提交 3e5ecaa2 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Parse indices of associative arrays properly

上级 85e69f86
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module ShellCheck.AST where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Text.Parsec
import qualified ShellCheck.Regex as Re
data Id = Id Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
......@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ data Token =
| T_Arithmetic Id Token
| T_Array Id [Token]
| T_IndexedElement Id Token Token
-- Store the index as string, and parse as arithmetic or string later
| T_UnparsedIndex Id SourcePos String
| T_Assignment Id AssignmentMode String (Maybe Token) Token
| T_Backgrounded Id Token
| T_Backticked Id [Token]
......@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ tokenEquals a b = kludge a == kludge b
instance Eq Token where
(==) = tokenEquals
analyze :: Monad m => (Token -> m ()) -> (Token -> m ()) -> (Token -> Token) -> Token -> m Token
analyze :: Monad m => (Token -> m ()) -> (Token -> m ()) -> (Token -> m Token) -> Token -> m Token
analyze f g i =
......@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ analyze f g i =
f t
newT <- delve t
g t
return . i $ newT
i newT
roundAll = mapM round
roundMaybe Nothing = return Nothing
......@@ -363,10 +366,11 @@ getId t = case t of
T_CoProc id _ _ -> id
T_CoProcBody id _ -> id
T_Include id _ _ -> id
T_UnparsedIndex id _ _ -> id
blank :: Monad m => Token -> m ()
blank = const $ return ()
doAnalysis f = analyze f blank id
doStackAnalysis startToken endToken = analyze startToken endToken id
doTransform i = runIdentity . analyze blank blank i
doAnalysis f = analyze f blank (return . id)
doStackAnalysis startToken endToken = analyze startToken endToken (return . id)
doTransform i = runIdentity . analyze blank blank (return . i)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module ShellCheck.ASTLib where
import ShellCheck.AST
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
......@@ -251,3 +252,16 @@ getCommandSequences t =
T_IfExpression _ thens elses -> map snd thens ++ [elses]
otherwise -> []
getAssociativeArrays t =
nub . execWriter $ doAnalysis f t
f :: Token -> Writer [String] ()
f t@(T_SimpleCommand {}) = fromMaybe (return ()) $ do
name <- getCommandName t
guard $ name == "declare"
let flags = getAllFlags t
guard $ elem "A" $ map snd flags
let args = map fst . filter ((==) "" . snd) $ flags
let names = mapMaybe getLiteralString args
return $ tell names
f _ = return ()
......@@ -1322,7 +1322,9 @@ checkBraceExpansionVars params t@(T_BraceExpansion id list) = mapM_ check list
(`isUnqualifiedCommand` "eval") <$> getClosestCommand (parentMap params) t
checkBraceExpansionVars _ _ = return ()
prop_checkForDecimals = verify checkForDecimals "((3.14*c))"
prop_checkForDecimals1 = verify checkForDecimals "((3.14*c))"
prop_checkForDecimals2 = verify checkForDecimals "foo[1.2]=bar"
prop_checkForDecimals3 = verifyNot checkForDecimals "declare -A foo; foo[1.2]=bar"
checkForDecimals params t@(TA_Expansion id _) = potentially $ do
guard $ not (hasFloatingPoint params)
str <- getLiteralString t
......@@ -2116,6 +2118,8 @@ prop_checkUnassignedReferences19= verifyNotTree checkUnassignedReferences "reado
prop_checkUnassignedReferences20= verifyNotTree checkUnassignedReferences "printf -v foo bar; echo $foo"
prop_checkUnassignedReferences21= verifyTree checkUnassignedReferences "echo ${#foo}"
prop_checkUnassignedReferences22= verifyNotTree checkUnassignedReferences "echo ${!os*}"
prop_checkUnassignedReferences23= verifyTree checkUnassignedReferences "declare -a foo; foo[bar]=42;"
prop_checkUnassignedReferences24= verifyNotTree checkUnassignedReferences "declare -A foo; foo[bar]=42;"
checkUnassignedReferences params t = warnings
(readMap, writeMap) = execState (mapM tally $ variableFlow params) (Map.empty, Map.empty)
......@@ -897,6 +897,20 @@ readNormalishWord end = do
checkPossibleTermination pos x
return $ T_NormalWord id x
readIndexSpan = do
id <- getNextId
x <- many (readNormalWordPart "]" <|> someSpace <|> otherLiteral)
return $ T_NormalWord id x
someSpace = do
id <- getNextId
str <- spacing1
return $ T_Literal id str
otherLiteral = do
id <- getNextId
str <- many1 $ oneOf quotableChars
return $ T_Literal id str
checkPossibleTermination pos [T_Literal _ x] =
when (x `elem` ["do", "done", "then", "fi", "esac"]) $
parseProblemAt pos WarningC 1010 $ "Use semicolon or linefeed before '" ++ x ++ "' (or quote to make it literal)."
