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上级 8b1d5bb3
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* List for data storage
* @module echarts/data/List
import {__DEV__} from '../config';
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import Model from '../model/Model';
import DataDiffer from './DataDiffer';
import Source from './Source';
import {defaultDimValueGetters, DefaultDataProvider} from './helper/dataProvider';
import {summarizeDimensions} from './helper/dimensionHelper';
var isObject = zrUtil.isObject;
var UNDEFINED = 'undefined';
// Use prefix to avoid index to be the same as otherIdList[idx],
// which will cause weird udpate animation.
var ID_PREFIX = 'e\0\0';
var dataCtors = {
'float': typeof Float64Array === UNDEFINED
? Array : Float64Array,
'int': typeof Int32Array === UNDEFINED
? Array : Int32Array,
// Ordinal data type can be string or int
'ordinal': Array,
'number': Array,
'time': Array
// Caution: MUST not use `new CtorUint32Array(arr, 0, len)`, because the Ctor of array is
// different from the Ctor of typed array.
var CtorUint32Array = typeof Uint32Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Uint32Array;
var CtorUint16Array = typeof Uint16Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Uint16Array;
function getIndicesCtor(list) {
// The possible max value in this._indicies is always this._rawCount despite of filtering.
return list._rawCount > 65535 ? CtorUint32Array : CtorUint16Array;
function cloneChunk(originalChunk) {
var Ctor = originalChunk.constructor;
// Only shallow clone is enough when Array.
return Ctor === Array ? originalChunk.slice() : new Ctor(originalChunk);
'hasItemOption', '_nameList', '_idList', '_invertedIndicesMap',
'_rawData', '_chunkSize', '_chunkCount', '_dimValueGetter',
'_count', '_rawCount', '_nameDimIdx', '_idDimIdx'
'_extent', '_approximateExtent', '_rawExtent'
function transferProperties(target, source) {
zrUtil.each(TRANSFERABLE_PROPERTIES.concat(source.__wrappedMethods || []), function (propName) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
target[propName] = source[propName];
target.__wrappedMethods = source.__wrappedMethods;
zrUtil.each(CLONE_PROPERTIES, function (propName) {
target[propName] = zrUtil.clone(source[propName]);
target._calculationInfo = zrUtil.extend(source._calculationInfo);
* @constructor
* @alias module:echarts/data/List
* @param {Array.<string|Object>} dimensions
* For example, ['someDimName', {name: 'someDimName', type: 'someDimType'}, ...].
* Dimensions should be concrete names like x, y, z, lng, lat, angle, radius
* Spetial fields: {
* ordinalMeta: <module:echarts/data/OrdinalMeta>
* createInvertedIndices: <boolean>
* }
* @param {module:echarts/model/Model} hostModel
var List = function (dimensions, hostModel) {
dimensions = dimensions || ['x', 'y'];
var dimensionInfos = {};
var dimensionNames = [];
var invertedIndicesMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
// Use the original dimensions[i], where other flag props may exists.
var dimensionInfo = dimensions[i];
if (zrUtil.isString(dimensionInfo)) {
dimensionInfo = {name: dimensionInfo};
var dimensionName = dimensionInfo.name;
dimensionInfo.type = dimensionInfo.type || 'float';
if (!dimensionInfo.coordDim) {
dimensionInfo.coordDim = dimensionName;
dimensionInfo.coordDimIndex = 0;
dimensionInfo.otherDims = dimensionInfo.otherDims || {};
dimensionInfos[dimensionName] = dimensionInfo;
dimensionInfo.index = i;
if (dimensionInfo.createInvertedIndices) {
invertedIndicesMap[dimensionName] = [];
* @readOnly
* @type {Array.<string>}
this.dimensions = dimensionNames;
* Infomation of each data dimension, like data type.
* @type {Object}
this._dimensionInfos = dimensionInfos;
* @type {module:echarts/model/Model}
this.hostModel = hostModel;
* @type {module:echarts/model/Model}
* Indices stores the indices of data subset after filtered.
* This data subset will be used in chart.
* @type {Array.<number>}
* @readOnly
this._indices = null;
this._count = 0;
this._rawCount = 0;
* Data storage
* @type {Object.<key, Array.<TypedArray|Array>>}
* @private
this._storage = {};
* @type {Array.<string>}
this._nameList = [];
* @type {Array.<string>}
this._idList = [];
* Models of data option is stored sparse for optimizing memory cost
* @type {Array.<module:echarts/model/Model>}
* @private
this._optionModels = [];
* Global visual properties after visual coding
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._visual = {};
* Globel layout properties.
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._layout = {};
* Item visual properties after visual coding
* @type {Array.<Object>}
* @private
this._itemVisuals = [];
* Key: visual type, Value: boolean
* @type {Object}
* @readOnly
this.hasItemVisual = {};
* Item layout properties after layout
* @type {Array.<Object>}
* @private
this._itemLayouts = [];
* Graphic elemnents
* @type {Array.<module:zrender/Element>}
* @private
this._graphicEls = [];
* Max size of each chunk.
* @type {number}
* @private
this._chunkSize = 1e5;
* @type {number}
* @private
this._chunkCount = 0;
* @type {Array.<Array|Object>}
* @private
* Raw extent will not be cloned, but only transfered.
* It will not be calculated util needed.
