pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build') { parallel { stage('Ubuntu') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile ./eosio_build.sh ''' } } stage('MacOS') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile echo "Darwin build coming soon..." ''' } } stage('Fedora') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile echo "Fedora build coming soon..." ''' } } } } stage('Tests') { parallel { stage('Ubuntu') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile export EOSLIB=$(pwd)/contracts cd build printf "Waiting for testing to be available..." while /usr/bin/pgrep -x ctest > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done echo "OK!" ctest --output-on-failure ''' } } stage('MacOS') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile echo "Darwin tests coming soon..." ''' } } stage('Fedora') { steps { sh ''' . $HOME/.bash_profile echo "Fedora tests coming soon..." ''' } } } } } post { always { cleanWs() } } }