import math from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F def smooth_BCE(eps=0.1): # # return positive, negative label smoothing BCE targets return 1.0 - 0.5 * eps, 0.5 * eps class YOLOLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, input_shape, anchors_mask = [[6,7,8], [3,4,5], [0,1,2]], label_smoothing = 0): super(YOLOLoss, self).__init__() #-----------------------------------------------------------# # 13x13的特征层对应的anchor是[142, 110],[192, 243],[459, 401] # 26x26的特征层对应的anchor是[36, 75],[76, 55],[72, 146] # 52x52的特征层对应的anchor是[12, 16],[19, 36],[40, 28] #-----------------------------------------------------------# self.anchors = [anchors[mask] for mask in anchors_mask] self.num_classes = num_classes self.input_shape = input_shape self.anchors_mask = anchors_mask self.balance = [0.4, 1.0, 4] self.stride = [32, 16, 8] self.box_ratio = 0.05 self.obj_ratio = 1 * (input_shape[0] * input_shape[1]) / (640 ** 2) self.cls_ratio = 0.5 * (num_classes / 80) self.threshold = 4 self.cp, = smooth_BCE(eps=label_smoothing) self.BCEcls, self.BCEobj, = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), 1 def bbox_iou(self, box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True, GIoU=False, DIoU=False, CIoU=False, eps=1e-7): box2 = box2.T if x1y1x2y2: b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[0], box1[1], box1[2], box1[3] b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[0], box2[1], box2[2], box2[3] else: b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[0] - box1[2] / 2, box1[0] + box1[2] / 2 b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[1] - box1[3] / 2, box1[1] + box1[3] / 2 b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[0] - box2[2] / 2, box2[0] + box2[2] / 2 b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[1] - box2[3] / 2, box2[1] + box2[3] / 2 inter = (torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2) - torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)).clamp(0) * \ (torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2) - torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)).clamp(0) w1, h1 = b1_x2 - b1_x1, b1_y2 - b1_y1 + eps w2, h2 = b2_x2 - b2_x1, b2_y2 - b2_y1 + eps union = w1 * h1 + w2 * h2 - inter + eps iou = inter / union if GIoU or DIoU or CIoU: cw = torch.max(b1_x2, b2_x2) - torch.min(b1_x1, b2_x1) # convex (smallest enclosing box) width ch = torch.max(b1_y2, b2_y2) - torch.min(b1_y1, b2_y1) # convex height if CIoU or DIoU: # Distance or Complete IoU c2 = cw ** 2 + ch ** 2 + eps # convex diagonal squared rho2 = ((b2_x1 + b2_x2 - b1_x1 - b1_x2) ** 2 + (b2_y1 + b2_y2 - b1_y1 - b1_y2) ** 2) / 4 # center distance squared if DIoU: return iou - rho2 / c2 # DIoU elif CIoU: # v = (4 / math.pi ** 2) * torch.pow(torch.atan(w2 / h2) - torch.atan(w1 / h1), 2) with torch.no_grad(): alpha = v / (v - iou + (1 + eps)) return iou - (rho2 / c2 + v * alpha) # CIoU else: # GIoU c_area = cw * ch + eps # convex area return iou - (c_area - union) / c_area # GIoU else: return iou # IoU def __call__(self, predictions, targets, imgs): #-------------------------------------------# # 对输入进来的预测结果进行reshape # bs, 255, 20, 20 => bs, 3, 20, 20, 85 # bs, 255, 40, 40 => bs, 3, 40, 40, 85 # bs, 255, 80, 80 => bs, 3, 80, 80, 85 #-------------------------------------------# for i in range(len(predictions)): bs, _, h, w = predictions[i].size() predictions[i] = predictions[i].view(bs, len(self.anchors_mask[i]), -1, h, w).