/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import * as zrender from 'zrender/src/zrender'; import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util'; import * as colorTool from 'zrender/src/tool/color'; import env from 'zrender/src/core/env'; import timsort from 'zrender/src/core/timsort'; import Eventful from 'zrender/src/core/Eventful'; import Element, { ElementEvent } from 'zrender/src/Element'; import GlobalModel, {QueryConditionKindA, GlobalModelSetOptionOpts} from '../model/Global'; import ExtensionAPI from './ExtensionAPI'; import CoordinateSystemManager from './CoordinateSystem'; import OptionManager from '../model/OptionManager'; import backwardCompat from '../preprocessor/backwardCompat'; import dataStack from '../processor/dataStack'; import ComponentModel from '../model/Component'; import SeriesModel from '../model/Series'; import ComponentView, {ComponentViewConstructor} from '../view/Component'; import ChartView, {ChartViewConstructor} from '../view/Chart'; import * as graphic from '../util/graphic'; import {getECData} from '../util/innerStore'; import { enterEmphasisWhenMouseOver, leaveEmphasisWhenMouseOut, isHighDownDispatcher, HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS, HOVER_STATE_BLUR, toggleSeriesBlurState, toggleSeriesBlurStateFromPayload, toggleSelectionFromPayload, updateSeriesElementSelection, getAllSelectedIndices, isSelectChangePayload, isHighDownPayload, HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE, DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE, SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE, TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, savePathStates, enterEmphasis, leaveEmphasis, leaveBlur, enterSelect, leaveSelect, enterBlur } from '../util/states'; import * as modelUtil from '../util/model'; import {throttle} from '../util/throttle'; import {seriesStyleTask, dataStyleTask, dataColorPaletteTask} from '../visual/style'; import loadingDefault from '../loading/default'; import Scheduler from './Scheduler'; import lightTheme from '../theme/light'; import darkTheme from '../theme/dark'; import mapDataStorage from '../coord/geo/mapDataStorage'; import {CoordinateSystemMaster, CoordinateSystemCreator, CoordinateSystemHostModel} from '../coord/CoordinateSystem'; import { parseClassType } from '../util/clazz'; import {ECEventProcessor} from '../util/ECEventProcessor'; import { Payload, ECElement, RendererType, ECActionEvent, ActionHandler, ActionInfo, OptionPreprocessor, PostUpdater, LoadingEffect, LoadingEffectCreator, StageHandlerInternal, StageHandlerOverallReset, StageHandler, ViewRootGroup, DimensionDefinitionLoose, ECEventData, ThemeOption, ECBasicOption, ECUnitOption, ZRColor, ComponentMainType, ComponentSubType, ColorString, SelectChangedPayload, DimensionLoose, ScaleDataValue, ZRElementEventName, ECElementEvent } from '../util/types'; import Displayable from 'zrender/src/graphic/Displayable'; import IncrementalDisplayable from 'zrender/src/graphic/IncrementalDisplayable'; import { seriesSymbolTask, dataSymbolTask } from '../visual/symbol'; import { getVisualFromData, getItemVisualFromData } from '../visual/helper'; import LabelManager from '../label/LabelManager'; import { deprecateLog, throwError } from '../util/log'; import { handleLegacySelectEvents } from '../legacy/dataSelectAction'; import { registerExternalTransform } from '../data/helper/transform'; import { createLocaleObject, SYSTEM_LANG, LocaleOption } from './locale'; import type {EChartsOption} from '../export/option'; import { findEventDispatcher } from '../util/event'; import decal from '../visual/decal'; import type {MorphDividingMethod} from 'zrender/src/tool/morphPath'; import CanvasPainter from 'zrender/src/canvas/Painter'; import SVGPainter from 'zrender/src/svg/Painter'; declare let global: any; type ModelFinder = modelUtil.ModelFinder; const assert = zrUtil.assert; const each = zrUtil.each; const isFunction = zrUtil.isFunction; const isObject = zrUtil.isObject; const indexOf = zrUtil.indexOf; const hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined'; export const version = '5.0.2'; export const dependencies = { zrender: '5.0.4' }; const TEST_FRAME_REMAIN_TIME = 1; const PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_SERIES_FILTER = 800; // Some data processors depends on the stack result dimension (to calculate data extent). // So data stack stage should be in front of data processing stage. const PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_DATASTACK = 900; // "Data filter" will block the stream, so it should be // put at the begining of data processing. const PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_FILTER = 1000; const PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_DEFAULT = 2000; const PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_STATISTIC = 5000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_LAYOUT = 1000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_PROGRESSIVE_LAYOUT = 1100; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_GLOBAL = 2000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART = 3000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_COMPONENT = 4000; // Visual property in data. Greater than `PRIORITY_VISUAL_COMPONENT` to enable to // overwrite the viusal result of component (like `visualMap`) // using data item specific setting (like itemStyle.xxx on data item) const PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM = 4500; // Greater than `PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM` to enable to layout based on // visual result like `symbolSize`. const PRIORITY_VISUAL_POST_CHART_LAYOUT = 4600; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_BRUSH = 5000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_ARIA = 6000; const PRIORITY_VISUAL_DECAL = 7000; export const PRIORITY = { PROCESSOR: { FILTER: PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_FILTER, SERIES_FILTER: PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_SERIES_FILTER, STATISTIC: PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_STATISTIC }, VISUAL: { LAYOUT: PRIORITY_VISUAL_LAYOUT, PROGRESSIVE_LAYOUT: PRIORITY_VISUAL_PROGRESSIVE_LAYOUT, GLOBAL: PRIORITY_VISUAL_GLOBAL, CHART: PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART, POST_CHART_LAYOUT: PRIORITY_VISUAL_POST_CHART_LAYOUT, COMPONENT: PRIORITY_VISUAL_COMPONENT, BRUSH: PRIORITY_VISUAL_BRUSH, CHART_ITEM: PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM, ARIA: PRIORITY_VISUAL_ARIA, DECAL: PRIORITY_VISUAL_DECAL } }; // Main process have three entries: `setOption`, `dispatchAction` and `resize`, // where they must not be invoked nestedly, except the only case: invoke // dispatchAction with updateMethod "none" in main process. // This flag is used to carry out this rule. // All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]). const IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY = '__flagInMainProcess' as const; const OPTION_UPDATED_KEY = '__optionUpdated' as const; const STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE_KEY = '__needsUpdateStatus' as const; const ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/; const CONNECT_STATUS_KEY = '__connectUpdateStatus' as const; const CONNECT_STATUS_PENDING = 0 as const; const CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATING = 1 as const; const CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATED = 2 as const; type ConnectStatus = typeof CONNECT_STATUS_PENDING | typeof CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATING | typeof CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATED; interface SetOptionOpts { notMerge?: boolean; lazyUpdate?: boolean; silent?: boolean; // Rule: only `id` mapped will be merged, // other components of the certain `mainType` will be removed. replaceMerge?: GlobalModelSetOptionOpts['replaceMerge']; transition?: SetOptionTransitionOpt }; export interface SetOptionTransitionOptItem { // If `from` not given, it means that do not make series transition mandatorily. // There might be transition mapping dy default. Sometimes we do not need them, // which might bring about misleading. from?: SetOptionTransitionOptFinder; to: SetOptionTransitionOptFinder; dividingMethod: MorphDividingMethod; } interface SetOptionTransitionOptFinder extends modelUtil.ModelFinderObject { dimension: DimensionLoose; } type SetOptionTransitionOpt = SetOptionTransitionOptItem | SetOptionTransitionOptItem[]; interface PostIniter { (chart: EChartsType): void } type EventMethodName = 'on' | 'off'; function createRegisterEventWithLowercaseECharts(method: EventMethodName) { return function (this: ECharts, ...args: any): ECharts { if (this.isDisposed()) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } return toLowercaseNameAndCallEventful(this, method, args); }; } function createRegisterEventWithLowercaseMessageCenter(method: EventMethodName) { return function (this: MessageCenter, ...args: any): MessageCenter { return toLowercaseNameAndCallEventful(this, method, args); }; } function toLowercaseNameAndCallEventful(host: T, method: EventMethodName, args: any): T { // `args[0]` is event name. Event name is all lowercase. args[0] = args[0] && args[0].toLowerCase(); return Eventful.prototype[method].apply(host, args) as any; } class MessageCenter extends Eventful {} const messageCenterProto = MessageCenter.prototype; messageCenterProto.on = createRegisterEventWithLowercaseMessageCenter('on'); messageCenterProto.off = createRegisterEventWithLowercaseMessageCenter('off'); // --------------------------------------- // Internal method names for class ECharts // --------------------------------------- let prepare: (ecIns: ECharts) => void; let prepareView: (ecIns: ECharts, isComponent: boolean) => void; let updateDirectly: ( ecIns: ECharts, method: string, payload: Payload, mainType: ComponentMainType, subType?: ComponentSubType ) => void; type UpdateMethod = (this: ECharts, payload?: Payload) => void; let updateMethods: { prepareAndUpdate: UpdateMethod, update: UpdateMethod, updateTransform: UpdateMethod, updateView: UpdateMethod, updateVisual: UpdateMethod, updateLayout: UpdateMethod }; let doConvertPixel: ( ecIns: ECharts, methodName: