# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # Copyright (C) 2015 Nicolargo # # Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """File system plugin.""" import operator from glances.plugins.glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin import psutil # SNMP OID # The snmpd.conf needs to be edited. # Add the following to enable it on all disk # ... # includeAllDisks 10% # ... # The OIDs are as follows (for the first disk) # Path where the disk is mounted: . # Path of the device for the partition: . # Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes): . # Available space on the disk: . # Used space on the disk: . # Percentage of space used on disk: . # Percentage of inodes used on disk: . snmp_oid = {'default': {'mnt_point': '', 'device_name': '', 'size': '', 'used': '', 'percent': ''}, 'windows': {'mnt_point': '', 'alloc_unit': '', 'size': '', 'used': ''}, 'netapp': {'mnt_point': '', 'device_name': '', 'size': '', 'used': '', 'percent': ''}} snmp_oid['esxi'] = snmp_oid['windows'] # Define the history items list # All items in this list will be historised if the --enable-history tag is set # 'color' define the graph color in #RGB format items_history_list = [{'name': 'percent', 'color': '#00FF00'}] class Plugin(GlancesPlugin): """Glances file system plugin. stats is a list """ def __init__(self, args=None): """Init the plugin.""" super(Plugin, self).__init__(args=args, items_history_list=items_history_list) # We want to display the stat in the curse interface self.display_curse = True # Init the stats self.reset() def get_key(self): """Return the key of the list.""" return 'mnt_point' def reset(self): """Reset/init the stats.""" self.stats = [] @GlancesPlugin._log_result_decorator def update(self): """Update the FS stats using the input method.""" # Reset the list self.reset() if self.input_method == 'local': # Update stats using the standard system lib # Grab the stats using the PsUtil disk_partitions # If 'all'=False return physical devices only (e.g. hard disks, cd-rom drives, USB keys) # and ignore all others (e.g. memory partitions such as /dev/shm) try: fs_stat = psutil.disk_partitions(all=False) except UnicodeDecodeError: return self.stats # Optionnal hack to allow logicals mounts points (issue #448) # Ex: Had to put 'allow=zfs' in the [fs] section of the conf file # to allow zfs monitoring for fstype in self.get_conf_value('allow'): try: fs_stat += [f for f in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True) if f.fstype.find(fstype) >= 0] except UnicodeDecodeError: return self.stats # Loop over fs for fs in fs_stat: # Do not take hidden file system into account if self.is_hide(fs.mountpoint): continue # Grab the disk usage try: fs_usage = psutil.disk_usage(fs.mountpoint) except OSError: # Correct issue #346 # Disk is ejected during the command continue fs_current = { 'device_name': fs.device, 'fs_type': fs.fstype, 'mnt_point': fs.mountpoint, 'size': fs_usage.total, 'used': fs_usage.used, 'free': fs_usage.free, 'percent': fs_usage.percent, 'key': self.get_key()} self.stats.append(fs_current) elif self.input_method == 'snmp': # Update stats using SNMP # SNMP bulk command to get all file system in one shot try: fs_stat = self.get_stats_snmp(snmp_oid=snmp_oid[self.short_system_name], bulk=True) except KeyError: fs_stat = self.get_stats_snmp(snmp_oid=snmp_oid['default'], bulk=True) # Loop over fs if self.short_system_name in ('windows', 'esxi'): # Windows or ESXi tips for fs in fs_stat: # Memory stats are grabbed in the same OID table (ignore it) if fs == 'Virtual Memory' or fs == 'Physical Memory' or fs == 'Real Memory': continue size = int(fs_stat[fs]['size']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit']) used = int(fs_stat[fs]['used']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit']) percent = float(used * 100 / size) fs_current = { 'device_name': '', 'mnt_point': fs.partition(' ')[0], 'size': size, 'used': used, 'percent': percent, 'key': self.get_key()} self.stats.append(fs_current) else: # Default behavior for fs in fs_stat: fs_current = { 'device_name': fs_stat[fs]['device_name'], 'mnt_point': fs, 'size': int(fs_stat[fs]['size']) * 1024, 'used': int(fs_stat[fs]['used']) * 1024, 'percent': float(fs_stat[fs]['percent']), 'key': self.get_key()} self.stats.append(fs_current) # Update the history list self.update_stats_history('mnt_point') # Update the view self.update_views() return self.stats def update_views(self): """Update stats views.""" # Call the father's method super(Plugin, self).update_views() # Add specifics informations # Alert for i in self.stats: self.views[i[self.get_key()]]['used']['decoration'] = self.get_alert( i['used'], maximum=i['size'], header=i['mnt_point']) def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None): """Return the dict to display in the curse interface.""" # Init the return message ret = [] # Only process if stats exist and display plugin enable... if not self.stats or args.disable_fs: return ret # Max size for the fsname name if max_width is not None and max_width >= 23: # Interface size name = max_width - space for interfaces bitrate fsname_max_width = max_width - 14 else: fsname_max_width = 9 # Build the string message # Header msg = '{:{width}}'.format('FILE SYS', width=fsname_max_width) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, "TITLE")) if args.fs_free_space: msg = '{:>7}'.format('Free') else: msg = '{:>7}'.format('Used') ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg)) msg = '{:>7}'.format('Total') ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg)) # Filesystem list (sorted by name) for i in sorted(self.stats, key=operator.itemgetter(self.get_key())): # New line ret.append(self.curse_new_line()) if i['device_name'] == '' or i['device_name'] == 'none': mnt_point = i['mnt_point'][-fsname_max_width + 1:] elif len(i['mnt_point']) + len(i['device_name'].split('/')[-1]) <= fsname_max_width - 3: # If possible concatenate mode info... Glances touch inside :) mnt_point = i['mnt_point'] + \ ' (' + i['device_name'].split('/')[-1] + ')' elif len(i['mnt_point']) > fsname_max_width: # Cut mount point name if it is too long mnt_point = '_' + i['mnt_point'][-fsname_max_width + 1:] else: mnt_point = i['mnt_point'] msg = '{:{width}}'.format(mnt_point, width=fsname_max_width) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg)) if args.fs_free_space: msg = '{:>7}'.format(self.auto_unit(i['free'])) else: msg = '{:>7}'.format(self.auto_unit(i['used'])) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, self.get_views(item=i[self.get_key()], key='used', option='decoration'))) msg = '{:>7}'.format(self.auto_unit(i['size'])) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg)) return ret