* key: dim,
* value: {end: number, extent: Array.<number>}
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._rawExtent = {};
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._extent = {};
* key: dim
* value: extent
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._approximateExtent = {};
* Cache summary info for fast visit. See "dimensionHelper".
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._dimensionsSummary = summarizeDimensions(this);
* @type {Object.<Array|TypedArray>}
* @private
this._invertedIndicesMap = invertedIndicesMap;
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._calculationInfo = {};
var listProto = List.prototype;
listProto.type = 'list';
* If each data item has it's own option
* @type {boolean}
listProto.hasItemOption = true;
* Get dimension name
* @param {string|number} dim
* Dimension can be concrete names like x, y, z, lng, lat, angle, radius
* Or a ordinal number. For example getDimensionInfo(0) will return 'x' or 'lng' or 'radius'
* @return {string} Concrete dim name.
listProto.getDimension = function (dim) {
if (!isNaN(dim)) {
dim = this.dimensions[dim] || dim;
return dim;
* Get type and calculation info of particular dimension
* @param {string|number} dim
* Dimension can be concrete names like x, y, z, lng, lat, angle, radius
* Or a ordinal number. For example getDimensionInfo(0) will return 'x' or 'lng' or 'radius'
listProto.getDimensionInfo = function (dim) {
// Do not clone, because there may be categories in dimInfo.
return this._dimensionInfos[this.getDimension(dim)];
* @return {Array.<string>} concrete dimension name list on coord.
listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
return this._dimensionsSummary.dataDimsOnCoord.slice();
* @param {string} coordDim
* @param {number} [idx] A coordDim may map to more than one data dim.
* If idx is `true`, return a array of all mapped dims.
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
if (idx == null) {
return dimensionsSummary.encodeFirstDimNotExtra[coordDim];
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
* Initialize from data
* @param {Array.<Object|number|Array>} data source or data or data provider.
* @param {Array.<string>} [nameLIst] The name of a datum is used on data diff and
* defualt label/tooltip.
* A name can be specified in encode.itemName,
* or dataItem.name (only for series option data),
* or provided in nameList from outside.
* @param {Function} [dimValueGetter] (dataItem, dimName, dataIndex, dimIndex) => number
listProto.initData = function (data, nameList, dimValueGetter) {
var notProvider = Source.isInstance(data) || zrUtil.isArrayLike(data);
if (notProvider) {
data = new DefaultDataProvider(data, this.dimensions.length);
if (__DEV__) {
if (!notProvider && (typeof data.getItem != 'function' || typeof data.count != 'function')) {
throw new Error('Inavlid data provider.');
this._rawData = data;
// Clear
this._storage = {};
this._indices = null;
this._nameList = nameList || [];
this._idList = [];
this._nameRepeatCount = {};
if (!dimValueGetter) {
this.hasItemOption = false;
* @readOnly
this.defaultDimValueGetter = defaultDimValueGetters[
// Default dim value getter
this._dimValueGetter = dimValueGetter = dimValueGetter
|| this.defaultDimValueGetter;
// Reset raw extent.
this._rawExtent = {};
this._initDataFromProvider(0, data.count());
// If data has no item option.
if (data.pure) {
this.hasItemOption = false;
listProto.getProvider = function () {
return this._rawData;
listProto.appendData = function (data) {
if (__DEV__) {
zrUtil.assert(!this._indices, 'appendData can only be called on raw data.');
var rawData = this._rawData;
var start = this.count();
var end = rawData.count();
if (!rawData.persistent) {
end += start;
this._initDataFromProvider(start, end);
listProto._initDataFromProvider = function (start, end) {
// Optimize.
if (start >= end) {
var chunkSize = this._chunkSize;
var rawData = this._rawData;
var storage = this._storage;
var dimensions = this.dimensions;
var dimLen = dimensions.length;
var dimensionInfoMap = this._dimensionInfos;
var nameList = this._nameList;
var idList = this._idList;
var rawExtent = this._rawExtent;
var nameRepeatCount = this._nameRepeatCount = {};
var nameDimIdx;
var chunkCount = this._chunkCount;
var lastChunkIndex = chunkCount - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < dimLen; i++) {
var dim = dimensions[i];
if (!rawExtent[dim]) {
rawExtent[dim] = getInitialExtent();
var dimInfo = dimensionInfoMap[dim];
if (dimInfo.otherDims.itemName === 0) {
nameDimIdx = this._nameDimIdx = i;
if (dimInfo.otherDims.itemId === 0) {
this._idDimIdx = i;
var DataCtor = dataCtors[dimInfo.type];
if (!storage[dim]) {
storage[dim] = [];
var resizeChunkArray = storage[dim][lastChunkIndex];
if (resizeChunkArray && resizeChunkArray.length < chunkSize) {
var newStore = new DataCtor(Math.min(end - lastChunkIndex * chunkSize, chunkSize));
// The cost of the copy is probably inconsiderable
// within the initial chunkSize.
for (var j = 0; j < resizeChunkArray.length; j++) {
newStore[j] = resizeChunkArray[j];
storage[dim][lastChunkIndex] = newStore;
// Create new chunks.