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous() #-------------------------------------------# # 获得工作的设备 #-------------------------------------------# device = targets.device #-------------------------------------------# # 初始化三个部分的损失 #-------------------------------------------# cls_loss, box_loss, obj_loss = torch.zeros(1, device = device), torch.zeros(1, device = device), torch.zeros(1, device = device) #-------------------------------------------# # 进行正样本的匹配 #-------------------------------------------# bs, as_, gjs, gis, targets, anchors = self.build_targets(predictions, targets, imgs) #-------------------------------------------# # 计算获得对应特征层的高宽 #-------------------------------------------# feature_map_sizes = [torch.tensor(prediction.shape, device=device)[[3, 2, 3, 2]].type_as(prediction) for prediction in predictions] #-------------------------------------------# # 计算损失,对三个特征层各自进行处理 #-------------------------------------------# for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions): #-------------------------------------------# # image, anchor, gridy, gridx #-------------------------------------------# b, a, gj, gi = bs[i], as_[i], gjs[i], gis[i] tobj = torch.zeros_like(prediction[..., 0], device=device) # target obj #-------------------------------------------# # 获得目标数量,如果目标大于0 # 则开始计算种类损失和回归损失 #-------------------------------------------# n = b.shape[0] if n: prediction_pos = prediction[b, a, gj, gi] # prediction subset corresponding to targets #-------------------------------------------# # 计算匹配上的正样本的回归损失 #-------------------------------------------# #-------------------------------------------# # grid 获得正样本的x、y轴坐标 #-------------------------------------------# grid = torch.stack([gi, gj], dim=1) #-------------------------------------------# # 进行解码,获得预测结果 #-------------------------------------------# xy = prediction_pos[:, :2].sigmoid() * 2. - 0.5 wh = (prediction_pos[:, 2:4].sigmoid() * 2) ** 2 * anchors[i] box =, wh), 1) #-------------------------------------------# # 对真实框进行处理,映射到特征层上 #-------------------------------------------# selected_tbox = targets[i][:, 2:6] * feature_map_sizes[i] selected_tbox[:, :2] -= grid.type_as(prediction) #-------------------------------------------# # 计算预测框和真实框的回归损失 #-------------------------------------------# iou = self.bbox_iou(box.T, selected_tbox, x1y1x2y2=False, CIoU=True) box_loss += (1.0 - iou).mean() #-------------------------------------------# # 根据预测结果的iou获得置信度损失的gt #-------------------------------------------# tobj[b, a, gj, gi] = (1.0 - + * iou.detach().clamp(0).type(tobj.dtype) # iou ratio #-------------------------------------------# # 计算匹配上的正样本的分类损失 #-------------------------------------------# selected_tcls = targets[i][:, 1].long() t = torch.full_like(prediction_pos[:, 5:],, device=device) # targets t[range(n), selected_tcls] = self.cp cls_loss += self.BCEcls(prediction_pos[:, 5:], t) # BCE #-------------------------------------------# # 计算目标是否存在的置信度损失 # 并且乘上每个特征层的比例 #-------------------------------------------# obj_loss += self.BCEobj(prediction[..., 4], tobj) * self.balance[i] # obj loss #-------------------------------------------# # 将各个部分的损失乘上比例 # 全加起来后,乘上batch_size #-------------------------------------------# box_loss *= self.box_ratio obj_loss *= self.obj_ratio cls_loss *= self.cls_ratio bs = tobj.shape[0] loss = box_loss + obj_loss + cls_loss return loss def xywh2xyxy(self, x): # Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] y = x.clone() if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(x) y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 # top left x y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 # top left y y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 # bottom right x y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 # bottom right y return y def box_iou(self, box1, box2): # """ Return intersection-over-union (Jaccard index) of boxes. Both sets of boxes are expected to be in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format. Arguments: box1 (Tensor[N, 4]) box2 (Tensor[M, 4]) Returns: iou (Tensor[N, M]): the NxM matrix containing the pairwise IoU values for every element in boxes1 and boxes2 """ def box_area(box): # box = 4xn return (box[2] - box[0]) * (box[3] - box[1]) area1 = box_area(box1.T) area2 = box_area(box2.T) # inter(N,M) = (rb(N,M,2) - lt(N,M,2)).clamp(0).prod(2) inter = (torch.min(box1[:, None, 2:], box2[:, 2:]) - torch.max(box1[:, None, :2], box2[:, :2])).clamp(0).prod(2) return inter / (area1[:, None] + area2 - inter) # iou = inter / (area1 + area2 - inter) def build_targets(self, predictions, targets, imgs): #-------------------------------------------# # 匹配正样本 #-------------------------------------------# indices, anch = self.find_3_positive(predictions, targets) matching_bs = [[] for _ in predictions] matching_as = [[] for _ in predictions] matching_gjs = [[] for _ in predictions] matching_gis = [[] for _ in predictions] matching_targets = [[] for _ in predictions] matching_anchs = [[] for _ in predictions] #-------------------------------------------# # 一共三层 #-------------------------------------------# num_layer = len(predictions) #-------------------------------------------# # 对batch_size进行循环,进行OTA匹配 # 在batch_size循环中对layer进行循环 #-------------------------------------------# for batch_idx in range(predictions[0].shape[0]): #-------------------------------------------# # 先判断匹配上的真实框哪些属于该图片 #-------------------------------------------# b_idx = targets[:, 0]==batch_idx this_target = targets[b_idx] #-------------------------------------------# # 如果没有真实框属于该图片则continue #-------------------------------------------# if this_target.shape[0] == 0: continue #-------------------------------------------# # 真实框的坐标进行缩放 #-------------------------------------------# txywh = this_target[:, 2:6] * imgs[batch_idx].shape[1] #-------------------------------------------# # 从中心宽高到左上角右下角 #-------------------------------------------# txyxy = self.xywh2xyxy(txywh) pxyxys = [] p_cls = [] p_obj = [] from_which_layer = [] all_b = [] all_a = [] all_gj = [] all_gi = [] all_anch = [] #-------------------------------------------# # 对三个layer进行循环 #-------------------------------------------# for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions): #-------------------------------------------# # b代表第几张图片 a代表第几个先验框 # gj代表y轴,gi代表x轴 #-------------------------------------------# b, a, gj, gi = indices[i] idx = (b == batch_idx) b, a, gj, gi = b[idx], a[idx], gj[idx], gi[idx] all_b.append(b) all_a.append(a) all_gj.append(gj) all_gi.append(gi) all_anch.append(anch[i][idx]) from_which_layer.append(torch.ones(size=(len(b),)) * i) #-------------------------------------------# # 取出这个真实框对应的预测结果 #-------------------------------------------# fg_pred = prediction[b, a, gj, gi] p_obj.append(fg_pred[:, 4:5]) p_cls.append(fg_pred[:, 5:]) #-------------------------------------------# # 获得网格后,进行解码 #-------------------------------------------# grid = torch.stack([gi, gj], dim=1).type_as(fg_pred) pxy = (fg_pred[:, :2].sigmoid() * 2. - 0.5 + grid) * self.stride[i] pwh = (fg_pred[:, 2:4].sigmoid() * 2) ** 2 * anch[i][idx] * self.stride[i] pxywh =[pxy, pwh], dim=-1) pxyxy = self.xywh2xyxy(pxywh) pxyxys.append(pxyxy) #-------------------------------------------# # 判断是否存在对应的预测框,不存在则跳过 #-------------------------------------------# pxyxys =, dim=0) if pxyxys.shape[0] == 0: continue #-------------------------------------------# # 进行堆叠 #-------------------------------------------# p_obj =, dim=0) p_cls =, dim=0) from_which_layer =, dim=0) all_b =, dim=0) all_a =, dim=0) all_gj =, dim=0) all_gi =, dim=0) all_anch =, dim=0) #-------------------------------------------------------------# # 计算当前图片中,真实框与预测框的重合程度 # iou的范围为0-1,取-log后为0~inf # 重合程度越大,取-log后越小 # 因此,真实框与预测框重合度越大,pair_wise_iou_loss越小 #-------------------------------------------------------------# pair_wise_iou = self.box_iou(txyxy, pxyxys) pair_wise_iou_loss = -torch.log(pair_wise_iou + 1e-8) #-------------------------------------------# # 最多二十个预测框与真实框的重合程度 # 然后求和,找到每个真实框对应几个预测框 #-------------------------------------------# top_k, _ = torch.topk(pair_wise_iou, min(20, pair_wise_iou.shape[1]), dim=1) dynamic_ks = torch.clamp(top_k.sum(1).int(), min=1) #-------------------------------------------# # gt_cls_per_image 种类的真实信息 #-------------------------------------------# gt_cls_per_image = F.one_hot(this_target[:, 1].to(torch.int64), self.num_classes).float().unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, pxyxys.shape[0], 1) #-------------------------------------------# # cls_preds_ 种类置信度的预测信息 # cls_preds_越接近于1,y越接近于1 # y / (1 - y)越接近于无穷大 # 也就是种类置信度预测的越准 # pair_wise_cls_loss越小 #-------------------------------------------# num_gt = this_target.shape[0] cls_preds_ = p_cls.float().unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_gt, 1, 1).sigmoid_() * p_obj.unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_gt, 1, 1).sigmoid_() y = cls_preds_.sqrt_() pair_wise_cls_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(torch.log(y / (1 - y)), gt_cls_per_image, reduction="none").sum(-1) del cls_preds_ #-------------------------------------------# # 求cost的总和 #-------------------------------------------# cost = ( pair_wise_cls_loss + 3.0 * pair_wise_iou_loss ) #-------------------------------------------# # 求cost最小的k个预测框 #-------------------------------------------# matching_matrix = torch.zeros_like(cost) for gt_idx in range(num_gt): _, pos_idx = torch.topk(cost[gt_idx], k=dynamic_ks[gt_idx].item(), largest=False) matching_matrix[gt_idx][pos_idx] = 1.0 del top_k, dynamic_ks #-------------------------------------------# # 如果一个预测框对应多个真实框 # 只使用这个预测框最对应的真实框 #-------------------------------------------# anchor_matching_gt = matching_matrix.sum(0) if (anchor_matching_gt > 1).sum() > 0: _, cost_argmin = torch.min(cost[:, anchor_matching_gt > 1], dim=0) matching_matrix[:, anchor_matching_gt > 1] *= 0.0 matching_matrix[cost_argmin, anchor_matching_gt > 1] = 1.0 fg_mask_inboxes = matching_matrix.sum(0) > 0.0 matched_gt_inds = matching_matrix[:, fg_mask_inboxes].argmax(0) #-------------------------------------------# # 取出符合条件的框 #-------------------------------------------# from_which_layer = from_which_layer[fg_mask_inboxes] all_b = all_b[fg_mask_inboxes] all_a = all_a[fg_mask_inboxes] all_gj = all_gj[fg_mask_inboxes] all_gi = all_gi[fg_mask_inboxes] all_anch = all_anch[fg_mask_inboxes] this_target = this_target[matched_gt_inds] for i in range(num_layer): layer_idx = from_which_layer == i matching_bs[i].append(all_b[layer_idx]) matching_as[i].append(all_a[layer_idx]) matching_gjs[i].append(all_gj[layer_idx]) matching_gis[i].append(all_gi[layer_idx]) matching_targets[i].append(this_target[layer_idx]) matching_anchs[i].append(all_anch[layer_idx]) for i in range(num_layer): matching_bs[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_bs[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_bs[i]) matching_as[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_as[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_as[i]) matching_gjs[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_gjs[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_gjs[i]) matching_gis[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_gis[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_gis[i]) matching_targets[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_targets[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_targets[i]) matching_anchs[i] =[i], dim=0) if