#/* # * Copyright [2022] [MaxKey of copyright http://www.maxkey.top] # * # * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # */ #maxkey properties group =maxkey.top version =3.5.10 vendor =https://www.maxkey.top author =MaxKeyTop #docker jib image jibFromImage =adoptopenjdk:8-jre jibToImage =maxkeytop jibToAuthUsername =maxkeytop jibToAuthPassword =docker registry credential #maxkey used jars version #Apache commonsbeanutilsVersion =1.9.4 commonscodecVersion =1.15 commonscollectionsVersion =3.2.2 commonscollections4Version =4.4 commonscsvVersion =1.7 commonstextVersion =1.9 commonsdbcp2Version =2.9.0 commonsdbutilsVersion =1.7 commonsdigester3Version =3.2 commonsdigesterVersion =2.1 commonsioVersion =2.8.0 commonslangVersion =2.6 commonslang3Version =3.11 commonsloggingVersion =1.2 commonspool2Version =2.11.1 commonshttpclientVersion =3.1 commonsfileuploadVersion =1.4 commonsemailVersion =1.5 commonsvalidatorVersion =1.7 httpcomponentsVersion =4.5.13 httpcoreVersion =4.4.15 httpasyncclientVersion =4.1.5 velocityVersion =1.7 velocitydepVersion =1.4 freemarkerVersion =2.3.31 xmlbeansVersion =5.0.2 commonscompressVersion =1.21 log4jVersion =2.19.0 poiVersion =5.2.2 #apache mq kafkaclientsVersion =2.8.9 rocketmqclientVersion =4.9.4 rocketmqspringbootVersion =2.2.2 #apache tomcat tomcatVersion =9.0.65 tomcatembedloggingjuliVersion =8.5.2 #spring springVersion =5.3.24 springBootVersion =2.7.6 springSecurityVersion =5.7.5 springDataVersion =2.6.6 springkafkaVersion =2.9.0 springretryVersion =1.3.3 springplugincoreVersion =2.0.0.RELEASE springpluginmetadataVersion =2.0.0.RELEASE springcloudVersion =3.1.4 springcloudalibabaVersion =2021.1 springcloudalibabaspringVersion =1.0.11 springcloudalibabacsplVersion =1.8.5 alibabanacosclientVersion =2.0.4 #google jibGradlePluginVersion =3.1.4 jhlabsfiltersVersion =2.0.235-1 kaptchaVersion =2.3.2 gsonVersion =2.9.1 guavaVersion =31.1-jre tinkVersion =1.7.0 zxingcoreVersion =3.5.0 concurrentlinkedhashmaplruVersion =1.4.2 #jboss jbossloggingVersion =3.4.3.Final hibernateVersion =6.2.5.Final #doc swaggerV3Version =2.2.1 springdocVersion =1.6.13 knife4jVersion =3.0.3 #database postgresqlVersion =42.4.1 mysqlconnectorjavaVersion =8.0.31 druidVersion =1.2.15 druidspringbootstarterVersion =1.2.15 jedisVersion =4.2.3 caffeineVersion =2.9.3 mybatisVersion =3.5.11 mybatisspringVersion =2.0.7 #saml opensamlVersion =2.6.6 openwsVersion =1.5.6 xmltoolingVersion =1.4.6 javasupportVersion =7.5.1 #others thymeleafVersion =3.0.15.RELEASE springbootadminVersion =2.7.3 nettyVersion =4.1.65.Final hazelcastVersion =4.2.2 jakartaannotationVersion =2.0.0 jakartavalidationapiVersion =3.0.0 attoparserVersion =2.0.5.RELEASE unbescapeVersion =1.1.6.RELEASE slf4jVersion =1.7.36 jacksonVersion =2.13.4 woodstoxVersion =6.2.8 bouncycastleVersion =1.69 junitVersion =4.11 mockitoallVersion =1.10.19 xmlunitVersion =1.6 nimbusjosejwtVersion =9.25 jcipannotationsVersion =1.0 minidevjsonsmartVersion =2.4.5 minidevasmVersion =1.0.2 simplehttpVersion =1.0.5 JustAuthVersion =1.16.5 javassistVersion =3.29.0-GA esapiVersion = javaxmailVersion =1.6.2 javaxpersistenceVersion =2.2.1 activationVersion =1.1.1 javaxannotationapiVersion =1.3.2 jtaVersion =1.1 javaxtransactionapiVersion =1.3 validationapiVersion =2.0.1.Final jsr173Version =1.0 jaxbapiVersion =2.3.1 jaxbcoreVersion =3.0.2 jaxbimplVersion =3.0.2 jaxbxjcVersion =3.0.2 classmateVersion =1.5.0 fastjsonVersion =1.2.83 reactivestreamsVersion =1.0.4 reactorcoreVersion =3.4.21 reactornettyVersion =1.0.21 reactorextraVersion =3.4.8 szxcvbnVersion =0.2 quartzVersion =2.3.2 jodatimeVersion =2.12.1 snakeyamlVersion =1.32 nekohtmlVersion =1.9.22 ognlVersion =3.3.3 cglibVersion =3.3.0 asmVersion =9.3 aopallianceVersion =1.0 aspectjtoolsVersion =1.9.4 evictorVersion =1.0.0 lettuceVersion =6.1.9.RELEASE pinyin4jVersion =2.5.1 jsoupVersion =1.15.3 reflectionsVersion =0.10.2 #xml jdomVersion =2.0.2 dom4jVersion =1.6.1 serializerVersion =2.7.2 xmlresolverVersion =1.2 xmlsecVersion =2.1.7 xpp3Version =1.1.6 xstreamVersion =1.4.19 passayVersion =1.6.2 micrometercoreVersion =1.9.4 prometheusVersion =0.16.0 LatencyUtilsVersion =2.0.3 stax2apiVersion =4.2.1 mapstructVersion =1.4.1.Final ip2regionVersion =2.6.5 #sdk aliyunjavasdkcoreVersion =4.5.1 tencentcloudsdkjavaVersion =3.1.33