提交 5a3d00de 编写于 作者: T Tomáš Matoušek 提交者: GitHub

Stop generating LanguageServiceRegistrationFiles (#14256)

上级 183e50f8
......@@ -793,37 +793,20 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
Continue For
End If
If dependencies.ContainsKey(partFileName) Then
If IsLanguageServiceRegistrationFile(partFileName) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim relativeOutputDir As String
If IsLanguageServiceRegistrationFile(partFileName) Then
relativeOutputDir = Path.Combine(GetExternalApiDirectory(), "LanguageServiceRegistration", vsixName)
relativeOutputDir = GetExternalApiDirectory()
If dependencies.ContainsKey(partFileName) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim relativeOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(relativeOutputDir, partFileName)
Dim relativeOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(GetExternalApiDirectory(), partFileName)
If processedFiles.Add(relativeOutputFilePath) Then
If IsLanguageServiceRegistrationFile(partFileName) Then
Dim absoluteOutputFilePath = GetAbsolutePathInOutputDirectory(relativeOutputFilePath)
WriteVsixPartToFile(vsixPart, absoluteOutputFilePath)
' We want to rewrite a few of these things from our standard vsix-installable forms
Select Case Path.GetExtension(absoluteOutputFilePath)
Case ".pkgdef"
Case ".vsixmanifest"
End Select
' paths are relative to input directory:
filesToInsert.Add(New NugetFileInfo(partFileName))
AddXmlDocumentationFile(filesToInsert, partFileName)
End If
' paths are relative to input directory:
filesToInsert.Add(New NugetFileInfo(partFileName))
AddXmlDocumentationFile(filesToInsert, partFileName)
End If
End Using
......@@ -850,12 +833,6 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteVsixPartToFile(vsixPart As PackagePart, path As String)
Using outputStream = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)
End Using
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Takes a list of paths relative to <see cref="_outputDirectory"/> and generates a nuspec file that includes them.
''' </summary>
......@@ -872,7 +849,6 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
<file src=<%= Path.Combine(DevDivInsertionFilesDirName, ExternalApisDirName, "Roslyn", "**") %> target=""/>
<%= filesToInsert.
OrderBy(Function(f) f.Path).
......@@ -883,33 +859,6 @@ Public Class BuildDevDivInsertionFiles
xml.Save(GetAbsolutePathInOutputDirectory(PackageName & ".nuspec"), SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces)
End Sub
Private Sub RewriteVsixManifest(fileToRewrite As String)
Dim xml = XDocument.Load(fileToRewrite)
Dim installationElement = xml.<vsix:PackageManifest>.<vsix:Installation>.Single()
' We want to modify the .vsixmanifest to say this was installed via MSI
installationElement.@InstalledByMsi = "true"
' Ensure the VSIX isn't shown in the extension gallery
installationElement.@SystemComponent = "true"
' We build our VSIXes with the experimental flag so you can install them as test extensions. In the real MSI, they're not experimental.
' Update the path to our MEF/Analyzer Components to be in their new home under PrivateAssemblies
Dim assets = From asset In xml...<vsix:Asset>
Where asset.@Type = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.MefComponent" OrElse
asset.@Type = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Analyzer"
For Each asset In assets
asset.@Path = "$RootFolder$Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\" & asset.@Path
End Sub
Private Shared Function IsVisualStudioLanguageServiceComponent(fileName As String) As Boolean
Return fileName.StartsWith("Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.")
End Function
Private Sub GenerateRoslynCompilerNuSpec(filesToInsert As IEnumerable(Of String))
Const PackageName As String = "VS.Tools.Roslyn"
......@@ -973,69 +922,4 @@ set DEVPATH=%RoslynToolsRoot%;%DEVPATH%"
Return absolutePath
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites a .pkgdef file to load any packages from PrivateAssemblies instead of from the .vsix's folder. This allows
''' for better use of ngen'ed images when we are installed into VS.
''' </summary>
Private Sub RewritePkgDef(fileToRewrite As String)
' Our VSIXes normally contain a number of CodeBase attributes in our .pkgdefs so Visual Studio knows where
' to load assemblies. These come in one of two forms:
' 1) as a part of a binding redirection:
' [$RootKey$\RuntimeConfiguration\dependentAssembly\bindingRedirection\{A907DD23-73A7-8934-9396-93F10C532071}]
' "name"="System.Reflection.Metadata"
' "publicKeyToken"="b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
' "culture"="neutral"
' "oldVersion"=""
' "newVersion"=""
' "codeBase"="$PackageFolder$\System.Reflection.Metadata.dll"
' 2) as part of a codebase-only specification without a binding redirect:
' [$RootKey$\RuntimeConfiguration\dependentAssembly\codeBase\{8C6E3F81-ED3F-306B-107F-60D6E74DA5B0}]
' "name"="Esent.Interop"
' "publicKeyToken"="31bf3856ad364e35"
' "culture"="neutral"
' "version"=""
' "codeBase"="$PackageFolder$\Esent.Interop.dll"
' Each of these use $PackageFolder$ as a way to specify the VSIX-relative path. When we convert our VSIXes
' to be installed as MSIs, we don't want the DLLs in the CommonExtensions next to our .pkgdefs. Instead
' we want them in PrivateAssemblies so they're in the loading path to enable proper ngen. Thus, these CodeBase
' attributes have to go. For #1, we can just delete the codeBase key, and leave the rest of the redirection
' in place. For #2, we can delete the entire section.
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileToRewrite)
Dim inBindingRedirect = False
Dim inCodebase = False
For i = 0 To lines.Count - 1
Dim line = lines(i)
If line.StartsWith("[") Then
inBindingRedirect = line.IndexOf("bindingRedirection", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
inCodebase = line.IndexOf("RuntimeConfiguration\dependentAssembly\codeBase", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
End If
Dim parts = line.Split({"="c}, count:=2)
If inCodebase Then
' Explicit codebase attributes must always be dropped
lines(i) = Nothing
ElseIf String.Equals(parts(0), """CodeBase""", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
If inBindingRedirect Then
' Drop CodeBase from all binding redirects -- they're only for VSIX installs
lines(i) = Nothing
End If
ElseIf String.Equals(parts(0), """isPkgDefOverrideEnabled""", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
' We always need to drop this, since this is only for experimental VSIXes
lines(i) = Nothing
End If
File.WriteAllLines(fileToRewrite, lines.Where(Function(l) l IsNot Nothing))
End Sub
End Class
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