for (var k = chunkCount * chunkSize; k < end; k += chunkSize) {
storage[dim].push(new DataCtor(Math.min(end - k, chunkSize)));
this._chunkCount = storage[dim].length;
var dataItem = new Array(dimLen);
for (var idx = start; idx < end; idx++) {
// NOTICE: Try not to write things into dataItem
dataItem = rawData.getItem(idx, dataItem);
// Each data item is value
// [1, 2]
// 2
// Bar chart, line chart which uses category axis
// only gives the 'y' value. 'x' value is the indices of category
// Use a tempValue to normalize the value to be a (x, y) value
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(idx / chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = idx % chunkSize;
// Store the data by dimensions
for (var k = 0; k < dimLen; k++) {
var dim = dimensions[k];
var dimStorage = storage[dim][chunkIndex];
// PENDING NULL is empty or zero
var val = this._dimValueGetter(dataItem, dim, idx, k);
dimStorage[chunkOffset] = val;
var dimRawExtent = rawExtent[dim];
if (val < dimRawExtent[0]) {
dimRawExtent[0] = val;
if (val > dimRawExtent[1]) {
dimRawExtent[1] = val;
// ??? FIXME not check by pure but sourceFormat?
// TODO refactor these logic.
if (!rawData.pure) {
var name = nameList[idx];
if (dataItem && name == null) {
// If dataItem is {name: ...}, it has highest priority.
// That is appropriate for many common cases.
if (dataItem.name != null) {
// There is no other place to persistent dataItem.name,
// so save it to nameList.
nameList[idx] = name = dataItem.name;
else if (nameDimIdx != null) {
var nameDim = dimensions[nameDimIdx];
var nameDimChunk = storage[nameDim][chunkIndex];
if (nameDimChunk) {
name = nameDimChunk[chunkOffset];
var ordinalMeta = dimensionInfoMap[nameDim].ordinalMeta;
if (ordinalMeta && ordinalMeta.categories.length) {
name = ordinalMeta.categories[name];
// Try using the id in option
// id or name is used on dynamical data, mapping old and new items.
var id = dataItem == null ? null : dataItem.id;
if (id == null && name != null) {
// Use name as id and add counter to avoid same name
nameRepeatCount[name] = nameRepeatCount[name] || 0;
id = name;
if (nameRepeatCount[name] > 0) {
id += '__ec__' + nameRepeatCount[name];
id != null && (idList[idx] = id);
if (!rawData.persistent && rawData.clean) {
// Clean unused data if data source is typed array.
this._rawCount = this._count = end;
// Reset data extent
this._extent = {};
function prepareInvertedIndex(list) {
var invertedIndicesMap = list._invertedIndicesMap;
zrUtil.each(invertedIndicesMap, function (invertedIndices, dim) {
var dimInfo = list._dimensionInfos[dim];
// Currently, only dimensions that has ordinalMeta can create inverted indices.
var ordinalMeta = dimInfo.ordinalMeta;
if (ordinalMeta) {
invertedIndices = invertedIndicesMap[dim] = new Array(
// The default value of TypedArray is 0. To avoid miss
// mapping to 0, we should set it as NaN.
for (var i = 0; i < invertedIndices.length; i++) {
invertedIndices[i] = NaN;
for (var i = 0; i < list._count; i++) {
// Only support the case that all values are distinct.
invertedIndices[list.get(dim, i)] = i;
function getRawValueFromStore(list, dimIndex, rawIndex) {
var val;
if (dimIndex != null) {
var chunkSize = list._chunkSize;
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(rawIndex / chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = rawIndex % chunkSize;
var dim = list.dimensions[dimIndex];
var chunk = list._storage[dim][chunkIndex];
if (chunk) {
val = chunk[chunkOffset];
var ordinalMeta = list._dimensionInfos[dim].ordinalMeta;
if (ordinalMeta && ordinalMeta.categories.length) {
val = ordinalMeta.categories[val];
return val;
* @return {number}
listProto.count = function () {
return this._count;
listProto.getIndices = function () {
var newIndices;
var indices = this._indices;
if (indices) {
var Ctor = indices.constructor;
var thisCount = this._count;
// `new Array(a, b, c)` is different from `new Uint32Array(a, b, c)`.
if (Ctor === Array) {
newIndices = new Ctor(thisCount);
for (var i = 0; i < thisCount; i++) {
newIndices[i] = indices[i];
else {
newIndices = new Ctor(indices.buffer, 0, thisCount);
else {
var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(this);
var newIndices = new Ctor(this.count());
for (var i = 0; i < newIndices.length; i++) {
newIndices[i] = i;
return newIndices;
* Get value. Return NaN if idx is out of range.
* @param {string} dim Dim must be concrete name.
* @param {number} idx
* @param {boolean} stack
* @return {number}
listProto.get = function (dim, idx /*, stack */) {
if (!(idx >= 0 && idx < this._count)) {
return NaN;
var storage = this._storage;
if (!storage[dim]) {
// TODO Warn ?
return NaN;
idx = this.getRawIndex(idx);
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(idx / this._chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = idx % this._chunkSize;
var chunkStore = storage[dim][chunkIndex];
var value = chunkStore[chunkOffset];
// FIXME ordinal data type is not stackable
// if (stack) {
// var dimensionInfo = this._dimensionInfos[dim];
// if (dimensionInfo && dimensionInfo.stackable) {
// var stackedOn = this.stackedOn;
// while (stackedOn) {
// // Get no stacked data of stacked on
// var stackedValue = stackedOn.get(dim, idx);
// // Considering positive stack, negative stack and empty data
// if ((value >= 0 && stackedValue > 0) // Positive stack
// || (value <= 0 && stackedValue < 0) // Negative stack
// ) {
// value += stackedValue;
// }
// stackedOn = stackedOn.stackedOn;
// }
// }
// }
return value;
* @param {string} dim concrete dim
* @param {number} rawIndex
* @return {number|string}
listProto.getByRawIndex = function (dim, rawIdx) {
if (!(rawIdx >= 0 && rawIdx < this._rawCount)) {
return NaN;
var dimStore = this._storage[dim];
if (!dimStore) {
// TODO Warn ?
return NaN;
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(rawIdx / this._chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = rawIdx % this._chunkSize;
var chunkStore = dimStore[chunkIndex];
return chunkStore[chunkOffset];
* FIXME Use `get` on chrome maybe slow(in filterSelf and selectRange).
