[[mvc]] = Spring Web MVC :doc-spring-security: {doc-root}/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference [[mvc-introduction]] == Introduction Spring Web MVC is the original web framework built on the Servlet API and included in the Spring Framework from the very beginning. The formal name "Spring Web MVC" comes from the name of its source module https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-webmvc[spring-webmvc] but it is more commonly known as "Spring MVC". Parallel to Spring Web MVC, Spring Framework 5.0 introduced a reactive stack, web framework whose name Spring WebFlux is also based on its source module https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-webflux[spring-webflux]. This section covers Spring Web MVC. The <> covers Spring WebFlux. For baseline information and compatibility with Servlet container and Java EE version ranges please visit the Spring Framework https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Spring-Framework-Versions[Wiki]. [[mvc-servlet]] == DispatcherServlet [.small]#<># Spring MVC, like many other web frameworks, is designed around the front controller pattern where a central `Servlet`, the `DispatcherServlet`, provides a shared algorithm for request processing while actual work is performed by configurable, delegate components. This model is flexible and supports diverse workflows. The `DispatcherServlet`, as any `Servlet`, needs to be declared and mapped according to the Servlet specification using Java configuration or in `web.xml`. In turn the `DispatcherServlet` uses Spring configuration to discover the delegate components it needs for request mapping, view resolution, exception handling, <>. Below is an example of the Java configuration that registers and initializes the `DispatcherServlet`. This class is auto-detected by the Servlet container (see <>): [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer { @Override public void onStartup(ServletContext servletCxt) { // Load Spring web application configuration AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext ac = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); ac.register(AppConfig.class); ac.refresh(); // Create and register the DispatcherServlet DispatcherServlet servlet = new DispatcherServlet(ac); ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = servletCxt.addServlet("app", servlet); registration.setLoadOnStartup(1); registration.addMapping("/app/*"); } } ---- [NOTE] ==== In addition to using the ServletContext API directly, you can also extend `AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer` and override specific methods (see example under <>). ==== Below is an example of `web.xml` configuration to register and initialize the `DispatcherServlet`: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/app-context.xml app org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet contextConfigLocation 1 app /app/* ---- [NOTE] ==== Spring Boot follows a different initialization sequence. Rather than hooking into the lifecycle of the Servlet container, Spring Boot uses Spring configuration to bootstrap itself and the embedded Servlet container. `Filter` and `Servlet` declarations are detected in Spring configuration and registered with the Servlet container. For more details check the https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-embedded-container[Spring Boot docs]. ==== [[mvc-servlet-context-hierarchy]] === Context Hierarchy `DispatcherServlet` expects a `WebApplicationContext`, an extension of a plain `ApplicationContext`, for its own configuration. `WebApplicationContext` has a link to the `ServletContext` and `Servlet` it is associated with. It is also bound to the `ServletContext` such that applications can use static methods on `RequestContextUtils` to look up the `WebApplicationContext` if they need access to it. For many applications having a single `WebApplicationContext` is simple and sufficient. It is also possible to have a context hierarchy where one root `WebApplicationContext` is shared across multiple `DispatcherServlet` (or other `Servlet`) instances, each with its own child `WebApplicationContext` configuration. See <> for more on the context hierarchy feature. The root `WebApplicationContext` typically contains infrastructure beans such as data repositories and business services that need to be shared across multiple `Servlet` instances. Those beans are effectively inherited and could be overridden (i.e. re-declared) in the Servlet-specific, child `WebApplicationContext` which typically contains beans local to the given `Servlet`: image::images/mvc-context-hierarchy.png[] Below is example configuration with a `WebApplicationContext` hierarchy: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyWebAppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected Class[] getRootConfigClasses() { return new Class[] { RootConfig.class }; } @Override protected Class[] getServletConfigClasses() { return new Class[] { App1Config.class }; } @Override protected String[] getServletMappings() { return new String[] { "/app1/*" }; } } ---- [TIP] ==== If an application context hierarchy is not required, applications may return all configuration via `getRootConfigClasses()` and `null` from `getServletConfigClasses()`. ==== And the `web.xml` equivalent: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/root-context.xml app1 org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/app1-context.xml 1 app1 /app1/* ---- [TIP] ==== If an application context hierarchy is not required, applications may configure a "root" context only and leave the `contextConfigLocation` Servlet parameter empty. ==== [[mvc-servlet-special-bean-types]] === Special Bean Types [.small]#<># The `DispatcherServlet` delegates to special beans to process requests and render the appropriate responses. By "special beans" we mean Spring-managed, Object instances that implement WebFlux framework contracts. Those usually come with built-in contracts but you can customize their properties, extend or replace them. The table below lists the special beans detected by the `DispatcherHandler`: [[mvc-webappctx-special-beans-tbl]] [cols="1,2", options="header"] |=== | Bean type| Explanation | <> | Map a request to a handler along with a list of <> for pre- and post-processing. The mapping is based on some criteria the details of which vary by `HandlerMapping` implementation. The two main `HandlerMapping` implementations are `RequestMappingHandlerMapping` which supports `@RequestMapping` annotated methods and `SimpleUrlHandlerMapping` which maintains explicit registrations of URI path patterns to handlers. | HandlerAdapter | Help the `DispatcherServlet` to invoke a handler mapped to a request regardless of how the handler is actually invoked. For example, invoking an annotated controller requires resolving annotations. The main purpose of a `HandlerAdapter` is to shield the `DispatcherServlet` from such details. | <> | Strategy to resolve exceptions possibly mapping them to handlers, or to HTML error views, or other. See <>. | <> | Resolve logical String-based view names returned from a handler to an actual `View` to render to the response with. See <> and <>. | <>, <> | Resolve the `Locale` a client is using and possibly their time zone, in order to be able to offer internationalized views. See <>. | <> | Resolve themes your web application can use, for example, to offer personalized layouts. See <>. | <> | Abstraction for parsing a multi-part request (e.g. browser form file upload) with the help of some multipart parsing library. See <>. | <> | Store and retrieve the "input" and the "output" `FlashMap` that can be used to pass attributes from one request to another, usually across a redirect. See <>. |=== [[mvc-servlet-config]] === Web MVC Config [.small]#<># Applications can declare the infrastructure beans listed in <> that are required to process requests. The `DispatcherServlet` checks the `WebApplicationContext` for each special bean. If there are no matching bean types, it falls back on the default types listed in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/spring-webmvc/src/main/resources/org/springframework/web/servlet/DispatcherServlet.properties[DispatcherServlet.properties]. In most cases the <> is the best starting point. It declares the required beans in either Java or XML, and provides a higher level configuration callback API to customize it. [NOTE] ==== Spring Boot relies on the MVC Java config to configure Spring MVC and also provides many extra convenient options. ==== [[mvc-container-config]] === Servlet Config In a Servlet 3.0+ environment, you have the option of configuring the Servlet container programmatically as an alternative or in combination with a `web.xml` file. Below is an example of registering a `DispatcherServlet`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- import org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer; public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer { @Override public void onStartup(ServletContext container) { XmlWebApplicationContext appContext = new XmlWebApplicationContext(); appContext.setConfigLocation("/WEB-INF/spring/dispatcher-config.xml"); ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = container.addServlet("dispatcher", new DispatcherServlet(appContext)); registration.setLoadOnStartup(1); registration.addMapping("/"); } } ---- `WebApplicationInitializer` is an interface provided by Spring MVC that ensures your implementation is detected and automatically used to initialize any Servlet 3 container. An abstract base class implementation of `WebApplicationInitializer` named `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer` makes it even easier to register the `DispatcherServlet` by simply overriding methods to specify the servlet mapping and the location of the `DispatcherServlet` configuration. This is recommended for applications that use Java-based Spring configuration: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyWebAppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected Class[] getRootConfigClasses() { return null; } @Override protected Class[] getServletConfigClasses() { return new Class[] { MyWebConfig.class }; } @Override protected String[] getServletMappings() { return new String[] { "/" }; } } ---- If using XML-based Spring configuration, you should extend directly from `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyWebAppInitializer extends AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected WebApplicationContext createRootApplicationContext() { return null; } @Override protected WebApplicationContext createServletApplicationContext() { XmlWebApplicationContext cxt = new XmlWebApplicationContext(); cxt.setConfigLocation("/WEB-INF/spring/dispatcher-config.xml"); return cxt; } @Override protected String[] getServletMappings() { return new String[] { "/" }; } } ---- `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer` also provides a convenient way to add `Filter` instances and have them automatically mapped to the `DispatcherServlet`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyWebAppInitializer extends AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer { // ... @Override protected Filter[] getServletFilters() { return new Filter[] { new HiddenHttpMethodFilter(), new CharacterEncodingFilter() }; } } ---- Each filter is added with a default name based on its concrete type and automatically mapped to the `DispatcherServlet`. The `isAsyncSupported` protected method of `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer` provides a single place to enable async support on the `DispatcherServlet` and all filters mapped to it. By default this flag is set to `true`. Finally, if you need to further customize the `DispatcherServlet` itself, you can override the `createDispatcherServlet` method. [[mvc-servlet-sequence]] === Processing [.small]#<># The `DispatcherServlet` processes requests as follows: * The `WebApplicationContext` is searched for and bound in the request as an attribute that the controller and other elements in the process can use. It is bound by default under the key `DispatcherServlet.WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE`. * The locale resolver is bound to the request to enable elements in the process to resolve the locale to use when processing the request (rendering the view, preparing data, and so on). If you do not need locale resolving, you do not need it. * The theme resolver is bound to the request to let elements such as views determine which theme to use. If you do not use themes, you can ignore it. * If you specify a multipart file resolver, the request is inspected for multiparts; if multiparts are found, the request is wrapped in a `MultipartHttpServletRequest` for further processing by other elements in the process. See <> for further information about multipart handling. * An appropriate handler is searched for. If a handler is found, the execution chain associated with the handler (preprocessors, postprocessors, and controllers) is executed in order to prepare a model or rendering. Or alternatively for annotated controllers, the response may be rendered (within the `HandlerAdapter`) instead of returning a view. * If a model is returned, the view is rendered. If no model is returned, (may be due to a preprocessor or postprocessor intercepting the request, perhaps for security reasons), no view is rendered, because the request could already have been fulfilled. The `HandlerExceptionResolver` beans declared in the `WebApplicationContext` are used to resolve exceptions thrown during request processing. Those exception resolvers allow customizing the logic to address exceptions. See <> for more details. The Spring `DispatcherServlet` also supports the return of the __last-modification-date__, as specified by the Servlet API. The process of determining the last modification date for a specific request is straightforward: the `DispatcherServlet` looks up an appropriate handler mapping and tests whether the handler that is found implements the __LastModified__ interface. If so, the value of the `long getLastModified(request)` method of the `LastModified` interface is returned to the client. You can customize individual `DispatcherServlet` instances by adding Servlet initialization parameters ( `init-param` elements) to the Servlet declaration in the `web.xml` file. See the following table for the list of supported parameters. [[mvc-disp-servlet-init-params-tbl]] .DispatcherServlet initialization parameters |=== | Parameter| Explanation | `contextClass` | Class that implements `WebApplicationContext`, which instantiates the context used by this Servlet. By default, the `XmlWebApplicationContext` is used. | `contextConfigLocation` | String that is passed to the context instance (specified by `contextClass`) to indicate where context(s) can be found. The string consists potentially of multiple strings (using a comma as a delimiter) to support multiple contexts. In case of multiple context locations with beans that are defined twice, the latest location takes precedence. | `namespace` | Namespace of the `WebApplicationContext`. Defaults to `[servlet-name]-servlet`. | `throwExceptionIfNoHandlerFound` | Whether to throw a `NoHandlerFoundException` when no handler was found for a request. The exception can then be caught with a `HandlerExceptionResolver`, e.g. via an `@ExceptionHandler` controller method, and handled as any others. By default this is set to "false", in which case the `DispatcherServlet` sets the response status to 404 (NOT_FOUND) without raising an exception. Note that if <> is also configured, then unresolved requests are always forwarded to the default servlet and a 404 would never be raised. |=== [[mvc-handlermapping-interceptor]] === Interception All `HandlerMapping` implementations supports handler interceptors that are useful when you want to apply specific functionality to certain requests, for example, checking for a principal. Interceptors must implement `HandlerInterceptor` from the `org.springframework.web.servlet` package with three methods that should provide enough flexibility to do all kinds of pre-processing and post-processing: * `preHandle(..)` -- __before__ the actual handler is executed * `postHandle(..)` -- __after__ the handler is executed * `afterCompletion(..)` -- __after the complete request has finished__ The `preHandle(..)