string, finder: ModelFinder, value: (number | number[]) | (ScaleDataValue | ScaleDataValue[]) ) => (number | number[]); let updateStreamModes: (ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel) => void; let doDispatchAction: (this: ECharts, payload: Payload, silent: boolean) => void; let flushPendingActions: (this: ECharts, silent: boolean) => void; let triggerUpdatedEvent: (this: ECharts, silent: boolean) => void; let bindRenderedEvent: (zr: zrender.ZRenderType, ecIns: ECharts) => void; let bindMouseEvent: (zr: zrender.ZRenderType, ecIns: ECharts) => void; let clearColorPalette: (ecModel: GlobalModel) => void; let render: (ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload) => void; let renderComponents: ( ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload, dirtyList?: ComponentView[] ) => void; let renderSeries: ( ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload | 'remain', dirtyMap?: {[uid: string]: any} ) => void; let performPostUpdateFuncs: (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) => void; let createExtensionAPI: (ecIns: ECharts) => ExtensionAPI; let enableConnect: (ecIns: ECharts) => void; let setTransitionOpt: ( chart: ECharts, transitionOpt: SetOptionTransitionOpt ) => void; let markStatusToUpdate: (ecIns: ECharts) => void; let applyChangedStates: (ecIns: ECharts) => void; type ECEventDefinition = { [key in ZRElementEventName]: ECElementEvent } & { rendered: { elapsedTime: number } finished: undefined } & { // TODO: Use ECActionEvent [key: string]: any }; class ECharts extends Eventful { /** * @readonly */ id: string; /** * Group id * @readonly */ group: string; private _zr: zrender.ZRenderType; private _dom: HTMLElement; private _model: GlobalModel; private _throttledZrFlush: zrender.ZRenderType extends {flush: infer R} ? R : never; private _theme: ThemeOption; private _locale: LocaleOption; private _chartsViews: ChartView[] = []; private _chartsMap: {[viewId: string]: ChartView} = {}; private _componentsViews: ComponentView[] = []; private _componentsMap: {[viewId: string]: ComponentView} = {}; private _coordSysMgr: CoordinateSystemManager; private _api: ExtensionAPI; private _scheduler: Scheduler; private _messageCenter: MessageCenter; // Can't dispatch action during rendering procedure private _pendingActions: Payload[] = []; // We use never here so ECEventProcessor will not been exposed. // which may include many unexpected types won't be exposed in the types to developers. protected _$eventProcessor: never; private _disposed: boolean; private _loadingFX: LoadingEffect; private _labelManager: LabelManager; private [OPTION_UPDATED_KEY]: boolean | {silent: boolean}; private [IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY]: boolean; private [CONNECT_STATUS_KEY]: ConnectStatus; private [STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE_KEY]: boolean; constructor( dom: HTMLElement, // Theme name or themeOption. theme?: string | ThemeOption, opts?: { locale?: string | LocaleOption, renderer?: RendererType, devicePixelRatio?: number, useDirtyRect?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number } ) { super(new ECEventProcessor()); opts = opts || {}; // Get theme by name if (typeof theme === 'string') { theme = themeStorage[theme] as object; } this._dom = dom; let defaultRenderer = 'canvas'; let defaultUseDirtyRect = false; if (__DEV__) { const root = ( /* eslint-disable-next-line */ hasWindow ? window : global ) as any; defaultRenderer = root.__ECHARTS__DEFAULT__RENDERER__ || defaultRenderer; const devUseDirtyRect = root.__ECHARTS__DEFAULT__USE_DIRTY_RECT__; defaultUseDirtyRect = devUseDirtyRect == null ? defaultUseDirtyRect : devUseDirtyRect; } const zr = this._zr = zrender.init(dom, { renderer: opts.renderer || defaultRenderer, devicePixelRatio: opts.devicePixelRatio, width: opts.width, height: opts.height, useDirtyRect: opts.useDirtyRect == null ? defaultUseDirtyRect : opts.useDirtyRect }); // Expect 60 fps. this._throttledZrFlush = throttle(zrUtil.bind(zr.flush, zr), 17); theme = zrUtil.clone(theme); theme && backwardCompat(theme as ECUnitOption, true); this._theme = theme; this._locale = createLocaleObject(opts.locale || SYSTEM_LANG); this._coordSysMgr = new CoordinateSystemManager(); const api = this._api = createExtensionAPI(this); // Sort on demand function prioritySortFunc(a: StageHandlerInternal, b: StageHandlerInternal): number { return a.__prio - b.__prio; } timsort(visualFuncs, prioritySortFunc); timsort(dataProcessorFuncs, prioritySortFunc); this._scheduler = new Scheduler(this, api, dataProcessorFuncs, visualFuncs); this._messageCenter = new MessageCenter(); this._labelManager = new LabelManager(); // Init mouse events this._initEvents(); // In case some people write `window.onresize = chart.resize` this.resize = zrUtil.bind(this.resize, this); zr.animation.on('frame', this._onframe, this); bindRenderedEvent(zr, this); bindMouseEvent(zr, this); // ECharts instance can be used as value. zrUtil.setAsPrimitive(this); } private _onframe(): void { if (this._disposed) { return; } applyChangedStates(this); const scheduler = this._scheduler; // Lazy update if (this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY]) { const silent = (this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] as any).silent; this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = true; prepare(this); updateMethods.update.call(this); // At present, in each frame, zrender performs: // (1) animation step forward. // (2) trigger('frame') (where this `_onframe` is called) // (3) zrender flush (render). // If we do nothing here, since we use `setToFinal: true`, the step (3) above // will render the final state of the elements before the real animation started. this._zr.flush(); this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = false; this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] = false; flushPendingActions.call(this, silent); triggerUpdatedEvent.call(this, silent); } // Avoid do both lazy update and progress in one frame. else if (scheduler.unfinished) { // Stream progress. let remainTime = TEST_FRAME_REMAIN_TIME; const ecModel = this._model; const api = this._api; scheduler.unfinished = false; do { const startTime = +new Date(); scheduler.performSeriesTasks(ecModel); // Currently dataProcessorFuncs do not check threshold. scheduler.performDataProcessorTasks(ecModel); updateStreamModes(this, ecModel); // Do not update coordinate system here. Because that coord system update in // each frame is not a good user experience. So we follow the rule that // the extent of the coordinate system is determin in the first frame (the // frame is executed immedietely after task reset. // this._coordSysMgr.update(ecModel, api); // console.log('--- ec frame visual ---', remainTime); scheduler.performVisualTasks(ecModel); renderSeries(this, this._model, api, 'remain'); remainTime -= (+new Date() - startTime); } while (remainTime > 0 && scheduler.unfinished); // Call flush explicitly for trigger finished event. if (!scheduler.unfinished) { this._zr.flush(); } // Else, zr flushing be ensue within the same frame, // because zr flushing is after onframe event. } } getDom(): HTMLElement { return this._dom; } getId(): string { return this.id; } getZr(): zrender.ZRenderType { return this._zr; } /** * Usage: * chart.setOption(option, notMerge, lazyUpdate); * chart.setOption(option, { * notMerge: ..., * lazyUpdate: ..., * silent: ... * }); * * @param opts opts or notMerge. * @param opts.notMerge Default `false`. * @param opts.lazyUpdate Default `false`. Useful when setOption frequently. * @param opts.silent Default `false`. * @param opts.replaceMerge Default undefined. */ // Expose to user full option. setOption(option: Opt, notMerge?: boolean, lazyUpdate?: boolean): void; setOption(option: Opt, opts?: SetOptionOpts): void; /* eslint-disable-next-line */ setOption(option: Opt, notMerge?: boolean | SetOptionOpts, lazyUpdate?: boolean): void { if (__DEV__) { assert(!this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY], '`setOption` should not be called during main process.'); } if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } let silent; let replaceMerge; let transitionOpt: SetOptionTransitionOpt; if (isObject(notMerge)) { lazyUpdate = notMerge.lazyUpdate; silent = notMerge.silent; replaceMerge = notMerge.replaceMerge; transitionOpt = notMerge.transition; notMerge = notMerge.notMerge; } this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = true; if (!this._model || notMerge) { const optionManager = new OptionManager(this._api); const theme = this._theme; const ecModel = this._model = new GlobalModel(); ecModel.scheduler = this._scheduler; ecModel.init(null, null, null, theme, this._locale, optionManager); } this._model.setOption(option as ECBasicOption, { replaceMerge }, optionPreprocessorFuncs); setTransitionOpt(this, transitionOpt); if (lazyUpdate) { this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] = {silent: silent}; this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = false; // `setOption(option, {lazyMode: true})` may be called when zrender has been slept. // It should wake it up to make sure zrender start to render at the next frame. this.getZr().wakeUp(); } else { prepare(this); updateMethods.update.call(this); // Ensure zr refresh sychronously, and then pixel in canvas can be // fetched after `setOption`. this._zr.flush(); this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] = false; this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = false; flushPendingActions.call(this, silent); triggerUpdatedEvent.call(this, silent); } } /** * @DEPRECATED */ private setTheme(): void { console.error('ECharts#setTheme() is DEPRECATED in ECharts 3.0'); } // We don't want developers to use getModel directly. private getModel(): GlobalModel { return this._model; } getOption(): ECBasicOption { return this._model && this._model.getOption() as ECBasicOption; } getWidth(): number { return this._zr.getWidth(); } getHeight(): number { return this._zr.getHeight(); } getDevicePixelRatio(): number { return (this._zr.painter as CanvasPainter).dpr /* eslint-disable-next-line */ || (hasWindow && window.devicePixelRatio) || 1; } /** * Get canvas which has all thing rendered */ getRenderedCanvas(opts?: { backgroundColor?: ZRColor pixelRatio?: number }): HTMLCanvasElement { if (!env.canvasSupported) { return; } opts = zrUtil.extend({}, opts || {}); opts.pixelRatio = opts.pixelRatio || this.getDevicePixelRatio(); opts.backgroundColor = opts.backgroundColor || this._model.get('backgroundColor'); const zr = this._zr; // let list = zr.storage.getDisplayList(); // Stop animations // Never works before in init animation, so remove it. // zrUtil.each(list, function (el) { // el.stopAnimation(true); // }); return (zr.painter as CanvasPainter).getRenderedCanvas(opts); } /** * Get svg data url */ getSvgDataURL(): string { if (!env.svgSupported) { return; } const zr = this._zr; const list = zr.storage.getDisplayList(); // Stop animations zrUtil.each(list, function (el: Element) { el.stopAnimation(null, true); }); return (zr.painter as SVGPainter).toDataURL(); } getDataURL(opts?: { // file type 'png' by default type?: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'svg', pixelRatio?: number, backgroundColor?: ZRColor, // component type array excludeComponents?: ComponentMainType[] }): string { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } opts = opts || {}; const excludeComponents = opts.excludeComponents; const ecModel = this._model; const excludesComponentViews: ComponentView[] = []; const self = this; each(excludeComponents, function (componentType) { ecModel.eachComponent({ mainType: componentType }, function (component) { const view = self._componentsMap[component.