNonVirtual comments contents =
map fix comments
ls = lines contents
fix c = c {
scColumn =
if scLine c > 0 && scLine c <= length ls
then real (ls !! (scLine c - 1)) 0 0 (scColumn c)
else scColumn c
fix c@(PositionedComment pos comment) = PositionedComment pos {
posColumn =
if lineNo c > 0 && lineNo c <= fromIntegral (length ls)
then real (ls !! (fromIntegral $ lineNo c - 1)) 0 0 (colNo c)
else colNo c
} comment
real _ r v target | target <= v = r
real [] r v _ = r -- should never happen
real ('\t':rest) r v target =
......@@ -285,7 +307,9 @@ getExclusions options =
excludeCodes codes =
filter (not . hasCode)
hasCode c = scCode c `elem` codes
hasCode c = codeNo c `elem` codes
toStatus = liftM (either id (const NoProblems)) . runExceptT
main = do
args <- getArgs
......@@ -303,32 +327,34 @@ statusToCode status =
SupportFailure -> ExitFailure 4
RuntimeException -> ExitFailure 2
process :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> ErrorT Status IO ()
process :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT Status IO ()
process flags files = do
options <- foldM (flip parseOption) defaultAnalysisOptions flags
options <- foldM (flip parseOption) emptyCheckSpec flags
verifyFiles files
let format = fromMaybe "tty" $ getOption flags "format"
case Map.lookup format formats of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ do
formatter <-
case Map.lookup format formats of
Nothing -> do
printErr $ "Unknown format " ++ format
printErr "Supported formats:"
mapM_ (printErr . write) $ Map.keys formats
throwError SupportFailure
where write s = " " ++ s
Just f -> ErrorT $ liftM Left $ f options files
throwError SupportFailure
where write s = " " ++ s
Just f -> ExceptT $ fmap Right $ return f
let sys = ioInterface (const False)
formatter sys options files
parseOption flag options =
case flag of
Flag "shell" str ->
fromMaybe (die $ "Unknown shell: " ++ str) $ do
shell <- shellForExecutable str
return $ return options { optionShellType = Just shell }
fromMaybe (die $ "Unknown shell: " ++ str) $ do
shell <- shellForExecutable str
return $ return options { csShellTypeOverride = Just shell }
Flag "exclude" str -> do
new <- mapM parseNum $ split ',' str
let old = optionExcludes options
return options { optionExcludes = new ++ old }
let old = csExcludedWarnings options
return options { csExcludedWarnings = new ++ old }
Flag "version" _ -> do
liftIO printVersion
......@@ -337,19 +363,39 @@ parseOption flag options =
_ -> return options
die s = do
liftIO $ printErr s
printErr s
throwError SupportFailure
parseNum ('S':'C':str) = parseNum str
parseNum num = do
unless (all isDigit num) $ do
liftIO . printErr $ "Bad exclusion: " ++ num
printErr $ "Bad exclusion: " ++ num
throwError SyntaxFailure
return (Prelude.read num :: Integer)
ioInterface filter = do
SystemInterface {
siReadFile = get
get file = do
if filter file
then (Right <$> inputFile file) `catch` handler
else return $ Left (file ++ " was not specified as input.")
handler :: IOException -> IO (Either ErrorMessage String)
handler ex = return . Left $ show ex
inputFile file = do
contents <-
if file == "-"
then getContents
else readFile file
return contents
verifyFiles files =
when (null files) $ do
liftIO $ printErr "No files specified.\n"
liftIO $ printErr $ usageInfo header options
printErr "No files specified.\n"
printErr $ usageInfo header options
throwError SyntaxFailure
printVersion = do
......@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ module Main where
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import qualified ShellCheck.Simple
import qualified ShellCheck.Checker
import qualified ShellCheck.Analytics
import qualified ShellCheck.Parser
main = do
putStrLn "Running ShellCheck tests..."
results <- sequence [ShellCheck.Simple.runTests,
if and results then exitSuccess
else exitFailure
results <- sequence [
if and results
then exitSuccess
else exitFailure
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