var websocket = function(port) { this.instance = null this.connect = function() { var that = this var url = getDefaultConn(port) if (typeof WebSocket != 'undefined') { this.instance = new WebSocket(url) this.instance.onopen = function() { console.log('WS连接成功') } this.instance.onerror = function(event) { console.log('WS连接失败') that.onError(event) } this.instance.onmessage = function(msg) { that.onMessage(msg) } } else { console.log("您的浏览器不支持Websocket通信协议,请使用Chrome或者Firefox浏览器!") this.instance = createObject(getrandom(5)) this.instance.EnableLog = true if (this.instance) { if (this.instance.ReadyState > 1) { // 还未连接 this.instance.Connect(url); } } } } this.onMessage = function(msg) { //这里处理所有接收到的数据包 } this.onError = function(event) { } this.close = function() { this.instance.close() } this.sendObj = function(data) { console.log(this.instance.ReadyState) var that = this if (this.instance.ReadyState <= 1 || this.instance.readyState <= 1) { //若是ws开启状态 this.instance.send(JSON.stringify(data)) } else { // 若未开启 ,则等待1s后重新调用 setTimeout(function() { that.sendObj(data); }, 1000); } } return this } /*IE中创建WebSocket控件对象*/ function createObject(id) { var obj = $(''); obj.attr('ID', id); obj.attr('CLASSID', 'CLSID:21ADE2E6-B4DD-4F3E-8BD5-9DDAD1785F3A');/*单机版请替换为C0971B90-4513-4E2D-A0B6-15B915FE748A*/ obj.attr('width', 0); obj.attr('height', 0); obj.appendTo('body') return document.getElementById(id) } /*获取socket链接*/ function getDefaultConn(port) { if (location.protocol.indexOf('https') > -1) return 'wss://' + getrandom(5).toLocaleString() + '&flag=1'; else return 'ws://' + port + '?sid=' + getrandom(5).toLocaleString() + '&flag=1'; } //获取随机数 function getrandom(nums) { return ('000000' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)).slice(-6); }