__viewId]; if (!view.group.ignore) { excludesComponentViews.push(view); view.group.ignore = true; } }); }); const url = this._zr.painter.getType() === 'svg' ? this.getSvgDataURL() : this.getRenderedCanvas(opts).toDataURL( 'image/' + (opts && opts.type || 'png') ); each(excludesComponentViews, function (view) { view.group.ignore = false; }); return url; } getConnectedDataURL(opts?: { // file type 'png' by default type?: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'svg', pixelRatio?: number, backgroundColor?: ZRColor, connectedBackgroundColor?: ZRColor excludeComponents?: string[] }): string { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } if (!env.canvasSupported) { return; } const isSvg = opts.type === 'svg'; const groupId = this.group; const mathMin = Math.min; const mathMax = Math.max; const MAX_NUMBER = Infinity; if (connectedGroups[groupId]) { let left = MAX_NUMBER; let top = MAX_NUMBER; let right = -MAX_NUMBER; let bottom = -MAX_NUMBER; const canvasList: {dom: HTMLCanvasElement | string, left: number, top: number}[] = []; const dpr = (opts && opts.pixelRatio) || this.getDevicePixelRatio(); zrUtil.each(instances, function (chart, id) { if (chart.group === groupId) { const canvas = isSvg ? (chart.getZr().painter as SVGPainter).getSvgDom().innerHTML : chart.getRenderedCanvas(zrUtil.clone(opts)); const boundingRect = chart.getDom().getBoundingClientRect(); left = mathMin(boundingRect.left, left); top = mathMin(boundingRect.top, top); right = mathMax(boundingRect.right, right); bottom = mathMax(boundingRect.bottom, bottom); canvasList.push({ dom: canvas, left: boundingRect.left, top: boundingRect.top }); } }); left *= dpr; top *= dpr; right *= dpr; bottom *= dpr; const width = right - left; const height = bottom - top; const targetCanvas = zrUtil.createCanvas(); const zr = zrender.init(targetCanvas, { renderer: isSvg ? 'svg' : 'canvas' }); zr.resize({ width: width, height: height }); if (isSvg) { let content = ''; each(canvasList, function (item) { const x = item.left - left; const y = item.top - top; content += '' + item.dom + ''; }); (zr.painter as SVGPainter).getSvgRoot().innerHTML = content; if (opts.connectedBackgroundColor) { (zr.painter as SVGPainter).setBackgroundColor(opts.connectedBackgroundColor as string); } zr.refreshImmediately(); return (zr.painter as SVGPainter).toDataURL(); } else { // Background between the charts if (opts.connectedBackgroundColor) { zr.add(new graphic.Rect({ shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height }, style: { fill: opts.connectedBackgroundColor } })); } each(canvasList, function (item) { const img = new graphic.Image({ style: { x: item.left * dpr - left, y: item.top * dpr - top, image: item.dom } }); zr.add(img); }); zr.refreshImmediately(); return targetCanvas.toDataURL('image/' + (opts && opts.type || 'png')); } } else { return this.getDataURL(opts); } } /** * Convert from logical coordinate system to pixel coordinate system. * See CoordinateSystem#convertToPixel. */ convertToPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: ScaleDataValue): number; convertToPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: ScaleDataValue[]): number[]; convertToPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: ScaleDataValue | ScaleDataValue[]): number | number[] { return doConvertPixel(this, 'convertToPixel', finder, value); } /** * Convert from pixel coordinate system to logical coordinate system. * See CoordinateSystem#convertFromPixel. */ convertFromPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: number): number; convertFromPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: number[]): number[]; convertFromPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: number | number[]): number | number[] { return doConvertPixel(this, 'convertFromPixel', finder, value); } /** * Is the specified coordinate systems or components contain the given pixel point. * @param {Array|number} value * @return {boolean} result */ containPixel(finder: ModelFinder, value: number[]): boolean { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } const ecModel = this._model; let result: boolean; const findResult = modelUtil.parseFinder(ecModel, finder); zrUtil.each(findResult, function (models, key) { key.indexOf('Models') >= 0 && zrUtil.each(models as ComponentModel[], function (model) { const coordSys = (model as CoordinateSystemHostModel).coordinateSystem; if (coordSys && coordSys.containPoint) { result = result || !!coordSys.containPoint(value); } else if (key === 'seriesModels') { const view = this._chartsMap[model.__viewId]; if (view && view.containPoint) { result = result || view.containPoint(value, model as SeriesModel); } else { if (__DEV__) { console.warn(key + ': ' + (view ? 'The found component do not support containPoint.' : 'No view mapping to the found component.' )); } } } else { if (__DEV__) { console.warn(key + ': containPoint is not supported'); } } }, this); }, this); return !!result; } /** * Get visual from series or data. * @param finder * If string, e.g., 'series', means {seriesIndex: 0}. * If Object, could contain some of these properties below: * { * seriesIndex / seriesId / seriesName, * dataIndex / dataIndexInside * } * If dataIndex is not specified, series visual will be fetched, * but not data item visual. * If all of seriesIndex, seriesId, seriesName are not specified, * visual will be fetched from first series. * @param visualType 'color', 'symbol', 'symbolSize' */ getVisual(finder: ModelFinder, visualType: string) { const ecModel = this._model; const parsedFinder = modelUtil.parseFinder(ecModel, finder, { defaultMainType: 'series' }) as modelUtil.ParsedModelFinderKnown; const seriesModel = parsedFinder.seriesModel; if (__DEV__) { if (!seriesModel) { console.warn('There is no specified seires model'); } } const data = seriesModel.getData(); const dataIndexInside = parsedFinder.hasOwnProperty('dataIndexInside') ? parsedFinder.dataIndexInside : parsedFinder.hasOwnProperty('dataIndex') ? data.indexOfRawIndex(parsedFinder.dataIndex) : null; return dataIndexInside != null ? getItemVisualFromData(data, dataIndexInside, visualType) : getVisualFromData(data, visualType); } /** * Get view of corresponding component model */ private getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel: ComponentModel): ComponentView { return this._componentsMap[componentModel.__viewId]; } /** * Get view of corresponding series model */ private getViewOfSeriesModel(seriesModel: SeriesModel): ChartView { return this._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; } private _initEvents(): void { each(MOUSE_EVENT_NAMES, (eveName) => { const handler = (e: ElementEvent) => { const ecModel = this.getModel(); const el = e.target; let params: ECElementEvent; const isGlobalOut = eveName === 'globalout'; // no e.target when 'globalout'. if (isGlobalOut) { params = {} as ECElementEvent; } else { el && findEventDispatcher(el, (parent) => { const ecData = getECData(parent); if (ecData && ecData.dataIndex != null) { const dataModel = ecData.dataModel || ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(ecData.seriesIndex); params = ( dataModel && dataModel.getDataParams(ecData.dataIndex, ecData.dataType) || {} ) as ECElementEvent; return true; } // If element has custom eventData of components else if (ecData.eventData) { params = zrUtil.extend({}, ecData.eventData) as ECElementEvent; return true; } }, true); } // Contract: if params prepared in mouse event, // these properties must be specified: // { // componentType: string (component main type) // componentIndex: number // } // Otherwise event query can not work. if (params) { let componentType = params.componentType; let componentIndex = params.componentIndex; // Special handling for historic reason: when trigger by // markLine/markPoint/markArea, the componentType is // 'markLine'/'markPoint'/'markArea', but we should better // enable them to be queried by seriesIndex, since their // option is set in each series. if (componentType === 'markLine' || componentType === 'markPoint' || componentType === 'markArea' ) { componentType = 'series'; componentIndex = params.seriesIndex; } const model = componentType && componentIndex != null && ecModel.getComponent(componentType, componentIndex); const view = model && this[ model.mainType === 'series' ? '_chartsMap' : '_componentsMap' ][model.__viewId]; if (__DEV__) { // `event.componentType` and `event[componentTpype + 'Index']` must not // be missed, otherwise there is no way to distinguish source component. // See `dataFormat.getDataParams`. if (!isGlobalOut && !