` method returns a boolean value. You can use this method to break or continue the processing of the execution chain. When this method returns `true`, the handler execution chain will continue; when it returns false, the `DispatcherServlet` assumes the interceptor itself has taken care of requests (and, for example, rendered an appropriate view) and does not continue executing the other interceptors and the actual handler in the execution chain. See <> in the section on MVC configuration for examples of how to configure interceptors. You can also register them directly via setters on individual `HandlerMapping` implementations. Note that `postHandle` is less useful with `@ResponseBody` and `ResponseEntity` methods for which the response is written and committed within the `HandlerAdapter` and before `postHandle`. That means its too late to make any changes to the response such as adding an extra header. For such scenarios you can implement `ResponseBodyAdvice` and either declare it as an <> bean or configure it directly on `RequestMappingHandlerAdapter`. [[mvc-exceptionhandlers]] === Exceptions [.small]#<># If an exception occurs during request mapping or is thrown from a request handler such as an `@Controller`, the `DispatcherServlet` delegates to a chain of `HandlerExceptionResolver` beans to resolve the exception and provide alternative handling, which typically is an error response. The table below lists the available `HandlerExceptionResolver` implementations: [cols="1,2", options="header"] .HandlerExceptionResolver implementations |=== | HandlerExceptionResolver | Description | `SimpleMappingExceptionResolver` | A mapping between exception class names and error view names. Useful for rendering error pages in a browser application. | {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/mvc/support/DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver.html[DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver] | Resolves exceptions raised by Spring MVC and maps them to HTTP status codes. Also see alternative `ResponseEntityExceptionHandler` and <>. | `ResponseStatusExceptionResolver` | Resolves exceptions with the `@ResponseStatus` annotation and maps them to HTTP status codes based on the value in the annotation. | `ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver` | Resolves exceptions by invoking an `@ExceptionHandler` method in an `@Controller` or an `@ControllerAdvice` class. See <>. |=== [[mvc-excetionhandlers-handling]] ==== Chain of resolvers You can form an exception resolver chain simply by declaring multiple `HandlerExceptionResolver` beans in your Spring configuration and setting their `order` properties as needed. The higher the order property, the later the exception resolver is positioned. The contract of `HandlerExceptionResolver` specifies that it can return: * `ModelAndView` that points to an error view. * Empty `ModelAndView` if the exception was handled within the resolver. * `null` if the exception remains unresolved, for subsequent resolvers to try; and if the exception remains at the end, it is allowed to bubble up to the Servlet container. The <> automatically declares built-in resolvers for default Spring MVC exceptions, for `@ResponseStatus` annotated exceptions, and for support of `@ExceptionHandler` methods. You can customize that list or replace it. [[mvc-ann-customer-servlet-container-error-page]] ==== Container error page If an exception remains unresolved by any `HandlerExceptionResolver` and is therefore left to propagate, or if the response status is set to an error status (i.e. 4xx, 5xx), Servlet containers may render a default error page in HTML. To customize the default error page of the container, you can declare an error page mapping in `web.xml`: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- /error ---- Given the above, when an exception bubbles up, or the response has an error status, the Servlet container makes an ERROR dispatch within the container to the configured URL (e.g. "/error"). This is then processed by the `DispatcherServlet`, possibly mapping it to an `@Controller` which could be implemented to return an error view name with a model or to render a JSON response as shown below: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RestController public class ErrorController { @RequestMapping(path = "/error") public Map handle(HttpServletRequest request) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("status", request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code")); map.put("reason", request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.message")); return map; } } ---- [TIP] ==== The Servlet API does not provide a way to create error page mappings in Java. You can however use both an `WebApplicationInitializer` and a minimal `web.xml`. ==== [[mvc-viewresolver]] === View Resolution [.small]#<># Spring MVC defines the `ViewResolver` and `View` interfaces that enable you to render models in a browser without tying you to a specific view technology. `ViewResolver` provides a mapping between view names and actual views. `View` addresses the preparation of data before handing over to a specific view technology. The table below provides more details on the `ViewResolver` hierarchy: [[mvc-view-resolvers-tbl]] .ViewResolver implementations |=== | ViewResolver| Description | `AbstractCachingViewResolver` | Sub-classes of `AbstractCachingViewResolver` cache view instances that they resolve. Caching improves performance of certain view technologies. It's possible to turn off the cache by setting the `cache` property to `false`. Furthermore, if you must refresh a certain view at runtime (for example when a FreeMarker template is modified), you can use the `removeFromCache(String viewName, Locale loc)` method. | `XmlViewResolver` | Implementation of `ViewResolver` that accepts a configuration file written in XML with the same DTD as Spring's XML bean factories. The default configuration file is `/WEB-INF/views.xml`. | `ResourceBundleViewResolver` | Implementation of `ViewResolver` that uses bean definitions in a `ResourceBundle`, specified by the bundle base name, and for each view it is supposed to resolve, it uses the value of the property `[viewname].(class)` as the view class and the value of the property `[viewname].url` as the view url. Examples can be found in the chapter on <>. | `UrlBasedViewResolver` | Simple implementation of the `ViewResolver` interface that effects the direct resolution of logical view names to URLs, without an explicit mapping definition. This is appropriate if your logical names match the names of your view resources in a straightforward manner, without the need for arbitrary mappings. | `InternalResourceViewResolver` | Convenient subclass of `UrlBasedViewResolver` that supports `InternalResourceView` (in effect, Servlets and JSPs) and subclasses such as `JstlView` and `TilesView`. You can specify the view class for all views generated by this resolver by using `setViewClass(..)`. See the `UrlBasedViewResolver` javadocs for details. | `FreeMarkerViewResolver` | Convenient subclass of `UrlBasedViewResolver` that supports `FreeMarkerView` and custom subclasses of them. | `ContentNegotiatingViewResolver` | Implementation of the `ViewResolver` interface that resolves a view based on the request file name or `Accept` header. See <>. |=== [[mvc-viewresolver-handling]] ==== Handling [.small]#<># You chain view resolvers by declaring more than one resolver beans and, if necessary, by setting the `order` property to specify ordering. Remember, the higher the order property, the later the view resolver is positioned in the chain. The contract of a `ViewResolver` specifies that it __can__ return null to indicate the view could not be found. However in the case of JSPs, and `InternalResourceViewResolver`, the only way to figure out if a JSP exists is to perform a dispatch through `RequestDispatcher`. Therefore an `InternalResourceViewResolver` must always be configured to be last in the overall order of view resolvers. To configure view resolution is as simple as adding `ViewResolver` beans to your Spring configuration. The <> provides provides a dedicated configuration API for <> and also for adding logic-less <> which are useful for HTML template rendering without controller logic. [[mvc-redirecting-redirect-prefix]] ==== Redirecting [.small]#<># The special `redirect:` prefix in a view name allows you to perform a redirect. The `UrlBasedViewResolver` (and sub-classes) recognize this as an instruction that a redirect is needed. The rest of the view name is the redirect URL. The net effect is the same as if the controller had returned a `RedirectView`, but now the controller itself can simply operate in terms of logical view names. A logical view name such as `redirect:/myapp/some/resource` will redirect relative to the current Servlet context, while a name such as `redirect:http://myhost.com/some/arbitrary/path` will redirect to an absolute URL. Note that if a controller method is annotated with the `@ResponseStatus`, the annotation value takes precedence over the response status set by `RedirectView`. [[mvc-redirecting-forward-prefix]] ==== Forwarding It is also possible to use a special `forward:` prefix for view names that are ultimately resolved by `UrlBasedViewResolver` and subclasses. This creates an `InternalResourceView` which does a `RequestDispatcher.forward()`. Therefore, this prefix is not useful with `InternalResourceViewResolver` and `InternalResourceView` (for JSPs) but it can be helpful if using another view technology, but still want to force a forward of a resource to be handled by the Servlet/JSP engine. Note that you may also chain multiple view resolvers, instead. [[mvc-multiple-representations]] ==== Content negotiation [.small]#<># {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/view/ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.html[ContentNegotiatingViewResolver] does not resolve views itself but rather delegates to other view resolvers, and selects the view that resembles the representation requested by the client. The representation can be determined from the `Accept` header or from a query parameter, e.g. `"/path?format=pdf"`. The `ContentNegotiatingViewResolver` selects an appropriate `View` to handle the request by comparing the request media type(s) with the media type (also known as `Content-Type`) supported by the `View` associated with each of its `ViewResolvers`. The first `View` in the list that has a compatible `Content-Type` returns the representation to the client. If a compatible view cannot be supplied by the `ViewResolver` chain, then the list of views specified through the `DefaultViews` property will be consulted. This latter option is appropriate for singleton `Views` that can render an appropriate representation of the current resource regardless of the logical view name. The `Accept` header may include wild cards, for example `text/{asterisk}`, in which case a `View` whose Content-Type was `text/xml` is a compatible match. See <> under <> for configuration details. [[mvc-localeresolver]] === Locale Most parts of Spring's architecture support internationalization, just as the Spring web MVC framework does. `DispatcherServlet` enables you to automatically resolve messages using the client's locale. This is done with `LocaleResolver` objects. When a request comes in, the `DispatcherServlet` looks for a locale resolver, and if it finds one it tries to use it to set the locale. Using the `RequestContext.getLocale()` method, you can always retrieve the locale that was resolved by the locale resolver. In addition to automatic locale resolution, you can also attach an interceptor to the handler mapping (see <> for more information on handler mapping interceptors) to change the locale under specific circumstances, for example, based on a parameter in the request. Locale resolvers and interceptors are defined in the `org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n` package and are configured in your application context in the normal way. Here is a selection of the locale resolvers included in Spring. [[mvc-timezone]] ==== TimeZone In addition to obtaining the client's locale, it is often useful to know their time zone. The `LocaleContextResolver` interface offers an extension to `LocaleResolver` that allows resolvers to provide a richer `LocaleContext`, which may include time zone information. When available, the user's `TimeZone` can be obtained using the `RequestContext.getTimeZone()` method. Time zone information will automatically be used by Date/Time `Converter` and `Formatter` objects registered with Spring's `ConversionService`. [[mvc-localeresolver-acceptheader]] ==== Header resolver This locale resolver inspects the `accept-language` header in the request that was sent by the client (e.g., a web browser). Usually this header field contains the locale of the client's operating system. __Note that this resolver does not support time zone information.__ [[mvc-localeresolver-cookie]] ==== Cookie resolver This locale resolver inspects a `Cookie` that might exist on the client to see if a `Locale` or `TimeZone` is specified. If so, it uses the specified details. Using the properties of this locale resolver, you can specify the name of the cookie as well as the maximum age. Find below an example of defining a `CookieLocaleResolver`. [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [[mvc-cookie-locale-resolver-props-tbl]] .CookieLocaleResolver properties [cols="1,1,4"] |=== | Property | Default | Description | cookieName | classname + LOCALE | The name of the cookie | cookieMaxAge | Servlet container default | The maximum time a cookie will stay persistent on the client. If -1 is specified, the cookie will not be persisted; it will only be available until the client shuts down their browser. | cookiePath | / | Limits the visibility of the cookie to a certain part of your site. When cookiePath is specified, the cookie will only be visible to that path and the paths below it. |=== [[mvc-localeresolver-session]] ==== Session resolver The `SessionLocaleResolver` allows you to retrieve `Locale` and `TimeZone` from the session that might be associated with the user's request. In contrast to `CookieLocaleResolver`, this strategy stores locally chosen locale settings in the Servlet container's `HttpSession`. As a consequence, those settings are just temporary for each session and therefore lost when each session terminates. Note that there is no direct relationship with external session management mechanisms such as the Spring Session project. This `SessionLocaleResolver` will simply evaluate and modify corresponding `HttpSession` attributes against the current `HttpServletRequest`. [[mvc-localeresolver-interceptor]] ==== Locale interceptor You can enable changing of locales by adding the `LocaleChangeInterceptor` to one of the handler mappings (see <>). It will detect a parameter in the request and change the locale. It calls `setLocale()` on the `LocaleResolver` that also exists in the context. The following example shows that calls to all `{asterisk}.view` resources containing a parameter named `siteLanguage` will now change the locale. So, for example, a request for the following URL, `http://www.sf.net/home.view?siteLanguage=nl` will change the site language to Dutch. [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- /**/*.view=someController ---- [[mvc-themeresolver]] === Themes You can apply Spring Web MVC framework themes to set the overall look-and-feel of your application, thereby enhancing user experience. A theme is a collection of static resources, typically style sheets and images, that affect the visual style of the application. [[mvc-themeresolver-defining]] ==== Define a theme To use themes in your web application, you must set up an implementation of the `org.springframework.ui.context.ThemeSource` interface. The `WebApplicationContext` interface extends `ThemeSource` but delegates its responsibilities to a dedicated implementation. By default the delegate will be an `org.springframework.ui.context.support.ResourceBundleThemeSource` implementation that loads properties files from the root of the classpath. To use a custom `ThemeSource` implementation or to configure the base name prefix of the `ResourceBundleThemeSource`, you can register a bean in the application context with the reserved name `themeSource`. The web application context automatically detects a bean with that name and uses it. When using the `ResourceBundleThemeSource`, a theme is defined in a simple properties file. The properties file lists the resources that make up the theme. Here is an example: [literal] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- styleSheet=/themes/cool/style.css background=/themes/cool/img/coolBg.jpg ---- The keys of the properties are the names that refer to the themed elements from view code. For a JSP, you typically do this using the `spring:theme` custom tag, which is very similar to the `spring:message` tag. The following JSP fragment uses the theme defined in the previous example to customize the look and feel: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags"%> ... ---- By default, the `ResourceBundleThemeSource` uses an empty base name prefix. As a result, the properties files are loaded from the root of the classpath. Thus you would put the `cool.properties` theme definition in a directory at the root of the classpath, for example, in `/WEB-INF/classes`. The `ResourceBundleThemeSource` uses the standard Java resource bundle loading mechanism, allowing for full internationalization of themes. For example, we could have a `/WEB-INF/classes/cool_nl.properties` that references a special background image with Dutch text on it. [[mvc-themeresolver-resolving]] ==== Resolve themes After you define themes, as in the preceding section, you decide which theme to use. The `DispatcherServlet` will look for a bean named `themeResolver` to find out which `ThemeResolver` implementation to use. A theme resolver works in much the same way as a `LocaleResolver`. It detects the theme to use for a particular request and can also alter the request's theme. The following theme resolvers are provided by Spring: [[mvc-theme-resolver-impls-tbl]] .ThemeResolver implementations [cols="1,4"] |=== | Class | Description | `FixedThemeResolver` | Selects a fixed theme, set using the `defaultThemeName` property. | `SessionThemeResolver` | The theme is maintained in the user's HTTP session. It only needs to be set once for each session, but is not persisted between sessions. | `CookieThemeResolver` | The selected theme is stored in a cookie on the client. |=== Spring also provides a `ThemeChangeInterceptor` that allows theme changes on every request with a simple request parameter. [[mvc-multipart]] === Multipart resolver [.small]#<># `MultipartResolver` from the `org.springframework.web.multipart` package is a strategy for parsing multipart requests including file uploads. There is one implementation based on http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload[__Commons FileUpload__] and another based on Servlet 3.0 multipart request parsing. To enable multipart handling, you need declare a `MultipartResolver` bean in your `DispatcherServlet` Spring configuration with the name "multipartResolver". The `DispatcherServlet` detects it and applies it to incoming request. When a POST with content-type of "multipart/form-data" is received, the resolver parses the content and wraps the current `HttpServletRequest` as `MultipartHttpServletRequest` in order to provide access to resolved parts in addition to exposing them as request parameters. [[mvc-multipart-resolver-commons]] ==== Apache FileUpload To use Apache Commons FileUpload, simply configure a bean of type `CommonsMultipartResolver` with the name `multipartResolver`. Of course you also need to have `commons-fileupload` as a dependency on your classpath. [[mvc-multipart-resolver-standard]] ==== Servlet 3.0 Servlet 3.0 multipart parsing needs to be enabled through Servlet container configuration: * in Java, set a `MultipartConfigElement` on the Servlet registration. * in `web.xml`, add a `""` section to the servlet declaration. [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class AppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { // ... @Override protected void customizeRegistration(ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration) { // Optionally also set maxFileSize, maxRequestSize, fileSizeThreshold registration.setMultipartConfig(new MultipartConfigElement("/tmp")); } } ---- Once the Servlet 3.0 configuration is in place, simply add a bean of type `StandardServletMultipartResolver` with the name `multipartResolver`. [[mvc-logging]] === Logging [.small]#<># DEBUG level logging in Spring MVC is designed to be compact, minimal, and human-friendly. It focuses on high value bits of information that are useful over and over again vs others that are useful only when debugging a specific issue. TRACE level logging generally follows the same principles as DEBUG (and for example also should not be a firehose) but can be used for debugging any issue. In addition some log messages may show a different level of detail at TRACE vs DEBUG. Good logging comes from the experience of using the logs. If you spot anything that does not meet the stated goals, please let us know. [[mvc-logging-sensitive-data]] ==== Sensitive Data [.small]#<># DEBUG and TRACE logging may log sensitive information. This is why request parameters and headers are masked by default and their logging in full must be enabled explicitly through the `enableLoggingRequestDetails` property on `DispatcherServlet`. For example if using Java config: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- public class MyInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected Class[] getRootConfigClasses() { return ... ; } @Override protected Class[] getServletConfigClasses() { return ... ; } @Override protected String[] getServletMappings() { return ... ; } @Override protected void customizeRegistration(Dynamic registration) { registration.setInitParameter("enableLoggingRequestDetails", "true"); } } ---- [[filters]] == Filters [.small]#<># The `spring-web` module provides some useful filters. [[filters-http-put]] === Form Data Browsers can only submit form data via HTTP GET or HTTP POST but non-browser clients can also use HTTP PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. The Servlet API requires `ServletRequest.getParameter{asterisk}()` methods to support form field access only for HTTP POST. The `spring-web` module provides `FormContentFilter` that intercepts HTTP PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests with content type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, reads the form data from the body of the request, and wraps the `ServletRequest` in order to make the form data available through the `ServletRequest.getParameter{asterisk}()` family of methods. [[filters-forwarded-headers]] === Forwarded Headers [.small]#<># As a request goes through proxies such as load balancers the host, port, and scheme may change and that makes it a challenge to create links that point to the correct host, port, and scheme from a client perspective. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239[RFC 7239] defines the "Forwarded" HTTP header that proxies can use to provide information about the original request. There are other non-standard headers too including "X-Forwarded-Host", "X-Forwarded-Port", "X-Forwarded-Proto", "X-Forwarded-Ssl", and "X-Forwarded-Prefix". `ForwardedHeaderFilter` is a Servlet filter that modifies the host, port, and scheme of the request, based on Forwarded headers, and then removes those headers. There are security considerations for forwarded headers since an application can't know if the headers were added by a proxy as intended, or with a malicious client. This is why a proxy at the boundary of trust should be configured to remove untrusted Forwarded coming from the outside. You can also configure the `ForwardedHeaderFilter` with `removeOnly=true` in which case it will remove but not use the headers. [[filters-shallow-etag]] === Shallow ETag The `ShallowEtagHeaderFilter` filter creates a "shallow" ETag by caching the content written to the response, and computing an MD5 hash from it. The next time a client sends, it does the same, but also compares the computed value against the `If-None-Match` request header and if the two are equal, it returns a 304 (NOT_MODIFIED). This strategy saves network bandwidth but not CPU, as the full response must be computed for each request. Other strategies at the controller level, described above, can avoid the computation. See <>. This filter has a `writeWeakETag` parameter that configures the filter to write Weak ETags, like this: `W/"02a2d595e6ed9a0b24f027f2b63b134d6"`, as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-2.3[RFC 7232 Section 2.3]. [[filters-cors]] === CORS [.small]#<># Spring MVC provides fine-grained support for CORS configuration through annotations on controllers. However when used with Spring Security it is advisable to rely on the built-in `CorsFilter` that must be ordered ahead of Spring Security's chain of filters. See the section on <> and the <> for more details. [[mvc-controller]] == Annotated Controllers [.small]#<># Spring MVC provides an annotation-based programming model where `@Controller` and `@RestController` components use annotations to express request mappings, request input, exception handling, and more. Annotated controllers have flexible method signatures and do not have to extend base classes nor implement specific interfaces. [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class HelloController { @GetMapping("/hello") public String handle(Model model) { model.addAttribute("message", "Hello World!"); return "index"; } } ---- In this particular example the method accepts a `Model` and returns a view name as a `String` but many other options exist and are explained further below in this chapter. [TIP] ==== Guides and tutorials on https://spring.io/guides[spring.io] use the annotation-based programming model described in this section. ==== [[mvc-ann-controller]] === Declaration [.small]#<># You can define controller beans using a standard Spring bean definition in the Servlet's `WebApplicationContext`. The `@Controller` stereotype allows for auto-detection, aligned with Spring general support for detecting `@Component` classes in the classpath and auto-registering bean definitions for them. It also acts as a stereotype for the annotated class, indicating its role as a web component. To enable auto-detection of such `@Controller` beans, you can add component scanning to your Java configuration: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @ComponentScan("org.example.web") public class WebConfig { // ... } ---- The XML configuration equivalent: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- `@RestController` is a <> that is itself meta-annotated with `@Controller` and `@ResponseBody` indicating a controller whose every method inherits the type-level `@ResponseBody` annotation and therefore writes directly to the response body vs view resolution and rendering with an HTML template. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-proxying]] ==== AOP proxies In some cases a controller may need to be decorated with an AOP proxy at runtime. One example is if you choose to have `@Transactional` annotations directly on the controller. When this is the case, for controllers specifically, we recommend using class-based proxying. This is typically the default choice with controllers. However if a controller must implement an interface that is not a Spring Context callback (e.g. `InitializingBean`, `*Aware`, etc), you may need to explicitly configure class-based proxying. For example with ``, change to ``. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping]] === Request Mapping [.small]#<># The `@RequestMapping` annotation is used to map requests to controllers methods. It has various attributes to match by URL, HTTP method, request parameters, headers, and media types. It can be used at the class-level to express shared mappings or at the method level to narrow down to a specific endpoint mapping. There are also HTTP method specific shortcut variants of `@RequestMapping`: - `@GetMapping` - `@PostMapping` - `@PutMapping` - `@DeleteMapping` - `@PatchMapping` The above are <> that are provided out of the box because arguably most controller methods should be mapped to a specific HTTP method vs using `@RequestMapping` which by default matches to all HTTP methods. At the same an `@RequestMapping` is still needed at the class level to express shared mappings. Below is an example with type and method level mappings: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RestController @RequestMapping("/persons") class PersonController { @GetMapping("/{id}") public Person getPerson(@PathVariable Long id) { // ... } @PostMapping @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) public void add(@RequestBody Person person) { // ... } } ---- [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-uri-templates]] ==== URI patterns [.small]#<># You can map requests using glob patterns and wildcards: * `?` matches one character * `*` matches zero or more characters within a path segment * `**` match zero or more path segments You can also declare URI variables and access their values with `@PathVariable`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}") public Pet findPet(@PathVariable Long ownerId, @PathVariable Long petId) { // ... } ---- URI variables can be declared at the class and method level: [source,java,intent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller @RequestMapping("/owners/{ownerId}") public class OwnerController { @GetMapping("/pets/{petId}") public Pet findPet(@PathVariable Long ownerId, @PathVariable Long petId) { // ... } } ---- URI variables are automatically converted to the appropriate type or`TypeMismatchException` is raised. Simple types -- `int`, `long`, `Date`, are supported by default and you can register support for any other data type. See <> and <>. URI variables can be named explicitly -- e.g. `@PathVariable("customId")`, but you can leave that detail out if the names are the same and your code is compiled with debugging information or with the `-parameters` compiler flag on Java 8. The syntax `{varName:regex}` declares a URI variable with a regular expressions with the syntax `{varName:regex}` -- e.g. given URL `"/spring-web-3.0.5 .jar"`, the below method extracts the name, version, and file extension: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/{name:[a-z-]+}-{version:\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d}{ext:\\.[a-z]+}") public void handle(@PathVariable String version, @PathVariable String ext) { // ... } ---- URI path patterns can also have embedded `${...}` placeholders that are resolved on startup via `PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer` against local, system, environment, and other property sources. This can be used for example to parameterize a base URL based on some external configuration. [NOTE] ==== Spring MVC uses the `PathMatcher` contract and the `AntPathMatcher` implementation from `spring-core` for URI path matching. ==== [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-pattern-comparison]] ==== Pattern comparison [.small]#<># When multiple patterns match a URL, they must be compared to find the best match. This done via `AntPathMatcher.getPatternComparator(String path)` which looks for patterns that more specific. A pattern is less specific if it has a lower count of URI variables and single wildcards counted as 1 and double wildcards counted as 2. Given an equal score, the longer pattern is chosen. Given the same score and length, the pattern with more URI variables than wildcards is chosen. The default mapping pattern `/{asterisk}{asterisk}` is excluded from scoring and always sorted last. Also prefix patterns such as `/public/{asterisk}{asterisk}` are considered less specific than other pattern that don't have double wildcards. For the full details see `AntPatternComparator` in `AntPathMatcher` and also keep mind that the `PathMatcher` implementation used can be customized. See <> in the configuration section. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-suffix-pattern-match]] ==== Suffix match By default Spring MVC performs `".{asterisk}"` suffix pattern matching so that a controller mapped to `/person` is also implicitly mapped to `/person.{asterisk}`. The file extension is then used to interpret the requested content type to use for the response (i.e. instead of the "Accept" header), e.g. `/person.pdf`, `/person.xml`, etc. Using file extensions like this was necessary when browsers used to send Accept headers that were hard to interpret consistently. At present that is no longer a necessity and using the "Accept" header should be the preferred choice. Over time the use of file name extensions has proven problematic in a variety of ways. It can cause ambiguity when overlayed with the use of URI variables, path parameters, URI encoding, and it also makes it difficult to reason about URL-based authorization and security (see next section for more details). To completely disable the use of file extensions, you must set both of these: * `useSuffixPatternMatching(false)`, see <> * `favorPathExtension(false)`, see <> URL-based content negotiation can still be useful, for example when typing a URL in a browser. To enable that we recommend a query parameter based strategy to avoid most of the issues that come with file extensions. Or if you must use file extensions, consider restricting them to a list of explicitly registered extensions through the `mediaTypes` property of <>. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-rfd]] ==== Suffix match and RFD Reflected file download (RFD) attack is similar to XSS in that it relies on request input, e.g. query parameter, URI variable, being reflected in the response. However instead of inserting JavaScript into HTML, an RFD attack relies on the browser switching to perform a download and treating the response as an executable script when double-clicked later. In Spring MVC `@ResponseBody` and `ResponseEntity` methods are at risk because they can render different content types which clients can request via URL path extensions. Disabling suffix pattern matching and the use of path extensions for content negotiation lower the risk but are not sufficient to prevent RFD attacks. To prevent RFD attacks, prior to rendering the response body Spring MVC adds a `Content-Disposition:inline;filename=f.txt` header to suggest a fixed and safe download file. This is done only if the URL path contains a file extension that is neither whitelisted nor explicitly registered for content negotiation purposes. However it may potentially have side effects when URLs are typed directly into a browser. Many common path extensions are whitelisted by default. Applications with custom `HttpMessageConverter` implementations can explicitly register file extensions for content negotiation to avoid having a `Content-Disposition` header added for those extensions. See <>. Check http://pivotal.io/security/cve-2015-5211[CVE-2015-5211] for additional recommendations related to RFD. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-consumes]] ==== Consumable media types [.small]#<># You can narrow the request mapping based on the `Content-Type` of the request: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping(path = "/pets", **consumes = "application/json"**) public void addPet(@RequestBody Pet pet) { // ... } ---- The consumes attribute also supports negation expressions -- e.g. `!text/plain` means any content type other than "text/plain". You can declare a shared consumes attribute at the class level. Unlike most other request mapping attributes however when used at the class level, a method-level consumes attribute will overrides rather than extend the class level declaration. [TIP] ==== `MediaType` provides constants for commonly used media types -- e.g. `APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE`, `APPLICATION_XML_VALUE`. ==== [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-produces]] ==== Producible media types [.small]#<># You can narrow the request mapping based on the `Accept` request header and the list of content types that a controller method produces: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping(path = "/pets/{petId}", **produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"**) @ResponseBody public Pet getPet(@PathVariable String petId) { // ... } ---- The media type can specify a character set. Negated expressions are supported -- e.g. `!text/plain` means any content type other than "text/plain". [NOTE] ==== For JSON content type, the UTF-8 charset should be specified even if https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-11[RFC7159] clearly states that "no charset parameter is defined for this registration" because some browsers require it for interpreting correctly UTF-8 special characters. ==== You can declare a shared produces attribute at the class level. Unlike most other request mapping attributes however when used at the class level, a method-level produces attribute will overrides rather than extend the class level declaration. [TIP] ==== `MediaType` provides constants for commonly used media types -- e.g. `APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE`, `APPLICATION_XML_VALUE`. ==== [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-params-and-headers]] ==== Parameters, headers [.small]#<># You can narrow request mappings based on request parameter conditions. You can test for the presence of a request parameter (`"myParam"`), for the absence (`"!myParam"`), or for a specific value (`"myParam=myValue"`): [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping(path = "/pets/{petId}", **params = "myParam=myValue"**) public void findPet(@PathVariable String petId) { // ... } ---- You can also use the same with request header conditions: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping(path = "/pets", **headers = "myHeader=myValue"**) public void findPet(@PathVariable String petId) { // ... } ---- [TIP] ==== You can match `Content-Type` and `Accept` with the headers condition but it is better to use <> and <> instead. ==== [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-head-options]] ==== HTTP HEAD, OPTIONS [.small]#<># `@GetMapping` -- and also `@RequestMapping(method=HttpMethod.GET)`, support HTTP HEAD transparently for request mapping purposes. Controller methods don't need to change. A response wrapper, applied in `javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet`, ensures a `"Content-Length"` header is set to the number of bytes written and without actually writing to the response. `@GetMapping` -- and also `@RequestMapping(method=HttpMethod.GET)`, are implicitly mapped to and also support HTTP HEAD. An HTTP HEAD request is processed as if it were HTTP GET except but instead of writing the body, the number of bytes are counted and the "Content-Length" header set. By default HTTP OPTIONS is handled by setting the "Allow" response header to the list of HTTP methods listed in all `@RequestMapping` methods with matching URL patterns. For a `@RequestMapping` without HTTP method declarations, the "Allow" header is set to `"GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS"`. Controller methods should always declare the supported HTTP methods for example by using the HTTP method specific variants -- `@GetMapping`, `@PostMapping`, etc. `@RequestMapping` method can be explicitly mapped to HTTP HEAD and HTTP OPTIONS, but that is not necessary in the common case. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-composed]] ==== Custom Annotations [.small]#<># Spring MVC supports the use of <> for request mapping. Those are annotations that are themselves meta-annotated with `@RequestMapping` and composed to redeclare a subset (or all) of the `@RequestMapping` attributes with a narrower, more specific purpose. `@GetMapping`, `@PostMapping`, `@PutMapping`, `@DeleteMapping`, and `@PatchMapping` are examples of composed annotations. They're provided out of the box because arguably most controller methods should be mapped to a specific HTTP method vs using `@RequestMapping` which by default matches to all HTTP methods. If you need an example of composed annotations, look at how those are declared. Spring MVC also supports custom request mapping attributes with custom request matching logic. This is a more advanced option that requires sub-classing `RequestMappingHandlerMapping` and overriding the `getCustomMethodCondition` method where you can check the custom attribute and return your own `RequestCondition`. [[mvc-ann-requestmapping-registration]] ==== Explicit Registrations [.small]#<># Handler methods can be registered programmatically which can be used for dynamic registrations, or for advanced cases such as different instances of the same handler under different URLs. Below is an example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration public class MyConfig { @Autowired public void setHandlerMapping(RequestMappingHandlerMapping mapping, UserHandler handler) <1> throws NoSuchMethodException { RequestMappingInfo info = RequestMappingInfo .paths("/user/{id}").methods(RequestMethod.GET).build(); <2> Method method = UserHandler.class.getMethod("getUser", Long.class); <3> mapping.registerMapping(info, handler, method); <4> } } ---- <1> Inject target handler(s) and the handler mapping for controllers. <2> Prepare the request mapping meta data. <3> Get the handler method. <4> Add the registration. [[mvc-ann-methods]] === Handler Methods [.small]#<># `@RequestMapping` handler methods have a flexible signature and can choose from a range of supported controller method arguments and return values. [[mvc-ann-arguments]] ==== Method Arguments [.small]#<># The table below shows supported controller method arguments. Reactive types are not supported for any arguments. JDK 8's `java.util.Optional` is supported as a method argument in combination with annotations that have a `required` attribute -- e.g. `@RequestParam`, `@RequestHeader`, etc, and is equivalent to `required=false`. [cols="1,2", options="header"] |=== | Controller method argument | Description | `WebRequest`, `NativeWebRequest` | Generic access to request parameters, request & session attributes, without direct use of the Servlet API. | `javax.servlet.ServletRequest`, `javax.servlet.ServletResponse` | Choose any specific request or response type -- e.g. `ServletRequest`, `HttpServletRequest`, or Spring's `MultipartRequest`, `MultipartHttpServletRequest`. | `javax.servlet.http.HttpSession` | Enforces the presence of a session. As a consequence, such an argument is never `null`. + **Note:** Session access is not thread-safe. Consider setting the ``RequestMappingHandlerAdapter``'s "synchronizeOnSession" flag to "true" if multiple requests are allowed to access a session concurrently. | `javax.servlet.http.PushBuilder` | Servlet 4.0 push builder API for programmatic HTTP/2 resource pushes. Note that per Servlet spec, the injected `PushBuilder` instance can be null if the client does not support that HTTP/2 feature. | `java.security.Principal` | Currently authenticated user; possibly a specific `Principal` implementation class if known. | `HttpMethod` | The HTTP method of the request. | `java.util.Locale` | The current request locale, determined by the most specific `LocaleResolver` available, in effect, the configured `LocaleResolver`/`LocaleContextResolver`. | `java.util.TimeZone` + `java.time.ZoneId` | The time zone associated with the current request, as determined by a `LocaleContextResolver`. | `java.io.InputStream`, `java.io.Reader` | For access to the raw request body as exposed by the Servlet API. | `java.io.OutputStream`, `java.io.Writer` | For access to the raw response body as exposed by the Servlet API. | `@PathVariable` | For access to URI template variables. See <>. | `@MatrixVariable` | For access to name-value pairs in URI path segments. See <>. | `@RequestParam` | For access to Servlet request parameters. Parameter values are converted to the declared method argument type. See <>. Note that use of `@RequestParam` is optional, e.g. to set its attributes. See "Any other argument" further below in this table. | `@RequestHeader` | For access to request headers. Header values are converted to the declared method argument type. See <>. | `@CookieValue` | For access to cookies. Cookies values are converted to the declared method argument type. See <>. | `@RequestBody` | For access to the HTTP request body. Body content is converted to the declared method argument type using ``HttpMessageConverter``s. See <>. | `HttpEntity` | For access to request headers and body. The body is converted with ``HttpMessageConverter``s. See <>. | `@RequestPart` | For access to a part in a "multipart/form-data" request. See <>. | `java.util.Map`, `org.springframework.ui.Model`, `org.springframework.ui.ModelMap` | For access to the model that is used in HTML controllers and exposed to templates as part of view rendering. | `RedirectAttributes` | Specify attributes to use in case of a redirect -- i.e. to be appended to the query string, and/or flash attributes to be stored temporarily until the request after redirect. See <> and <>. | `@ModelAttribute` | For access to an existing attribute in the model (instantiated if not present) with data binding and validation applied. See <> as well as <> and <>. Note that use of `@ModelAttribute` is optional, e.g. to set its attributes. See "Any other argument" further below in this table. | `Errors`, `BindingResult` | For access to errors from validation and data binding for a command object (i.e. `@ModelAttribute` argument), or errors from the validation of an `@RequestBody` or `@RequestPart` arguments; an `Errors`, or `BindingResult` argument must be declared immediately after the validated method argument. | `SessionStatus` + class-level `@SessionAttributes` | For marking form processing complete which triggers cleanup of session attributes declared through a class-level `@SessionAttributes` annotation. See <> for more details. | `UriComponentsBuilder` | For preparing a URL relative to the current request's host, port, scheme, context path, and the literal part of the servlet mapping. See <>. | `@SessionAttribute` | For access to any session attribute; in contrast to model attributes stored in the session as a result of a class-level `@SessionAttributes` declaration. See <> for more details. | `@RequestAttribute` | For access to request attributes. See <> for more details. | Any other argument | If a method argument is not matched to any of the above, by default it is resolved as an `@RequestParam` if it is a simple type, as determined by {api-spring-framework}/beans/BeanUtils.html#isSimpleProperty-java.lang.Class-[BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty], or as an `@ModelAttribute` otherwise. |=== [[mvc-ann-return-types]] ==== Return Values [.small]#<># The table below shows supported controller method return values. Reactive types are supported for all return values, see below for more details. [cols="1,2", options="header"] |=== | Controller method return value | Description | `@ResponseBody` | The return value is converted through ``HttpMessageConverter``s and written to the response. See <>. | `HttpEntity`, `ResponseEntity`, `Optional>`, `Optional>` | The return value specifies the full response including HTTP headers and body be converted through ``HttpMessageConverter``s and written to the response. See <>. | `HttpHeaders` | For returning a response with headers and no body. | `String` | A view name to be resolved with ``ViewResolver``'s and used together with the implicit model -- determined through command objects and `@ModelAttribute` methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a `Model` argument (see above). | `View` | A `View` instance to use for rendering together with the implicit model -- determined through command objects and `@ModelAttribute` methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a `Model` argument (see above). | `java.util.Map`, `org.springframework.ui.Model` | Attributes to be added to the implicit model with the view name implicitly determined through a `RequestToViewNameTranslator`. | `@ModelAttribute` | An attribute to be added to the model with the view name implicitly determined through a `RequestToViewNameTranslator`. Note that `@ModelAttribute` is optional. See "Any other return value" further below in this table. | `ModelAndView` object | The view and model attributes to use, and optionally a response status. | `void` | A method with a `void` return type (or `null` return value) is considered to have fully handled the response if it also has a `ServletResponse`, or an `OutputStream` argument, or an `@ResponseStatus` annotation. The same is true also if the controller has made a positive ETag or lastModified timestamp check (see <> for details). If none of the above is true, a `void` return type may also indicate "no response body" for REST controllers, or default view name selection for HTML controllers. | `DeferredResult` | Produce any of the above return values asynchronously from any thread -- e.g. possibly as a result of some event or callback. See <> and <>. | `Callable` | Produce any of the above return values asynchronously in a Spring MVC managed thread. See <> and <>. | `ListenableFuture`, `java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage`, `java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture` | Alternative to `DeferredResult` as a convenience for example when an underlying service returns one of those. | `ResponseBodyEmitter`, `SseEmitter` | Emit a stream of objects asynchronously to be written to the response with ``HttpMessageConverter``'s; also supported as the body of a `ResponseEntity`. See <> and <>. | `StreamingResponseBody` | Write to the response `OutputStream` asynchronously; also supported as the body of a `ResponseEntity`. See <> and <>. | Reactive types -- Reactor, RxJava, or others via `ReactiveAdapterRegistry` | Alternative to `DeferredResult` with multi-value streams (e.g. `Flux`, `Observable`) collected to a `List`. For streaming scenarios -- e.g. `text/event-stream`, `application/json+stream` -- `SseEmitter` and `ResponseBodyEmitter` are used instead, where `ServletOutputStream` blocking I/O is performed on a Spring MVC managed thread and back pressure applied against the completion of each write. See <> and <>. | Any other return value | If a return value is not matched to any of the above, by default it is treated as a view name, if it is `String` or `void` (default view name selection via `RequestToViewNameTranslator` applies); or as a model attribute to be added to the model, unless it is a simple type, as determined by {api-spring-framework}/beans/BeanUtils.html#isSimpleProperty-java.lang.Class-[BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty] in which case it remains unresolved. |=== [[mvc-ann-typeconversion]] ==== Type Conversion [.small]#<># Some annotated controller method arguments that represent String-based request input -- e.g. `@RequestParam`, `@RequestHeader`, `@PathVariable`, `@MatrixVariable`, and `@CookieValue`, may require type conversion if the argument is declared as something other than `String`. For such cases type conversion is automatically applied based on the configured converters. By default simple types such as `int`, `long`, `Date`, etc. are supported. Type conversion can be customized through a `WebDataBinder`, see <>, or by registering `Formatters` with the `FormattingConversionService`, see <>. [[mvc-ann-matrix-variables]] ==== Matrix variables [.small]#<># http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3[RFC 3986] discusses name-value pairs in path segments. In Spring MVC we refer to those as "matrix variables" based on an http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/MatrixURIs.html["old post"] by Tim Berners-Lee but they can be also be referred to as URI path parameters. Matrix variables can appear in any path segment, each variable separated by semicolon and multiple values separated by comma, e.g. `"/cars;color=red,green;year=2012"`. Multiple values can also be specified through repeated variable names, e.g. `"color=red;color=green;color=blue"`. If a URL is expected to contain matrix variables, the request mapping for a controller method must use a URI variable to mask that variable content and ensure the request can be matched successfully independent of matrix variable order and presence. Below is an example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // GET /pets/42;q=11;r=22 @GetMapping("/pets/{petId}") public void findPet(@PathVariable String petId, @MatrixVariable int q) { // petId == 42 // q == 11 } ---- Given that all path segments may contain matrix variables, sometimes you may need to disambiguate which path variable the matrix variable is expected to be in. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // GET /owners/42;q=11/pets/21;q=22 @GetMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}") public void findPet( @MatrixVariable(name="q", pathVar="ownerId") int q1, @MatrixVariable(name="q", pathVar="petId") int q2) { // q1 == 11 // q2 == 22 } ---- A matrix variable may be defined as optional and a default value specified: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // GET /pets/42 @GetMapping("/pets/{petId}") public void findPet(@MatrixVariable(required=false, defaultValue="1") int q) { // q == 1 } ---- To get all matrix variables, use a `MultiValueMap`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // GET /owners/42;q=11;r=12/pets/21;q=22;s=23 @GetMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}") public void findPet( @MatrixVariable MultiValueMap matrixVars, @MatrixVariable(pathVar="petId") MultiValueMap petMatrixVars) { // matrixVars: ["q" : [11,22], "r" : 12, "s" : 23] // petMatrixVars: ["q" : 22, "s" : 23] } ---- Note that you need to enable the use of matrix variables. In the MVC Java config you need to set a `UrlPathHelper` with `removeSemicolonContent=false` via <>. In the MVC XML namespace, use ``. [[mvc-ann-requestparam]] ==== @RequestParam [.small]#<># Use the `@RequestParam` annotation to bind Servlet request parameters (i.e. query parameters or form data) to a method argument in a controller. The following code snippet shows the usage: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller @RequestMapping("/pets") public class EditPetForm { // ... @GetMapping public String setupForm(**@RequestParam("petId") int petId**, Model model) { Pet pet = this.clinic.loadPet(petId); model.addAttribute("pet", pet); return "petForm"; } // ... } ---- Method parameters using this annotation are required by default, but you can specify that a method parameter is optional by setting ``@RequestParam``'s `required` flag to `false` or by declaring the argument with an `java.util.Optional` wrapper. Type conversion is applied automatically if the target method parameter type is not `String`. See <>. When an `@RequestParam` annotation is declared as `Map` or `MultiValueMap` argument, the map is populated with all request parameters. Note that use of `@RequestParam` is optional, e.g. to set its attributes. By default any argument that is a simple value type, as determined by {api-spring-framework}/beans/BeanUtils.html#isSimpleProperty-java.lang.Class-[BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty], and is not resolved by any other argument resolver, is treated as if it was annotated with `@RequestParam`. [[mvc-ann-requestheader]] ==== @RequestHeader [.small]#<># Use the `@RequestHeader` annotation to bind a request header to a method argument in a controller. Given request with headers: [literal] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- Host localhost:8080 Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9 Accept-Language fr,en-gb;q=0.7,en;q=0.3 Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate Accept-Charset ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 Keep-Alive 300 ---- The following gets the value of the `Accept-Encoding` and `Keep-Alive` headers: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/demo") public void handle( **@RequestHeader("Accept-Encoding")** String encoding, **@RequestHeader("Keep-Alive")** long keepAlive) { //... } ---- Type conversion is applied automatically if the target method parameter type is not `String`. See <>. When an `@RequestHeader` annotation is used on a `Map`, `MultiValueMap`, or `HttpHeaders` argument, the map is populated with all header values. [TIP] ==== Built-in support is available for converting a comma-separated string into an array/collection of strings or other types known to the type conversion system. For example a method parameter annotated with `@RequestHeader("Accept")` may be of type `String` but also `String[]` or `List`. ==== [[mvc-ann-cookievalue]] ==== @CookieValue [.small]#<># Use the `@CookieValue` annotation to bind the value of an HTTP cookie to a method argument in a controller. Given request with the following cookie: [literal] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- JSESSIONID=415A4AC178C59DACE0B2C9CA727CDD84 ---- The following code sample demonstrates how to get the cookie value: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/demo") public void handle(**@CookieValue("JSESSIONID")** String cookie) { //... } ---- Type conversion is applied automatically if the target method parameter type is not `String`. See <>. [[mvc-ann-modelattrib-method-args]] ==== @ModelAttribute [.small]#<># Use the `@ModelAttribute` annotation on a method argument to access an attribute from the model, or have it instantiated if not present. The model attribute is also overlaid with values from HTTP Servlet request parameters whose names match to field names. This is referred to as data binding and it saves you from having to deal with parsing and converting individual query parameters and form fields. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(**@ModelAttribute Pet pet**) { } ---- The `Pet` instance above is resolved as follows: * From the model if already added via <>. * From the HTTP session via <>. * From a URI path variable passed through a `Converter` (example below). * From the invocation of a default constructor. * From the invocation of a "primary constructor" with arguments matching to Servlet request parameters; argument names are determined via JavaBeans `@ConstructorProperties` or via runtime-retained parameter names in the bytecode. While it is common to use a <> to populate the model with attributes, one other alternative is to rely on a `Converter` in combination with a URI path variable convention. In the example below the model attribute name "account" matches the URI path variable "account" and the `Account` is loaded by passing the `String` account number through a registered `Converter`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PutMapping("/accounts/{account}") public String save(@ModelAttribute("account") Account account) { // ... } ---- After the model attribute instance is obtained, data binding is applied. The `WebDataBinder` class matches Servlet request parameter names (query parameters and form fields) to field names on the target Object. Matching fields are populated after type conversion is applied where necessary. For more on data binding (and validation) see <>. For more on customizing data binding see <>. Data binding may result in errors. By default a `BindException` is raised but to check for such errors in the controller method, add a `BindingResult` argument immediately next to the `@ModelAttribute` as shown below: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(**@ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet**, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { return "petForm"; } // ... } ---- In some cases you may want access to a model attribute without data binding. For such cases you can inject the `Model` into the controller and access it directly or alternatively set `@ModelAttribute(binding=false)` as shown below: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @ModelAttribute public AccountForm setUpForm() { return new AccountForm(); } @ModelAttribute public Account findAccount(@PathVariable String accountId) { return accountRepository.findOne(accountId); } @PostMapping("update") public String update(@Valid AccountUpdateForm form, BindingResult result, **@ModelAttribute(binding=false)** Account account) { // ... } ---- Validation can be applied automatically after data binding by adding the `javax.validation.Valid` annotation or Spring's `@Validated` annotation (also see <> and <>). For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(**@Valid @ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet**, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { return "petForm"; } // ... } ---- Note that use of `@ModelAttribute` is optional, e.g. to set its attributes. By default any argument that is not a simple value type, as determined by {api-spring-framework}/beans/BeanUtils.html#isSimpleProperty-java.lang.Class-[BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty], and is not resolved by any other argument resolver, is treated as if it was annotated with `@ModelAttribute`. [[mvc-ann-sessionattributes]] ==== @SessionAttributes [.small]#<># `@SessionAttributes` is used to store model attributes in the HTTP Servlet session between requests. It is a type-level annotation that declares session attributes used by a specific controller. This will typically list the names of model attributes or types of model attributes which should be transparently stored in the session for subsequent requests to access. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller **@SessionAttributes("pet")** public class EditPetForm { // ... } ---- On the first request when a model attribute with the name "pet" is added to the model, it is automatically promoted to and saved in the HTTP Servlet session. It remains there until another controller method uses a `SessionStatus` method argument to clear the storage: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller **@SessionAttributes("pet")** public class EditPetForm { // ... @PostMapping("/pets/{id}") public String handle(Pet pet, BindingResult errors, SessionStatus status) { if (errors.hasErrors) { // ... } status.setComplete(); // ... } } } ---- [[mvc-ann-sessionattribute]] ==== @SessionAttribute [.small]#<># If you need access to pre-existing session attributes that are managed globally, i.e. outside the controller (e.g. by a filter), and may or may not be present use the `@SessionAttribute` annotation on a method parameter: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RequestMapping("/") public String handle(**@SessionAttribute** User user) { // ... } ---- For use cases that require adding or removing session attributes consider injecting `org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest` or `javax.servlet.http.HttpSession` into the controller method. For temporary storage of model attributes in the session as part of a controller workflow consider using `SessionAttributes` as described in <>. [[mvc-ann-requestattrib]] ==== @RequestAttribute [.small]#<># Similar to `@SessionAttribute` the `@RequestAttribute` annotation can be used to access pre-existing request attributes created earlier, e.g. by a Servlet `Filter` or `HandlerInterceptor`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/") public String handle(**@RequestAttribute** Client client) { // ... } ---- [[mvc-redirecting-passing-data]] ==== Redirect attributes By default all model attributes are considered to be exposed as URI template variables in the redirect URL. Of the remaining attributes those that are primitive types or collections/arrays of primitive types are automatically appended as query parameters. Appending primitive type attributes as query parameters may be the desired result if a model instance was prepared specifically for the redirect. However, in annotated controllers the model may contain additional attributes added for rendering purposes (e.g. drop-down field values). To avoid the possibility of having such attributes appear in the URL, an `@RequestMapping` method can declare an argument of type `RedirectAttributes` and use it to specify the exact attributes to make available to `RedirectView`. If the method does redirect, the content of `RedirectAttributes` is used. Otherwise the content of the model is used. The `RequestMappingHandlerAdapter` provides a flag called `"ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect"` that can be used to indicate the content of the default `Model` should never be used if a controller method redirects. Instead the controller method should declare an attribute of type `RedirectAttributes` or if it doesn't do so no attributes should be passed on to `RedirectView`. Both the MVC namespace and the MVC Java config keep this flag set to `false` in order to maintain backwards compatibility. However, for new applications we recommend setting it to `true` Note that URI template variables from the present request are automatically made available when expanding a redirect URL and do not need to be added explicitly neither through `Model` nor `RedirectAttributes`. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/files/{path}") public String upload(...) { // ... return "redirect:files/{path}"; } ---- Another way of passing data to the redirect target is via __Flash Attributes__. Unlike other redirect attributes, flash attributes are saved in the HTTP session (and hence do not appear in the URL). See <> for more information. [[mvc-flash-attributes]] ==== Flash attributes Flash attributes provide a way for one request to store attributes intended for use in another. This is most commonly needed when redirecting -- for example, the __Post/Redirect/Get__ pattern. Flash attributes are saved temporarily before the redirect (typically in the session) to be made available to the request after the redirect and removed immediately. Spring MVC has two main abstractions in support of flash attributes. `FlashMap` is used to hold flash attributes while `FlashMapManager` is used to store, retrieve, and manage `FlashMap` instances. Flash attribute support is always "on" and does not need to enabled explicitly although if not used, it never causes HTTP session creation. On each request there is an "input" `FlashMap` with attributes passed from a previous request (if any) and an "output" `FlashMap` with attributes to save for a subsequent request. Both `FlashMap` instances are accessible from anywhere in Spring MVC through static methods in `RequestContextUtils`. Annotated controllers typically do not need to work with `FlashMap` directly. Instead an `@RequestMapping` method can accept an argument of type `RedirectAttributes` and use it to add flash attributes for a redirect scenario. Flash attributes added via `RedirectAttributes` are automatically propagated to the "output" FlashMap. Similarly, after the redirect, attributes from the "input" `FlashMap` are automatically added to the `Model` of the controller serving the target URL. .Matching requests to flash attributes **** The concept of flash attributes exists in many other Web frameworks and has proven to be exposed sometimes to concurrency issues. This is because by definition flash attributes are to be stored until the next request. However the very "next" request may not be the intended recipient but another asynchronous request (e.g. polling or resource requests) in which case the flash attributes are removed too early. To reduce the possibility of such issues, `RedirectView` automatically "stamps" `FlashMap` instances with the path and query parameters of the target redirect URL. In turn the default `FlashMapManager` matches that information to incoming requests when looking up the "input" `FlashMap`. This does not eliminate the possibility of a concurrency issue entirely but nevertheless reduces it greatly with information that is already available in the redirect URL. Therefore the use of flash attributes is recommended mainly for redirect scenarios . **** [[mvc-multipart-forms]] ==== Multipart [.small]#<># After a `MultipartResolver` has been <>, the content of POST requests with "multipart/form-data" is parsed and accessible as regular request parameters. In the example below we access one regular form field and one uploaded file: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class FileUploadController { @PostMapping("/form") public String handleFormUpload(@RequestParam("name") String name, @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) { if (!file.isEmpty()) { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); // store the bytes somewhere return "redirect:uploadSuccess"; } return "redirect:uploadFailure"; } } ---- [NOTE] ==== When using Servlet 3.0 multipart parsing you can also use `javax.servlet.http.Part` as a method argument instead of Spring's `MultipartFile`. ==== Multipart content can also be used as part of data binding to a <>. For example the above form field and file could have been fields on a form object: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- class MyForm { private String name; private MultipartFile file; // ... } @Controller public class FileUploadController { @PostMapping("/form") public String handleFormUpload(MyForm form, BindingResult errors) { if (!form.getFile().isEmpty()) { byte[] bytes = form.getFile().getBytes(); // store the bytes somewhere return "redirect:uploadSuccess"; } return "redirect:uploadFailure"; } } ---- Multipart requests can also be submitted from non-browser clients in a RESTful service scenario. For example a file along with JSON: [literal] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- POST /someUrl Content-Type: multipart/mixed --edt7Tfrdusa7r3lNQc79vXuhIIMlatb7PQg7Vp Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta-data" Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit { "name": "value" } --edt7Tfrdusa7r3lNQc79vXuhIIMlatb7PQg7Vp Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-data"; filename="file.properties" Content-Type: text/xml Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ... File Data ... ---- You can access the "meta-data" part with `@RequestParam` as a `String` but you'll probably want it deserialized from JSON (similar to `@RequestBody`). Use the `@RequestPart` annotation to access a multipart after converting it with an <>: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/") public String handle(**@RequestPart("meta-data") MetaData metadata, @RequestPart("file-data") MultipartFile file**) { // ... } ---- `@RequestPart` can be used in combination with `javax.validation.Valid`, or Spring's `@Validated` annotation, which causes Standard Bean Validation to be applied. By default validation errors cause a `MethodArgumentNotValidException` which is turned into a 400 (BAD_REQUEST) response. Alternatively validation errors can be handled locally within the controller through an `Errors` or `BindingResult` argument: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/") public String handle(**@Valid** @RequestPart("meta-data") MetaData metadata, **BindingResult result**) { // ... } ---- [[mvc-ann-requestbody]] ==== @RequestBody [.small]#<># Use the `@RequestBody` annotation to have the request body read and deserialized into an Object through an <>. Below is an example with an `@RequestBody` argument: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/accounts") public void handle(@RequestBody Account account) { // ... } ---- You can use the <> option of the <> to configure or customize message conversion. `@RequestBody` can be used in combination with `javax.validation.Valid`, or Spring's `@Validated` annotation, which causes Standard Bean Validation to be applied. By default validation errors cause a `MethodArgumentNotValidException` which is turned into a 400 (BAD_REQUEST) response. Alternatively validation errors can be handled locally within the controller through an `Errors` or `BindingResult` argument: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/accounts") public void handle(@Valid @RequestBody Account account, BindingResult result) { // ... } ---- [[mvc-ann-httpentity]] ==== HttpEntity [.small]#<># `HttpEntity` is more or less identical to using <> but based on a container object that exposes request headers and body. Below is an example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/accounts") public void handle(HttpEntity entity) { // ... } ---- [[mvc-ann-responsebody]] ==== @ResponseBody [.small]#<># Use the `@ResponseBody` annotation on a method to have the return serialized to the response body through an <>. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/accounts/{id}") @ResponseBody public Account handle() { // ... } ---- `@ResponseBody` is also supported at the class level in which case it is inherited by all controller methods. This is the effect of `@RestController` which is nothing more than a meta-annotation marked with `@Controller` and `@ResponseBody`. `@ResponseBody` may be used with reactive types. See <> and <> for more details. You can use the <> option of the <> to configure or customize message conversion. `@ResponseBody` methods can be combined with JSON serialization views. See <> for details. [[mvc-ann-responseentity]] ==== ResponseEntity [.small]#<># `ResponseEntity` is more or less identical to using <> but based on a container object that specifies request headers and body. Below is an example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping("/something") public ResponseEntity handle() { // ... URI location = ... ; return ResponseEntity.created(location).build(); } ---- In case of a `java.util.Optional` return type, the `Optional.empty()` case will be automatically converted to a `ResponseEntity` with an empty body and an HTTP 404 status, so you don't need to chain your optional with an `orElse` / `orElseGet` for simple HTTP 404 responses. Here's an example of this: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/user") public Optional> fetchUser() { Optional user = //... return user.map(ResponseEntity::ok); } ---- [[mvc-ann-jackson]] ==== Jackson JSON [[mvc-ann-jsonview]] ===== Jackson serialization views [.small]#<># Spring MVC provides built-in support for http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonJsonViews[Jackson's Serialization Views] which allows rendering only a subset of all fields in an Object. To use it with `@ResponseBody` or `ResponseEntity` controller methods, use Jackson's `@JsonView` annotation to activate a serialization view class: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RestController public class UserController { @GetMapping("/user") @JsonView(User.WithoutPasswordView.class) public User getUser() { return new User("eric", "7!jd#h23"); } } public class User { public interface WithoutPasswordView {}; public interface WithPasswordView extends WithoutPasswordView {}; private String username; private String password; public User() { } public User(String username, String password) { this.username = username; this.password = password; } @JsonView(WithoutPasswordView.class) public String getUsername() { return this.username; } @JsonView(WithPasswordView.class) public String getPassword() { return this.password; } } ---- [NOTE] ==== `@JsonView` allows an array of view classes but you can only specify only one per controller method. Use a composite interface if you need to activate multiple views. ==== For controllers relying on view resolution, simply add the serialization view class to the model: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class UserController extends AbstractController { @GetMapping("/user") public String getUser(Model model) { model.addAttribute("user", new User("eric", "7!jd#h23")); model.addAttribute(JsonView.class.getName(), User.WithoutPasswordView.class); return "userView"; } } ---- [[mvc-ann-modelattrib-methods]] === Model [.small]#<># The `@ModelAttribute` annotation can be used: * On a <> in `@RequestMapping` methods to create or access an Object from the model, and to bind it to the request through a `WebDataBinder`. * As a method-level annotation in `@Controller` or `@ControllerAdvice` classes helping to initialize the model prior to any `@RequestMapping` method invocation. * On a `@RequestMapping` method to mark its return value is a model attribute. This section discusses `@ModelAttribute` methods, or the 2nd from the list above. A controller can have any number of `@ModelAttribute` methods. All such methods are invoked before `@RequestMapping` methods in the same controller. A `@ModelAttribute` method can also be shared across controllers via `@ControllerAdvice`. See the section on <> for more details. `@ModelAttribute` methods have flexible method signatures. They support many of the same arguments as `@RequestMapping` methods except for `@ModelAttribute` itself nor anything related to the request body. An example `@ModelAttribute` method: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @ModelAttribute public void populateModel(@RequestParam String number, Model model) { model.addAttribute(accountRepository.findAccount(number)); // add more ... } ---- To add one attribute only: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @ModelAttribute public Account addAccount(@RequestParam String number) { return accountRepository.findAccount(number); } ---- [NOTE] ==== When a name is not explicitly specified, a default name is chosen based on the Object type as explained in the Javadoc for {api-spring-framework}/core/Conventions.html[Conventions]. You can always assign an explicit name by using the overloaded `addAttribute` method or through the name attribute on `@ModelAttribute` (for a return value). ==== `@ModelAttribute` can also be used as a method-level annotation on `@RequestMapping` methods in which case the return value of the `@RequestMapping` method is interpreted as a model attribute. This is typically not required, as it is the default behavior in HTML controllers, unless the return value is a `String` which would otherwise be interpreted as a view name (also see <>). `@ModelAttribute` can also help to customize the model attribute name: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/accounts/{id}") @ModelAttribute("myAccount") public Account handle() { // ... return account; } ---- [[mvc-ann-initbinder]] === DataBinder [.small]#<># `@Controller` or `@ControllerAdvice` classes can have `@InitBinder` methods in order to initialize instances of `WebDataBinder`, and those in turn are used to: * Bind request parameters (i.e. form data or query) to a model object. * Convert String-based request values such as request parameters, path variables, headers, cookies, and others, to the target type of controller method arguments. * Format model object values as String values when rendering HTML forms. `@InitBinder` methods can register controller-specific `java.bean.PropertyEditor`, or Spring `Converter` and `Formatter` components. In addition, the <> can be used to register `Converter` and `Formatter` types in a globally shared `FormattingConversionService`. `@InitBinder` methods support many of the same arguments that a `@RequestMapping` methods do, except for `@ModelAttribute` (command object) arguments. Typically they're are declared with a `WebDataBinder` argument, for registrations, and a `void` return value. Below is an example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class FormController { **@InitBinder** public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); dateFormat.setLenient(false); binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, false)); } // ... } ---- Alternatively when using a `Formatter`-based setup through a shared `FormattingConversionService`, you could re-use the same approach and register controller-specific ``Formatter``'s: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class FormController { **@InitBinder** protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.addCustomFormatter(new DateFormatter("yyyy-MM-dd")); } // ... } ---- [[mvc-ann-exceptionhandler]] === Exceptions [.small]#<># `@Controller` and <> classes can have `@ExceptionHandler` methods to handle exceptions from controller methods. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class SimpleController { // ... @ExceptionHandler public ResponseEntity handle(IOException ex) { // ... } } ---- The exception may match against a top-level exception being propagated (i.e. a direct `IOException` thrown), or against the immediate cause within a top-level wrapper exception (e.g. an `IOException` wrapped inside an `IllegalStateException`). For matching exception types, preferably declare the target exception as a method argument as shown above. When multiple exception methods match, a root exception match is generally preferred to a cause exception match. More specifically, the `ExceptionDepthComparator` is used to sort exceptions based on their depth from the thrown exception type. Alternatively, the annotation declaration may narrow the exception types to match: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @ExceptionHandler({FileSystemException.class, RemoteException.class}) public ResponseEntity handle(IOException ex) { // ... } ---- Or even a list of specific exception types with a very generic argument signature: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @ExceptionHandler({FileSystemException.class, RemoteException.class}) public ResponseEntity handle(Exception ex) { // ... } ---- [NOTE] ==== The distinction between root and cause exception matching can be surprising: In the `IOException` variant above, the method will typically be called with the actual `FileSystemException` or `RemoteException` instance as the argument since both of them extend from `IOException`. However, if any such matching exception is propagated within a wrapper exception which is an `IOException` itself, the passed-in exception instance will be that wrapper exception. The behavior is even simpler in the `handle(Exception)` variant: This will always be invoked with the wrapper exception in a wrapping scenario, with the actually matching exception to be found through `ex.getCause()` in that case. The passed-in exception will only be the actual `FileSystemException` or `RemoteException` instance when these are thrown as top-level exceptions. ==== We generally recommend to be as specific as possible in the argument signature, reducing the potential for mismatches between root and cause exception types. Consider breaking a multi-matching method into individual `@ExceptionHandler` methods, each matching a single specific exception type through its signature. In a multi-`@ControllerAdvice` arrangement, please declare your primary root exception mappings on a `@ControllerAdvice` prioritized with a corresponding order. While a root exception match is preferred to a cause, this is defined among the methods of a given controller or `@ControllerAdvice` class. This means a cause match on a higher-priority `@ControllerAdvice` bean is preferred to any match (e.g. root) on a lower-priority `@ControllerAdvice` bean. Last but not least, an `@ExceptionHandler` method implementation may choose to back out of dealing with a given exception instance by rethrowing it in its original form. This is useful in scenarios where you are only interested in root-level matches or in matches within a specific context that cannot be statically determined. A rethrown exception will be propagated through the remaining resolution chain, just like if the given `@ExceptionHandler` method would not have matched in the first place. Support for `@ExceptionHandler` methods in Spring MVC is built on the `DispatcherServlet` level, <> mechanism. [[mvc-ann-exceptionhandler-args]] ==== Method arguments `@ExceptionHandler` methods support the following arguments: [cols="1,2", options="header"] |=== | Method argument | Description | Exception type | For access to the raised exception. | `HandlerMethod` | For access to the controller method that raised the exception. | `WebRequest`, `NativeWebRequest` | Generic access to request parameters, request & session attributes, without direct use of the Servlet API. | `javax.servlet.ServletRequest`, `javax.servlet.ServletResponse` | Choose any specific request or response type -- e.g. `ServletRequest`, `HttpServletRequest`, or Spring's `MultipartRequest`, `MultipartHttpServletRequest`. | `javax.servlet.http.HttpSession` | Enforces the presence of a session. As a consequence, such an argument is never `null`. + **Note:** Session access is not thread-safe. Consider setting the ``RequestMappingHandlerAdapter``'s "synchronizeOnSession" flag to "true" if multiple requests are allowed to access a session concurrently. | `java.security.Principal` | Currently authenticated user; possibly a specific `Principal` implementation class if known. | `HttpMethod` | The HTTP method of the request. | `java.util.Locale` | The current request locale, determined by the most specific `LocaleResolver` available, in effect, the configured `LocaleResolver`/`LocaleContextResolver`. | `java.util.TimeZone` + `java.time.ZoneId` | The time zone associated with the current request, as determined by a `LocaleContextResolver`. | `java.io.OutputStream`, `java.io.Writer` | For access to the raw response body as exposed by the Servlet API. | `java.util.Map`, `org.springframework.ui.Model`, `org.springframework.ui.ModelMap` | For access to the model for an error response, always empty. | `RedirectAttributes` | Specify attributes to use in case of a redirect -- i.e. to be appended to the query string, and/or flash attributes to be stored temporarily until the request after redirect. See <> and <>. | `@SessionAttribute` | For access to any session attribute; in contrast to model attributes stored in the session as a result of a class-level `@SessionAttributes` declaration. See <> for more details. | `@RequestAttribute` | For access to request attributes. See <> for more details. |=== [[mvc-ann-exceptionhandler-return-values]] ==== Return Values `@ExceptionHandler` methods support the following return values: [cols="1,2", options="header"] |=== | Return value | Description | `@ResponseBody` | The return value is converted through ``HttpMessageConverter``s and written to the response. See <>. | `HttpEntity`, `ResponseEntity` | The return value specifies the full response including HTTP headers and body be converted through ``HttpMessageConverter``s and written to the response. See <>. | `String` | A view name to be resolved with ``ViewResolver``'s and used together with the implicit model -- determined through command objects and `@ModelAttribute` methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a `Model` argument (see above). | `View` | A `View` instance to use for rendering together with the implicit model -- determined through command objects and `@ModelAttribute` methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a `Model` argument (see above). | `java.util.Map`, `org.springframework.ui.Model` | Attributes to be added to the implicit model with the view name implicitly determined through a `RequestToViewNameTranslator`. | `@ModelAttribute` | An attribute to be added to the model with the view name implicitly determined through a `RequestToViewNameTranslator`. Note that `@ModelAttribute` is optional. See "Any other return value" further below in this table. | `ModelAndView` object | The view and model attributes to use, and optionally a response status. | `void` | A method with a `void` return type (or `null` return value) is considered to have fully handled the response if it also has a `ServletResponse`, or an `OutputStream` argument, or an `@ResponseStatus` annotation. The same is true also if the controller has made a positive ETag or lastModified timestamp check (see <> for details). If none of the above is true, a `void` return type may also indicate "no response body" for REST controllers, or default view name selection for HTML controllers. | Any other return value | If a return value is not matched to any of the above, by default it is treated as a model attribute to be added to the model, unless it is a simple type, as determined by {api-spring-framework}/beans/BeanUtils.html#isSimpleProperty-java.lang.Class-[BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty] in which case it remains unresolved. |=== [[mvc-ann-rest-exceptions]] ==== REST API exceptions [.small]#<># A common requirement for REST services is to include error details in the body of the response. The Spring Framework does not automatically do this because the representation of error details in the response body is application specific. However a `@RestController` may use `@ExceptionHandler` methods with a `ResponseEntity` return value to set the status and the body of the response. Such methods may also be declared in `@ControllerAdvice` classes to apply them globally. Applications that implement global exception handling with error details in the response body should consider extending {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/ResponseEntityExceptionHandler.html[ResponseEntityExceptionHandler] which provides handling for exceptions that Spring MVC raises along with hooks to customize the response body. To make use of this, create a subclass of `ResponseEntityExceptionHandler`, annotate with `@ControllerAdvice`, override the necessary methods, and declare it as a Spring bean. [[mvc-ann-controller-advice]] === Controller Advice [.small]#<># Typically `@ExceptionHandler`, `@InitBinder`, and `@ModelAttribute` methods apply within the `@Controller` class (or class hierarchy) they are declared in. If you want such methods to apply more globally, across controllers, you can declare them in a class marked with `@ControllerAdvice` or `@RestControllerAdvice`. `@ControllerAdvice` is marked with `@Component` which means such classes can be registered as Spring beans via <>. `@RestControllerAdvice` is also a meta-annotation marked with both `@ControllerAdvice` and `@ResponseBody` which essentially means `@ExceptionHandler` methods are rendered to the response body via message conversion (vs view resolution/template rendering). On startup, the infrastructure classes for `@RequestMapping` and `@ExceptionHandler` methods detect Spring beans of type `@ControllerAdvice`, and then apply their methods at runtime. Global `@ExceptionHandler` methods (from an `@ControllerAdvice`) are applied *after* local ones (from the `@Controller`). By contrast global `@ModelAttribute` and `@InitBinder` methods are applied *before* local ones. By default `@ControllerAdvice` methods apply to every request, i.e. all controllers, but you can narrow that down to a subset of controllers via attributes on the annotation: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // Target all Controllers annotated with @RestController @ControllerAdvice(annotations = RestController.class) public class ExampleAdvice1 {} // Target all Controllers within specific packages @ControllerAdvice("org.example.controllers") public class ExampleAdvice2 {} // Target all Controllers assignable to specific classes @ControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = {ControllerInterface.class, AbstractController.class}) public class ExampleAdvice3 {} ---- Keep in mind the above selectors are evaluated at runtime and may negatively impact performance if used extensively. See the {api-spring-framework}/web/bind/annotation/ControllerAdvice.html[@ControllerAdvice] Javadoc for more details. [[mvc-uri-building]] == URI Links [.small]#<># This section describes various options available in the Spring Framework to work with URI's. include::web-uris.adoc[leveloffset=+2] [[mvc-servleturicomponentsbuilder]] === Servlet request relative You can use `ServletUriComponentsBuilder` to create URIs relative to the current request: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- HttpServletRequest request = ... // Re-uses host, scheme, port, path and query string... ServletUriComponentsBuilder ucb = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromRequest(request) .replaceQueryParam("accountId", "{id}").build() .expand("123") .encode(); ---- You can create URIs relative to the context path: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // Re-uses host, port and context path... ServletUriComponentsBuilder ucb = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromContextPath(request) .path("/accounts").build() ---- You can create URIs relative to a Servlet (e.g. `/main/{asterisk}`): [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // Re-uses host, port, context path, and Servlet prefix... ServletUriComponentsBuilder ucb = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromServletMapping(request) .path("/accounts").build() ---- [NOTE] ==== As of 5.1 `ServletUriComponentsBuilder` ignores information from the "Forwarded", "X-Forwarded-*" headers, that specify the client-originated address. Consider using the <> to extract and use, or to discard such headers. ==== [[mvc-links-to-controllers]] === Links to controllers Spring MVC provides a mechanism to prepare links to controller methods. For example, the following MVC controller easily allows for link creation: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller @RequestMapping("/hotels/{hotel}") public class BookingController { @GetMapping("/bookings/{booking}") public ModelAndView getBooking(@PathVariable Long booking) { // ... } } ---- You can prepare a link by referring to the method by name: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- UriComponents uriComponents = MvcUriComponentsBuilder .fromMethodName(BookingController.class, "getBooking", 21).buildAndExpand(42); URI uri = uriComponents.encode().toUri(); ---- In the above example we provided actual method argument values, in this case the long value 21, to be used as a path variable and inserted into the URL. Furthermore, we provided the value 42 in order to fill in any remaining URI variables such as the "hotel" variable inherited from the type-level request mapping. If the method had more arguments you can supply null for arguments not needed for the URL. In general only `@PathVariable` and `@RequestParam` arguments are relevant for constructing the URL. There are additional ways to use `MvcUriComponentsBuilder`. For example you can use a technique akin to mock testing through proxies to avoid referring to the controller method by name (the example assumes static import of `MvcUriComponentsBuilder.on`): [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- UriComponents uriComponents = MvcUriComponentsBuilder .fromMethodCall(on(BookingController.class).getBooking(21)).buildAndExpand(42); URI uri = uriComponents.encode().toUri(); ---- [NOTE] ==== Controller method signatures are limited in their design when supposed to be usable for link creation with `fromMethodCall`. Aside from needing a proper parameter signature, there is a technical limitation on the return type: namely generating a runtime proxy for link builder invocations, so the return type must not be `final`. In particular, the common `String` return type for view names does not work here; use `ModelAndView` or even plain `Object` (with a `String` return value) instead. ==== The above examples use static methods in `MvcUriComponentsBuilder`. Internally they rely on `ServletUriComponentsBuilder` to prepare a base URL from the scheme, host, port, context path and servlet path of the current request. This works well in most cases, however sometimes it may be insufficient. For example you may be outside the context of a request (e.g. a batch process that prepares links) or perhaps you need to insert a path prefix (e.g. a locale prefix that was removed from the request path and needs to be re-inserted into links). For such cases you can use the static "fromXxx" overloaded methods that accept a `UriComponentsBuilder` to use base URL. Or you can create an instance of `MvcUriComponentsBuilder` with a base URL and then use the instance-based "withXxx" methods. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- UriComponentsBuilder base = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentContextPath().path("/en"); MvcUriComponentsBuilder builder = MvcUriComponentsBuilder.relativeTo(base); builder.withMethodCall(on(BookingController.class).getBooking(21)).buildAndExpand(42); URI uri = uriComponents.encode().toUri(); ---- [NOTE] ==== As of 5.1 `MvcUriComponentsBuilder` ignores information from the "Forwarded", "X-Forwarded-*" headers, that specify the client-originated address. Consider using the <> to extract and use, or to discard such headers. ==== [[mvc-links-to-controllers-from-views]] === Links in views In views such as Thymeleaf, FreeMarker, JSP you can build links to annotated controllers by referring to the implicitly or explicitly assigned name for each request mapping. For example given: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RequestMapping("/people/{id}/addresses") public class PersonAddressController { @RequestMapping("/{country}") public HttpEntity getAddress(@PathVariable String country) { ... } } ---- You can prepare a link from a JSP as follows: [source,jsp,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- <%@ taglib uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags" prefix="s" %> ... Get Address ---- The above example relies on the `mvcUrl` function declared in the Spring tag library (i.e. META-INF/spring.tld), but it is easy to define your own function, or prepare a similar one for other templating technologies. Here is how this works. On startup every `@RequestMapping` is assigned a default name through a `HandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy` whose default implementation uses the capital letters of the class and the method name, e.g. the `getFoo` method in `FooController` becomes "FC#getFoo". If there is a name clash you can use `@RequestMapping(name="..")