提交 88648727 编写于 作者: C Catouse

* improve dashboard view, support change panel height by drag bottom edge.

上级 e22c0e68
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* ======================================================================== */
(function($, Math) {
(function($, Math, undefined) {
'use strict';
var dashboardMessager = $.zui.Messager ? new $.zui.Messager({placement: 'top', time: 1500, close: 0, scale: false, fade: false}) : 0;
......@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
Dashboard.DEFAULTS = {
minHeight: 100,
height: 360,
shadowType: 'normal',
sensitive: false,
circleShadowSize: 100,
onlyRefreshBody: true,
resizable: true,
resizeMessage: true
resizable: true, // 'vertical', 'horizontal'
resizeMessage: false
Dashboard.prototype.getOptions = function(options) {
......@@ -234,40 +235,100 @@
this.$.find('.panel-body > table, .panel-body > .list-group').parent().addClass('no-padding');
Dashboard.prototype.handlePanelHeight = function() {
var dHeight = this.options.height;
Dashboard.prototype.updatePanelHeight = function() {
var that = this;
var defaultHeight = that.options.height;
var minHeight = that.options.minHeight;
var sizeConfig = {};
if(that.id && $.zui.store) {
sizeConfig = $.zui.store.pageGet('zui.dashboard.' + that.id + '.sizeConfig', sizeConfig);
this.$.children('.row').each(function() {
var row = $(this);
var panels = row.find('.panel');
var height = row.data('height') || dHeight;
if(typeof height != 'number') {
height = 0;
panels.each(function() {
height = Math.max(height, $(this).innerHeight());
var $row = $(this);
var rowWidth = $row.width();
var rows = [], row = [], calWidth = 0;
$row.children(':not(.dragging-col-holder)').each(function() {
var $col = $(this);
var colWidth = $col.width();
if(calWidth + colWidth > rowWidth) {
if(row.length) rows.push(row);
row = [$col];
calWidth = colWidth;
} else {
calWidth += colWidth;
if(row.length) rows.push(row);
if(rows.length) {
$.each(rows, function(rowId) {
row = rows[rowId];
var bestHeight = 0;
var panels = [];
var setNewHeight = false;
$.each(row, function(colId) {
var $col = row[colId].data('row-id', rowId);
var $panel = $col.children('.panel:first');
if(setNewHeight) return;
var newHeight = $panel.data('newHeight');
if(newHeight) {
$panel.data('newHeight', null).data('height', newHeight);
bestHeight = Math.max(minHeight, newHeight);
setNewHeight = true;
} else {
var panelHeight = $panel.data('height') || sizeConfig[$panel.data('id')];
if(panelHeight) bestHeight = Math.max(bestHeight, panelHeight);
panels.css('height', height);
if(!bestHeight) {
bestHeight = defaultHeight;
$.each(panels, function(idx) {
var $panel = panels[idx].css('height', bestHeight);
sizeConfig[$panel.data('id')] = $panel.data('height');
if(that.id && $.zui.store) {
$.zui.store.pageSet('zui.dashboard.' + that.id + '.sizeConfig', sizeConfig);
return sizeConfig;
Dashboard.prototype.handleResizeEvent = function() {
var onResize = this.options.onResize;
var resizeMessage = this.options.resizeMessage;
var that = this;
var options = that.options;
var resizable = options.resizable;
var onResize = options.onResize;
var minHeight = options.minHeight;
var resizeMessage = options.resizeMessage;
var messagerAvaliable = resizeMessage && dashboardMessager;
this.$.on('mousedown', '.resize-handle', function(e) {
var $col = $(this).parent().addClass('resizing');
that.$.on('mousedown', '.resize-handle', function(e) {
var $handle = $(this);
var isVertical = $handle.hasClass('resize-vertical');
var $col = $handle.parent()
.toggleClass('resizing-v', isVertical)
.toggleClass('resizing-h', !isVertical);
var $row = $col.closest('.row');
var startX = e.pageX;
var startWidth = $col.width();
var $panel = $col.children('.panel');
var startX = e.pageX, startY = e.pageY;
var startWidth = $col.width(), startHeight = $panel.height();
var rowWidth = $row.width();
var oldGrid = Math.round(12*startWidth/rowWidth);
var lastGrid = oldGrid;
$col.attr('data-grid', oldGrid);
if(!isVertical) $col.attr('data-grid', oldGrid);
var mouseMove = function(event) {
if(isVertical) {
$panel.css('height', Math.max(minHeight, startHeight + (event.pageY - startY)));
else {
var x = event.pageX;