len(matching_anchs[i]) != 0 else torch.Tensor(matching_anchs[i]) return matching_bs, matching_as, matching_gjs, matching_gis, matching_targets, matching_anchs def find_3_positive(self, predictions, targets): #------------------------------------# # 获得每个特征层先验框的数量 # 与真实框的数量 #------------------------------------# num_anchor, num_gt = len(self.anchors_mask[0]), targets.shape[0] #------------------------------------# # 创建空列表存放indices和anchors #------------------------------------# indices, anchors = [], [] #------------------------------------# # 创建7个1 # 序号0,1为1 # 序号2:6为特征层的高宽 # 序号6为1 #------------------------------------# gain = torch.ones(7, device=targets.device) #------------------------------------# # ai [num_anchor, num_gt] # targets [num_gt, 6] => [num_anchor, num_gt, 7] #------------------------------------# ai = torch.arange(num_anchor, device=targets.device).float().view(num_anchor, 1).repeat(1, num_gt) targets =, 1, 1), ai[:, :, None]), 2) # append anchor indices g = 0.5 # offsets off = torch.tensor([ [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], # j,k,l,m # [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], # jk,jm,lk,lm ], device=targets.device).float() * g for i in range(len(predictions)): #----------------------------------------------------# # 将先验框除以stride,获得相对于特征层的先验框。 # anchors_i [num_anchor, 2] #----------------------------------------------------# anchors_i = torch.from_numpy(self.anchors[i] / self.stride[i]).type_as(predictions[i]) #-------------------------------------------# # 计算获得对应特征层的高宽 #-------------------------------------------# gain[2:6] = torch.tensor(predictions[i].shape)[[3, 2, 3, 2]] #-------------------------------------------# # 将真实框乘上gain, # 其实就是将真实框映射到特征层上 #-------------------------------------------# t = targets * gain if num_gt: #-------------------------------------------# # 计算真实框与先验框高宽的比值 # 然后根据比值大小进行判断, # 判断结果用于取出,获得所有先验框对应的真实框 # r [num_anchor, num_gt, 2] # t [num_anchor, num_gt, 7] => [num_matched_anchor, 7] #-------------------------------------------# r = t[:, :, 4:6] / anchors_i[:, None] j = torch.max(r, 1. / r).max(2)[0] < self.threshold t = t[j] # filter #-------------------------------------------# # gxy 获得所有先验框对应的真实框的x轴y轴坐标 # gxi 取相对于该特征层的右小角的坐标 #-------------------------------------------# gxy = t[:, 2:4] # grid xy gxi = gain[[2, 3]] - gxy # inverse j, k = ((gxy % 1. < g) & (gxy > 1.)).T l, m = ((gxi % 1. < g) & (gxi > 1.)).T j = torch.stack((torch.ones_like(j), j, k, l, m)) #-------------------------------------------# # t 重复5次,使用满足条件的j进行框的提取 # j 一共五行,代表当前特征点在五个 # [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1] # 方向是否存在 #-------------------------------------------# t = t.repeat((5, 1, 1))[j] offsets = (torch.zeros_like(gxy)[None] + off[:, None])[j] else: t = targets[0] offsets = 0 #-------------------------------------------# # b 代表属于第几个图片 # gxy 代表该真实框所处的x、y中心坐标 # gwh 代表该真实框的wh坐标 # gij 代表真实框所属的特征点坐标 #-------------------------------------------# b, c = t[:, :2].long().T # image, class gxy = t[:, 2:4] # grid xy gwh = t[:, 4:6] # grid wh gij = (gxy - offsets).long() gi, gj = gij.T # grid xy indices #-------------------------------------------# # gj、gi不能超出特征层范围 # a代表属于该特征点的第几个先验框 #-------------------------------------------# a = t[:, 6].long() # anchor indices indices.append((b, a, gj.clamp_(0, gain[3] - 1), gi.clamp_(0, gain[2] - 1))) # image, anchor, grid indices anchors.append(anchors_i[a]) # anchors return indices, anchors def is_parallel(model): # Returns True if model is of type DP or DDP return type(model) in (nn.parallel.DataParallel, nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel) def de_parallel(model): # De-parallelize a model: returns single-GPU model if model is of type DP or DDP return model.module if is_parallel(model) else model def copy_attr(a, b, include=(), exclude=()): # Copy attributes from b to a, options to only include [...] and to exclude [...] for k, v in b.