(model && view)) { console.warn('model or view can not be found by params'); } } params.event = e; params.type = eveName; (this._$eventProcessor as ECEventProcessor).eventInfo = { targetEl: el, packedEvent: params, model: model, view: view }; this.trigger(eveName, params); } }; // Consider that some component (like tooltip, brush, ...) // register zr event handler, but user event handler might // do anything, such as call `setOption` or `dispatchAction`, // which probably update any of the content and probably // cause problem if it is called previous other inner handlers. (handler as any).zrEventfulCallAtLast = true; this._zr.on(eveName, handler, this); }); each(eventActionMap, (actionType, eventType) => { this._messageCenter.on(eventType, function (event: Payload) { this.trigger(eventType, event); }, this); }); // Extra events // TODO register? each( ['selectchanged'], (eventType) => { this._messageCenter.on(eventType, function (event: Payload) { this.trigger(eventType, event); }, this); } ); handleLegacySelectEvents(this._messageCenter, this, this._api); } isDisposed(): boolean { return this._disposed; } clear(): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } this.setOption({ series: [] } as EChartsOption, true); } dispose(): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } this._disposed = true; modelUtil.setAttribute(this.getDom(), DOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, ''); const api = this._api; const ecModel = this._model; each(this._componentsViews, function (component) { component.dispose(ecModel, api); }); each(this._chartsViews, function (chart) { chart.dispose(ecModel, api); }); // Dispose after all views disposed this._zr.dispose(); delete instances[this.id]; } /** * Resize the chart */ resize(opts?: { width?: number | 'auto', // Can be 'auto' (the same as null/undefined) height?: number | 'auto', // Can be 'auto' (the same as null/undefined) silent?: boolean // by default false. }): void { if (__DEV__) { assert(!this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY], '`resize` should not be called during main process.'); } if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } this._zr.resize(opts); const ecModel = this._model; // Resize loading effect this._loadingFX && this._loadingFX.resize(); if (!ecModel) { return; } const optionChanged = ecModel.resetOption('media'); const silent = opts && opts.silent; this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = true; optionChanged && prepare(this); updateMethods.update.call(this, { type: 'resize', animation: { // Disable animation duration: 0 } }); this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = false; flushPendingActions.call(this, silent); triggerUpdatedEvent.call(this, silent); } /** * Show loading effect * @param name 'default' by default * @param cfg cfg of registered loading effect */ showLoading(cfg?: object): void; showLoading(name?: string, cfg?: object): void; showLoading(name?: string | object, cfg?: object): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } if (isObject(name)) { cfg = name as object; name = ''; } name = name || 'default'; this.hideLoading(); if (!loadingEffects[name]) { if (__DEV__) { console.warn('Loading effects ' + name + ' not exists.'); } return; } const el = loadingEffects[name](this._api, cfg); const zr = this._zr; this._loadingFX = el; zr.add(el); } /** * Hide loading effect */ hideLoading(): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } this._loadingFX && this._zr.remove(this._loadingFX); this._loadingFX = null; } makeActionFromEvent(eventObj: ECActionEvent): Payload { const payload = zrUtil.extend({}, eventObj) as Payload; payload.type = eventActionMap[eventObj.type]; return payload; } /** * @param opt If pass boolean, means opt.silent * @param opt.silent Default `false`. Whether trigger events. * @param opt.flush Default `undefined`. * true: Flush immediately, and then pixel in canvas can be fetched * immediately. Caution: it might affect performance. * false: Not flush. * undefined: Auto decide whether perform flush. */ dispatchAction( payload: Payload, opt?: boolean | { silent?: boolean, flush?: boolean | undefined } ): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } if (!isObject(opt)) { opt = {silent: !!opt}; } if (!actions[payload.type]) { return; } // Avoid dispatch action before setOption. Especially in `connect`. if (!this._model) { return; } // May dispatchAction in rendering procedure if (this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY]) { this._pendingActions.push(payload); return; } const silent = opt.silent; doDispatchAction.call(this, payload, silent); const flush = opt.flush; if (flush) { this._zr.flush(); } else if (flush !== false && env.browser.weChat) { // In WeChat embeded browser, `requestAnimationFrame` and `setInterval` // hang when sliding page (on touch event), which cause that zr does not // refresh util user interaction finished, which is not expected. // But `dispatchAction` may be called too frequently when pan on touch // screen, which impacts performance if do not throttle them. this._throttledZrFlush(); } flushPendingActions.call(this, silent); triggerUpdatedEvent.call(this, silent); } updateLabelLayout() { const labelManager = this._labelManager; labelManager.updateLayoutConfig(this._api); labelManager.layout(this._api); labelManager.processLabelsOverall(); } appendData(params: { seriesIndex: number, data: any }): void { if (this._disposed) { disposedWarning(this.id); return; } const seriesIndex = params.seriesIndex; const ecModel = this.getModel(); const seriesModel = ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(seriesIndex) as SeriesModel; if (__DEV__) { assert(params.data && seriesModel); } seriesModel.appendData(params); // Note: `appendData` does not support that update extent of coordinate // system, util some scenario require that. In the expected usage of // `appendData`, the initial extent of coordinate system should better // be fixed by axis `min`/`max` setting or initial data, otherwise if // the extent changed while `appendData`, the location of the painted // graphic elements have to be changed, which make the usage of // `appendData` meaningless. this._scheduler.unfinished = true; this.getZr().wakeUp(); } // A work around for no `internal` modifier in ts yet but // need to strictly hide private methods to JS users. private static internalField = (function () { prepare = function (ecIns: ECharts): void { const scheduler = ecIns._scheduler; scheduler.restorePipelines(ecIns._model); scheduler.prepareStageTasks(); prepareView(ecIns, true); prepareView(ecIns, false); scheduler.plan(); }; /** * Prepare view instances of charts and components */ prepareView = function (ecIns: ECharts, isComponent: boolean): void { const ecModel = ecIns._model; const scheduler = ecIns._scheduler; const viewList = isComponent ? ecIns._componentsViews : ecIns._chartsViews; const viewMap = isComponent ? ecIns._componentsMap : ecIns._chartsMap; const zr = ecIns._zr; const api = ecIns._api; for (let i = 0; i < viewList.length; i++) { viewList[i].__alive = false; } isComponent ? ecModel.eachComponent(function (componentType, model) { componentType !== 'series' && doPrepare(model); }) : ecModel.eachSeries(doPrepare); function doPrepare(model: ComponentModel): void { // By defaut view will be reused if possible for the case that `setOption` with "notMerge" // mode and need to enable transition animation. (Usually, when they have the same id, or // especially no id but have the same type & name & index. See the `model.id` generation // rule in `makeIdAndName` and `viewId` generation rule here). // But in `replaceMerge` mode, this feature should be able to disabled when it is clear that // the new model has nothing to do with the old model. const requireNewView = model.__requireNewView; // This command should not work twice. model.__requireNewView = false; // Consider: id same and type changed. const viewId = '_ec_' + model.id + '_' + model.type; let view = !requireNewView && viewMap[viewId]; if (!view) { const classType = parseClassType(model.type); const Clazz = isComponent ? (ComponentView as ComponentViewConstructor).getClass(classType.main, classType.sub) : ( // FIXME:TS // (ChartView as ChartViewConstructor).getClass('series', classType.sub) // For backward compat, still support a chart type declared as only subType // like "liquidfill", but recommend "series.liquidfill" // But need a base class to make a type series. (ChartView as ChartViewConstructor).getClass(classType.sub) ); if (__DEV__) { assert(Clazz, classType.sub + ' does not exist.'); } view = new Clazz(); view.init(ecModel, api); viewMap[viewId] = view; viewList.push(view as any); zr.add(view.group); } model.__viewId = view.__id = viewId; view.__alive = true; view.__model = model; view.group.__ecComponentInfo = { mainType: model.mainType, index: model.componentIndex }; !isComponent && scheduler.prepareView( view as ChartView, model as SeriesModel, ecModel, api ); } for (let i = 0; i < viewList.length;) { const view = viewList[i]; if (!view.__alive) { !isComponent && (view as ChartView).renderTask.dispose(); zr.remove(view.group); view.dispose(ecModel, api); viewList.splice(i, 1); if (viewMap[view.__id] === view) { delete viewMap[view.__id]; } view.__id = view.group.__ecComponentInfo = null; } else { i++; } } }; updateDirectly = function ( ecIns: ECharts, method: string, payload: Payload, mainType: ComponentMainType, subType?: ComponentSubType ): void { const ecModel = ecIns._model; ecModel.setUpdatePayload(payload); // broadcast if (!mainType) { // FIXME // Chart will not be update directly here, except set dirty. // But there is no such scenario now. each([].concat(ecIns._componentsViews).concat(ecIns._chartsViews), callView); return; } const query: QueryConditionKindA['query'] = {}; query[mainType + 'Id'] = payload[mainType + 'Id']; query[mainType + 'Index'] = payload[mainType + 'Index']; query[mainType + 'Name'] = payload[mainType + 'Name']; const condition = {mainType: mainType, query: query} as QueryConditionKindA; subType && (condition.subType = subType); // subType may be '' by parseClassType; const excludeSeriesId = payload.excludeSeriesId; let excludeSeriesIdMap: zrUtil.HashMap; if (excludeSeriesId != null) { excludeSeriesIdMap = zrUtil.createHashMap(); each(modelUtil.normalizeToArray(excludeSeriesId), id => { const modelId = modelUtil.convertOptionIdName(id, null); if (modelId != null) { excludeSeriesIdMap.set(modelId, true); } }); } // If dispatchAction before setOption, do nothing. ecModel && ecModel.eachComponent(condition, function (model) { if (!excludeSeriesIdMap || excludeSeriesIdMap.get(model.id) == null) { if (isHighDownPayload(payload) && !payload.notBlur) { if (model instanceof SeriesModel) { toggleSeriesBlurStateFromPayload(model, payload, ecIns._api); } } else if (isSelectChangePayload(payload)) { // TODO geo if (model instanceof SeriesModel) { toggleSelectionFromPayload(model, payload, ecIns._api); updateSeriesElementSelection(model); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } } callView(ecIns[ mainType === 'series' ? '_chartsMap' : '_componentsMap' ][model.