# Copyright 2019 The MACE Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import re import os import copy import yaml from enum import Enum from utils.util import mace_check from utils.util import MaceLogger from py_proto import mace_pb2 CPP_KEYWORDS = [ 'alignas', 'alignof', 'and', 'and_eq', 'asm', 'atomic_cancel', 'atomic_commit', 'atomic_noexcept', 'auto', 'bitand', 'bitor', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'compl', 'concept', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'co_await', 'co_return', 'co_yield', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'else', 'enum', 'explicit', 'export', 'extern', 'false', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'import', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'module', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'not', 'not_eq', 'nullptr', 'operator', 'or', 'or_eq', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'requires', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'synchronized', 'template', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', 'xor', 'xor_eq', 'override', 'final', 'transaction_safe', 'transaction_safe_dynamic', 'if', 'elif', 'else', 'endif', 'defined', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', 'define', 'undef', 'include', 'line', 'error', 'pragma', ] def sanitize_load(s): # do not let yaml parse ON/OFF to boolean for w in ["ON", "OFF", "on", "off"]: s = re.sub(r":\s+" + w + "$", r": '" + w + "'", s) # sub ${} to env value s = re.sub(r"\${(\w+)}", lambda x: os.environ[x.group(1)], s) return yaml.load(s) def parse(path): with open(path) as f: config = sanitize_load(f.read()) return config def parse_device_info(path): conf = parse(path) return conf["devices"] class ModelKeys(object): platform = "platform" runtime = "runtime" graph_optimize_options = "graph_optimize_options" input_tensors = "input_tensors" input_shapes = "input_shapes" input_data_types = "input_data_types" input_data_formats = "input_data_formats" input_ranges = "input_ranges" output_tensors = "output_tensors" output_shapes = "output_shapes" output_data_types = "output_data_types" output_data_formats = "output_data_formats" check_tensors = "check_tensors" check_shapes = "check_shapes" model_file_path = "model_file_path" model_sha256_checksum = "model_sha256_checksum" weight_file_path = "weight_file_path" weight_sha256_checksum = "weight_sha256_checksum" quantize_range_file = "quantize_range_file" quantize = "quantize" quantize_large_weights = "quantize_large_weights" change_concat_ranges = "change_concat_ranges" winograd = "winograd" cl_mem_type = "cl_mem_type" data_type = "data_type" subgraphs = "subgraphs" validation_inputs_data = "validation_inputs_data" class DataFormat(Enum): NONE = 0 NHWC = 1 NCHW = 2 HWIO = 100 OIHW = 101 HWOI = 102 OHWI = 103 AUTO = 1000 def parse_data_format(str): str = str.upper() mace_check(str in [e.name for e in DataFormat], "unknown data format %s" % str) return DataFormat[str] class DeviceType(Enum): CPU = 0 GPU = 2 HEXAGON = 3 HTA = 4 APU = 5 CPU_GPU = 100 DEVICE_MAP = { "cpu": DeviceType.CPU, "gpu": DeviceType.GPU, "hexagon": DeviceType.HEXAGON, "dsp": DeviceType.HEXAGON, "hta": DeviceType.HTA, "apu": DeviceType.APU, "cpu+gpu": DeviceType.CPU_GPU } def parse_device_type(str): mace_check(str in DEVICE_MAP, "unknown device %s" % str) return DEVICE_MAP[str] class Platform(Enum): TENSORFLOW = 0 CAFFE = 1 ONNX = 2 def parse_platform(str): str = str.upper() mace_check(str in [e.name for e in Platform], "unknown platform %s" % str) return Platform[str] DATA_TYPE_MAP = { 'float32': mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, 'int32': mace_pb2.DT_INT32, } def parse_data_type(str): if str == "float32": return mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT elif str == "int32": return mace_pb2.DT_INT32 else: mace_check(False, "data type %s not supported" % str) def parse_internal_data_type(str): if str == 'fp32_fp32': return mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT else: return mace_pb2.DT_HALF def to_list(x): if isinstance(x, list): return x else: return [x] def parse_int_array(xs): return [int(x) for x in xs.split(",")] def parse_float_array(xs): return [float(x) for x in xs.split(",")] def normalize_model_config(conf): conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) if ModelKeys.subgraphs in conf: subgraph = conf[ModelKeys.subgraphs][0] del conf[ModelKeys.subgraphs] conf.update(subgraph) print(conf) conf[ModelKeys.platform] = parse_platform(conf[ModelKeys.platform]) conf[ModelKeys.runtime] = parse_device_type(conf[ModelKeys.runtime]) if ModelKeys.quantize in conf: conf[ModelKeys.data_type] = mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT else: if ModelKeys.data_type in conf: conf[ModelKeys.data_type] = parse_internal_data_type( conf[ModelKeys.data_type]) else: conf[ModelKeys.data_type] = mace_pb2.DT_HALF # parse input conf[ModelKeys.input_tensors] = to_list(conf[ModelKeys.input_tensors]) conf[ModelKeys.input_tensors] = [str(i) for i in conf[ModelKeys.input_tensors]] input_count = len(conf[ModelKeys.input_tensors]) conf[ModelKeys.input_shapes] = [parse_int_array(shape) for shape in to_list(conf[ModelKeys.input_shapes])] mace_check( len(conf[ModelKeys.input_shapes]) == input_count, "input node count and shape count do not match") input_data_types = [parse_data_type(dt) for dt in to_list(conf.get(ModelKeys.input_data_types, ["float32"]))] if len(input_data_types) == 1 and input_count > 1: input_data_types = [input_data_types[0]] * input_count mace_check(len(input_data_types) == input_count, "the number of input_data_types should be " "the same as input tensors") conf[ModelKeys.input_data_types] = input_data_types input_data_formats = [parse_data_format(df) for df in to_list(conf.get(ModelKeys.input_data_formats, ["NHWC"]))] if len(input_data_formats) == 1 and input_count > 1: input_data_formats = [input_data_formats[0]] * input_count mace_check(len(input_data_formats) == input_count, "the number of input_data_formats should be " "the same as input tensors") conf[ModelKeys.input_data_formats] = input_data_formats input_ranges = [parse_float_array(r) for r in to_list(conf.get(ModelKeys.input_ranges, ["-1.0,1.0"]))] if len(input_ranges) == 1 and input_count > 1: input_ranges = [input_ranges[0]] * input_count mace_check(len(input_ranges) == input_count, "the number of input_ranges should be " "the same as input tensors") conf[ModelKeys.input_ranges] = input_ranges # parse output conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors] = to_list(conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors]) conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors] = [str(i) for i in conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors]] output_count = len(conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors]) conf[ModelKeys.output_shapes] = [parse_int_array(shape) for shape in to_list(conf[ModelKeys.output_shapes])] mace_check(len(conf[ModelKeys.output_tensors]) == output_count, "output node count and shape count do not match") output_data_types = [parse_data_type(dt) for dt in to_list(conf.get(ModelKeys.output_data_types, ["float32"]))] if len(output_data_types) == 1 and output_count > 1: output_data_types = [output_data_types[0]] * output_count mace_check(len(output_data_types) == output_count, "the number of output_data_types should be " "the same as output tensors") conf[ModelKeys.output_data_types] = output_data_types output_data_formats = [parse_data_format(df) for df in to_list(conf.get(ModelKeys.output_data_formats, ["NHWC"]))] if len(output_data_formats) == 1 and output_count > 1: output_data_formats = [output_data_formats[0]] * output_count mace_check(len(output_data_formats) == output_count, "the number of output_data_formats should be " "the same as output tensors") conf[ModelKeys.output_data_formats] = output_data_formats if ModelKeys.check_tensors in conf: conf[ModelKeys.check_tensors] = to_list(conf[ModelKeys.check_tensors]) conf[ModelKeys.check_shapes] = [parse_int_array(shape) for shape in to_list(conf[ModelKeys.check_shapes])] mace_check(len(conf[ModelKeys.check_tensors]) == len( conf[ModelKeys.check_shapes]), "check tensors count and shape count do not match.") MaceLogger.summary(conf) return conf