/* * Copyright 2010-2012 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.jet.codegen; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.jet.codegen.intrinsics.IntrinsicMethod; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.*; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.JetExpression; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.calls.ResolvedCall; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.java.JvmPrimitiveType; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.scopes.receivers.ReceiverDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jet.lexer.JetTokens; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method; import java.util.List; /** * @author yole * @author alex.tkachman */ public abstract class StackValue { public final Type type; public StackValue(Type type) { this.type = type; } public static void valueOf(InstructionAdapter instructionAdapter, final Type type) { if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT || type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) { return; } if (type == Type.VOID_TYPE) { instructionAdapter.aconst(null); } else { Type boxed = JetTypeMapper.boxType(type); instructionAdapter.invokestatic(boxed.getInternalName(), "valueOf", "(" + type.getDescriptor() + ")" + boxed.getDescriptor()); } } public abstract void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v); public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot store to value " + this); } public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { } public int receiverSize() { return 0; } public void condJump(Label label, boolean jumpIfFalse, InstructionAdapter v) { if (this.type == Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { put(Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE, v); if (jumpIfFalse) { v.ifeq(label); } else { v.ifne(label); } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't generate a cond jump for a non-boolean value"); } } public static StackValue local(int index, Type type) { return new Local(index, type); } public static StackValue shared(int index, Type type) { return new Shared(index, type); } public static StackValue onStack(Type type) { return type == Type.VOID_TYPE ? none() : new OnStack(type); } public static StackValue constant(Object value, Type type) { return new Constant(value, type); } public static StackValue cmp(IElementType opToken, Type type) { return type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT ? new ObjectCompare(opToken, type) : new NumberCompare(opToken, type); } public static StackValue not(StackValue stackValue) { return new Invert(stackValue); } public static StackValue arrayElement(Type type, boolean unbox) { return new ArrayElement(type, unbox); } public static StackValue collectionElement(Type type, ResolvedCall getter, ResolvedCall setter, ExpressionCodegen codegen) { return new CollectionElement(type, getter, setter, codegen); } public static StackValue field(Type type, String owner, String name, boolean isStatic) { return new Field(type, owner, name, isStatic); } public static Property property(String name, String methodOwner, String methodOwnerParam, Type type, boolean isStatic, boolean isInterface, boolean isSuper, Method getter, Method setter, int invokeOpcode) { return new Property(name, methodOwner, methodOwnerParam, getter, setter, isStatic, isInterface, isSuper, type, invokeOpcode); } public static StackValue expression(Type type, JetExpression expression, ExpressionCodegen generator) { return new Expression(type, expression, generator); } private static void box(final Type type, final Type toType, InstructionAdapter v) { // TODO handle toType correctly if (type == Type.INT_TYPE || (JetTypeMapper.isIntPrimitive(type) && toType.getInternalName().equals("java/lang/Integer"))) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Integer", "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"); } else if (type == Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Boolean", "valueOf", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;"); } else if (type == Type.CHAR_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Character", "valueOf", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;"); } else if (type == Type.SHORT_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Short", "valueOf", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;"); } else if (type == Type.LONG_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Long", "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;"); } else if (type == Type.BYTE_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Byte", "valueOf", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;"); } else if (type == Type.FLOAT_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Float", "valueOf", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;"); } else if (type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) { v.invokestatic("java/lang/Double", "valueOf", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;"); } } private static void unbox(final Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type == Type.INT_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "intValue", "()I"); } else if (type == Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Boolean", "booleanValue", "()Z"); } else if (type == Type.CHAR_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Character", "charValue", "()C"); } else if (type == Type.SHORT_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "shortValue", "()S"); } else if (type == Type.LONG_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "longValue", "()J"); } else if (type == Type.BYTE_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "byteValue", "()B"); } else if (type == Type.FLOAT_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "floatValue", "()F"); } else if (type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) { v.invokevirtual("java/lang/Number", "doubleValue", "()D"); } } public void upcast(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type.equals(this.type)) return; if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT && this.type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT) { v.checkcast(type); } else { coerce(type, v); } } protected void coerce(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type.equals(this.type)) return; if (type.getSort() == Type.VOID && this.type.getSort() != Type.VOID) { if(this.type.getSize() == 1) v.pop(); else v.pop2(); } else if (type.getSort() != Type.VOID && this.type.getSort() == Type.VOID) { if(type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT) v.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "jet/Tuple0", "INSTANCE", "Ljet/Tuple0;"); else if(type == Type.LONG_TYPE) v.lconst(0); else if(type == Type.FLOAT_TYPE) v.fconst(0); else if(type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) v.dconst(0); else v.iconst(0); } else if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT && this.type.equals(JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT) || type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) { v.checkcast(type); } else if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT) { if(this.type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT && !type.equals(JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT)) { v.checkcast(type); } else box(this.type, type, v); } else if (this.type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT && type.getSort() <= Type.DOUBLE) { if (this.type.equals(JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT)) { if (type.getSort() == Type.BOOLEAN) { v.checkcast(JvmPrimitiveType.BOOLEAN.getWrapper().getAsmType()); } else if (type.getSort() == Type.CHAR) { v.checkcast(JvmPrimitiveType.CHAR.getWrapper().getAsmType()); } else { v.checkcast(JetTypeMapper.JL_NUMBER_TYPE); } } unbox(type, v); } else { v.cast(this.type, type); } } protected void putAsBoolean(InstructionAdapter v) { Label ifTrue = new Label(); Label end = new Label(); condJump(ifTrue, false, v); v.iconst(0); v.goTo(end); v.mark(ifTrue); v.iconst(1); v.mark(end); } public static StackValue none() { return None.INSTANCE; } public static StackValue fieldForSharedVar(Type type, String name, String fieldName) { return new FieldForSharedVar(type, name, fieldName); } public static StackValue composed(StackValue prefix, StackValue suffix) { return new Composed(prefix, suffix); } public static StackValue thisOrOuter(ExpressionCodegen codegen, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { return new ThisOuter(codegen, descriptor); } public static StackValue postIncrement(int index, int increment) { return new PostIncrement(index, increment); } public static StackValue preIncrement(int index, int increment) { return new PreIncrement(index, increment); } public static StackValue receiver(ResolvedCall resolvedCall, StackValue receiver, ExpressionCodegen codegen, @Nullable CallableMethod callableMethod) { if(resolvedCall.getThisObject().exists() || resolvedCall.getReceiverArgument().exists()) return new CallReceiver(resolvedCall, receiver, codegen, callableMethod); return receiver; } private static class None extends StackValue { public static None INSTANCE = new None(); private None() { super(Type.VOID_TYPE); } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { coerce(type, v); } } public static class Local extends StackValue { final int index; public Local(int index, Type type) { super(type); this.index = index; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { v.load(index, this.type); coerce(type, v); // TODO unbox } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { v.store(index, this.type); } } public static class OnStack extends StackValue { public OnStack(Type type) { super(type); } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type == Type.VOID_TYPE && this.type != Type.VOID_TYPE) { if (this.type.getSize() == 2) { v.pop2(); } else { v.pop(); } } else { coerce(type, v); } } } public static class Constant extends StackValue { private final Object value; public Constant(Object value, Type type) { super(type); this.value = value; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if(value instanceof Integer) v.iconst((Integer) value); else if(value instanceof Long) v.lconst((Long) value); else if(value instanceof Float) v.fconst((Float) value); else if(value instanceof Double) v.dconst((Double) value); else v.aconst(value); coerce(type, v); } @Override public void condJump(Label label, boolean jumpIfFalse, InstructionAdapter v) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { boolean boolValue = (Boolean) value; if (boolValue ^ jumpIfFalse) { v.goTo(label); } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to generate this condjump"); } } } private static class NumberCompare extends StackValue { protected final IElementType opToken; private final Type operandType; public NumberCompare(IElementType opToken, Type operandType) { super(Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE); this.opToken = opToken; this.operandType = operandType; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type == Type.VOID_TYPE) { return; } if (type != Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to put a compare as a non-boolean type " + type); } putAsBoolean(v); } @Override public void condJump(Label label, boolean jumpIfFalse, InstructionAdapter v) { int opcode; if (opToken == JetTokens.EQEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFNE : Opcodes.IFEQ; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.EXCLEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFEQ : Opcodes.IFNE; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.GT) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFLE : Opcodes.IFGT; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.GTEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFLT : Opcodes.IFGE; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.LT) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFGE : Opcodes.IFLT; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.LTEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IFGT : Opcodes.IFLE; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to generate this condjump"); } if (operandType == Type.FLOAT_TYPE || operandType == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) { if (opToken == JetTokens.GT || opToken == JetTokens.GTEQ) { v.cmpg(operandType); } else { v.cmpl(operandType); } } else if (operandType == Type.LONG_TYPE) { v.lcmp(); } else { opcode += (Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ - Opcodes.IFEQ); } v.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label); } } private static class ObjectCompare extends NumberCompare { public ObjectCompare(IElementType opToken, Type operandType) { super(opToken, operandType); } @Override public void condJump(Label label, boolean jumpIfFalse, InstructionAdapter v) { int opcode; if (opToken == JetTokens.EQEQEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE : Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ; } else if (opToken == JetTokens.EXCLEQEQEQ) { opcode = jumpIfFalse ? Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ : Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to generate this condjump"); } v.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label); } } private static class Invert extends StackValue { private StackValue myOperand; private Invert(StackValue operand) { super(operand.type); myOperand = operand; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (type != Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to put a compare as a non-boolean type"); } putAsBoolean(v); } @Override public void condJump(Label label, boolean jumpIfFalse, InstructionAdapter v) { myOperand.condJump(label, !jumpIfFalse, v); } } private static class ArrayElement extends StackValue { private Type boxed; public ArrayElement(Type type, boolean unbox) { super(type); this.boxed = unbox ? JetTypeMapper.boxType(type) : type; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { v.aload(boxed); // assumes array and index are on the stack onStack(boxed).coerce(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { onStack(type).coerce(boxed, v); v.astore(boxed); } @Override public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { v.dup2(); // array and index } public int receiverSize() { return 2; } } private static class CollectionElement extends StackValue { private final Callable getter; private final Callable setter; private final ExpressionCodegen codegen; private final FrameMap frame; private final ResolvedCall resolvedGetCall; private final ResolvedCall resolvedSetCall; private final FunctionDescriptor setterDescriptor; private final FunctionDescriptor getterDescriptor; public CollectionElement(Type type, ResolvedCall resolvedGetCall, ResolvedCall resolvedSetCall, ExpressionCodegen codegen) { super(type); this.resolvedGetCall = resolvedGetCall; this.resolvedSetCall = resolvedSetCall; this.setterDescriptor = resolvedSetCall == null ? null : resolvedSetCall.getResultingDescriptor(); this.getterDescriptor = resolvedGetCall == null ? null : resolvedGetCall.getResultingDescriptor(); this.setter = resolvedSetCall == null ? null : codegen.resolveToCallable(setterDescriptor, false); this.getter = resolvedGetCall == null ? null : codegen.resolveToCallable(getterDescriptor, false); this.codegen = codegen; this.frame = codegen.myFrameMap; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if (getter == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no getter specified"); } if(getter instanceof CallableMethod) ((CallableMethod)getter).invoke(v); else ((IntrinsicMethod)getter).generate(codegen, v, null, null, null, null); coerce(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { if (setter == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no setter specified"); } if(setter instanceof CallableMethod) { CallableMethod method = (CallableMethod) setter; method.invoke(v); Type returnType = method.getSignature().getAsmMethod().getReturnType(); if(returnType != Type.VOID_TYPE) { if(returnType.getSize() == 2) v.pop2(); else v.pop(); } } else ((IntrinsicMethod)setter).generate(codegen, v, null, null, null, null); } public int receiverSize() { if(isStandardStack(resolvedGetCall, 1) && isStandardStack(resolvedSetCall, 2)) { return 2; } else { return -1; } } @Override public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { if(isStandardStack(resolvedGetCall, 1) && isStandardStack(resolvedSetCall, 2)) { v.dup2(); // collection and index } else { int size = 0; int lastIndex = frame.enterTemp(); frame.leaveTemp(); // indexes List valueParameters = resolvedGetCall.getResultingDescriptor().getValueParameters(); int firstParamIndex = -1; for(int i = valueParameters.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { Type type = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(valueParameters.get(i).getType()); int sz = type.getSize(); frame.enterTemp(sz); lastIndex += sz; size += sz; v.store((firstParamIndex = lastIndex)-sz, type); } List typeParameters = resolvedGetCall.getResultingDescriptor().getTypeParameters(); int firstTypeParamIndex = -1; for(int i = typeParameters.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { if(typeParameters.get(i).isReified()) { frame.enterTemp(); lastIndex++; size++; v.store(firstTypeParamIndex = lastIndex-1, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); } } ReceiverDescriptor receiverParameter = resolvedGetCall.getReceiverArgument(); int receiverIndex = -1; if(receiverParameter.exists()) { Type type = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(receiverParameter.getType()); int sz = type.getSize(); frame.enterTemp(sz); lastIndex += sz; size += sz; v.store((receiverIndex = lastIndex)-sz, type); } ReceiverDescriptor thisObject = resolvedGetCall.getThisObject(); int thisIndex = -1; if(thisObject.exists()) { frame.enterTemp(); lastIndex++; size++; v.store((thisIndex = lastIndex)-1, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); } // for setter int realReceiverIndex; Type realReceiverType; if(thisIndex != -1) { if(receiverIndex != -1) { realReceiverIndex = receiverIndex; realReceiverType = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(receiverParameter.getType()); } else { realReceiverIndex = thisIndex; realReceiverType = JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT; } } else { if(receiverIndex != -1) { realReceiverType = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(receiverParameter.getType()); realReceiverIndex = receiverIndex; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } if(resolvedSetCall.getThisObject().exists()) { if(resolvedSetCall.getReceiverArgument().exists()) { codegen.generateFromResolvedCall(resolvedSetCall.getThisObject(), JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); } v.load(realReceiverIndex - realReceiverType.getSize(), realReceiverType); } else { if(resolvedSetCall.getReceiverArgument().exists()) { v.load(realReceiverIndex - realReceiverType.getSize(), realReceiverType); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } int index = firstParamIndex; for(int i = 0; i != valueParameters.size(); ++i) { Type type = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(valueParameters.get(i).getType()); int sz = type.getSize(); v.load(index-sz, type); index -= sz; } // restoring original if(thisIndex != -1) { v.load(thisIndex-1, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); } if(receiverIndex != -1) { Type type = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(receiverParameter.getType()); v.load(receiverIndex-type.getSize(), type); } if(firstTypeParamIndex != -1) { index = firstTypeParamIndex; for(int i = 0; i != typeParameters.size(); ++i) { if(typeParameters.get(i).isReified()) { v.load(index-1, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); index--; } } } index = firstParamIndex; for(int i = 0; i != valueParameters.size(); ++i) { Type type = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(valueParameters.get(i).getType()); int sz = type.getSize(); v.load(index-sz, type); index -= sz; } frame.leaveTemp(size); } } private boolean isStandardStack(ResolvedCall call, int valueParamsSize) { if(call == null) return true; for (TypeParameterDescriptor typeParameterDescriptor : call.getResultingDescriptor().getTypeParameters()) { if(typeParameterDescriptor.isReified()) return false; } List valueParameters = call.getResultingDescriptor().getValueParameters(); if(valueParameters.size() != valueParamsSize) return false; for (ValueParameterDescriptor valueParameter : valueParameters) { if (codegen.typeMapper.mapType(valueParameter.getType()).getSize() != 1) return false; } if(call.getThisObject().exists()) { if(call.getReceiverArgument().exists()) return false; } else { if(codegen.typeMapper.mapType(call.getResultingDescriptor().getReceiverParameter().getType()).getSize() != 1) return false; } return true; } } static class Field extends StackValue { final String owner; final String name; private final boolean isStatic; public Field(Type type, String owner, String name, boolean isStatic) { super(type); this.owner = owner; this.name = name; this.isStatic = isStatic; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { v.visitFieldInsn(isStatic ? Opcodes.GETSTATIC : Opcodes.GETFIELD, owner, name, this.type.getDescriptor()); coerce(type, v); } @Override public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { if (!isStatic) { v.dup(); } } public int receiverSize() { return isStatic ? 0 : 1; } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { v.visitFieldInsn(isStatic ? Opcodes.PUTSTATIC : Opcodes.PUTFIELD, owner, name, this.type.getDescriptor()); } } static class Property extends StackValue { @NotNull private final String name; @Nullable private final Method getter; @Nullable private final Method setter; @NotNull public final String methodOwner; @NotNull private final String methodOwnerParam; private final boolean isStatic; private final boolean isInterface; private final boolean isSuper; private final int invokeOpcode; public Property(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String methodOwner, @NotNull String methodOwnerParam, Method getter, Method setter, boolean aStatic, boolean isInterface, boolean isSuper, Type type, int invokeOpcode) { super(type); this.name = name; this.methodOwner = methodOwner; this.methodOwnerParam = methodOwnerParam; this.getter = getter; this.setter = setter; isStatic = aStatic; this.isInterface = isInterface; this.isSuper = isSuper; this.invokeOpcode = invokeOpcode; if (invokeOpcode == 0) { if (setter != null || getter != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if(isSuper && isInterface) { v.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, methodOwner, getter.getName(), getter.getDescriptor().replace("(", "(L" + methodOwnerParam + ";")); } else { if (getter == null) { v.visitFieldInsn(isStatic ? Opcodes.GETSTATIC : Opcodes.GETFIELD, methodOwner, name, this.type.getDescriptor()); } else { v.visitMethodInsn(invokeOpcode, methodOwner, getter.getName(), getter.getDescriptor()); } } coerce(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { if(isSuper && isInterface) { v.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, methodOwner, setter.getName(), setter.getDescriptor().replace("(", "(L" + methodOwnerParam + ";")); } else { if (setter == null) { v.visitFieldInsn(isStatic ? Opcodes.PUTSTATIC : Opcodes.PUTFIELD, methodOwner, name, this.type.getDescriptor()); } else { v.visitMethodInsn(invokeOpcode, methodOwner, setter.getName(), setter.getDescriptor()); } } } @Override public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { if (!isStatic) { v.dup(); } } public int receiverSize() { return isStatic ? 0 : 1; } } private static class Expression extends StackValue { private final JetExpression expression; private final ExpressionCodegen generator; public Expression(Type type, JetExpression expression, ExpressionCodegen generator) { super(type); this.expression = expression; this.generator = generator; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { generator.gen(expression, type); } } public static class Shared extends StackValue { private final int index; public Shared(int index, Type type) { super(type); this.index = index; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { v.load(index, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); Type refType = refType(this.type); Type sharedType = sharedTypeForType(this.type); v.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, sharedType.getInternalName(), "ref", refType.getDescriptor()); StackValue.onStack(refType).coerce(this.type, v); StackValue.onStack(this.type).coerce(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { v.load(index, JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); v.swap(); Type refType = refType(this.type); Type sharedType = sharedTypeForType(this.type); v.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, sharedType.getInternalName(), "ref", refType.getDescriptor()); } } public static Type sharedTypeForType(Type type) { switch(type.getSort()) { case Type.OBJECT: case Type.ARRAY: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_VAR; case Type.BYTE: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_BYTE; case Type.SHORT: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_SHORT; case Type.CHAR: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_CHAR; case Type.INT: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_INT; case Type.LONG: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_LONG; case Type.BOOLEAN: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_BOOLEAN; case Type.FLOAT: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_FLOAT; case Type.DOUBLE: return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_SHARED_DOUBLE; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static Type refType(Type type) { if(type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT || type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) return JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT; return type; } static class FieldForSharedVar extends StackValue { final String owner; final String name; public FieldForSharedVar(Type type, String owner, String name) { super(type); this.owner = owner; this.name = name; } @Override public void dupReceiver(InstructionAdapter v) { v.dup(); } public int receiverSize() { return 1; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { Type sharedType = sharedTypeForType(this.type); Type refType = refType(this.type); v.