Discovery Navigation

A purely static, powerful navigation website that supports SEO and online editing, I hope you will like it

Built-in collection of up to 800+ high-quality websites to help you work, study and live

Stars Angular

## Preview **Themes** - [Sim online preview]( - [Light online preview]( - [Side online preview]( - [App online preview]( ![Preview]( ![Preview]( ![Preview]( ![Preview]( ![Preview]( ## Features `Discovery Navigation The idea is to make it simple and convenient without relying on back-end services, without complicated configuration and database configuration concepts, so it can be used out of the box. - 🍰 Built-in 800+utility sites. - 🍰 Support SEO. - 🍰 It is completely static and provides automatic deployment functions. - 🍰 The trigeminal tree has a clear structure and clear classification. - 🍰 Support one website to associate multiple URLs - 🍰 The coexistence of beauty and simplicity is no longer the era of killing Matt. - 🍰 Completely open source, easy to customize. - 🍰 Support multiple browsing modes and innovation. - 🍰 Support footprint memory. - 🍰 Support mobile browsing. - 🍰 Support search query. - 🍰 Support custom engine search. - 🍰 A variety of theme switching. - 🍰 Support dark mode. - 🍰 Support background management, no need to deploy. - 🍰 Support import from Chrome bookmarks ## Deploy Its as easy as counting numbers "3 2 1" that simple! #### Method one (github-pages free) 1、Fork the current project. 2、[]( apply for a token, check the corresponding permissions, if you don’t understand, select all, copy and save the token. 3、 Create a new application token, name fill in TOKEN (All are uppercase). 4、Go to click "Green Button" 5、Be sure to modify the project configuration file [nav.config.ts](nav.config.ts) 6、After 5 minutes, open , you will see a very powerful navigation website. ### Method 2 (Free Vercel) The steps are the same as the first method, except that the fourth step is not needed. For specific use, follow the steps []( Note: If you want to deploy your own domain name, then the above tutorial is also suitable, as it provides automated deployment, and then through CNAME or Revers Proxy implementation: ```conf # nginx server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; } } ``` ## Bookmark import Support importing from Chrome bookmarks (WebKit kernel should be supported~), it will automatically detect navigation that meets the three-level classification, and all others will be set as unclassified: ![]( The browser opens chrome://bookmarks/ to export the bookmarks to get the html file, and then import it from the background of the navigation website. ## Choose the Loading that suits you Modify the `loading` field in [Configuration File](nav.config.ts). ##upgrade Before upgrading, please back up the `data` folder and `nav.config.ts` in the root directory, and replace them after the upgrade. Click the `Watch` button in the upper right corner to track the version upgrade for the first time. ## Update log [CHANGELOG]( ## Development and construction ``` bash # Download git clone --depth=1 cd nav # Installation dependencies yarn # Start yarn start # Build yarn build ``` ## contribute Thank you for your [contribution](, men. ## Suggest If you have any functional suggestions, you can initiate an [issue](, Thank you.