__dict__.items(): if (len(include) and k not in include) or k.startswith('_') or k in exclude: continue else: setattr(a, k, v) class ModelEMA: """ Updated Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from Keeps a moving average of everything in the model state_dict (parameters and buffers) For EMA details see """ def __init__(self, model, decay=0.9999, tau=2000, updates=0): # Create EMA self.ema = deepcopy(de_parallel(model)).eval() # FP32 EMA # if next(model.parameters()).device.type != 'cpu': # self.ema.half() # FP16 EMA self.updates = updates # number of EMA updates self.decay = lambda x: decay * (1 - math.exp(-x / tau)) # decay exponential ramp (to help early epochs) for p in self.ema.parameters(): p.requires_grad_(False) def update(self, model): # Update EMA parameters with torch.no_grad(): self.updates += 1 d = self.decay(self.updates) msd = de_parallel(model).state_dict() # model state_dict for k, v in self.ema.state_dict().items(): if v.dtype.is_floating_point: v *= d v += (1 - d) * msd[k].detach() def update_attr(self, model, include=(), exclude=('process_group', 'reducer')): # Update EMA attributes copy_attr(self.ema, model, include, exclude) def weights_init(net, init_type='normal', init_gain = 0.02): def init_func(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(m, 'weight') and classname.find('Conv') != -1: if init_type == 'normal': torch.nn.init.normal_(, 0.0, init_gain) elif init_type == 'xavier': torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(, gain=init_gain) elif init_type == 'kaiming': torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(, a=0, mode='fan_in') elif init_type == 'orthogonal': torch.nn.init.orthogonal_(, gain=init_gain) else: raise NotImplementedError('initialization method [%s] is not implemented' % init_type) elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: torch.nn.init.normal_(, 1.0, 0.02) torch.nn.init.constant_(, 0.0) print('initialize network with %s type' % init_type) net.apply(init_func) def get_lr_scheduler(lr_decay_type, lr, min_lr, total_iters, warmup_iters_ratio = 0.05, warmup_lr_ratio = 0.1, no_aug_iter_ratio = 0.05, step_num = 10): def yolox_warm_cos_lr(lr, min_lr, total_iters, warmup_total_iters, warmup_lr_start, no_aug_iter, iters): if iters <= warmup_total_iters: # lr = (lr - warmup_lr_start) * iters / float(warmup_total_iters) + warmup_lr_start lr = (lr - warmup_lr_start) * pow(iters / float(warmup_total_iters), 2 ) + warmup_lr_start elif iters >= total_iters - no_aug_iter: lr = min_lr else: lr = min_lr + 0.5 * (lr - min_lr) * ( 1.0 + math.cos( math.pi * (iters - warmup_total_iters) / (total_iters - warmup_total_iters - no_aug_iter) ) ) return lr def step_lr(lr, decay_rate, step_size, iters): if step_size < 1: raise ValueError("step_size must above 1.") n = iters // step_size out_lr = lr * decay_rate ** n return out_lr if lr_decay_type == "cos": warmup_total_iters = min(max(warmup_iters_ratio * total_iters, 1), 3) warmup_lr_start = max(warmup_lr_ratio * lr, 1e-6) no_aug_iter = min(max(no_aug_iter_ratio * total_iters, 1), 15) func = partial(yolox_warm_cos_lr ,lr, min_lr, total_iters, warmup_total_iters, warmup_lr_start, no_aug_iter) else: decay_rate = (min_lr / lr) ** (1 / (step_num - 1)) step_size = total_iters / step_num func = partial(step_lr, lr, decay_rate, step_size) return func def set_optimizer_lr(optimizer, lr_scheduler_func, epoch): lr = lr_scheduler_func(epoch) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr