#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace eos { using std::vector; using boost::asio::ip::tcp; using boost::asio::ip::address_v4; using boost::asio::ip::host_name; using fc::time_point; using fc::time_point_sec; using eos::chain::transaction_id_type; namespace bip = boost::interprocess; class connection; using connection_ptr = std::shared_ptr; using connection_wptr = std::weak_ptr; using socket_ptr = std::shared_ptr; /** * Index by id * Index by is_known, block_num, validated_time, this is the order we will broadcast * to peer. * Index by is_noticed, validated_time * */ struct transaction_state { transaction_id_type id; bool is_known_by_peer = false; ///< true if we sent or received this trx to this peer or received notice from peer bool is_noticed_to_peer = false; ///< have we sent peer notice we know it (true if we receive from this peer) uint32_t block_num = -1; ///< the block number the transaction was included in time_point validated_time; ///< infinity for unvalidated time_point requested_time; /// incase we fetch large trx }; typedef multi_index_container< transaction_state, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag, member > > > transaction_state_index; /** * */ struct block_state { block_id_type id; bool is_known; bool is_noticed_to_peer; time_point requested_time; }; typedef multi_index_container< block_state, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag, member > > > block_state_index; /** * Index by start_block */ struct sync_state { uint32_t start_block = 0; uint32_t end_block = 0; uint32_t last = 0; ///< last sent or received time_point start_time; ///< time request made or received }; struct by_start_block; typedef multi_index_container< sync_state, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag, member > > > sync_request_index; struct handshake_initializer { static void populate (handshake_message &hello); }; class connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: connection( string endpoint ) : block_state(), trx_state(), in_sync_state(), out_sync_state(), socket( std::make_shared( std::ref( app().get_io_service() ))), pending_message_size(), pending_message_buffer(), remote_node_id(), last_handshake(), out_queue(), connecting (false), peer_addr (endpoint) { wlog( "created connection to ${n}", ("n", endpoint) ); pending_message_buffer.resize( 1024*1024*4 ); auto *rnd = remote_node_id.data(); rnd[0] = 0; } connection( socket_ptr s ) : block_state(), trx_state(), in_sync_state(), out_sync_state(), socket( s ), pending_message_size(), pending_message_buffer(), remote_node_id(), last_handshake(), out_queue(), connecting (false), peer_addr () { wlog( "created connection from client" ); pending_message_buffer.resize( 1024*1024*4 ); auto *rnd = remote_node_id.data(); rnd[0] = 0; } ~connection() { if (peer_addr.empty()) wlog( "released connection from client" ); else wlog( "released connection to server at ${addr}", ("addr", peer_addr) ); } block_state_index block_state; transaction_state_index trx_state; sync_request_index in_sync_state; // we are requesting info from this peer sync_request_index out_sync_state; // this peer is requesting info from us socket_ptr socket; uint32_t pending_message_size; vector pending_message_buffer; fc::sha256 remote_node_id; handshake_message last_handshake; std::deque out_queue; uint32_t mtu; bool connecting; string peer_addr; void reset () { in_sync_state.clear(); out_sync_state.clear(); block_state.clear(); trx_state.clear(); } void close () { out_queue.clear(); if (socket) { socket->close(); } } void send_handshake ( ) { handshake_message hello; handshake_initializer::populate(hello); send (hello); } void send( const net_message& m ) { out_queue.push_back( m ); if( out_queue.size() == 1 ) { send_next_message(); } } void send_next_message() { if( !out_queue.size() ) { if (out_sync_state.size() > 0) { write_block_backlog(); } return; } auto& m = out_queue.front(); vector buffer; uint32_t size = fc::raw::pack_size( m ); buffer.resize( size + sizeof(uint32_t) ); fc::datastream ds( buffer.data(), buffer.size() ); ds.write( (char*)&size, sizeof(size) ); fc::raw::pack( ds, m ); boost::asio::async_write( *socket, boost::asio::buffer( buffer.data(), buffer.size() ), [this,buf=std::move(buffer)]( boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred ) { if( ec ) { elog( "Error sending message: ${msg}", ("msg",ec.message() ) ); } else { if (!out_queue.size()) { elog ("out_queue underflow!"); } else { out_queue.pop_front(); } send_next_message(); } }); } void write_block_backlog ( ) { chain_controller& cc = app().find_plugin()->chain(); auto ss = out_sync_state.begin(); uint32_t num = ++ss.get_node()->value().last; ilog ("num = ${num} end = ${end}",("num",num)("end",ss->end_block)); if (num >= ss->end_block) { out_sync_state.erase(ss); ilog ("out sync size = ${s}",("s",out_sync_state.size())); } try { fc::optional sb = cc.fetch_block_by_number(num); if (sb) { // dlog("write backlog, block #${num}",("num",num)); send( *sb ); } } catch ( ... ) { wlog( "write loop exception" ); } if (out_sync_state.size() == 0) { send_handshake ( ); } } }; // class connection struct node_transaction_state { transaction_id_type id; fc::time_point received; fc::time_point_sec expires; // vector packed_transaction; //just for the moment SignedTransaction transaction; uint32_t block_num = -1; /// block transaction was included in bool validated = false; /// whether or not our node has validated it }; struct by_expiry; typedef multi_index_container< node_transaction_state, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag, member < node_transaction_state, transaction_id_type, &node_transaction_state::id > >, ordered_non_unique< tag, member< node_transaction_state, fc::time_point_sec, &node_transaction_state::expires > > > > node_transaction_index; static net_plugin_impl *my_impl; class net_plugin_impl { public: unique_ptr acceptor; tcp::endpoint listen_endpoint; string p2p_address; vector supplied_peers; std::set resolved_nodes; std::set learned_nodes; std::set< connection_ptr > connections; bool done = false; unique_ptr connector_check; unique_ptr transaction_check; boost::asio::steady_timer::duration connector_period; boost::asio::steady_timer::duration txn_exp_period; int16_t network_version; chain_id_type chain_id; fc::sha256 node_id; string user_agent_name; chain_plugin* chain_plug; int32_t just_send_it_max; bool send_whole_blocks; node_transaction_index local_txns; vector pending_notify; shared_ptr resolver; void connect( connection_ptr c ) { c->connecting = true; auto host = c->peer_addr.substr( 0, c->peer_addr.find(':') ); auto port = c->peer_addr.substr( host.size()+1, host.size() ); idump((host)(port)); tcp::resolver::query query( tcp::v4(), host.c_str(), port.c_str() ); // Note: need to add support for IPv6 too resolver->async_resolve( query, [c, this]( const boost::system::error_code& err, tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_itr ){ if( !err ) { connect( c, endpoint_itr ); } else { elog( "Unable to resolve ${peer_addr}: ${error}", ( "peer_addr", c->peer_addr )("error", err.message() ) ); } }); } void connect( connection_ptr c, tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_itr ) { auto current_endpoint = *endpoint_itr; ++endpoint_itr; c->socket->async_connect( current_endpoint, [c,endpoint_itr, this] ( const boost::system::error_code& err ) { if( !err ) { start_session( c ); } else { if( endpoint_itr != tcp::resolver::iterator() ) { connect( c, endpoint_itr ); } else { c->connecting = false; } } } ); } void start_session(connection_ptr con ) { con->connecting = false; uint32_t mtu = 1300; // need a way to query this if (mtu < just_send_it_max) { just_send_it_max = mtu; } start_read_message( con ); con->send_handshake( ); // for now, we can just use the application main loop. // con->readloop_complete = bf::async( [=](){ read_loop( con ); } ); // con->writeloop_complete = bf::async( [=](){ write_loop con ); } ); } void start_listen_loop() { auto socket = std::make_shared( std::ref( app().get_io_service() ) ); acceptor->async_accept( *socket, [socket,this]( boost::system::error_code ec ) { if( !ec ) { connection_ptr c = std::make_shared( socket ); connections.insert( c ); start_session( c ); start_listen_loop(); } else { elog( "Error accepting connection: ${m}", ("m", ec.message() ) ); } }); } void start_read_message( connection_ptr conn ) { conn->pending_message_size = 0; connection_wptr c (conn); uint32_t *buff = &(conn.get()->pending_message_size); boost::asio::async_read( *conn->socket, boost::asio::buffer((char *)buff, sizeof(conn->pending_message_size)), [this,c]( boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred ) { //ilog( "read size handler..." ); if( !ec ) { connection_ptr conn = c.lock(); if( conn->pending_message_size <= conn->pending_message_buffer.size() ) { start_reading_pending_buffer( conn ); return; } else { elog( "Received a message that was too big" ); } } else { elog( "Error reading message from connection: ${m}", ("m", ec.message() ) ); } close( c.lock() ); } ); } tcp::endpoint fc_to_asio (const fc::ip::endpoint &fcep) { address_v4 addr((uint32_t)fcep.get_address()); return tcp::endpoint(addr, fcep.port()); } fc::ip::endpoint asio_to_fc (const tcp::endpoint &ep) { uint32_t addr = ep.address().to_v4().to_ulong(); return fc::ip::endpoint (addr,ep.port()); } template void send_all (const net_message &msg, VerifierFunc verify) { for (auto &c : connections) { if (c->out_sync_state.size() == 0 && verify (c)) { c->send(msg); } } } void shared_fetch (uint32_t low, uint32_t high) { uint32_t delta = high - low; uint32_t count = connections.size(); FC_ASSERT (count > 0); uint32_t span = delta / count; uint32_t lastSpan = delta - (span * (count-1)); for (auto &cx: connections) { if (--count == 0) { span = lastSpan; } sync_state req = {low+1, low+span, low, time_point::now() }; cx->in_sync_state.insert (req); sync_request_message srm = {req.start_block, req.end_block }; cx->send (srm); low += span; } } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const handshake_message &msg) { if (msg.node_id == node_id) { elog ("Self connection detected. Closing connection"); close(c); return; } if (msg.chain_id != chain_id) { elog ("Peer on a different chain. Closing connection"); close (c); return; } if (msg.network_version != network_version) { elog ("Peer network version does not match "); close (c); return; } chain_controller& cc = chain_plug->chain(); uint32_t lib_num = cc.last_irreversible_block_num (); uint32_t peer_lib = msg.last_irreversible_block_num; bool on_fork = false; if (peer_lib <= lib_num && peer_lib > 0) { try { block_id_type peer_lib_id = cc.get_block_id_for_num (peer_lib); on_fork = (msg.last_irreversible_block_id != peer_lib_id); } catch (...) { wlog ("caught an exception getting block id for ${pl}",("pl",peer_lib)); on_fork = true; } if (on_fork) { elog ("Peer chain is forked"); close (c); return; } } uint32_t head = cc.head_block_num (); if ( msg.head_num > head) { shared_fetch (head, msg.head_num); } if ( c->remote_node_id != msg.node_id) { c->reset(); if (c->peer_addr.length() > 0) { auto old_id = resolved_nodes.find (c->remote_node_id); if (old_id != resolved_nodes.end()) { resolved_nodes.erase(old_id); } resolved_nodes.insert (msg.node_id); } else { auto old_id = learned_nodes.find (c->remote_node_id); if (old_id != learned_nodes.end()) { learned_nodes.erase(old_id); } learned_nodes.insert (msg.node_id); } c->remote_node_id = msg.node_id; } c->last_handshake = msg; } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const notice_message &msg) { //peer tells us about one or more blocks or txns. We need to forward only those //we don't already know about. and for each peer note that it knows notice_message fwd; request_message req; for (const auto& t : msg.known_trx) { const auto &tx = c->trx_state.find(t); if (tx == c->trx_state.end()) { c->trx_state.insert((transaction_state){t,true,true,(uint32_t)-1, fc::time_point(),fc::time_point()}); fwd.known_trx.push_back(t); req.req_trx.push_back(t); } } if (fwd.known_trx.size() > 0) { send_all (fwd, [c,fwd](connection_ptr cptr) -> bool { return cptr != c; }); c->send(req); } } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const request_message &msg) { // collect a list of transactions that were found. // collect a second list of transaction ids that were not found but are otherwise known by some peers // finally, what remains are future(?) transactions vector< SignedTransaction > send_now; map > forward_to; auto conn_ndx = connections.begin(); for (auto t: msg.req_trx) { auto txn = local_txns.get().find(t); if (txn != local_txns.end()) { send_now.push_back(txn->transaction); } else { int cycle_count = 2; auto loop_start = conn_ndx++; while (conn_ndx != loop_start) { if (conn_ndx == connections.end()) { if (--cycle_count == 0) { elog("loop cycled twice, something is wrong"); break; } conn_ndx = connections.begin(); continue; } if (conn_ndx->get() == c.get()) { ++conn_ndx; continue; } auto txn = conn_ndx->get()->trx_state.get().find(t); if (txn != conn_ndx->get()->trx_state.end()) { //forward_to[conn_ndx]->push_back(t); break; } ++conn_ndx; } } } if (!send_now.empty()) { for (auto &t : send_now) { c->send (t); } } } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const sync_request_message &msg) { sync_state req = {msg.start_block,msg.end_block,msg.start_block-1,time_point::now()}; c->out_sync_state.insert (req); c->write_block_backlog (); } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const block_summary_message &msg) { const auto& itr = c->block_state.get(); auto bs = itr.find(msg.block); if (bs == c->block_state.end()) { c->block_state.insert (block_state({msg.block,true,true,fc::time_point()})); send_all (msg, [c](connection_ptr cptr) -> bool { return cptr != c; }); } else { if (!bs->is_known) { block_state value = *bs; value.is_known= true; c->block_state.insert (std::move(value)); send_all (msg, [c](connection_ptr cptr) -> bool { return cptr != c; }); } } #warning ("TODO: reconstruct actual block from cached transactions") signed_block sb; chain_controller &cc = chain_plug->chain(); if (!cc.is_known_block(msg.block) ) { try { chain_plug->accept_block(sb, false); } catch (const unlinkable_block_exception &ex) { elog (" caught unlinkable block exception #${n}",("n",sb.block_num())); close (c); } catch (const assert_exception &ex) { // received a block due to out of sequence elog (" caught assertion #${n}",("n",sb.block_num())); close (c); } } } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const SignedTransaction &msg) { auto txn = local_txns.get().find(msg.id()); if (txn != local_txns.end()) { return; } chain_controller &cc = chain_plug->chain(); if (!cc.is_known_transaction(msg.id())) { chain_plug->accept_transaction (msg); } } void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const signed_block &msg) { chain_controller &cc = chain_plug->chain(); if (cc.is_known_block(msg.id())) { return; } uint32_t num = 0; bool syncing = c->in_sync_state.size() > 0; if (syncing) { for( auto ss = c->in_sync_state.begin(); ss != c->in_sync_state.end(); ss++ ) { if (msg.block_num() == ss->last + 1 && msg.block_num() <= ss->end_block) { num = msg.block_num(); ss.get_node()->value().last = num; break; } } if (num == 0) { elog ("Got out-of-order block ${n}",("n",msg.block_num())); close (c); return; } } try { chain_plug->accept_block(msg, syncing); } catch (const unlinkable_block_exception &ex) { elog ("unable to accpt block #${n}",("n",num)); close (c); } catch (const assert_exception &ex) { elog ("unable to accept block cuz my asserts! #${n}",("n",num)); close (c); } } struct msgHandler : public fc::visitor { net_plugin_impl &impl; connection_ptr c; msgHandler (net_plugin_impl &imp, connection_ptr conn) : impl(imp), c(conn) {} template void operator()(const T &msg) const { impl.handle_message (c, msg); } }; void start_reading_pending_buffer( connection_ptr c ) { boost::asio::async_read( *c->socket, boost::asio::buffer(c->pending_message_buffer.data(), c->pending_message_size ), [this,c]( boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred ) { if( !ec ) { try { auto msg = fc::raw::unpack( c->pending_message_buffer ); start_read_message( c ); msgHandler m(*this, c); msg.visit(m); return; } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) { edump((e.to_detail_string() )); } } else { elog( "Error reading message from connection: ${m}", ("m", ec.message() ) ); } close( c ); }); } void start_conn_timer () { connector_check->expires_from_now (connector_period); connector_check->async_wait ([&](boost::system::error_code ec) { if (!ec) { connection_monitor (); } else { elog ("Error from connection check monitor: ${m}", ("m", ec.message())); start_conn_timer (); } }); } void start_txn_timer () { transaction_check->expires_from_now (txn_exp_period); transaction_check->async_wait ([&](boost::system::error_code ec) { if (!ec) { expire_txns (); } else { elog ("Error from connection check monitor: ${m}", ("m", ec.message())); start_txn_timer (); } }); } void start_monitors () { connector_check.reset(new boost::asio::steady_timer (app().get_io_service())); transaction_check.reset(new boost::asio::steady_timer (app().get_io_service())); start_conn_timer(); start_txn_timer(); } void expire_txns () { start_txn_timer (); #warning ("TODO: Add by-expiry purging code"); } void connection_monitor () { start_conn_timer(); vector discards; for (auto &c : connections ) { if (!c->socket->is_open() && !c->connecting) { if (c->peer_addr.length() > 0) { connect (c); } else { discards.push_back (c); } } } if (discards.size () ) { for (auto &c : discards) { connections.erase( c ); c.reset (); } } } void close( connection_ptr c ) { c->close(); } void send_all_txn (const SignedTransaction& txn) { uint16_t bn = static_cast(txn.refBlockNum); node_transaction_state nts = {txn.id(),time_point::now(),txn.expiration, txn,bn, true}; local_txns.insert(nts); if (sizeof(txn) <= just_send_it_max) { send_all (txn, [txn](connection_ptr c) -> bool { const auto& bs = c->trx_state.find(txn.id()); bool unknown = bs == c->trx_state.end(); if (unknown) c->trx_state.insert(transaction_state({txn.id(),true,true,(uint32_t)-1, fc::time_point(),fc::time_point() })); return unknown; }); } else { pending_notify.push_back (txn.id()); notice_message nm = {pending_notify}; send_all (nm, [txn](connection_ptr c) -> bool { const auto& bs = c->trx_state.find(txn.id()); bool unknown = bs == c->trx_state.end(); if (unknown) c->trx_state.insert(transaction_state({txn.id(),false,true,(uint32_t)-1, fc::time_point(),fc::time_point() })); return unknown; }); pending_notify.clear(); } } /** * This one is necessary to hook into the boost notifier api **/ static void pending_txn (const SignedTransaction& txn) { my_impl->send_all_txn (txn); } }; // class net_plugin_impl void handshake_initializer::populate (handshake_message &hello) { hello.network_version = 0; hello.chain_id = my_impl->chain_id; hello.node_id = my_impl->node_id; hello.p2p_address = my_impl->p2p_address; #if defined( __APPLE__ ) hello.os = "osx"; #elif defined( __linux__ ) hello.os = "linux"; #elif defined( _MSC_VER ) hello.os = "win32"; #else hello.os = "other"; #endif hello.agent = my_impl->user_agent_name; chain_controller& cc = my_impl->chain_plug->chain(); try { hello.last_irreversible_block_id = cc.get_block_id_for_num (hello.last_irreversible_block_num = cc.last_irreversible_block_num()); } catch (const unknown_block_exception &ex) { hello.last_irreversible_block_id = fc::sha256::hash(0); hello.last_irreversible_block_num = 0; } try { hello.head_id = cc.get_block_id_for_num (hello.head_num = cc.head_block_num()); } catch (const unknown_block_exception &ex) { hello.head_id = fc::sha256::hash(0); hello.head_num = 0; } } net_plugin::net_plugin() :my( new net_plugin_impl ) { my_impl = my.get(); } net_plugin::~net_plugin() { } void net_plugin::set_program_options( options_description& cli, options_description& cfg ) { cfg.add_options() ("listen-endpoint", bpo::value()->default_value( "" ), "The local IP address and port to listen for incoming connections.") ("remote-endpoint", bpo::value< vector >()->composing(), "The IP address and port of a remote peer to sync with.") ("public-endpoint", bpo::value(), "Overrides the advertised listen endpointlisten ip address.") ("agent-name", bpo::value()->default_value("EOS Test Agent"), "The name supplied to identify this node amongst the peers.") ; } void net_plugin::plugin_initialize( const variables_map& options ) { ilog("Initialize net plugin"); my->resolver = std::make_shared( std::ref( app().get_io_service() ) ); if( options.count( "listen-endpoint" ) ) { my->p2p_address = options.at("listen-endpoint").as< string >(); auto host = my->p2p_address.substr( 0, my->p2p_address.find(':') ); auto port = my->p2p_address.substr( host.size()+1, my->p2p_address.size() ); idump((host)(port)); tcp::resolver::query query( tcp::v4(), host.c_str(), port.c_str() ); // Note: need to add support for IPv6 too? my->listen_endpoint = *my->resolver->resolve( query); my->acceptor.reset( new tcp::acceptor( app().get_io_service() ) ); } if (options.count ("public-endpoint") ) { my->p2p_address = options.at("public-endpoint").as< string >(); } else { if (my->listen_endpoint.address().to_v4() == address_v4::any()) { boost::system::error_code ec; auto host = host_name(ec); if (ec.value() != boost::system::errc::success) { FC_THROW_EXCEPTION (fc::invalid_arg_exception, "Unable to retrieve host_name. ${msg}", ("msg",ec.message())); } auto port = my->p2p_address.substr (my->p2p_address.find(':'), my->p2p_address.size()); my->p2p_address = host + port; } } my->send_whole_blocks = true; if( options.count( "remote-endpoint" ) ) { my->supplied_peers = options.at( "remote-endpoint" ).as< vector >(); } if (options.count("agent-name")) { my->user_agent_name = options.at ("agent-name").as< string > (); } my->chain_plug = app().find_plugin(); my->chain_plug->get_chain_id(my->chain_id); fc::rand_pseudo_bytes(my->node_id.data(), my->node_id.data_size()); my->connector_period = std::chrono::seconds (30); my->txn_exp_period = std::chrono::seconds (3); my->just_send_it_max = 1300; } void net_plugin::plugin_startup() { if( my->acceptor ) { my->acceptor->open(my->listen_endpoint.protocol()); my->acceptor->set_option(tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true)); my->acceptor->bind(my->listen_endpoint); my->acceptor->listen(); my->start_listen_loop(); } my->chain_plug->chain().on_pending_transaction.connect (&net_plugin_impl::pending_txn); my->start_monitors(); for( auto seed_node : my->supplied_peers ) { connection_ptr c = std::make_shared(seed_node); my->connections.insert (c); my->connect( c ); } boost::asio::signal_set signals (app().get_io_service(), SIGINT, SIGTERM); signals.async_wait ([this](const boost::system::error_code &ec, int signum) { dlog ("caught signal ${sn}", ("sn", signum) ) ; }); } void net_plugin::plugin_shutdown() { try { ilog( "shutdown.." ); my->done = true; if( my->acceptor ) { ilog( "close acceptor" ); my->acceptor->close(); ilog( "close ${s} connections", ("s",my->connections.size()) ); auto cons = my->connections; for( auto con : cons ) { con->socket->close(); my->close (con); } my->acceptor.reset(nullptr); } ilog( "exit shutdown" ); } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW() } void net_plugin::broadcast_block (const chain::signed_block &sb) { if (my->send_whole_blocks) { my->send_all (sb,[](connection_ptr c) -> bool { return true; }); return; } vector trxs; if (!sb.cycles.empty()) { for (const auto& cyc : sb.cycles) { for (const auto& thr : cyc) { for (auto ui : thr.user_input) { trxs.push_back (ui.id()); } } } } block_summary_message bsm = {sb.id(), trxs}; my->send_all (bsm,[sb](connection_ptr c) -> bool { return true; const auto& bs = c->block_state.find(sb.id()); if (bs == c->block_state.end()) { c->block_state.insert ((block_state){sb.id(),true,true,fc::time_point()}); return true; } return false; }); } }