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, sharedType.getInternalName(), "ref", refType.getDescriptor()); StackValue.onStack(refType).coerce(this.type, v); StackValue.onStack(this.type).coerce(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { v.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, sharedTypeForType(type).getInternalName(), "ref", refType(type).getDescriptor()); } } public static class Composed extends StackValue { public final StackValue prefix; public final StackValue suffix; public Composed(StackValue prefix, StackValue suffix) { super(suffix.type); this.prefix = prefix; this.suffix = suffix; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { prefix.put(prefix.type, v); suffix.put(type, v); } @Override public void store(InstructionAdapter v) { prefix.put(JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT, v); suffix.store(v); } } private static class ThisOuter extends StackValue { private ExpressionCodegen codegen; private ClassDescriptor descriptor; public ThisOuter(ExpressionCodegen codegen, ClassDescriptor descriptor) { super(JetTypeMapper.TYPE_OBJECT); this.codegen = codegen; this.descriptor = descriptor; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { codegen.generateThisOrOuter(descriptor); } } private static class PostIncrement extends StackValue { private int index; private int increment; public PostIncrement(int index, int increment) { super(Type.INT_TYPE); this.index = index; this.increment = increment; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { if(!type.equals(Type.VOID_TYPE)) { v.load(index, Type.INT_TYPE); coerce(type, v); } v.iinc(index, increment); } } private static class PreIncrement extends StackValue { private int index; private int increment; public PreIncrement(int index, int increment) { super(Type.INT_TYPE); this.index = index; this.increment = increment; } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { v.iinc(index, increment); if(!type.equals(Type.VOID_TYPE)) { v.load(index, Type.INT_TYPE); coerce(type, v); } } } public static class CallReceiver extends StackValue { private ResolvedCall resolvedCall; StackValue receiver; private ExpressionCodegen codegen; private CallableMethod callableMethod; public CallReceiver(ResolvedCall resolvedCall, StackValue receiver, ExpressionCodegen codegen, CallableMethod callableMethod) { super(calcType(resolvedCall, codegen, callableMethod)); this.resolvedCall = resolvedCall; this.receiver = receiver; this.codegen = codegen; this.callableMethod = callableMethod; } private static Type calcType(ResolvedCall resolvedCall, ExpressionCodegen codegen, CallableMethod callableMethod) { ReceiverDescriptor thisObject = resolvedCall.getThisObject(); ReceiverDescriptor receiverArgument = resolvedCall.getReceiverArgument(); CallableDescriptor descriptor = resolvedCall.getResultingDescriptor(); if (thisObject.exists()) { if(callableMethod != null) { if(receiverArgument.exists()) { return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(callableMethod.getReceiverClass()); } else { return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(callableMethod.getThisType()); } } else { if(receiverArgument.exists()) { return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(descriptor.getReceiverParameter().getType()); } else { return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(descriptor.getExpectedThisObject().getType()); } } } else { if (receiverArgument.exists()) { if(callableMethod != null) return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(callableMethod.getReceiverClass()); else return codegen.typeMapper.mapType(descriptor.getReceiverParameter().getType()); } else { return Type.VOID_TYPE; } } } @Override public void put(Type type, InstructionAdapter v) { CallableDescriptor descriptor = resolvedCall.getResultingDescriptor(); ReceiverDescriptor thisObject = resolvedCall.getThisObject(); ReceiverDescriptor receiverArgument = resolvedCall.getReceiverArgument(); if (thisObject.exists()) { if(receiverArgument.exists()) { codegen.generateFromResolvedCall(thisObject, callableMethod != null ? Type.getObjectType(callableMethod.getOwner()) : codegen.typeMapper.mapType(descriptor.getExpectedThisObject().getType())); genReceiver(v, receiverArgument, type, descriptor.getReceiverParameter()); } else { genReceiver(v, thisObject, type, null); } } else { if (receiverArgument.exists()) { genReceiver(v, receiverArgument, type, descriptor.getReceiverParameter()); } } } private void genReceiver(InstructionAdapter v, ReceiverDescriptor receiverArgument, Type type, ReceiverDescriptor receiverParameter) { if(receiver == StackValue.none()) { if(receiverParameter != null) { Type receiverType = codegen.typeMapper.mapType(receiverParameter.getType()); codegen.generateFromResolvedCall(receiverArgument, receiverType); StackValue.onStack(receiverType).put(type, v); } else { codegen.generateFromResolvedCall(receiverArgument, type); } } else { receiver.put(type, v); } } } }