提交 6e263e6b 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Parsing support for array indices in assignments.

上级 b765ed1a
......@@ -494,22 +494,22 @@ readComment = do
prop_readNormalWord = isOk readNormalWord "'foo'\"bar\"{1..3}baz$(lol)"
prop_readNormalWord2 = isOk readNormalWord "foo**(foo)!!!(@@(bar))"
readNormalWord = do
readNormalWord = readNormalishWord ""
readNormalishWord end = do
id <- getNextId
pos <- getPosition
x <- many1 readNormalWordPart
x <- many1 (readNormalWordPart end)
checkPossibleTermination pos x
return $ T_NormalWord id x
checkPossibleTermination pos [T_Literal _ x] =
if x `elem` ["do", "done", "then", "fi", "esac", "}"]
then parseProblemAt pos WarningC $ "Use semicolon or linefeed before '" ++ x ++ "' (or quote to make it literal)."
else return ()
checkPossibleTermination _ _ = return ()
readNormalWordPart = readSingleQuoted <|> readDoubleQuoted <|> readGlob <|> readDollar <|> readBraced <|> readBackTicked <|> readProcSub <|> readNormalLiteral
readNormalWordPart end = readSingleQuoted <|> readDoubleQuoted <|> readGlob <|> readDollar <|> readBraced <|> readBackTicked <|> readProcSub <|> (readNormalLiteral end)
readSpacePart = do
id <- getNextId
x <- many1 whitespace
......@@ -601,10 +601,9 @@ readDoubleLiteralPart = do
x <- (readDoubleEscaped <|> (anyChar >>= \x -> return [x])) `reluctantlyTill1` doubleQuotable
return $ concat x
prop_readNormalLiteral = isOk readNormalLiteral "hello\\ world"
readNormalLiteral = do
readNormalLiteral end = do
id <- getNextId
s <- many1 readNormalLiteralPart
s <- many1 (readNormalLiteralPart end)
return $ T_Literal id (concat s)
prop_readGlob1 = isOk readGlob "*"
......@@ -628,8 +627,8 @@ readGlob = readExtglob <|> readSimple <|> readClass <|> readGlobbyLiteral
c <- extglobStart <|> char '['
return $ T_Literal id [c]
readNormalLiteralPart = do
readNormalEscaped <|> (anyChar `reluctantlyTill1` (quotable <|> extglobStart <|> char '['))
readNormalLiteralPart end = do
readNormalEscaped <|> (anyChar `reluctantlyTill1` (quotable <|> extglobStart <|> char '[' <|> oneOf end))
readNormalEscaped = called "escaped char" $ do
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -660,7 +659,7 @@ readExtglob = called "extglob" $ do
readExtglobPart = do
id <- getNextId
x <- many1 (readNormalWordPart <|> readSpacePart)
x <- many1 (readNormalWordPart "" <|> readSpacePart)
return $ T_NormalWord id x
......@@ -826,7 +825,7 @@ readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
let message = "Shells are space sensitive. Use '< <(cmd)', not '<<" ++ sp ++ "(cmd)'."
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC message
hid <- getNextId
(quoted, endToken) <- (readNormalLiteral >>= (\x -> return (False, stripLiteral x)) )
(quoted, endToken) <- (readNormalLiteral "" >>= (\x -> return (False, stripLiteral x)) )
<|> (readDoubleQuotedLiteral >>= return . (\x -> (True, stripLiteral x)))
<|> (readSingleQuotedLiteral >>= return . (\x -> (True, x)))
......@@ -1254,10 +1253,13 @@ prop_readAssignmentWord3 = isWarning readAssignmentWord "$b = 13"
prop_readAssignmentWord4 = isWarning readAssignmentWord "b = $(lol)"
prop_readAssignmentWord5 = isOk readAssignmentWord "b+=lol"
prop_readAssignmentWord6 = isWarning readAssignmentWord "b += (1 2 3)"
prop_readAssignmentWord7 = isOk readAssignmentWord "a[3$n'']=42"
prop_readAssignmentWord8 = isOk readAssignmentWord "a[4''$(cat foo)]=42"
readAssignmentWord = try $ do
id <- getNextId
optional (char '$' >> parseNote ErrorC "Don't use $ on the left side of assignments.")
variable <- readVariableName
optional readArrayIndex -- Throws away the index. Fixme?
space <- spacing
pos <- getPosition
op <- string "+=" <|> string "=" -- analysis doesn't treat += as a reference. fixme?
......@@ -1268,6 +1270,14 @@ readAssignmentWord = try $ do
when (space == "" && space2 /= "") $ parseNoteAt pos StyleC "Use var='' if you intended to assign the empty string."
return $ T_Assignment id variable value
-- This is only approximate. Fixme?
readArrayIndex = do
char '['
optional space
x <- readNormalishWord "]"
optional space
char ']'
readArray = called "array assignment" $ do
id <- getNextId
char '('
......@@ -1276,7 +1286,6 @@ readArray = called "array assignment" $ do
char ')'
return $ T_Array id words
tryToken s t = try $ do
id <- getNextId
string s
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