提交 41613bab 编写于 作者: N Ng Zhi An 提交者: Vidar Holen

Prototype fix

上级 cb57b4a7
......@@ -1336,7 +1336,10 @@ prop_checkBackticks1 = verify checkBackticks "echo `foo`"
prop_checkBackticks2 = verifyNot checkBackticks "echo $(foo)"
prop_checkBackticks3 = verifyNot checkBackticks "echo `#inlined comment` foo"
checkBackticks _ (T_Backticked id list) | not (null list) =
style id 2006 "Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`."
addComment $
makeCommentWithFix StyleC id 2006 "Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`."
((replaceStart 1 "$(") ++ (replaceEnd 1 ")"))
-- style id 2006 "Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`."
checkBackticks _ _ = return ()
prop_checkIndirectExpansion1 = verify checkIndirectExpansion "${foo$n}"
......@@ -1640,8 +1643,10 @@ checkSpacefulness params t =
makeComment InfoC (getId token) 2223
"This default assignment may cause DoS due to globbing. Quote it."
makeComment InfoC (getId token) 2086
"Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting."
makeCommentWithFix InfoC (getId token) 2086
"Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting." (surroundWith "\"")
-- makeComment InfoC (getId token) 2086
-- "Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting."
writeF _ _ name (DataString SourceExternal) = setSpaces name True >> return []
writeF _ _ name (DataString SourceInteger) = setSpaces name False >> return []
......@@ -2538,7 +2543,9 @@ checkUncheckedCdPushdPopd params root =
&& not (isSafeDir t)
&& not (name t `elem` ["pushd", "popd"] && ("n" `elem` map snd (getAllFlags t)))
&& not (isCondition $ getPath (parentMap params) t)) $
warn (getId t) 2164 "Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails."
-- warn (getId t) 2164 "Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails."
warnWithFix (getId t) 2164 "Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails."
(replaceEnd 0 " || exit")
checkElement _ = return ()
name t = fromMaybe "" $ getCommandName t
isSafeDir t = case oversimplify t of
......@@ -2695,7 +2702,7 @@ checkArrayAssignmentIndices params root =
T_Literal id str -> [(id,str)]
_ -> []
guard $ '=' `elem` str
return $ warn id 2191 "The = here is literal. To assign by index, use ( [index]=value ) with no spaces. To keep as literal, quote it."
return $ warnWithFix id 2191 "The = here is literal. To assign by index, use ( [index]=value ) with no spaces. To keep as literal, quote it." (surroundWith "\"")
if null literalEquals && isAssociative
then warn (getId t) 2190 "Elements in associative arrays need index, e.g. array=( [index]=value ) ."
......@@ -150,6 +150,19 @@ err id code str = addComment $ makeComment ErrorC id code str
info id code str = addComment $ makeComment InfoC id code str
style id code str = addComment $ makeComment StyleC id code str
warnWithFix id code str fix = addComment $
let comment = makeComment WarningC id code str in
comment {
tcFix = Just fix
makeCommentWithFix :: Severity -> Id -> Code -> String -> Fix -> TokenComment
makeCommentWithFix severity id code str fix =
let comment = makeComment severity id code str in
comment {
tcFix = Just fix
makeParameters spec =
let params = Parameters {
rootNode = root,
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ tokenToPosition startMap t = fromMaybe fail $ do
return $ newPositionedComment {
pcStartPos = fst span,
pcEndPos = snd span,
pcComment = tcComment t
pcComment = tcComment t,
pcFix = tcFix t
fail = error "Internal shellcheck error: id doesn't exist. Please report!"
......@@ -129,8 +129,47 @@ outputForFile color sys comments = do
putStrLn (color "source" line)
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn (color (severityText c) $ cuteIndent c)) x
putStrLn ""
mapM_ (\c -> putStrLn "Did you mean:" >> putStrLn (fixedString c line)) x
) groups
-- need to do something smart about sorting by end index
fixedString :: PositionedComment -> String -> String
fixedString comment line =
case (pcFix comment) of
Nothing -> ""
Just rs ->
apply_replacement rs line 0
apply_replacement [] s _ = s
apply_replacement ((Start n r):xs) s offset =
let start = (posColumn . pcStartPos) comment
end = start + n
z = do_replace start end s r
len_r = (fromIntegral . length) r in
apply_replacement xs z (offset + (end - start) + len_r)
apply_replacement ((End n r):xs) s offset =
-- tricky math because column is 1 based
let end = (posColumn . pcEndPos) comment + 1
start = end - n
z = do_replace start end s r
len_r = (fromIntegral . length) r in
apply_replacement xs z (offset + (end - start) + len_r)
-- start and end comes from pos, which is 1 based
-- do_replace 0 0 "1234" "A" -> "A1234" -- technically not valid
-- do_replace 1 1 "1234" "A" -> "A1234"
-- do_replace 1 2 "1234" "A" -> "A234"
-- do_replace 3 3 "1234" "A" -> "12A34"
-- do_replace 4 4 "1234" "A" -> "123A4"
-- do_replace 5 5 "1234" "A" -> "1234A"
do_replace start end o r =
let si = fromIntegral (start-1)
ei = fromIntegral (end-1)
(x, xs) = splitAt si o
(y, z) = splitAt (ei - si) xs
x ++ r ++ z
cuteIndent :: PositionedComment -> String
cuteIndent comment =
replicate (fromIntegral $ colNo comment - 1) ' ' ++
......@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ module ShellCheck.Interface
, Severity(ErrorC, WarningC, InfoC, StyleC)
, Position(posFile, posLine, posColumn)
, Comment(cSeverity, cCode, cMessage)
, PositionedComment(pcStartPos , pcEndPos , pcComment)
, PositionedComment(pcStartPos , pcEndPos , pcComment, pcFix)
, ColorOption(ColorAuto, ColorAlways, ColorNever)
, TokenComment(tcId, tcComment)
, TokenComment(tcId, tcComment, tcFix)
, emptyCheckResult
, newParseResult
, newAnalysisSpec
......@@ -49,10 +49,16 @@ module ShellCheck.Interface
, emptyCheckSpec
, newPositionedComment
, newComment
, Fix
, Replacement(Start, End)
, surroundWith
, replaceStart
, replaceEnd
) where
import ShellCheck.AST
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Map as Map
......@@ -190,27 +196,50 @@ newComment = Comment {
cMessage = ""
-- only support single line for now
data Replacement =
Start Integer String
| End Integer String
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Fix = [Replacement]
surroundWith s =
(replaceStart 0 s) ++ (replaceEnd 0 s)
-- replace first n chars
replaceStart n r =
[ Start n r ]
-- replace last n chars
replaceEnd n r =
[ End n r ]
data PositionedComment = PositionedComment {
pcStartPos :: Position,
pcEndPos :: Position,
pcComment :: Comment
pcComment :: Comment,
pcFix :: Maybe Fix
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newPositionedComment :: PositionedComment
newPositionedComment = PositionedComment {
pcStartPos = newPosition,
pcEndPos = newPosition,
pcComment = newComment
pcComment = newComment,
pcFix = Nothing
data TokenComment = TokenComment {
tcId :: Id,
tcComment :: Comment
tcComment :: Comment,
tcFix :: Maybe Fix
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newTokenComment = TokenComment {
tcId = Id 0,
tcComment = newComment
tcComment = newComment,
tcFix = Nothing
data ColorOption =
Markdown is supported
0% .
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