提交 636c6a93 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Parser support for export a=(b c). Also declare/local/typeset.

上级 6b9cad55
......@@ -1254,6 +1254,7 @@ prop_subshellAssignmentCheck3 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "( A=foo;
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck4 = verifyNotFull subshellAssignmentCheck "( A=foo; rm $A; )"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck5 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "cat foo | while read cow; do true; done; echo $cow;"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck6 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "( export lol=$(ls); ); echo $lol;"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck6a= verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "( typeset -a lol=a; ); echo $lol;"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck7 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "cmd | while read foo; do (( n++ )); done; echo \"$n lines\""
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck8 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "n=3 & echo $((n++))"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck9 = verifyFull subshellAssignmentCheck "read n & n=foo$n"
......@@ -1316,8 +1317,12 @@ getModifiedVariables t =
getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Literal _ x):_)):rest)) =
case x of
"read" -> concatMap getLiteral rest
"export" -> concatMap exportParamToLiteral rest
"let" -> concatMap letParamToLiteral rest
"export" -> concatMap getModifierParam rest
"declare" -> concatMap getModifierParam rest
"typeset" -> concatMap getModifierParam rest
_ -> []
stripEquals s = let rest = dropWhile (/= '=') s in
......@@ -1333,12 +1338,11 @@ getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Litera
getLiteral t@(T_NormalWord _ [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_Literal id s]]) =
[(base, t, s, DataExternal)]
getLiteral x = []
exportParamToLiteral t@(T_NormalWord _ ((T_Literal _ s):_)) =
if '=' `elem` s
then [(base, t, prefix, DataFrom [stripEqualsFrom t])]
else []
where prefix = takeWhile (/= '=') s
exportParamToLiteral _ = []
getModifierParam t@(T_Assignment _ name value) =
[(base, t, name, DataFrom [value])]
getModifierParam _ = []
letParamToLiteral token =
if var == ""
then []
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ readBackTicked = called "backtick expansion" $ do
unEscape ('\\':x:rest) | x `elem` "\"$`\\" = x : unEscape rest
unEscape ('\\':'\n':rest) = unEscape rest
unEscape (c:rest) = c : unEscape rest
prop_readDoubleQuoted = isOk readDoubleQuoted "\"Hello $FOO\""
readDoubleQuoted = called "double quoted string" $ do
......@@ -1071,24 +1071,46 @@ readSeparator =
return '\n'
makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 tokens =
let (assignment, rest) = partition (\x -> case x of T_Assignment _ _ _ -> True; _ -> False) tokens
in let (redirections, rest2) = partition (\x -> case x of T_FdRedirect _ _ _ -> True; _ -> False) rest
in T_Redirecting id1 redirections $ T_SimpleCommand id2 assignment rest2
makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 prefix cmd suffix =
(preAssigned, preRest) = partition assignment prefix
(preRedirected, preRest2) = partition redirection preRest
(postRedirected, postRest) = partition redirection suffix
redirs = preRedirected ++ postRedirected
assigns = preAssigned
args = cmd ++ preRest2 ++ postRest
T_Redirecting id1 redirs $ T_SimpleCommand id2 assigns args
assignment (T_Assignment _ _ _) = True
assignment _ = False
redirection (T_FdRedirect _ _ _) = True
redirection _ = False
prop_readSimpleCommand = isOk readSimpleCommand "echo test > file"
prop_readSimpleCommand2 = isOk readSimpleCommand "cmd &> file"
prop_readSimpleCommand3 = isOk readSimpleCommand "export foo=(bar baz)"
prop_readSimpleCommand4 = isOk readSimpleCommand "typeset -a foo=(lol)"
readSimpleCommand = called "simple command" $ do
id1 <- getNextId
id2 <- getNextId
prefix <- option [] readCmdPrefix
cmd <- option [] $ do { f <- readCmdName; return [f]; }
when (null prefix && null cmd) $ fail "No command"
if null cmd
then return $ makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 prefix
else do
suffix <- option [] readCmdSuffix
return $ makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 (prefix ++ cmd ++ suffix)
cmd <- option Nothing $ do { f <- readCmdName; return $ Just f; }
when (null prefix && isNothing cmd) $ fail "No command"
case cmd of
Nothing -> return $ makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 prefix [] []
Just cmd -> do
suffix <- option [] $
if isModifierCommand cmd
then readModifierSuffix
else readCmdSuffix
return $ makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 prefix [cmd] suffix
isModifierCommand (T_NormalWord _ [T_Literal _ s]) =
s `elem` ["declare", "export", "local", "typeset"]
isModifierCommand _ = False
prop_readPipeline = isOk readPipeline "! cat /etc/issue | grep -i ubuntu"
prop_readPipeline2 = isWarning readPipeline "!cat /etc/issue | grep -i ubuntu"
......@@ -1433,6 +1455,7 @@ readCompoundList = readTerm
readCmdPrefix = many1 (readIoRedirect <|> readAssignmentWord)
readCmdSuffix = many1 (readIoRedirect <|> readCmdWord)
readModifierSuffix = many1 (readIoRedirect <|> readAssignmentWord <|> readCmdWord)
prop_readAssignmentWord = isOk readAssignmentWord "a=42"
prop_readAssignmentWord2 = isOk readAssignmentWord "b=(1 2 3)"
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