* Hack a much simpler _getFast
* @private
listProto._getFast = function (dim, rawIdx) {
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(rawIdx / this._chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = rawIdx % this._chunkSize;
var chunkStore = this._storage[dim][chunkIndex];
return chunkStore[chunkOffset];
* Get value for multi dimensions.
* @param {Array.<string>} [dimensions] If ignored, using all dimensions.
* @param {number} idx
* @return {number}
listProto.getValues = function (dimensions, idx /*, stack */) {
var values = [];
if (!zrUtil.isArray(dimensions)) {
// stack = idx;
idx = dimensions;
dimensions = this.dimensions;
for (var i = 0, len = dimensions.length; i < len; i++) {
values.push(this.get(dimensions[i], idx /*, stack */));
return values;
* If value is NaN. Inlcuding '-'
* Only check the coord dimensions.
* @param {string} dim
* @param {number} idx
* @return {number}
listProto.hasValue = function (idx) {
var dataDimsOnCoord = this._dimensionsSummary.dataDimsOnCoord;
var dimensionInfos = this._dimensionInfos;
for (var i = 0, len = dataDimsOnCoord.length; i < len; i++) {
if (
// Ordinal type can be string or number
dimensionInfos[dataDimsOnCoord[i]].type !== 'ordinal'
// FIXME check ordinal when using index?
&& isNaN(this.get(dataDimsOnCoord[i], idx))
) {
return false;
return true;
* Get extent of data in one dimension
* @param {string} dim
* @param {boolean} stack
listProto.getDataExtent = function (dim /*, stack */) {
// Make sure use concrete dim as cache name.
dim = this.getDimension(dim);
var dimData = this._storage[dim];
var initialExtent = getInitialExtent();
// stack = !!((stack || false) && this.getCalculationInfo(dim));
if (!dimData) {
return initialExtent;
// Make more strict checkings to ensure hitting cache.
var currEnd = this.count();
// var cacheName = [dim, !!stack].join('_');
// var cacheName = dim;
// Consider the most cases when using data zoom, `getDataExtent`
// happened before filtering. We cache raw extent, which is not
// necessary to be cleared and recalculated when restore data.
var useRaw = !this._indices; // && !stack;
var dimExtent;
if (useRaw) {
return this._rawExtent[dim].slice();
dimExtent = this._extent[dim];
if (dimExtent) {
return dimExtent.slice();
dimExtent = initialExtent;
var min = dimExtent[0];
var max = dimExtent[1];
for (var i = 0; i < currEnd; i++) {
// var value = stack ? this.get(dim, i, true) : this._getFast(dim, this.getRawIndex(i));
var value = this._getFast(dim, this.getRawIndex(i));
value < min && (min = value);
value > max && (max = value);
dimExtent = [min, max];
this._extent[dim] = dimExtent;
return dimExtent;
* Optimize for the scenario that data is filtered by a given extent.
* Consider that if data amount is more than hundreds of thousand,
* extent calculation will cost more than 10ms and the cache will
* be erased because of the filtering.
listProto.getApproximateExtent = function (dim /*, stack */) {
dim = this.getDimension(dim);
return this._approximateExtent[dim] || this.getDataExtent(dim /*, stack */);
listProto.setApproximateExtent = function (extent, dim /*, stack */) {
dim = this.getDimension(dim);
this._approximateExtent[dim] = extent.slice();
* @param {string} key
* @return {*}
listProto.getCalculationInfo = function (key) {
return this._calculationInfo[key];
* @param {string|Object} key or k-v object
* @param {*} [value]
listProto.setCalculationInfo = function (key, value) {
? zrUtil.extend(this._calculationInfo, key)
: (this._calculationInfo[key] = value);
* Get sum of data in one dimension
* @param {string} dim
listProto.getSum = function (dim /*, stack */) {
var dimData = this._storage[dim];
var sum = 0;
if (dimData) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) {
var value = this.get(dim, i /*, stack */);
if (!isNaN(value)) {
sum += value;
return sum;
* Get median of data in one dimension
* @param {string} dim
listProto.getMedian = function (dim /*, stack */) {
var dimDataArray = [];
// map all data of one dimension
this.each(dim, function (val, idx) {
if (!isNaN(val)) {
// Use quick select?
// immutability & sort
var sortedDimDataArray = [].concat(dimDataArray).sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
var len = this.count();
// calculate median
return len === 0 ? 0 :
len % 2 === 1 ? sortedDimDataArray[(len - 1) / 2] :
(sortedDimDataArray[len / 2] + sortedDimDataArray[len / 2 - 1]) / 2;
// /**
// * Retreive the index with given value
// * @param {string} dim Concrete dimension.