var grid = Math.max(1, Math.min(12, Math.round(12 * (startWidth + (x - startX)) / rowWidth)));
if(lastGrid != grid) {
......@@ -275,26 +336,46 @@
if(messagerAvaliable) dashboardMessager[dashboardMessager.isShow ? 'update' : 'show'](Math.round(100*grid/12) + '% (' + grid + '/12)');
lastGrid = grid;
var mouseUp = function(event) {
$col.removeClass('resizing resizing-v resizing-h');
if(isVertical) {
var newHeight = Math.max(minHeight, startHeight + (event.pageY - startY));
if(newHeight !== startHeight)
var revert = function() {
$panel.css('height', startHeight).data('height', startHeight);
var result = onResize({type: 'vertical', id: $panel.data('id'), element: $col, old: startHeight, height: newHeight, revert: revert});
if(result === false) revert();
$panel.css('height', newHeight).data('newHeight', newHeight);;
} else {
var lastGrid = $col.attr('data-grid');
if(oldGrid != lastGrid) {
if($.isFunction(onResize)) {
var revert = function() {
$col.attr('data-grid', oldGrid).css('width', null);
var result = onResize({id: $col.children('.panel').data('id'), element: $col, old: oldGrid, grid: lastGrid, revert: revert});
var result = onResize({type: 'horizontal', id: $panel.data('id'), element: $col, old: oldGrid, grid: lastGrid, revert: revert});
if(result === false) revert();
else if(result !== true) {
if(messagerAvaliable) dashboardMessager.show(Math.round(100*lastGrid/12) + '% (' + lastGrid + '/12)');
$('body').off('mousemove.resize', mouseMove).off('mouseup.resize', mouseUp);
......@@ -303,7 +384,16 @@
$('body').on('mousemove.resize', mouseMove).on('mouseup.resize', mouseUp);
}).children('.row').children(':not(.dragging-col-holder)').append('<div class="resize-handle"><i class="icon icon-resize-h"></i></div>');
var $col = that.$.children('.row').children(':not(.dragging-col-holder)');
if(resizable === true || resizable === 'horizontal')
$col.append('<div class="resize-handle resize-horizontal"><i class="icon icon-resize-h"></i></div>');
if(resizable === true || resizable === 'vertical')
$col.append('<div class="resize-handle resize-vertical"><i class="icon icon-resize-v"></i></div>');
Dashboard.prototype.refresh = function($panel, onlyRefreshBody) {
......@@ -328,14 +418,16 @@
if($.isFunction(afterRefresh)) {
afterRefresh.call(this, {
result: true,
data: data
data: data,
$panel: $panel
}).fail(function() {
if($.isFunction(afterRefresh)) {
afterRefresh.call(this, {
result: false
result: false,
$panel: $panel
}).always(function() {
......@@ -365,11 +457,13 @@
Dashboard.prototype.init = function() {
var options = this.options, that = this;
that.id = options.id ? options.id : that.$.attr('id');
if(options.data) {
var $row = $('<div class="row"/>');
$.each(options.data, function(idx, config) {
var $col = $('<div class="col-sm-' + (config.colWidth || 4) + '"/>', config.colAttrs);
var $panel = $('<div class="panel" data-id="' + (config.id || $.zui.uuid()) + '"/>', config.panelAttrs);
if(config.height !== undefined) $panel.data('height', config.height);
if(config.content !== undefined) {
if($.isFunction(config.content)) {
var content = config.content($panel);
......@@ -385,7 +479,7 @@
......@@ -422,5 +516,5 @@
$.fn.dashboard.Constructor = Dashboard;
}(jQuery, Math));
}(jQuery, Math, undefined));
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
left: 0;
background-color: fade(@color-primary, 20%);
color: @color-primary;
.transition-normal(left, top);
&:hover {
......@@ -170,18 +170,41 @@
> .icon { left: -4px; }
.resizing { .transition-fast(width); }
&.resize-vertical {
left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
top: auto;
bottom: @line-height-computed + (-6px);
width: auto;
height: 12px;
cursor: n-resize;
.resizing {
.resize-handle {
opacity: 1;
> .icon {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -10px;
top: 0;
margin-top: 0;
> .icon { left: -4px; }
&:hover {
background-color: fade(@color-primary, 12%);
> .icon { top: -4px; }
.resizing { .transition-fast(width); }
.resizing-v .resize-vertical {
opacity: 1;
> .icon { top: -4px; }
.resizing-h .resize-horizontal {
opacity: 1;
> .icon { left: -4px; }
.resizing {
.resize-handle {background-color: fade(@color-primary, 12%);}
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