__viewId]); } }, ecIns); function callView(view: ComponentView | ChartView) { view && view.__alive && (view as any)[method] && (view as any)[method]( view.__model, ecModel, ecIns._api, payload ); } }; updateMethods = { prepareAndUpdate: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { prepare(this); updateMethods.update.call(this, payload); }, update: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { // console.profile && console.profile('update'); const ecModel = this._model; const api = this._api; const zr = this._zr; const coordSysMgr = this._coordSysMgr; const scheduler = this._scheduler; // update before setOption if (!ecModel) { return; } ecModel.setUpdatePayload(payload); scheduler.restoreData(ecModel, payload); scheduler.performSeriesTasks(ecModel); // TODO // Save total ecModel here for undo/redo (after restoring data and before processing data). // Undo (restoration of total ecModel) can be carried out in 'action' or outside API call. // Create new coordinate system each update // In LineView may save the old coordinate system and use it to get the orignal point coordSysMgr.create(ecModel, api); scheduler.performDataProcessorTasks(ecModel, payload); // Current stream render is not supported in data process. So we can update // stream modes after data processing, where the filtered data is used to // deteming whether use progressive rendering. updateStreamModes(this, ecModel); // We update stream modes before coordinate system updated, then the modes info // can be fetched when coord sys updating (consider the barGrid extent fix). But // the drawback is the full coord info can not be fetched. Fortunately this full // coord is not requied in stream mode updater currently. coordSysMgr.update(ecModel, api); clearColorPalette(ecModel); scheduler.performVisualTasks(ecModel, payload); render(this, ecModel, api, payload); // Set background let backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent'; const darkMode = ecModel.get('darkMode'); // In IE8 if (!env.canvasSupported) { const colorArr = colorTool.parse(backgroundColor as ColorString); backgroundColor = colorTool.stringify(colorArr, 'rgb'); if (colorArr[3] === 0) { backgroundColor = 'transparent'; } } else { zr.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); // Force set dark mode. if (darkMode != null && darkMode !== 'auto') { zr.setDarkMode(darkMode); } } performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api); // console.profile && console.profileEnd('update'); }, updateTransform: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { const ecModel = this._model; const api = this._api; // update before setOption if (!ecModel) { return; } ecModel.setUpdatePayload(payload); // ChartView.markUpdateMethod(payload, 'updateTransform'); const componentDirtyList = []; ecModel.eachComponent((componentType, componentModel) => { if (componentType === 'series') { return; } const componentView = this.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); if (componentView && componentView.__alive) { if (componentView.updateTransform) { const result = componentView.updateTransform(componentModel, ecModel, api, payload); result && result.update && componentDirtyList.push(componentView); } else { componentDirtyList.push(componentView); } } }); const seriesDirtyMap = zrUtil.createHashMap(); ecModel.eachSeries((seriesModel) => { const chartView = this._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; if (chartView.updateTransform) { const result = chartView.updateTransform(seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload); result && result.update && seriesDirtyMap.set(seriesModel.uid, 1); } else { seriesDirtyMap.set(seriesModel.uid, 1); } }); clearColorPalette(ecModel); // Keep pipe to the exist pipeline because it depends on the render task of the full pipeline. // this._scheduler.performVisualTasks(ecModel, payload, 'layout', true); this._scheduler.performVisualTasks( ecModel, payload, {setDirty: true, dirtyMap: seriesDirtyMap} ); // Currently, not call render of components. Geo render cost a lot. // renderComponents(ecIns, ecModel, api, payload, componentDirtyList); renderSeries(this, ecModel, api, payload, seriesDirtyMap); performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, this._api); }, updateView: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { const ecModel = this._model; // update before setOption if (!ecModel) { return; } ecModel.setUpdatePayload(payload); ChartView.markUpdateMethod(payload, 'updateView'); clearColorPalette(ecModel); // Keep pipe to the exist pipeline because it depends on the render task of the full pipeline. this._scheduler.performVisualTasks(ecModel, payload, {setDirty: true}); render(this, this._model, this._api, payload); performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, this._api); }, updateVisual: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { // updateMethods.update.call(this, payload); const ecModel = this._model; // update before setOption if (!ecModel) { return; } ecModel.setUpdatePayload(payload); // clear all visual ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { seriesModel.getData().clearAllVisual(); }); // Perform visual ChartView.markUpdateMethod(payload, 'updateVisual'); clearColorPalette(ecModel); // Keep pipe to the exist pipeline because it depends on the render task of the full pipeline. this._scheduler.performVisualTasks(ecModel, payload, {visualType: 'visual', setDirty: true}); ecModel.eachComponent((componentType, componentModel) => { // TODO componentType may be series. if (componentType !== 'series') { const componentView = this.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); componentView && componentView.__alive && componentView.updateVisual(componentModel, ecModel, this._api, payload); } }); ecModel.eachSeries((seriesModel) => { const chartView = this._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; chartView.updateVisual(seriesModel, ecModel, this._api, payload); }); performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, this._api); }, updateLayout: function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload): void { updateMethods.update.call(this, payload); } }; doConvertPixel = function ( ecIns: ECharts, methodName: 'convertFromPixel' | 'convertToPixel', finder: ModelFinder, value: (number | number[]) | (ScaleDataValue | ScaleDataValue[]) ): (number | number[]) { if (ecIns._disposed) { disposedWarning(ecIns.id); return; } const ecModel = ecIns._model; const coordSysList = ecIns._coordSysMgr.getCoordinateSystems(); let result; const parsedFinder = modelUtil.parseFinder(ecModel, finder); for (let i = 0; i < coordSysList.length; i++) { const coordSys = coordSysList[i]; if (coordSys[methodName] && (result = coordSys[methodName](ecModel, parsedFinder, value as any)) != null ) { return result; } } if (__DEV__) { console.warn( 'No coordinate system that supports ' + methodName + ' found by the given finder.' ); } }; updateStreamModes = function (ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel): void { const chartsMap = ecIns._chartsMap; const scheduler = ecIns._scheduler; ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { scheduler.updateStreamModes(seriesModel, chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]); }); }; doDispatchAction = function (this: ECharts, payload: Payload, silent: boolean): void { const ecModel = this.getModel(); const payloadType = payload.type; const escapeConnect = payload.escapeConnect; const actionWrap = actions[payloadType]; const actionInfo = actionWrap.actionInfo; const cptTypeTmp = (actionInfo.update || 'update').split(':'); const updateMethod = cptTypeTmp.pop(); const cptType = cptTypeTmp[0] != null && parseClassType(cptTypeTmp[0]); this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = true; let payloads: Payload[] = [payload]; let batched = false; // Batch action if (payload.batch) { batched = true; payloads = zrUtil.map(payload.batch, function (item) { item = zrUtil.defaults(zrUtil.extend({}, item), payload); item.batch = null; return item as Payload; }); } const eventObjBatch: ECEventData[] = []; let eventObj: ECActionEvent; const isSelectChange = isSelectChangePayload(payload); const isStatusChange = isHighDownPayload(payload) || isSelectChange; each(payloads, (batchItem) => { // Action can specify the event by return it. eventObj = actionWrap.action(batchItem, this._model, this._api) as ECActionEvent; // Emit event outside eventObj = eventObj || zrUtil.extend({} as ECActionEvent, batchItem); // Convert type to eventType eventObj.type = actionInfo.event || eventObj.type; eventObjBatch.push(eventObj); // light update does not perform data process, layout and visual. if (isStatusChange) { // method, payload, mainType, subType updateDirectly(this, updateMethod, batchItem as Payload, 'series'); // Mark status to update markStatusToUpdate(this); } else if (cptType) { updateDirectly(this, updateMethod, batchItem as Payload, cptType.main, cptType.sub); } }); if (updateMethod !