// * @param {number} value
// * @return {number}
// */
// Currently incorrect: should return dataIndex but not rawIndex.
// Do not fix it until this method is to be used somewhere.
// FIXME Precision of float value
// listProto.indexOf = function (dim, value) {
// var storage = this._storage;
// var dimData = storage[dim];
// var chunkSize = this._chunkSize;
// if (dimData) {
// for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) {
// var chunkIndex = Math.floor(i / chunkSize);
// var chunkOffset = i % chunkSize;
// if (dimData[chunkIndex][chunkOffset] === value) {
// return i;
// }
// }
// }
// return -1;
// };
* Only support the dimension which inverted index created.
* Do not support other cases until required.
* @param {string} concrete dim
* @param {number|string} value
* @return {number} rawIndex
listProto.rawIndexOf = function (dim, value) {
var invertedIndices = dim && this._invertedIndicesMap[dim];
if (__DEV__) {
if (!invertedIndices) {
throw new Error('Do not supported yet');
var rawIndex = invertedIndices[value];
if (rawIndex == null || isNaN(rawIndex)) {
return -1;
return rawIndex;
* Retreive the index with given name
* @param {number} idx
* @param {number} name
* @return {number}
listProto.indexOfName = function (name) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) {
if (this.getName(i) === name) {
return i;
return -1;
* Retreive the index with given raw data index
* @param {number} idx
* @param {number} name
* @return {number}
listProto.indexOfRawIndex = function (rawIndex) {
if (!this._indices) {
return rawIndex;
if (rawIndex >= this._rawCount || rawIndex < 0) {
return -1;
// Indices are ascending
var indices = this._indices;
// If rawIndex === dataIndex
var rawDataIndex = indices[rawIndex];
if (rawDataIndex != null && rawDataIndex < this._count && rawDataIndex === rawIndex) {
return rawIndex;
var left = 0;
var right = this._count - 1;
while (left <= right) {
var mid = (left + right) / 2 | 0;
if (indices[mid] < rawIndex) {
left = mid + 1;
else if (indices[mid] > rawIndex) {
right = mid - 1;
else {
return mid;
return -1;
* Retreive the index of nearest value
* @param {string} dim
* @param {number} value
* @param {number} [maxDistance=Infinity]
* @return {Array.<number>} Considere multiple points has the same value.
listProto.indicesOfNearest = function (dim, value, maxDistance) {
var storage = this._storage;
var dimData = storage[dim];
var nearestIndices = [];
if (!dimData) {
return nearestIndices;
if (maxDistance == null) {
maxDistance = Infinity;
var minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minDiff = -1;
for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) {
var diff = value - this.get(dim, i /*, stack */);
var dist = Math.abs(diff);
if (diff <= maxDistance && dist <= minDist) {
// For the case of two data are same on xAxis, which has sequence data.
// Show the nearest index
// https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts/issues/2869
if (dist < minDist || (diff >= 0 && minDiff < 0)) {
minDist = dist;
minDiff = diff;
nearestIndices.length = 0;
return nearestIndices;
* Get raw data index
* @param {number} idx
* @return {number}
listProto.getRawIndex = getRawIndexWithoutIndices;
function getRawIndexWithoutIndices(idx) {
return idx;
function getRawIndexWithIndices(idx) {
if (idx < this._count && idx >= 0) {
return this._indices[idx];
return -1;
* Get raw data item
* @param {number} idx
* @return {number}
listProto.getRawDataItem = function (idx) {
if (!this._rawData.persistent) {
var val = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.dimensions.length; i++) {
var dim = this.dimensions[i];
val.push(this.get(dim, idx));
return val;
else {
return this._rawData.getItem(this.getRawIndex(idx));
* @param {number} idx
* @param {boolean} [notDefaultIdx=false]
* @return {string}
listProto.getName = function (idx) {
var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(idx);
return this._nameList[rawIndex]
|| getRawValueFromStore(this, this._nameDimIdx, rawIndex)
|| '';
* @param {number} idx
* @param {boolean} [notDefaultIdx=false]
* @return {string}
listProto.getId = function (idx) {
return getId(this, this.getRawIndex(idx));
function getId(list, rawIndex) {
var id = list._idList[rawIndex];
if (id == null) {
id = getRawValueFromStore(list, list._idDimIdx, rawIndex);
if (id == null) {
// FIXME Check the usage in graph, should not use prefix.
id = ID_PREFIX + rawIndex;
return id;
function normalizeDimensions(dimensions) {
if (!zrUtil.isArray(dimensions)) {
dimensions = [dimensions];
return dimensions;
function validateDimensions(list, dims) {
for (var i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
// stroage may be empty when no data, so use
// dimensionInfos to check.
