# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # Copyright (C) 2014 Nicolargo # # Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import collections import os import sys class GlancesStats(object): """ This class store, update and give stats """ def __init__(self, config=None): """ Init the stats """ # Init the plugin list dict self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Load the plugins self.load_plugins() # Load the limits self.load_limits(config) def __getattr__(self, item): """ Overwrite the getattr in case of attribute is not found The goal is to dynamically generate the following methods: - getPlugname(): return Plugname stat in JSON format """ # Check if the attribute starts with 'get' if item.startswith('get'): # Get the plugin name plugname = item[len('get'):].lower() # Get the plugin instance plugin = self._plugins[plugname] if hasattr(plugin, 'get_stats'): # The method get_stats exist, return it return getattr(plugin, 'get_stats') else: # The method get_stats is not found for the plugin raise AttributeError(item) else: # Default behavior raise AttributeError(item) def load_plugins(self, args=None): """ Load all plugins in the "plugins" folder """ # Set the plugins' path plug_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../plugins") sys.path.insert(0, plug_dir) header = "glances_" for plug in os.listdir(plug_dir): if (plug.startswith(header) and plug.endswith(".py") and plug != (header + "plugin.py")): # Import the plugin m = __import__(os.path.basename(plug)[:-3]) # Add the plugin to the dictionary # The key is the plugin name # for example, the file glances_xxx.py # generate self._plugins_list["xxx"] = ... plugname = os.path.basename(plug)[len(header):-3].lower() self._plugins[plugname] = m.Plugin(args=args) def getAllPlugins(self): """ Return the plugins list """ return [p for p in self._plugins] def load_limits(self, config=None): """ Load the stats limits """ # For each plugins, call the init_limits method for p in self._plugins: # print "DEBUG: Load limits for %s" % p self._plugins[p].load_limits(config) def __update__(self, input_stats): """ Update the stats """ if input_stats == {}: # For standalone and server modes # For each plugins, call the update method for p in self._plugins: # print "DEBUG: Update %s stats" % p self._plugins[p].update() else: # For Glances client mode # Update plugin stats with items sent by the server for p in input_stats: self._plugins[p].set_stats(input_stats[p]) def update(self, input_stats={}): # Update the stats self.__update__(input_stats) def getAll(self): """ Return all the stats """ return [self._plugins[p].get_raw() for p in self._plugins] def get_plugin_list(self): # Return the plugin list self._plugins def get_plugin(self, plugin_name): # Return the plugin name if plugin_name in self._plugins: return self._plugins[plugin_name] else: return None class GlancesStatsServer(GlancesStats): """ This class store, update and give stats for the server """ def __init__(self, config=None): # Init the stats GlancesStats.__init__(self, config) # Init the all_stats dict used by the server # all_stats is a dict of dicts filled by the server self.all_stats = collections.defaultdict(dict) def update(self, input_stats={}): """ Update the stats """ # Update the stats GlancesStats.update(self) # Build the all_stats with the get_raw() method of the plugins for p in self._plugins: self.all_stats[p] = self._plugins[p].get_raw() def getAll(self): """ Return the stats as a dict """ return self.all_stats def getAllPlugins(self): """ Return the plugins list """ return [p for p in self._plugins] def getAllLimits(self): """ Return the plugins limits list """ return [self._plugins[p].get_limits() for p in self._plugins] class GlancesStatsClient(GlancesStats): """ This class store, update and give stats for the client """ def __init__(self): # Init the plugin list dict self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict) def set_plugins(self, input_plugins): """ Set the plugin list accoring to the Glances' server """ # Set the plugins' path plug_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../plugins") sys.path.insert(0, plug_dir) header = "glances_" for plug in input_plugins: # Import the plugin m = __import__(header + plug) # Add the plugin to the dictionnary # The key is the plugin name # for example, the file glances_xxx.py # generate self._plugins_list["xxx"] = ... # print "DEBUG: Init %s plugin" % plug self._plugins[plug] = m.Plugin() class GlancesStatsClientSNMP(GlancesStats): """ This class store, update and give stats for the SNMP client """ def __init__(self, config=None, args=None): # Init the plugin list dict self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Init the configuration self.config = config # Init the arguments self.args = args # Load plugins self.load_plugins(args=self.args) def check_snmp(self): """ Chek if SNMP is available on the server """ # Import the SNMP client class from glances.core.glances_snmp import GlancesSNMPClient # Create an instance of the SNMP client clientsnmp = GlancesSNMPClient(host=self.args.client, port=self.args.snmp_port, version=self.args.snmp_version, community=self.args.snmp_community, user=self.args.snmp_user, auth=self.args.snmp_auth) return clientsnmp.get_by_oid("") != {} def update(self): """ Update the stats using SNMP """ # For each plugins, call the update method for p in self._plugins: # Set the input method to SNMP self._plugins[p].set_input('snmp') # print "DEBUG: Update %s stats using SNMP request" % p try: self._plugins[p].update() except Exception as e: print "ERROR: Update %s failed (%s)" % (p, e) # pass