== 'none' && !isStatusChange && !cptType) { // Still dirty if (this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY]) { prepare(this); updateMethods.update.call(this, payload); this[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] = false; } else { updateMethods[updateMethod as keyof typeof updateMethods].call(this, payload); } } // Follow the rule of action batch if (batched) { eventObj = { type: actionInfo.event || payloadType, escapeConnect: escapeConnect, batch: eventObjBatch }; } else { eventObj = eventObjBatch[0] as ECActionEvent; } this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS_KEY] = false; if (!silent) { const messageCenter = this._messageCenter; messageCenter.trigger(eventObj.type, eventObj); // Extra triggered 'selectchanged' event if (isSelectChange) { const newObj: SelectChangedPayload = { type: 'selectchanged', escapeConnect: escapeConnect, selected: getAllSelectedIndices(ecModel), isFromClick: payload.isFromClick || false, fromAction: payload.type as 'select' | 'unselect' | 'toggleSelected', fromActionPayload: payload }; messageCenter.trigger(newObj.type, newObj); } } }; flushPendingActions = function (this: ECharts, silent: boolean): void { const pendingActions = this._pendingActions; while (pendingActions.length) { const payload = pendingActions.shift(); doDispatchAction.call(this, payload, silent); } }; triggerUpdatedEvent = function (this: ECharts, silent): void { !silent && this.trigger('updated'); }; /** * Event `rendered` is triggered when zr * rendered. It is useful for realtime * snapshot (reflect animation). * * Event `finished` is triggered when: * (1) zrender rendering finished. * (2) initial animation finished. * (3) progressive rendering finished. * (4) no pending action. * (5) no delayed setOption needs to be processed. */ bindRenderedEvent = function (zr: zrender.ZRenderType, ecIns: ECharts): void { zr.on('rendered', function (params: ECEventDefinition['rendered']) { ecIns.trigger('rendered', params); // The `finished` event should not be triggered repeatly, // so it should only be triggered when rendering indeed happend // in zrender. (Consider the case that dipatchAction is keep // triggering when mouse move). if ( // Although zr is dirty if initial animation is not finished // and this checking is called on frame, we also check // animation finished for robustness. zr.animation.isFinished() && !ecIns[OPTION_UPDATED_KEY] && !ecIns._scheduler.unfinished && !ecIns._pendingActions.length ) { ecIns.trigger('finished'); } }); }; bindMouseEvent = function (zr: zrender.ZRenderType, ecIns: ECharts): void { zr.on('mouseover', function (e) { const el = e.target; const dispatcher = findEventDispatcher(el, isHighDownDispatcher); if (dispatcher) { const ecData = getECData(dispatcher); // Try blur all in the related series. Then emphasis the hoverred. // TODO. progressive mode. toggleSeriesBlurState( ecData.seriesIndex, ecData.focus, ecData.blurScope, ecIns._api, true ); enterEmphasisWhenMouseOver(dispatcher, e); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } }).on('mouseout', function (e) { const el = e.target; const dispatcher = findEventDispatcher(el, isHighDownDispatcher); if (dispatcher) { const ecData = getECData(dispatcher); toggleSeriesBlurState( ecData.seriesIndex, ecData.focus, ecData.blurScope, ecIns._api, false ); leaveEmphasisWhenMouseOut(dispatcher, e); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } }).on('click', function (e) { const el = e.target; const dispatcher = findEventDispatcher( el, (target) => getECData(target).dataIndex != null, true ); if (dispatcher) { const actionType = (dispatcher as ECElement).selected ? 'unselect' : 'select'; const ecData = getECData(dispatcher); ecIns._api.dispatchAction({ type: actionType, dataType: ecData.dataType, dataIndexInside: ecData.dataIndex, seriesIndex: ecData.seriesIndex, isFromClick: true }); } }); }; clearColorPalette = function (ecModel: GlobalModel): void { ecModel.clearColorPalette(); ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { seriesModel.clearColorPalette(); }); }; render = function (ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload): void { renderComponents(ecIns, ecModel, api, payload); each(ecIns._chartsViews, function (chart: ChartView) { chart.__alive = false; }); renderSeries(ecIns, ecModel, api, payload); // Remove groups of unrendered charts each(ecIns._chartsViews, function (chart: ChartView) { if (!chart.__alive) { chart.remove(ecModel, api); } }); }; renderComponents = function ( ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload, dirtyList?: ComponentView[] ): void { each(dirtyList || ecIns._componentsViews, function (componentView: ComponentView) { const componentModel = componentView.__model; clearStates(componentModel, componentView); componentView.render(componentModel, ecModel, api, payload); updateZ(componentModel, componentView); updateStates(componentModel, componentView); }); }; /** * Render each chart and component */ renderSeries = function ( ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload: Payload | 'remain', dirtyMap?: {[uid: string]: any} ): void { // Render all charts const scheduler = ecIns._scheduler; const labelManager = ecIns._labelManager; labelManager.clearLabels(); let unfinished: boolean = false; ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { const chartView = ecIns._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; chartView.__alive = true; const renderTask = chartView.renderTask; scheduler.updatePayload(renderTask, payload); // TODO states on marker. clearStates(seriesModel, chartView); if (dirtyMap && dirtyMap.get(seriesModel.uid)) { renderTask.dirty(); } if (renderTask.perform(scheduler.getPerformArgs(renderTask))) { unfinished = true; } seriesModel.__transientTransitionOpt = null; chartView.group.silent = !!seriesModel.get('silent'); // Should not call markRedraw on group, because it will disable zrender // increamental render (alway render from the __startIndex each frame) // chartView.group.markRedraw(); updateBlend(seriesModel, chartView); updateSeriesElementSelection(seriesModel); // Add labels. labelManager.addLabelsOfSeries(chartView); }); scheduler.unfinished = unfinished || scheduler.unfinished; labelManager.updateLayoutConfig(api); labelManager.layout(api); labelManager.processLabelsOverall(); ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { const chartView = ecIns._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; // Update Z after labels updated. Before applying states. updateZ(seriesModel, chartView); // NOTE: Update states after label is updated. // label should be in normal status when layouting. updateStates(seriesModel, chartView); }); // If use hover layer updateHoverLayerStatus(ecIns, ecModel); }; performPostUpdateFuncs = function (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI): void { each(postUpdateFuncs, function (func) { func(ecModel, api); }); }; markStatusToUpdate = function (ecIns: ECharts): void { ecIns[STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE_KEY] = true; // Wake up zrender if it's sleep. Let it update states in the next frame. ecIns.getZr().wakeUp(); }; applyChangedStates = function (ecIns: ECharts): void { if (!ecIns[STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE_KEY]) { return; } ecIns.getZr().storage.traverse(function (el: ECElement) { // Not applied on removed elements, it may still in fading. if (graphic.isElementRemoved(el)) { return; } applyElementStates(el); }); ecIns[STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE_KEY] = false; }; function applyElementStates(el: ECElement) { const newStates = []; const oldStates = el.currentStates; // Keep other states. for (let i = 0; i < oldStates.length; i++) { const stateName = oldStates[i]; if (!(stateName === 'emphasis' || stateName === 'blur' || stateName === 'select')) { newStates.push(stateName); } } // Only use states when it's exists. if (el.selected && el.states.select) { newStates.push('select'); } if (el.hoverState === HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS && el.states.emphasis) { newStates.push('emphasis'); } else if (el.hoverState === HOVER_STATE_BLUR && el.states.blur) { newStates.push('blur'); } el.useStates(newStates); } function updateHoverLayerStatus(ecIns: ECharts, ecModel: GlobalModel): void { const zr = ecIns._zr; const storage = zr.storage; let elCount = 0; storage.traverse(function (el) { if (!el.isGroup) { elCount++; } }); if (elCount > ecModel.get('hoverLayerThreshold') && !env.node && !env.worker) { ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { if (seriesModel.preventUsingHoverLayer) { return; } const chartView = ecIns._chartsMap[seriesModel.__viewId]; if (chartView.__alive) { chartView.group.traverse(function (el: ECElement) { if (el.states.emphasis) { el.states.emphasis.hoverLayer = true; } }); } }); } }; /** * Update chart and blend. */ function updateBlend(seriesModel: SeriesModel, chartView: ChartView): void { const blendMode = seriesModel.get('blendMode') || null; if (__DEV__) { if (!env.canvasSupported && blendMode && blendMode !== 'source-over') { console.warn('Only canvas support blendMode'); } } chartView.group.traverse(function (el: Displayable) { // FIXME marker and other components if (!el.isGroup) { // DONT mark the element dirty. In case element is incremental and don't wan't to rerender. el.style.blend = blendMode; } if ((el as IncrementalDisplayable).eachPendingDisplayable) { (el as IncrementalDisplayable).eachPendingDisplayable(function (displayable) { displayable.style.blend = blendMode; }); } }); }; function updateZ(model: ComponentModel, view: ComponentView | ChartView): void { if (model.preventAutoZ) { return; } const z = model.get('z'); const zlevel = model.get('zlevel'); // Set z and zlevel view.group.traverse(function (el: Displayable) { if (!el.isGroup) { z != null && (el.z = z); zlevel != null && (el.zlevel = zlevel); // TODO if textContent is on group. const label = el.getTextContent(); const labelLine = el.getTextGuideLine(); if (label) { label.z = el.z; label.zlevel = el.zlevel; // lift z2 of text content // TODO if el.emphasis.z2 is spcefied, what about textContent. label.z2 = el.z2 + 2; } if (labelLine) { const showAbove = el.textGuideLineConfig && el.textGuideLineConfig.showAbove; labelLine.z = el.z; labelLine.zlevel = el.zlevel; labelLine.z2 = el.z2 + (showAbove ? 