......@@ -2251,7 +2265,9 @@ readEvalSuffix = many1 (readIoRedirect <|> readCmdWord <|> evalFallback)
-- Get whatever a parser would parse as a string
readStringForParser parser = do
state <- Ms.get
pos <- lookAhead (parser >> getPosition)
Ms.put state
readUntil pos
readUntil endPos = anyChar `reluctantlyTill` (getPosition >>= guard . (== endPos))
......@@ -2316,11 +2332,12 @@ readAssignmentWord = try $ do
return $ T_Literal id ""
readArrayIndex = do
id <- getNextId
char '['
optional space
x <- readArithmeticContents
pos <- getPosition
str <- readStringForParser readIndexSpan
char ']'
return x
return $ T_UnparsedIndex id pos str
readArray = called "array assignment" $ do
id <- getNextId
......@@ -2477,12 +2494,12 @@ verifyEof = eof <|> choice [
try (lookAhead p)
prop_readScript1 = isOk readScript "#!/bin/bash\necho hello world\n"
prop_readScript2 = isWarning readScript "#!/bin/bash\r\necho hello world\n"
prop_readScript3 = isWarning readScript "#!/bin/bash\necho hello\xA0world"
prop_readScript4 = isWarning readScript "#!/usr/bin/perl\nfoo=("
prop_readScript5 = isOk readScript "#!/bin/bash\n#This is an empty script\n\n"
readScript = do
prop_readScript1 = isOk readScriptFile "#!/bin/bash\necho hello world\n"
prop_readScript2 = isWarning readScriptFile "#!/bin/bash\r\necho hello world\n"
prop_readScript3 = isWarning readScriptFile "#!/bin/bash\necho hello\xA0world"
prop_readScript4 = isWarning readScriptFile "#!/usr/bin/perl\nfoo=("
prop_readScript5 = isOk readScriptFile "#!/bin/bash\n#This is an empty script\n\n"
readScriptFile = do
id <- getNextId
pos <- getPosition
optional $ do
......@@ -2497,7 +2514,8 @@ readScript = do
annotations <- readAnnotations
commands <- withAnnotations annotations readCompoundListOrEmpty
return $ T_Annotation annotationId annotations $ T_Script id sb commands
let script = T_Annotation annotationId annotations $ T_Script id sb commands
reparseIndices script
else do
many anyChar
return $ T_Script id sb []
......@@ -2549,6 +2567,9 @@ readScript = do
readUtf8Bom = called "Byte Order Mark" $ string "\xFEFF"
readScript = do
script <- readScriptFile
reparseIndices script
isWarning p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just False
isOk p s = parsesCleanly p s == Just True
......@@ -2635,6 +2656,33 @@ parseShell sys name contents = do
second (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos InfoC 1009 $
"The mentioned parser error was in this " ++ str ++ "."
-- Go over all T_UnparsedIndex and reparse them as either arithmetic or text
-- depending on declare -A statements.
reparseIndices root =
analyze blank blank f root
associative = getAssociativeArrays root
isAssociative s = s `elem` associative
f (T_Assignment id mode name (Just (T_UnparsedIndex _ pos src)) value) = do
new <- parsed name pos src
return $ T_Assignment id mode name (Just new) value
f (T_Assignment id mode name Nothing (T_Array id2 words)) = do
newwords <- mapM (fix name) words
return $ T_Assignment id mode name Nothing (T_Array id2 newwords)
f t = return t
fix name word =
case word of
T_IndexedElement id (T_UnparsedIndex _ pos src) value -> do
new <- parsed name pos src
return $ T_IndexedElement id new value
otherwise -> return word
parsed name pos src =
if isAssociative name
then subParse pos readIndexSpan src
else subParse pos (optional space >> readArithmeticContents) src
reattachHereDocs root map =
doTransform f root
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