if (!list._dimensionInfos[dims[i]]) {
console.error('Unkown dimension ' + dims[i]);
* Data iteration
* @param {string|Array.<string>}
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} [context=this]
* @example
* list.each('x', function (x, idx) {});
* list.each(['x', 'y'], function (x, y, idx) {});
* list.each(function (idx) {})
listProto.each = function (dims, cb, context, contextCompat) {
'use strict';
if (!this._count) {
if (typeof dims === 'function') {
contextCompat = context;
context = cb;
cb = dims;
dims = [];
// contextCompat just for compat echarts3
context = context || contextCompat || this;
dims = zrUtil.map(normalizeDimensions(dims), this.getDimension, this);
if (__DEV__) {
validateDimensions(this, dims);
var dimSize = dims.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.count(); i++) {
// Simple optimization
switch (dimSize) {
case 0:
cb.call(context, i);
case 1:
cb.call(context, this.get(dims[0], i), i);
case 2:
cb.call(context, this.get(dims[0], i), this.get(dims[1], i), i);
var k = 0;
var value = [];
for (; k < dimSize; k++) {
value[k] = this.get(dims[k], i);
// Index
value[k] = i;
cb.apply(context, value);
* Data filter
* @param {string|Array.<string>}
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} [context=this]
listProto.filterSelf = function (dimensions, cb, context, contextCompat) {
'use strict';
if (!this._count) {
if (typeof dimensions === 'function') {
contextCompat = context;
context = cb;
cb = dimensions;
dimensions = [];
// contextCompat just for compat echarts3
context = context || contextCompat || this;
dimensions = zrUtil.map(
normalizeDimensions(dimensions), this.getDimension, this
if (__DEV__) {
validateDimensions(this, dimensions);
var count = this.count();
var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(this);
var newIndices = new Ctor(count);
var value = [];
var dimSize = dimensions.length;
var offset = 0;
var dim0 = dimensions[0];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var keep;
var rawIdx = this.getRawIndex(i);
// Simple optimization
if (dimSize === 0) {
keep = cb.call(context, i);
else if (dimSize === 1) {
var val = this._getFast(dim0, rawIdx);
keep = cb.call(context, val, i);
else {
for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) {
value[k] = this._getFast(dim0, rawIdx);
value[k] = i;
keep = cb.apply(context, value);
if (keep) {
newIndices[offset++] = rawIdx;
// Set indices after filtered.
if (offset < count) {
this._indices = newIndices;
this._count = offset;
// Reset data extent
this._extent = {};
this.getRawIndex = this._indices ? getRawIndexWithIndices : getRawIndexWithoutIndices;
return this;
* Select data in range. (For optimization of filter)
* (Manually inline code, support 5 million data filtering in data zoom.)
listProto.selectRange = function (range) {
'use strict';
if (!this._count) {
var dimensions = [];
for (var dim in range) {
if (range.hasOwnProperty(dim)) {
if (__DEV__) {
validateDimensions(this, dimensions);
var dimSize = dimensions.length;
if (!dimSize) {
var originalCount = this.count();
var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(this);
var newIndices = new Ctor(originalCount);
var offset = 0;
var dim0 = dimensions[0];
var min = range[dim0][0];
var max = range[dim0][1];
var quickFinished = false;
if (!this._indices) {
// Extreme optimization for common case. About 2x faster in chrome.
var idx = 0;
if (dimSize === 1) {
var dimStorage = this._storage[dimensions[0]];
for (var k = 0; k < this._chunkCount; k++) {
var chunkStorage = dimStorage[k];
var len = Math.min(this._count - k * this._chunkSize, this._chunkSize);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val = chunkStorage[i];
// NaN will not be filtered. Consider the case, in line chart, empty
// value indicates the line should be broken. But for the case like
// scatter plot, a data item with empty value will not be rendered,
// but the axis extent may be effected if some other dim of the data
// item has value. Fortunately it is not a significant negative effect.
if (
(val >= min && val <= max) || isNaN(val)
) {
newIndices[offset++] = idx;
quickFinished = true;
else if (dimSize === 2) {
var dimStorage = this._storage[dim0];
var dimStorage2 = this._storage[dimensions[1]];
var min2 = range[dimensions[1]][0];
var max2 = range[dimensions[1]][1];
for (var k = 0; k < this._chunkCount; k++) {
var chunkStorage = dimStorage[k];
var chunkStorage2= dimStorage2[k];
var len = Math.min(this._count - k * this._chunkSize, this._chunkSize);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val = chunkStorage[i];
var val2 = chunkStorage2[i];
// Do not filter NaN, see comment above.
if ((
(val >= min && val <= max) || isNaN(val)
&& (
(val2 >= min2 && val2 <= max2) || isNaN(val2)
) {
newIndices[offset++] = idx;
quickFinished = true;
if (!quickFinished) {
if (dimSize === 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(i);
var val = this._getFast(dim0, rawIndex);
// Do not filter NaN, see comment above.
if (
(val >= min && val <= max) || isNaN(val)
) {
newIndices[offset++] = rawIndex;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
var keep = true;
var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(i);
for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) {
var dimk = dimensions[k];
var val = this._getFast(dim, rawIndex);
// Do not filter NaN, see comment above.
if (val < range[dimk][0] || val > range[dimk][1]) {
keep = false;
if (keep) {
newIndices[offset++] = this.getRawIndex(i);
// Set indices after filtered.
if (offset < originalCount) {
this._indices = newIndices;
this._count = offset;
// Reset data extent
this._extent = {};
this.getRawIndex = this._indices ? getRawIndexWithIndices : getRawIndexWithoutIndices;
return this;
* Data mapping to a plain array
* @param {string|Array.<string>} [dimensions]
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} [context=this]
* @return {Array}
listProto.mapArray = function (dimensions, cb, context, contextCompat) {
'use strict';
if (typeof dimensions === 'function') {
contextCompat = context;
context = cb;
cb = dimensions;
dimensions = [];
// contextCompat just for compat echarts3
context = context || contextCompat || this;
var result = [];
this.each(dimensions, function () {
result.push(cb && cb.apply(this, arguments));
}, context);
return result;
// Data in excludeDimensions is copied, otherwise transfered.