1 : -1); } } }); }; // Clear states without animation. // TODO States on component. function clearStates(model: ComponentModel, view: ComponentView | ChartView): void { view.group.traverse(function (el: Displayable) { // Not applied on removed elements, it may still in fading. if (graphic.isElementRemoved(el)) { return; } const textContent = el.getTextContent(); const textGuide = el.getTextGuideLine(); if (el.stateTransition) { el.stateTransition = null; } if (textContent && textContent.stateTransition) { textContent.stateTransition = null; } if (textGuide && textGuide.stateTransition) { textGuide.stateTransition = null; } // TODO If el is incremental. if (el.hasState()) { el.prevStates = el.currentStates; el.clearStates(); } else if (el.prevStates) { el.prevStates = null; } }); } function updateStates(model: ComponentModel, view: ComponentView | ChartView): void { const stateAnimationModel = (model as SeriesModel).getModel('stateAnimation'); const enableAnimation = model.isAnimationEnabled(); const duration = stateAnimationModel.get('duration'); const stateTransition = duration > 0 ? { duration, delay: stateAnimationModel.get('delay'), easing: stateAnimationModel.get('easing') // additive: stateAnimationModel.get('additive') } : null; view.group.traverse(function (el: Displayable) { if (el.states && el.states.emphasis) { // Not applied on removed elements, it may still in fading. if (graphic.isElementRemoved(el)) { return; } if (el instanceof graphic.Path) { savePathStates(el); } // Only updated on changed element. In case element is incremental and don't wan't to rerender. // TODO, a more proper way? if (el.__dirty) { const prevStates = el.prevStates; // Restore states without animation if (prevStates) { el.useStates(prevStates); } } // Update state transition and enable animation again. if (enableAnimation) { el.stateTransition = stateTransition; const textContent = el.getTextContent(); const textGuide = el.getTextGuideLine(); // TODO Is it necessary to animate label? if (textContent) { textContent.stateTransition = stateTransition; } if (textGuide) { textGuide.stateTransition = stateTransition; } } // The use higlighted and selected flag to toggle states. if (el.__dirty) { applyElementStates(el); } } }); }; createExtensionAPI = function (ecIns: ECharts): ExtensionAPI { return new (class extends ExtensionAPI { getCoordinateSystems(): CoordinateSystemMaster[] { return ecIns._coordSysMgr.getCoordinateSystems(); } getComponentByElement(el: Element) { while (el) { const modelInfo = (el as ViewRootGroup).__ecComponentInfo; if (modelInfo != null) { return ecIns._model.getComponent(modelInfo.mainType, modelInfo.index); } el = el.parent; } } enterEmphasis(el: Element, highlightDigit?: number) { enterEmphasis(el, highlightDigit); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } leaveEmphasis(el: Element, highlightDigit?: number) { leaveEmphasis(el, highlightDigit); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } enterBlur(el: Element) { enterBlur(el); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } leaveBlur(el: Element) { leaveBlur(el); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } enterSelect(el: Element) { enterSelect(el); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } leaveSelect(el: Element) { leaveSelect(el); markStatusToUpdate(ecIns); } getModel(): GlobalModel { return ecIns.getModel(); } getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel: ComponentModel): ComponentView { return ecIns.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); } getViewOfSeriesModel(seriesModel: SeriesModel): ChartView { return ecIns.getViewOfSeriesModel(seriesModel); } })(ecIns); }; enableConnect = function (chart: ECharts): void { function updateConnectedChartsStatus(charts: ECharts[], status: ConnectStatus) { for (let i = 0; i < charts.length; i++) { const otherChart = charts[i]; otherChart[CONNECT_STATUS_KEY] = status; } } each(eventActionMap, function (actionType, eventType) { chart._messageCenter.on(eventType, function (event: ECActionEvent) { if (connectedGroups[chart.group] && chart[CONNECT_STATUS_KEY] !== CONNECT_STATUS_PENDING) { if (event && event.escapeConnect) { return; } const action = chart.makeActionFromEvent(event); const otherCharts: ECharts[] = []; each(instances, function (otherChart) { if (otherChart !== chart && otherChart.group === chart.group) { otherCharts.push(otherChart); } }); updateConnectedChartsStatus(otherCharts, CONNECT_STATUS_PENDING); each(otherCharts, function (otherChart) { if (otherChart[CONNECT_STATUS_KEY] !== CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATING) { otherChart.dispatchAction(action); } }); updateConnectedChartsStatus(otherCharts, CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATED); } }); }); }; setTransitionOpt = function ( chart: ECharts, transitionOpt: SetOptionTransitionOpt ): void { const ecModel = chart._model; zrUtil.each(modelUtil.normalizeToArray(transitionOpt), transOpt => { let errMsg; const fromOpt = transOpt.from; const toOpt = transOpt.to; if (toOpt == null) { if (__DEV__) { errMsg = '`transition.to` must be specified.'; } throwError(errMsg); } const finderOpt = { includeMainTypes: ['series'], enableAll: false, enableNone: false }; const fromResult = fromOpt ? modelUtil.parseFinder(ecModel, fromOpt, finderOpt) : null; const toResult = modelUtil.parseFinder(ecModel, toOpt, finderOpt) as modelUtil.ParsedModelFinderKnown; const toSeries = toResult.seriesModel; if (toSeries == null) { errMsg = ''; if (__DEV__) { errMsg = '`transition` is only supported on series.'; } } if (fromResult && fromResult.seriesModel !== toSeries) { errMsg = ''; if (__DEV__) { errMsg = '`transition.from` and `transition.to` must be specified to the same series.'; } } if (errMsg != null) { throwError(errMsg); } // Just a temp solution: mount them on series. toSeries.__transientTransitionOpt = { from: fromOpt ? fromOpt.dimension : null, to: toOpt.dimension, dividingMethod: transOpt.dividingMethod }; }); }; })(); } const echartsProto = ECharts.prototype; echartsProto.on = createRegisterEventWithLowercaseECharts('on'); echartsProto.off = createRegisterEventWithLowercaseECharts('off'); /** * @deprecated */ // @ts-ignore echartsProto.one = function (eventName: string, cb: Function, ctx?: any) { const self = this; deprecateLog('ECharts#one is deprecated.'); function wrapped(this: unknown, ...args2: any) { cb && cb.apply && cb.apply(this, args2); // @ts-ignore self.off(eventName, wrapped); }; // @ts-ignore this.on.call(this, eventName, wrapped, ctx); }; // /** // * Encode visual infomation from data after data processing // * // * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel // * @param {object} layout // * @param {boolean} [layoutFilter] `true`: only layout, // * `false`: only not layout, // * `null`/`undefined`: all. // * @param {string} taskBaseTag // * @private // */ // function startVisualEncoding(ecIns, ecModel, api, payload, layoutFilter) { // each(visualFuncs, function (visual, index) { // let isLayout = visual.isLayout; // if (layoutFilter == null // || (layoutFilter === false && !isLayout) // || (layoutFilter === true && isLayout) // ) { // visual.func(ecModel, api, payload); // } // }); // } const MOUSE_EVENT_NAMES: ZRElementEventName[] = [ 'click', 'dblclick', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'globalout', 'contextmenu' ]; function disposedWarning(id: string): void { if (__DEV__) { console.warn('Instance ' + id + ' has been disposed'); } } const actions: { [actionType: string]: { action: ActionHandler, actionInfo: ActionInfo } } = {}; /** * Map eventType to actionType */ const eventActionMap: {[eventType: string]: string} = {}; const dataProcessorFuncs: StageHandlerInternal[] = []; const optionPreprocessorFuncs: OptionPreprocessor[] = []; const postInitFuncs: PostIniter[] = []; const postUpdateFuncs: PostUpdater[] = []; const visualFuncs: StageHandlerInternal[] = []; const themeStorage: {[themeName: string]: ThemeOption} = {}; const loadingEffects: {[effectName: string]: LoadingEffectCreator} = {}; const instances: {[id: string]: ECharts} = {}; const connectedGroups: {[groupId: string]: boolean} = {}; let idBase: number = +(new Date()) - 0; let groupIdBase: number = +(new Date()) - 0; const DOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = '_echarts_instance_'; /** * @param opts.devicePixelRatio Use window.devicePixelRatio by default * @param opts.renderer Can choose 'canvas' or 'svg' to render the chart. * @param opts.width Use clientWidth of the input `dom` by default. * Can be 'auto' (the same as null/undefined) * @param opts.height Use clientHeight of the input `dom` by default. * Can be 'auto' (the same as null/undefined) */ export function init( dom: HTMLElement, theme?: string | object, opts?: { renderer?: RendererType, devicePixelRatio?: number, width?: number, height?: number, locale?: string | LocaleOption } ): EChartsType { if (__DEV__) { if (!dom) { throw new Error('Initialize failed: invalid dom.'); } } const existInstance = getInstanceByDom(dom); if (existInstance) { if (__DEV__) { console.warn('There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.'); } return existInstance; } if (__DEV__) { if (zrUtil.isDom(dom) && dom.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'CANVAS' && ( (!dom.clientWidth && (!opts || opts.width == null)) || (!dom.clientHeight && (!opts || opts.height == null)) ) ) { console.warn('Can\'t get DOM width or height. Please check ' + 'dom.clientWidth and dom.clientHeight. They should not be 0.' + 'For example, you may need to call this in the callback ' + 'of window.onload.'); } } const chart = new ECharts(dom, theme, opts); chart.id = 'ec_' + idBase++; instances[chart.id] = chart; modelUtil.setAttribute(dom, DOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, chart.id); enableConnect(chart); each(postInitFuncs, (postInitFunc) => { postInitFunc(chart); }); return chart; } /** * @usage * (A) * ```js * let chart1 = echarts.init(dom1); * let chart2 = echarts.init(dom2); * chart1.group = 'xxx'; * chart2.group = 'xxx'; * echarts.connect('xxx'); * ``` * (B) * ```js * let chart1 = echarts.init(dom1); * let chart2 = echarts.init(dom2); * echarts.connect('xxx', [chart1, chart2]); * ``` */ export function connect(groupId: string | EChartsType[]): string { // Is array of charts if (zrUtil.isArray(groupId)) { const charts = groupId; groupId = null; // If any chart has group each(charts, function (chart) { if (chart.group != null) { groupId = chart.group; } }); groupId = groupId || ('g_' + groupIdBase++); each(charts, function (chart) { chart.group = groupId as string; }); } connectedGroups[groupId as string] = true; return groupId as string; } /** * @deprecated */ export function disConnect(groupId: string): void { connectedGroups[groupId] = false; } /** * Alias and backword compat */ export const disconnect = disConnect; /** * Dispose a chart instance */ export function dispose(chart: EChartsType | HTMLElement | string): void { if (typeof chart === 'string') { chart = instances[chart]; } else if (!