提交 652f8a24 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Added most checks from 'checkbashisms'. Thanks to Braakman, Rodin and Gilbey!

上级 f820298b
......@@ -323,6 +323,19 @@ prop_checkBashisms = verify checkBashisms "while read a; do :; done < <(a)"
prop_checkBashisms2 = verify checkBashisms "[ foo -nt bar ]"
prop_checkBashisms3 = verify checkBashisms "echo $((i++))"
prop_checkBashisms4 = verify checkBashisms "rm !(*.hs)"
prop_checkBashisms5 = verify checkBashisms "source file"
prop_checkBashisms6 = verify checkBashisms "[ \"$a\" == 42 ]"
prop_checkBashisms7 = verify checkBashisms "echo ${var[1]}"
prop_checkBashisms8 = verify checkBashisms "echo ${!var[@]}"
prop_checkBashisms9 = verify checkBashisms "echo ${!var*}"
prop_checkBashisms10= verify checkBashisms "echo ${var:4:12}"
prop_checkBashisms11= verifyNot checkBashisms "echo ${var:-4}"
prop_checkBashisms12= verify checkBashisms "echo ${var//foo/bar}"
prop_checkBashisms13= verify checkBashisms "exec -c env"
prop_checkBashisms14= verify checkBashisms "echo -n \"Foo: \""
prop_checkBashisms15= verify checkBashisms "let n++"
prop_checkBashisms16= verify checkBashisms "echo $RANDOM"
prop_checkBashisms17= verify checkBashisms "echo $((RANDOM%6+1))"
checkBashisms = bashism
errMsg id s = err id $ "#!/bin/sh was specified, so " ++ s ++ " is not supported, even when sh is actually bash."
......@@ -343,8 +356,39 @@ checkBashisms = bashism
bashism (TA_Unary id op _)
| op `elem` [ "|++", "|--", "++|", "--|"] =
warnMsg id (filter (/= '|') op)
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ _)
| t `isCommand` "source" =
warnMsg id "'source' in place of '.'"
bashism (T_DollarBraced id token) =
mapM_ check expansion
str = concat $ deadSimple token
check (regex, feature) =
when (isJust $ matchRegex regex str) $ warnMsg id feature
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:arg:_))
| t `isCommand` "echo" && "-" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ deadSimple arg) =
warnMsg (getId arg) "echo flag"
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:arg:_))
| t `isCommand` "exec" && "-" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ deadSimple arg) =
warnMsg (getId arg) "exec flag"
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ _)
| t `isCommand` "let" = warnMsg id "'let'"
bashism t@(TA_Variable id "RANDOM") =
warnMsg id "RANDOM"
bashism _ = return()
expansion = let re = mkRegex in [
(re $ "^[" ++ varChars ++ "]+\\[.*\\]$", "array references"),
(re $ "^![" ++ varChars ++ "]+\\[[*@]]$", "array key expansion"),
(re $ "^![" ++ varChars ++ "]+[*@]$", "name matching prefix"),
(re $ "^[" ++ varChars ++ "]+:[^-=?+]", "string indexing"),
(re $ "^[" ++ varChars ++ "]+(\\[.*\\])?/", "string replacement"),
(re $ "^RANDOM$", "$RANDOM")
prop_checkForInQuoted = verify checkForInQuoted "for f in \"$(ls)\"; do echo foo; done"
prop_checkForInQuoted2 = verifyNot checkForInQuoted "for f in \"$@\"; do echo foo; done"
prop_checkForInQuoted2a = verifyNot checkForInQuoted "for f in *.mp3; do echo foo; done"
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