` to assign an explicit name, or implement your own `HandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy`. [[mvc-ann-async]] == Async Requests [.small]#<># Spring MVC has an extensive integration with Servlet 3.0 asynchronous request <>: * <> and <> return values in controller method provide basic support for a single asynchronous return value. * Controllers can <> multiple values including <> and <>. * Controllers can use reactive clients and return <> for response handling. [[mvc-ann-async-deferredresult]] === `DeferredResult` [.small]#<># Once the asynchronous request processing feature is <> in the Servlet container, controller methods can wrap any supported controller method return value with `DeferredResult`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/quotes") @ResponseBody public DeferredResult quotes() { DeferredResult deferredResult = new DeferredResult(); // Save the deferredResult somewhere.. return deferredResult; } // From some other thread... deferredResult.setResult(data); ---- The controller can produce the return value asynchronously, from a different thread, for example in response to an external event (JMS message), a scheduled task, or other. [[mvc-ann-async-callable]] === `Callable` [.small]#<># A controller may also wrap any supported return value with `java.util.concurrent.Callable`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @PostMapping public Callable processUpload(final MultipartFile file) { return new Callable() { public String call() throws Exception { // ... return "someView"; } }; } ---- The return value will then be obtained by executing the the given task through the <> `TaskExecutor`. [[mvc-ann-async-processing]] === Processing [.small]#<># Here is a very concise overview of Servlet asynchronous request processing: * A `ServletRequest` can be put in asynchronous mode by calling `request.startAsync()`. The main effect of doing so is that the Servlet, as well as any Filters, can exit but the response will remain open to allow processing to complete later. * The call to `request.startAsync()` returns `AsyncContext` which can be used for further control over async processing. For example it provides the method `dispatch`, that is similar to a forward from the Servlet API except it allows an application to resume request processing on a Servlet container thread. * The `ServletRequest` provides access to the current `DispatcherType` that can be used to distinguish between processing the initial request, an async dispatch, a forward, and other dispatcher types. `DeferredResult` processing: * Controller returns a `DeferredResult` and saves it in some in-memory queue or list where it can be accessed. * Spring MVC calls `request.startAsync()`. * Meanwhile the `DispatcherServlet` and all configured Filter's exit the request processing thread but the response remains open. * The application sets the `DeferredResult` from some thread and Spring MVC dispatches the request back to the Servlet container. * The `DispatcherServlet` is invoked again and processing resumes with the asynchronously produced return value. `Callable` processing: * Controller returns a `Callable`. * Spring MVC calls `request.startAsync()` and submits the `Callable` to a `TaskExecutor` for processing in a separate thread. * Meanwhile the `DispatcherServlet` and all Filter's exit the Servlet container thread but the response remains open. * Eventually the `Callable` produces a result and Spring MVC dispatches the request back to the Servlet container to complete processing. * The `DispatcherServlet` is invoked again and processing resumes with the asynchronously produced return value from the `Callable`. For further background and context you can also read https://spring.io/blog/2012/05/07/spring-mvc-3-2-preview-introducing-servlet-3-async-support[the blog posts] that introduced asynchronous request processing support in Spring MVC 3.2. [[mvc-ann-async-exceptions]] ==== Exception handling When using a `DeferredResult` you can choose whether to call `setResult` or `setErrorResult` with an exception. In both cases Spring MVC dispatches the request back to the Servlet container to complete processing. It is then treated either as if the controller method returned the given value, or as if it produced the given exception. The exception then goes through the regular exception handling mechanism, e.g. invoking `@ExceptionHandler` methods. When using `Callable`, similar processing logic follows. The main difference being that the result is returned from the `Callable` or an exception is raised by it. [[mvc-ann-async-interception]] ==== Interception ``HandlerInterceptor``'s can also be `AsyncHandlerInterceptor` in order to receive the `afterConcurrentHandlingStarted` callback on the initial request that starts asynchronous processing instead of `postHandle` and `afterCompletion`. ``HandlerInterceptor``'s can also register a `CallableProcessingInterceptor` or a `DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor` in order to integrate more deeply with the lifecycle of an asynchronous request for example to handle a timeout event. See {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/AsyncHandlerInterceptor.html[AsyncHandlerInterceptor] for more details. `DeferredResult` provides `onTimeout(Runnable)` and `onCompletion(Runnable)` callbacks. See the Javadoc of `DeferredResult` for more details. `Callable` can be substituted for `WebAsyncTask` that exposes additional methods for timeout and completion callbacks. [[mvc-ann-async-vs-webflux]] ==== Compared to WebFlux The Servlet API was originally built for making a single pass through the Filter-Servlet chain. Asynchronous request processing, added in Servlet 3.0, allows applications to exit the Filter-Servlet chain but leave the response open for further processing. The Spring MVC async support is built around that mechanism. When a controller returns a `DeferredResult`, the Filter-Servlet chain is exited and the Servlet container thread is released. Later when the `DeferredResult` is set, an ASYNC dispatch (to the same URL) is made during which the controller is mapped again but rather than invoking it, the `DeferredResult` value is used (as if the controller returned it) to resume processing. By contrast Spring WebFlux is neither built on the Servlet API, nor does it need such an asynchronous request processing feature because it is asynchronous by design. Asynchronous handling is built into all framework contracts and is intrinsically supported through :: stages of request processing. From a programming model perspective, both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux support asynchronous and <> as return values in controller methods. Spring MVC even supports streaming, including reactive back pressure. However individual writes to the response remain blocking (and performed on a separate thread) unlike WebFlux that relies on non-blocking I/O and does not need an extra thread for each write. Another fundamental difference is that Spring MVC does not support asynchronous or reactive types in controller method arguments, e.g. `@RequestBody`, `@RequestPart`, and others, nor does it have any explicit support for asynchronous and reactive types as model attributes. Spring WebFlux does support all that. [[mvc-ann-async-http-streaming]] === HTTP Streaming [.small]#<># `DeferredResult` and `Callable` can be used for a single asynchronous return value. What if you want to produce multiple asynchronous values and have those written to the response? [[mvc-ann-async-objects]] ==== Objects The `ResponseBodyEmitter` return value can be used to produce a stream of Objects, where each Object sent is serialized with an <> and written to the response. For example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/events") public ResponseBodyEmitter handle() { ResponseBodyEmitter emitter = new ResponseBodyEmitter(); // Save the emitter somewhere.. return emitter; } // In some other thread emitter.send("Hello once"); // and again later on emitter.send("Hello again"); // and done at some point emitter.complete(); ---- `ResponseBodyEmitter` can also be used as the body in a `ResponseEntity` allowing you to customize the status and headers of the response. When an `emitter` throws an `IOException` (e.g. if the remote client went away) applications are not responsible for cleaning up the connection, and should not invoke `emitter.complete` or `emitter.completeWithError`. Instead the servlet container automatically initiates an `AsyncListener` error notification in which Spring MVC makes a `completeWithError` call, which in turn performs one a final ASYNC dispatch to the application during which Spring MVC invokes the configured exception resolvers and completes the request. [[mvc-ann-async-sse]] ==== SSE `SseEmitter` is a sub-class of `ResponseBodyEmitter` that provides support for http://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/[Server-Sent Events] where events sent from the server are formatted according to the W3C SSE specification. In order to produce an SSE stream from a controller simply return `SseEmitter`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping(path="/events", produces=MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE) public SseEmitter handle() { SseEmitter emitter = new SseEmitter(); // Save the emitter somewhere.. return emitter; } // In some other thread emitter.send("Hello once"); // and again later on emitter.send("Hello again"); // and done at some point emitter.complete(); ---- While SSE is the main option for streaming into browsers, note that Internet Explorer does not support Server-Sent Events. Consider using Spring's <> with <> transports (including SSE) that target a wide range of browsers. Also see <> for notes on exception handling. [[mvc-ann-async-output-stream]] ==== Raw data Sometimes it is useful to bypass message conversion and stream directly to the response `OutputStream` for example for a file download. Use the of the `StreamingResponseBody` return value type to do that: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/download") public StreamingResponseBody handle() { return new StreamingResponseBody() { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { // write... } }; } ---- `StreamingResponseBody` can be used as the body in a `ResponseEntity` allowing you to customize the status and headers of the response. [[mvc-ann-async-reactive-types]] === Reactive types [.small]#<># Spring MVC supports use of reactive client libraries in a controller. This includes the `WebClient` from `spring-webflux` and others such as Spring Data reactive data repositories. In such scenarios it is convenient to be able to return reactive types from the controller method . Reactive return values are handled as follows: * A single-value promise is adapted to, and similar to using `DeferredResult`. Examples include `Mono` (Reactor) or `Single` (RxJava). * A multi-value stream, with a streaming media type such as `"application/stream+json"` or `"text/event-stream"`, is adapted to, and similar to using `ResponseBodyEmitter` or `SseEmitter`. Examples include `Flux` (Reactor) or `Observable` (RxJava). Applications can also return `Flux` or `Observable`. * A multi-value stream, with any other media type (e.g. "application/json"), is adapted to, and similar to using `DeferredResult>`. [TIP] ==== Spring MVC supports Reactor and RxJava through the {api-spring-framework}/core/ReactiveAdapterRegistry.html[ReactiveAdapterRegistry] from `spring-core` which allows it to adapt from multiple reactive libraries. ==== For streaming to the response, reactive back pressure is supported, but writes to the response are still blocking, and are executed on a separate thread through the <> `TaskExecutor` in order to avoid blocking the upstream source (e.g. a `Flux` returned from the `WebClient`). By default `SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor` is used for the blocking writes but that is not suitable under load. If you plan to stream with a reactive type, please use the <> to configure a task executor. [[mvc-ann-async-disconnects]] === Disconnects [.small]#<># The Servlet API does not provide any notification when a remote client goes away. Therefore while streaming to the response, whether via <> or <, it is important to send data periodically, since the write would fail if the client has disconnected. The send could take the form of an empty (comment-only) SSE event, or any other data that the other side would have to to interpret as a heartbeat and ignore. Alternatively consider using web messaging solutions such as <> or WebSocket with <> that have a built-in heartbeat mechanism. [[mvc-ann-async-configuration]] === Configuration [.small]#<># The async request processing feature must be enabled at the Servlet container level. The MVC config also exposes several options for asynchronous requests. [[mvc-ann-async-configuration-servlet3]] ==== Servlet container Filter and Servlet declarations have an `asyncSupported` that needs to be set to true in order enable asynchronous request processing. In addition, Filter mappings should be declared to handle the ASYNC `javax.servlet.DispatchType`. In Java configuration, when you use `AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer` to initialize the Servlet container, this is done automatically. In `web.xml` configuration, add `true` to the `DispatcherServlet` and to `Filter` declarations, and also add `ASYNC` to filter mappings. [[mvc-ann-async-configuration-spring-mvc]] ==== Spring MVC The MVC config exposes options related to async request processing: * Java config -- use the `configureAsyncSupport` callback on `WebMvcConfigurer`. * XML namespace -- use the `` element under ``. You can configure the following: * Default timeout value for async requests, which if not set, depends on the underlying Servlet container (e.g. 10 seconds on Tomcat). * `AsyncTaskExecutor` to use for blocking writes when streaming with <>, and also for executing ``Callable``'s returned from controller methods. It is highly recommended to configure this property if you're streaming with reactive types or have controller methods that return `Callable` since by default it is a `SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor`. * ``DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor``'s and ``CallableProcessingInterceptor``'s. Note that the default timeout value can also be set on a `DeferredResult`, `ResponseBodyEmitter` and `SseEmitter`. For a `Callable`, use `WebAsyncTask` to provide a timeout value. include::webmvc-cors.adoc[leveloffset=+1] [[mvc-web-security]] == Web Security [.small]#<># The http://projects.spring.io/spring-security/[Spring Security] project provides support for protecting web applications from malicious exploits. Check out the Spring Security reference documentation including: * {doc-spring-security}/html5/#mvc[Spring MVC Security] * {doc-spring-security}/html5/#test-mockmvc[Spring MVC Test Support] * {doc-spring-security}/html5/#csrf[CSRF protection] * {doc-spring-security}/html5/#headers[Security Response Headers] http://hdiv.org/[HDIV] is another web security framework that integrates with Spring MVC. [[mvc-caching]] == HTTP Caching [.small]#<># HTTP caching can significantly improve the performance of a web application. HTTP caching revolves around the "Cache-Control" response header and subsequently conditional request headers such as "Last-Modified" and "ETag". "Cache-Control" advises private (e.g. browser) and public (e.g. proxy) caches how to cache and re-use responses. An "ETag" header is used to make a conditional request that may result in a 304 (NOT_MODIFIED) without a body, if the content has not changed. "ETag" can be seen as a more sophisticated successor to the `Last-Modified` header. This section describes HTTP caching related options available in Spring Web MVC. [[mvc-caching-cachecontrol]] === `CacheControl` [.small]#<># {api-spring-framework}/http/CacheControl.html[`CacheControl`] provides support for configuring settings related to the "Cache-Control" header and is accepted as an argument in a number of places: * {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/mvc/WebContentInterceptor.html[`WebContentInterceptor`] * {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/support/WebContentGenerator.html[`WebContentGenerator`] * <> * <> While https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.2.2[RFC 7234] describes all possible directives for the "Cache-Control" response header, the `CacheControl` type takes a use case oriented approach focusing on the common scenarios: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- // Cache for an hour - "Cache-Control: max-age=3600" CacheControl ccCacheOneHour = CacheControl.maxAge(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); // Prevent caching - "Cache-Control: no-store" CacheControl ccNoStore = CacheControl.noStore(); // Cache for ten days in public and private caches, // public caches should not transform the response // "Cache-Control: max-age=864000, public, no-transform" CacheControl ccCustom = CacheControl.maxAge(10, TimeUnit.DAYS).noTransform().cachePublic(); ---- `WebContentGenerator` also accept a simpler `cachePeriod` property, in seconds, that works as follows: * A `-1` value won't generate a "Cache-Control" response header. * A `0` value will prevent caching using the `'Cache-Control: no-store'` directive. * An `n > 0` value will cache the given response for `n` seconds using the `'Cache-Control: max-age=n'` directive. [[mvc-caching-etag-lastmodified]] === Controllers [.small]#<># Controllers can add explicit support for HTTP caching. This is recommended since the lastModified or ETag value for a resource needs to be calculated before it can be compared against conditional request headers. A controller can add an ETag and "Cache-Control" settings to a `ResponseEntity`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @GetMapping("/book/{id}") public ResponseEntity showBook(@PathVariable Long id) { Book book = findBook(id); String version = book.getVersion(); return ResponseEntity .ok() .cacheControl(CacheControl.maxAge(30, TimeUnit.DAYS)) .eTag(version) // lastModified is also available .body(book); } ---- This will send an 304 (NOT_MODIFIED) response with an empty body, if the comparison to the conditional request headers indicates the content has not changed. Otherwise the "ETag" and "Cache-Control" headers will be added to the response. The check against conditional request headers can also be made in the controller: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @RequestMapping public String myHandleMethod(WebRequest webRequest, Model model) { long eTag = ... <1> if (request.checkNotModified(eTag)) { return