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`JustAuth`, as you see, It is just a Java library of third-party authorized login, It's smaller and easier to use. JustAuth is the best third-party login tool written in JAVA.

Source Code:[gitee]( | [github](    
Docs:[Reference Doc](

## Features

1. **Multiple platform**: Has integrated more than a dozen third-party platforms.([plan](
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2. **Minimalist**: The minimalist design is very simple to use.

## Quick start

- Add maven dependency

These artifacts are available from Maven Central:
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- Using JustAuth
// Create authorization request
AuthRequest authRequest = new AuthGiteeRequest(AuthConfig.builder()
// Generate authorization url
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// After authorization to login, it will return: code(auth_code(Alipay only)),state, After version 1.8.0, you can use the AuthCallback as a parameter to the callback interface
// Note: JustAuth saves state for 3 minutes by default. If it is not used within 3 minutes, the expired state will be cleared automatically.

- [Springboot Example](
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118 119 120
- [jFinal Example]( by [xkcoding](
- [ActFramework Example]( by [xkcoding](
- [Nutzboot版]( by [蛋蛋](
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121 122 123

**Springboot Starter**

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- [justauth-spring-boot-starter]( Spring Boot integrates best practices with JustAuth by [xkcoding](
- [justauth-spring-boot-starter-demo]( Justauth-spring-boot-starter demo project by [xkcoding](
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126 127 128 129 130

#### API
|  :computer: platform  |  :coffee: API  |  :page_facing_up: Official document  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthGiteeRequest](  | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
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131 132
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthGithubRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthWeiboRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
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133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthDingTalkRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthBaiduRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="25">  |  [AuthCodingRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="25">  |  [AuthTencentCloudRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthOschinaRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthAlipayRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthQqRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthWeChatRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthTaobaoRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthGoogleRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthFacebookRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthDouyinRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthLinkedinRequest](   |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a>  |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthMicrosoftRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthMiRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthToutiaoRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthTeambitionRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthRenrenRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthPinterestRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthStackOverflowRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthHuaweiRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  | [AuthWeChatEnterpriseRequest]( | <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
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|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthKujialeRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
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|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthGitlabRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthMeituanRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthElemeRequest](  |  <a href="" target="_blank">参考文档</a> |
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|  <img src="" width="20">  |  [AuthCsdnRequest](  |  无 |
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160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173

## Contributions

1. Fork this project to your repository
2. Clone the project after fork.
3. Modify the code (either to fix issue, or to add new features)
4. Commit and push code to a remote repository
5. Create a new PR (pull request), and select `dev` branch
6. Waiting for author to merge

I look forward to your joining us.

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## Contributors


## Recommend

- `spring-boot-demo` In-depth study and actual combat of spring boot projects: [](
- `mica` Efficient Development of scaffolding by Spring Cloud: [](
- `pig` Cosmic strongest Micro Services Certified authorized scaffolding (essential for Architects): [](
- `SpringBlade` Complete online solution (necessary for enterprise development):

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186 187 188 189
## References

- [The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework](
- [OAuth 2.0](