function cloneListForMapAndSample(original, excludeDimensions) {
var allDimensions = original.dimensions;
var list = new List(
zrUtil.map(allDimensions, original.getDimensionInfo, original),
// FIXME If needs stackedOn, value may already been stacked
transferProperties(list, original);
var storage = list._storage = {};
var originalStorage = original._storage;
// Init storage
for (var i = 0; i < allDimensions.length; i++) {
var dim = allDimensions[i];
if (originalStorage[dim]) {
// Notice that we do not reset invertedIndicesMap here, becuase
// there is no scenario of mapping or sampling ordinal dimension.
if (zrUtil.indexOf(excludeDimensions, dim) >= 0) {
storage[dim] = cloneDimStore(originalStorage[dim]);
list._rawExtent[dim] = getInitialExtent();
list._extent[dim] = null;
else {
// Direct reference for other dimensions
storage[dim] = originalStorage[dim];
return list;
function cloneDimStore(originalDimStore) {
var newDimStore = new Array(originalDimStore.length);
for (var j = 0; j < originalDimStore.length; j++) {
newDimStore[j] = cloneChunk(originalDimStore[j]);
return newDimStore;
function getInitialExtent() {
return [Infinity, -Infinity];
* Data mapping to a new List with given dimensions
* @param {string|Array.<string>} dimensions
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} [context=this]
* @return {Array}
listProto.map = function (dimensions, cb, context, contextCompat) {
'use strict';
// contextCompat just for compat echarts3
context = context || contextCompat || this;
dimensions = zrUtil.map(
normalizeDimensions(dimensions), this.getDimension, this
if (__DEV__) {
validateDimensions(this, dimensions);
var list = cloneListForMapAndSample(this, dimensions);
// Following properties are all immutable.
// So we can reference to the same value
list._indices = this._indices;
list.getRawIndex = list._indices ? getRawIndexWithIndices : getRawIndexWithoutIndices;
var storage = list._storage;
var tmpRetValue = [];
var chunkSize = this._chunkSize;
var dimSize = dimensions.length;
var dataCount = this.count();
var values = [];
var rawExtent = list._rawExtent;
for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) {
for (var dimIndex = 0; dimIndex < dimSize; dimIndex++) {
values[dimIndex] = this.get(dimensions[dimIndex], dataIndex /*, stack */);
values[dimSize] = dataIndex;
var retValue = cb && cb.apply(context, values);
if (retValue != null) {
// a number or string (in oridinal dimension)?
if (typeof retValue !== 'object') {
tmpRetValue[0] = retValue;
retValue = tmpRetValue;
var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(dataIndex);
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(rawIndex / chunkSize);
var chunkOffset = rawIndex % chunkSize;
for (var i = 0; i < retValue.length; i++) {
var dim = dimensions[i];
var val = retValue[i];
var rawExtentOnDim = rawExtent[dim];
var dimStore = storage[dim];
if (dimStore) {
dimStore[chunkIndex][chunkOffset] = val;
if (val < rawExtentOnDim[0]) {
rawExtentOnDim[0] = val;
if (val > rawExtentOnDim[1]) {
rawExtentOnDim[1] = val;
return list;
* Large data down sampling on given dimension
* @param {string} dimension
* @param {number} rate
* @param {Function} sampleValue
* @param {Function} sampleIndex Sample index for name and id
listProto.downSample = function (dimension, rate, sampleValue, sampleIndex) {
var list = cloneListForMapAndSample(this, [dimension]);
var targetStorage = list._storage;
var frameValues = [];
var frameSize = Math.floor(1 / rate);
var dimStore = targetStorage[dimension];
var len = this.count();
var chunkSize = this._chunkSize;
var rawExtentOnDim = list._rawExtent[dimension];
var newIndices = new (getIndicesCtor(this))(len);
var offset = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += frameSize) {
// Last frame
if (frameSize > len - i) {
frameSize = len - i;
frameValues.length = frameSize;
for (var k = 0; k < frameSize; k++) {
var dataIdx = this.getRawIndex(i + k);
var originalChunkIndex = Math.floor(dataIdx / chunkSize);
var originalChunkOffset = dataIdx % chunkSize;
frameValues[k] = dimStore[originalChunkIndex][originalChunkOffset];
var value = sampleValue(frameValues);
var sampleFrameIdx = this.getRawIndex(
Math.min(i + sampleIndex(frameValues, value) || 0, len - 1)
var sampleChunkIndex = Math.floor(sampleFrameIdx / chunkSize);
var sampleChunkOffset = sampleFrameIdx % chunkSize;
// Only write value on the filtered data
dimStore[sampleChunkIndex][sampleChunkOffset] = value;
if (value < rawExtentOnDim[0]) {
rawExtentOnDim[0] = value;
if (value > rawExtentOnDim[1]) {
rawExtentOnDim[1] = value;
newIndices[offset++] = sampleFrameIdx;
list._count = offset;
list._indices = newIndices;
list.getRawIndex = getRawIndexWithIndices;
return list;
* Get model of one data item.