null; <2> } model.addAttribute(...); <3> return "myViewName"; } ---- <1> Application-specific calculation. <2> Response has been set to 304 (NOT_MODIFIED), no further processing. <3> Continue with request processing. There are 3 variants for checking conditional requests against eTag values, lastModified values, or both. For conditional "GET" and "HEAD" requests, the response may be set to 304 (NOT_MODIFIED). For conditional "POST", "PUT", and "DELETE", the response would be set to 409 (PRECONDITION_FAILED) instead to prevent concurrent modification. [[mvc-caching-static-resources]] === Static resources [.small]#<># Static resources should be served with a "Cache-Control" and conditional response headers for optimal performance. See section on configuring <>. [[mvc-httpcaching-shallowetag]] === ETag Filter The `ShallowEtagHeaderFilter` can be used to add "shallow" eTag values, computed from the response content and thus saving bandwidth but not CPU time. See <>. include::webmvc-view.adoc[leveloffset=+1] [[mvc-config]] == MVC Config [.small]#<># The MVC Java config and the MVC XML namespace provide default configuration suitable for most applications along with a configuration API to customize it. For more advanced customizations, not available in the configuration API, see <> and <>. You do not need to understand the underlying beans created by the MVC Java config and the MVC namespace but if you want to learn more, see <> and <>. [[mvc-config-enable]] === Enable MVC Config [.small]#<># In Java config use the `@EnableWebMvc` annotation: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig { } ---- In XML use the `` element: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- The above registers a number of Spring MVC <> also adapting to dependencies available on the classpath: e.g. payload converters for JSON, XML, etc. [[mvc-config-customize]] === MVC Config API [.small]#<># In Java config implement `WebMvcConfigurer` interface: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { // Implement configuration methods... } ---- In XML check attributes and sub-elements of ``. You can view the http://schema.spring.io/mvc/spring-mvc.xsd[Spring MVC XML schema] or use the code completion feature of your IDE to discover what attributes and sub-elements are available. [[mvc-config-conversion]] === Type conversion [.small]#<># By default formatters for `Number` and `Date` types are installed, including support for the `@NumberFormat` and `@DateTimeFormat` annotations. Full support for the Joda-Time formatting library is also installed if Joda-Time is present on the classpath. In Java config, register custom formatters and converters: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) { // ... } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [NOTE] ==== See <> and the `FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean` for more information on when to use FormatterRegistrars. ==== [[mvc-config-validation]] === Validation [.small]#<># By default if <> is present on the classpath -- e.g. Hibernate Validator, the `LocalValidatorFactoryBean` is registered as a global <> for use with `@Valid` and `Validated` on controller method arguments. In Java config, you can customize the global `Validator` instance: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public Validator getValidator(); { // ... } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- Note that you can also register ``Validator``'s locally: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Controller public class MyController { @InitBinder protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.addValidators(new FooValidator()); } } ---- [TIP] ==== If you need to have a `LocalValidatorFactoryBean` injected somewhere, create a bean and mark it with `@Primary` in order to avoid conflict with the one declared in the MVC config. ==== [[mvc-config-interceptors]] === Interceptors In Java config, register interceptors to apply to incoming requests: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { registry.addInterceptor(new LocaleChangeInterceptor()); registry.addInterceptor(new ThemeChangeInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**").excludePathPatterns("/admin/**"); registry.addInterceptor(new SecurityInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/secure/*"); } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- ---- [[mvc-config-content-negotiation]] === Content Types [.small]#<># You can configure how Spring MVC determines the requested media types from the request -- e.g. `Accept` header, URL path extension, query parameter, etc. By default the URL path extension is checked first -- with `json`, `xml`, `rss`, and `atom` registered as known extensions depending on classpath dependencies, and the "Accept" header is checked second. Consider changing those defaults to `Accept` header only and if you must use URL-based content type resolution consider the query parameter strategy over the path extensions. See <> and <> for more details. In Java config, customize requested content type resolution: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) { configurer.mediaType("json", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); configurer.mediaType("xml", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- json=application/json xml=application/xml ---- [[mvc-config-message-converters]] === Message Converters [.small]#<># Customization of `HttpMessageConverter` can be achieved in Java config by overriding {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/config/annotation/WebMvcConfigurer.html#configureMessageConverters-java.util.List-[`configureMessageConverters()`] if you want to replace the default converters created by Spring MVC, or by overriding {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/config/annotation/WebMvcConfigurer.html#extendMessageConverters-java.util.List-[`extendMessageConverters()`] if you just want to customize them or add additional converters to the default ones. Below is an example that adds Jackson JSON and XML converters with a customized `ObjectMapper` instead of default ones: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureMessageConverters(List> converters) { Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder() .indentOutput(true) .dateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")) .modulesToInstall(new ParameterNamesModule()); converters.add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(builder.build())); converters.add(new MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter(builder.createXmlMapper(true).build())); } } ---- In this example, {api-spring-framework}/http/converter/json/Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.html[Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder] is used to create a common configuration for both `MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter` and `MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter` with indentation enabled, a customized date format and the registration of https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-module-parameter-names[jackson-module-parameter-names] that adds support for accessing parameter names (feature added in Java 8). This builder customizes Jackson's default properties with the following ones: . http://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-databind/javadoc/2.6/com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/DeserializationFeature.html#FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES[`DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES`] is disabled. . http://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-databind/javadoc/2.6/com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/MapperFeature.html#DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION[`MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION`] is disabled. It also automatically registers the following well-known modules if they are detected on the classpath: . https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-jdk7[jackson-datatype-jdk7]: support for Java 7 types like `java.nio.file.Path`. . https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-joda[jackson-datatype-joda]: support for Joda-Time types. . https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-jsr310[jackson-datatype-jsr310]: support for Java 8 Date & Time API types. . https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-jdk8[jackson-datatype-jdk8]: support for other Java 8 types like `Optional`. [NOTE] ==== Enabling indentation with Jackson XML support requires http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.codehaus.woodstox%22%20AND%20a%3A%22woodstox-core-asl%22[`woodstox-core-asl`] dependency in addition to http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22jackson-dataformat-xml%22[`jackson-dataformat-xml`] one. ==== Other interesting Jackson modules are available: . https://github.com/zalando/jackson-datatype-money[jackson-datatype-money]: support for `javax.money` types (unofficial module) . https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-hibernate[jackson-datatype-hibernate]: support for Hibernate specific types and properties (including lazy-loading aspects) It is also possible to do the same in XML: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [[mvc-config-view-controller]] === View Controllers This is a shortcut for defining a `ParameterizableViewController` that immediately forwards to a view when invoked. Use it in static cases when there is no Java controller logic to execute before the view generates the response. An example of forwarding a request for `"/"` to a view called `"home"` in Java: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) { registry.addViewController("/").setViewName("home"); } } ---- And the same in XML use the `` element: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [[mvc-config-view-resolvers]] === View Resolvers [.small]#<># The MVC config simplifies the registration of view resolvers. The following is a Java config example that configures content negotiation view resolution using JSP and Jackson as a default `View` for JSON rendering: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) { registry.enableContentNegotiation(new MappingJackson2JsonView()); registry.jsp(); } } ---- And the same in XML: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- Note however that FreeMarker, Tiles, Groovy Markup and script templates also require configuration of the underlying view technology. The MVC namespace provides dedicated elements. For example with FreeMarker: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- In Java config simply add the respective "Configurer" bean: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) { registry.enableContentNegotiation(new MappingJackson2JsonView()); registry.freeMarker().cache(false); } @Bean public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() { FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer(); configurer.setTemplateLoaderPath("/freemarker"); return configurer; } } ---- [[mvc-config-static-resources]] === Static Resources [.small]#<># This option provides a convenient way to serve static resources from a list of {api-spring-framework}/core/io/Resource.html[Resource]-based locations. In the example below, given a request that starts with `"/resources"`, the relative path is used to find and serve static resources relative to "/public" under the web application root or on the classpath under `"/static"`. The resources are served with a 1-year future expiration to ensure maximum use of the browser cache and a reduction in HTTP requests made by the browser. The `Last-Modified` header is also evaluated and if present a `304` status code is returned. In Java config: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addResourceHandler("/resources/**") .addResourceLocations("/public", "classpath:/static/") .setCachePeriod(31556926); } } ---- In XML: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- See also <>. The resource handler also supports a chain of {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/resource/ResourceResolver.html[ResourceResolver]s and {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/resource/ResourceTransformer.html[ResourceTransformer]s. which can be used to create a toolchain for working with optimized resources. The `VersionResourceResolver` can be used for versioned resource URLs based on an MD5 hash computed from the content, a fixed application version, or other. A `ContentVersionStrategy` (MD5 hash) is a good choice with some notable exceptions such as JavaScript resources used with a module loader. For example in Java config; [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addResourceHandler("/resources/**") .addResourceLocations("/public/") .resourceChain(true) .addResolver(new VersionResourceResolver().addContentVersionStrategy("/**")); } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim"] ---- ---- You can then use `ResourceUrlProvider` to rewrite URLs and apply the full chain of resolvers and transformers -- e.g. to insert versions. The MVC config provides a `ResourceUrlProvider` bean so it can be injected into others. You can also make the rewrite transparent with the `ResourceUrlEncodingFilter` for Thymeleaf, JSPs, FreeMarker, and others with URL tags that rely on `HttpServletResponse#encodeURL`. Note that when using both `EncodedResourceResolver` (e.g. for serving gzipped or brotli encoded resources) and `VersionedResourceResolver`, they must be registered in this order. That ensures content based versions are always computed reliably based on the unencoded file. http://www.webjars.org/documentation[WebJars] is also supported via `WebJarsResourceResolver` and automatically registered when `"org.webjars:webjars-locator"` is present on the classpath. The resolver can re-write URLs to include the version of the jar and can also match to incoming URLs without versions -- e.g. `"/jquery/jquery.min.js"` to `"/jquery/1.2.0/jquery.min.js"`. [[mvc-default-servlet-handler]] === Default Servlet This allows for mapping the `DispatcherServlet` to "/" (thus overriding the mapping of the container's default Servlet), while still allowing static resource requests to be handled by the container's default Servlet. It configures a `DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler` with a URL mapping of "/**" and the lowest priority relative to other URL mappings. This handler will forward all requests to the default Servlet. Therefore it is important that it remains last in the order of all other URL `HandlerMappings`. That will be the case if you use `` or alternatively if you are setting up your own customized `HandlerMapping` instance be sure to set its `order` property to a value lower than that of the `DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler`, which is `Integer.MAX_VALUE`. To enable the feature using the default setup use: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) { configurer.enable(); } } ---- Or in XML: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- The caveat to overriding the "/" Servlet mapping is that the `RequestDispatcher` for the default Servlet must be retrieved by name rather than by path. The `DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler` will attempt to auto-detect the default Servlet for the container at startup time, using a list of known names for most of the major Servlet containers (including Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, JBoss, Resin, WebLogic, and WebSphere). If the default Servlet has been custom configured with a different name, or if a different Servlet container is being used where the default Servlet name is unknown, then the default Servlet's name must be explicitly provided as in the following example: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) { configurer.enable("myCustomDefaultServlet"); } } ---- Or in XML: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [[mvc-config-path-matching]] === Path Matching [.small]#<># Customize options related to path matching, and treatment of the URL. For details on the individual options, see the {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/config/annotation/PathMatchConfigurer.html[PathMatchConfigurer] Javadoc. Example in Java config: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void configurePathMatch(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) { configurer .setUseSuffixPatternMatch(true) .setUseTrailingSlashMatch(false) .setUseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch(true) .setPathMatcher(antPathMatcher()) .setUrlPathHelper(urlPathHelper()) .addPathPrefix("/api", HandlerTypePredicate.forAnnotation(RestController.class)); } @Bean public UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper() { //... } @Bean public PathMatcher antPathMatcher() { //... } } ---- In XML, the same: [source,xml,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- ---- [[mvc-config-advanced-java]] === Advanced Java Config [.small]#<># `@EnableWebMvc` imports `DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration` that (1) provides default Spring configuration for Spring MVC applications and (2) detects and delegates to ``WebMvcConfigurer``'s to customize that configuration. For advanced mode, remove `@EnableWebMvc` and extend directly from `DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration` instead of implementing `WebMvcConfigurer`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Configuration public class WebConfig extends DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration { // ... } ---- You can keep existing methods in `WebConfig` but you can now also override bean declarations from the base class and you can still have any number of other ``WebMvcConfigurer``'s on the classpath. [[mvc-config-advanced-xml]] === Advanced XML Config The MVC namespace does not have an advanced mode. If you need to customize a property on a bean that you can't change otherwise, you can use the `BeanPostProcessor` lifecycle hook of the Spring `ApplicationContext`: [source,java,indent=0] [subs="verbatim,quotes"] ---- @Component public class MyPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor { public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException { // ... } } ---- Note that `MyPostProcessor` needs to be declared as a bean either explicitly in XML or detected through a `` declaration. [[mvc-http2]] == HTTP/2 [.small]#<># Servlet 4 containers are required to support HTTP/2 and Spring Framework 5 is compatible with Servlet API 4. From a programming model perspective there is nothing specific that applications need to do. However there are considerations related to server configuration. For more details please check out the https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/HTTP-2-support[HTTP/2 wiki page]. The Servlet API does expose one construct related to HTTP/2. The `javax.servlet.http.PushBuilder` can used to proactively push resources to clients and it is supported as a <> to `@RequestMapping` methods.