(chart instanceof ECharts)) { // Try to treat as dom chart = getInstanceByDom(chart); } if ((chart instanceof ECharts) && !chart.isDisposed()) { chart.dispose(); } } export function getInstanceByDom(dom: HTMLElement): EChartsType { return instances[modelUtil.getAttribute(dom, DOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY)]; } export function getInstanceById(key: string): EChartsType { return instances[key]; } /** * Register theme */ export function registerTheme(name: string, theme: ThemeOption): void { themeStorage[name] = theme; } /** * Register option preprocessor */ export function registerPreprocessor(preprocessorFunc: OptionPreprocessor): void { if (indexOf(optionPreprocessorFuncs, preprocessorFunc) < 0) { optionPreprocessorFuncs.push(preprocessorFunc); } } export function registerProcessor( priority: number | StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset, processor?: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset ): void { normalizeRegister(dataProcessorFuncs, priority, processor, PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_DEFAULT); } /** * Register postIniter * @param {Function} postInitFunc */ export function registerPostInit(postInitFunc: PostIniter): void { if (indexOf(postInitFuncs, postInitFunc) < 0) { postInitFunc && postInitFuncs.push(postInitFunc); } } /** * Register postUpdater * @param {Function} postUpdateFunc */ export function registerPostUpdate(postUpdateFunc: PostUpdater): void { if (indexOf(postUpdateFuncs, postUpdateFunc) < 0) { postUpdateFunc && postUpdateFuncs.push(postUpdateFunc); } } /** * @usage * registerAction('someAction', 'someEvent', function () { ... }); * registerAction('someAction', function () { ... }); * registerAction( * {type: 'someAction', event: 'someEvent', update: 'updateView'}, * function () { ... } * ); * * @param {(string|Object)} actionInfo * @param {string} actionInfo.type * @param {string} [actionInfo.event] * @param {string} [actionInfo.update] * @param {string} [eventName] * @param {Function} action */ export function registerAction(type: string, eventName: string, action: ActionHandler): void; export function registerAction(type: string, action: ActionHandler): void; export function registerAction(actionInfo: ActionInfo, action: ActionHandler): void; export function registerAction( actionInfo: string | ActionInfo, eventName: string | ActionHandler, action?: ActionHandler ): void { if (typeof eventName === 'function') { action = eventName; eventName = ''; } const actionType = isObject(actionInfo) ? (actionInfo as ActionInfo).type : ([actionInfo, actionInfo = { event: eventName } as ActionInfo][0]); // Event name is all lowercase (actionInfo as ActionInfo).event = ( (actionInfo as ActionInfo).event || actionType as string ).toLowerCase(); eventName = (actionInfo as ActionInfo).event; if (eventActionMap[eventName as string]) { // Already registered. return; } // Validate action type and event name. assert(ACTION_REG.test(actionType as string) && ACTION_REG.test(eventName)); if (!actions[actionType as string]) { actions[actionType as string] = {action: action, actionInfo: actionInfo as ActionInfo}; } eventActionMap[eventName as string] = actionType as string; } export function registerCoordinateSystem( type: string, coordSysCreator: CoordinateSystemCreator ): void { CoordinateSystemManager.register(type, coordSysCreator); } /** * Get dimensions of specified coordinate system. * @param {string} type * @return {Array.} */ export function getCoordinateSystemDimensions(type: string): DimensionDefinitionLoose[] { const coordSysCreator = CoordinateSystemManager.get(type); if (coordSysCreator) { return coordSysCreator.getDimensionsInfo ? coordSysCreator.getDimensionsInfo() : coordSysCreator.dimensions.slice(); } } export {registerLocale} from './locale'; /** * Layout is a special stage of visual encoding * Most visual encoding like color are common for different chart * But each chart has it's own layout algorithm */ function registerLayout(priority: number, layoutTask: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset): void; function registerLayout(layoutTask: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset): void; function registerLayout( priority: number | StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset, layoutTask?: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset ): void { normalizeRegister(visualFuncs, priority, layoutTask, PRIORITY_VISUAL_LAYOUT, 'layout'); } function registerVisual(priority: number, layoutTask: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset): void; function registerVisual(layoutTask: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset): void; function registerVisual( priority: number | StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset, visualTask?: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset ): void { normalizeRegister(visualFuncs, priority, visualTask, PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART, 'visual'); } export {registerLayout, registerVisual}; const registeredTasks: (StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset)[] = []; function normalizeRegister( targetList: StageHandler[], priority: number | StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset, fn: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset, defaultPriority: number, visualType?: StageHandlerInternal['visualType'] ): void { if (isFunction(priority) || isObject(priority)) { fn = priority as (StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset); priority = defaultPriority; } if (__DEV__) { if (isNaN(priority) || priority == null) { throw new Error('Illegal priority'); } // Check duplicate each(targetList, function (wrap) { assert((wrap as StageHandlerInternal).__raw !== fn); }); } // Already registered if (indexOf(registeredTasks, fn) >= 0) { return; } registeredTasks.push(fn); const stageHandler = Scheduler.wrapStageHandler(fn, visualType); stageHandler.__prio = priority; stageHandler.__raw = fn; targetList.push(stageHandler); } export function registerLoading( name: string, loadingFx: LoadingEffectCreator ): void { loadingEffects[name] = loadingFx; } /** * ZRender need a canvas context to do measureText. * But in node environment canvas may be created by node-canvas. * So we need to specify how to create a canvas instead of using document.createElement('canvas') * * Be careful of using it in the browser. * * @example * let Canvas = require('canvas'); * let echarts = require('echarts'); * echarts.setCanvasCreator(function () { * // Small size is enough. * return new Canvas(32, 32); * }); */ export function setCanvasCreator(creator: () => HTMLCanvasElement): void { zrUtil.$override('createCanvas', creator); } /** * The parameters and usage: see `mapDataStorage.registerMap`. * Compatible with previous `echarts.registerMap`. */ export function registerMap( mapName: Parameters[0], geoJson: Parameters[1], specialAreas?: Parameters[2] ): void { mapDataStorage.registerMap(mapName, geoJson, specialAreas); } export function getMap(mapName: string) { // For backward compatibility, only return the first one. const records = mapDataStorage.retrieveMap(mapName); // FIXME support SVG, where return not only records[0]. return records && records[0] && { // @ts-ignore geoJson: records[0].geoJSON, specialAreas: records[0].specialAreas }; } export const registerTransform = registerExternalTransform; /** * Globa dispatchAction to a specified chart instance. */ // export function dispatchAction(payload: { chartId: string } & Payload, opt?: Parameters[1]) { // if (!payload || !payload.chartId) { // // Must have chartId to find chart // return; // } // const chart = instances[payload.chartId]; // if (chart) { // chart.dispatchAction(payload, opt); // } // } // Buitlin global visual registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_GLOBAL, seriesStyleTask); registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM, dataStyleTask); registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM, dataColorPaletteTask); registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_GLOBAL, seriesSymbolTask); registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_CHART_DATA_CUSTOM, dataSymbolTask); registerVisual(PRIORITY_VISUAL_DECAL, decal); registerPreprocessor(backwardCompat); registerProcessor(PRIORITY_PROCESSOR_DATASTACK, dataStack); registerLoading('default', loadingDefault); // Default actions registerAction({ type: HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE, event: HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE, update: HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE }, zrUtil.noop); registerAction({ type: DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE, event: DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE, update: DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE }, zrUtil.noop); registerAction({ type: SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, event: SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, update: SELECT_ACTION_TYPE }, zrUtil.noop); registerAction({ type: UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE, event: UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE, update: UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE }, zrUtil.noop); registerAction({ type: TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, event: TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE, update: TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE }, zrUtil.noop); // Default theme registerTheme('light', lightTheme); registerTheme('dark', darkTheme); // For backward compatibility, where the namespace `dataTool` will // be mounted on `echarts` is the extension `dataTool` is imported. export const dataTool = {}; export interface EChartsType extends ECharts {}