* @param {number} idx
// FIXME Model proxy ?
listProto.getItemModel = function (idx) {
var hostModel = this.hostModel;
return new Model(this.getRawDataItem(idx), hostModel, hostModel && hostModel.ecModel);
* Create a data differ
* @param {module:echarts/data/List} otherList
* @return {module:echarts/data/DataDiffer}
listProto.diff = function (otherList) {
var thisList = this;
return new DataDiffer(
otherList ? otherList.getIndices() : [],
function (idx) {
return getId(otherList, idx);
function (idx) {
return getId(thisList, idx);
* Get visual property.
* @param {string} key
listProto.getVisual = function (key) {
var visual = this._visual;
return visual && visual[key];
* Set visual property
* @param {string|Object} key
* @param {*} [value]
* @example
* setVisual('color', color);
* setVisual({
* 'color': color
* });
listProto.setVisual = function (key, val) {
if (isObject(key)) {
for (var name in key) {
if (key.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
this.setVisual(name, key[name]);
this._visual = this._visual || {};
this._visual[key] = val;
* Set layout property.
* @param {string|Object} key
* @param {*} [val]
listProto.setLayout = function (key, val) {
if (isObject(key)) {
for (var name in key) {
if (key.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
this.setLayout(name, key[name]);
this._layout[key] = val;
* Get layout property.
* @param {string} key.
* @return {*}
listProto.getLayout = function (key) {
return this._layout[key];
* Get layout of single data item
* @param {number} idx
listProto.getItemLayout = function (idx) {
return this._itemLayouts[idx];
* Set layout of single data item
* @param {number} idx
* @param {Object} layout
* @param {boolean=} [merge=false]
listProto.setItemLayout = function (idx, layout, merge) {
this._itemLayouts[idx] = merge
? zrUtil.extend(this._itemLayouts[idx] || {}, layout)
: layout;
* Clear all layout of single data item
listProto.clearItemLayouts = function () {
this._itemLayouts.length = 0;
* Get visual property of single data item
* @param {number} idx
* @param {string} key
* @param {boolean} [ignoreParent=false]
listProto.getItemVisual = function (idx, key, ignoreParent) {
var itemVisual = this._itemVisuals[idx];
var val = itemVisual && itemVisual[key];
if (val == null && !ignoreParent) {
// Use global visual property
return this.getVisual(key);
return val;
* Set visual property of single data item
* @param {number} idx
* @param {string|Object} key
* @param {*} [value]
* @example
* setItemVisual(0, 'color', color);
* setItemVisual(0, {
* 'color': color
* });
listProto.setItemVisual = function (idx, key, value) {
var itemVisual = this._itemVisuals[idx] || {};
var hasItemVisual = this.hasItemVisual;
this._itemVisuals[idx] = itemVisual;
if (isObject(key)) {
for (var name in key) {
if (key.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
itemVisual[name] = key[name];
hasItemVisual[name] = true;
itemVisual[key] = value;
hasItemVisual[key] = true;
* Clear itemVisuals and list visual.
listProto.clearAllVisual = function () {
this._visual = {};
this._itemVisuals = [];
this.hasItemVisual = {};
var setItemDataAndSeriesIndex = function (child) {
child.seriesIndex = this.seriesIndex;
child.dataIndex = this.dataIndex;
child.dataType = this.dataType;
* Set graphic element relative to data. It can be set as null
* @param {number} idx
* @param {module:zrender/Element} [el]
listProto.setItemGraphicEl = function (idx, el) {
var hostModel = this.hostModel;
if (el) {
// Add data index and series index for indexing the data by element
// Useful in tooltip
el.dataIndex = idx;
el.dataType = this.dataType;
el.seriesIndex = hostModel && hostModel.seriesIndex;
if (el.type === 'group') {
el.traverse(setItemDataAndSeriesIndex, el);
this._graphicEls[idx] = el;
* @param {number} idx
* @return {module:zrender/Element}
listProto.getItemGraphicEl = function (idx) {
return this._graphicEls[idx];
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} context
listProto.eachItemGraphicEl = function (cb, context) {
zrUtil.each(this._graphicEls, function (el, idx) {
if (el) {
cb && cb.call(context, el, idx);
* Shallow clone a new list except visual and layout properties, and graph elements.
* New list only change the indices.
listProto.cloneShallow = function (list) {
if (!list) {
var dimensionInfoList = zrUtil.map(this.dimensions, this.getDimensionInfo, this);
list = new List(dimensionInfoList, this.hostModel);
list._storage = this._storage;
transferProperties(list, this);
// Clone will not change the data extent and indices
if (this._indices) {
var Ctor = this._indices.constructor;
list._indices = new Ctor(this._indices);
else {
list._indices = null;
list.getRawIndex = list._indices ? getRawIndexWithIndices : getRawIndexWithoutIndices;
return list;
* Wrap some method to add more feature
* @param {string} methodName
* @param {Function} injectFunction
listProto.wrapMethod = function (methodName, injectFunction) {
var originalMethod = this[methodName];
if (typeof originalMethod !== 'function') {
this.__wrappedMethods = this.__wrappedMethods || [];
this[methodName] = function () {
var res = originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
return injectFunction.apply(this, [res].concat(zrUtil.slice(arguments)));
// Methods that create a new list based on this list should be listed here.
// Notice that those method should `RETURN` the new list.
listProto.TRANSFERABLE_METHODS = ['cloneShallow', 'downSample', 'map'];
// Methods that change indices of this list should be listed here.
listProto.CHANGABLE_METHODS = ['filterSelf', 'selectRange'];
export default List;
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