/** * @file * @copyright defined in eos/LICENSE.txt * @defgroup eosclienttool EOS Command Line Client Reference * @brief Tool for sending transactions and querying state from @ref eosd * @ingroup eosclienttool */ /** @defgroup eosclienttool @section intro Introduction to EOSC `eosc` is a command line tool that interfaces with the REST api exposed by @ref eosd. In order to use `eosc` you will need to have a local copy of `eosd` running and configured to load the 'eosio::chain_api_plugin'. eosc contains documentation for all of its commands. For a list of all commands known to eosc, simply run it with no arguments: ``` $ ./eosc Command Line Interface to Eos Daemon Usage: ./eosc [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND Options: -h,--help Print this help actions and exit -H,--host TEXT=localhost the host where eosd is running -p,--port UINT=8888 the port where eosd is running --wallet-host TEXT=localhost the host where eos-walletd is running --wallet-port UINT=8888 the port where eos-walletd is running Subcommands: create Create various items, on and off the blockchain get Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain set Set or update blockchain state transfer Transfer EOS from account to account wallet Interact with local wallet push Push arbitrary transactions to the blockchain ``` To get help with any particular subcommand, run it with no arguments as well: ``` $ ./eosc create Create various items, on and off the blockchain Usage: ./eosc create SUBCOMMAND Subcommands: key Create a new keypair and print the public and private keys account Create a new account on the blockchain $ ./eosc create account Create a new account on the blockchain Usage: ./eosc create account [OPTIONS] creator name OwnerKey ActiveKey Positionals: creator TEXT The name of the account creating the new account name TEXT The name of the new account OwnerKey TEXT The owner public key for the new account ActiveKey TEXT The active public key for the new account Options: -s,--skip-signature Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction ``` */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CLI11.hpp" #include "help_text.hpp" #include "localize.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "httpc.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace eosio; using namespace eosio::chain; using namespace eosio::utilities; using namespace eosio::client::help; using namespace eosio::client::http; using namespace eosio::client::localize; using namespace eosio::client::config; using namespace boost::filesystem; FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION( explained_exception, 9000000, "explained exception, see error log" ); FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION( localized_exception, 10000000, "an error occured" ); #define EOSC_ASSERT( TEST, ... ) \ FC_EXPAND_MACRO( \ FC_MULTILINE_MACRO_BEGIN \ if( UNLIKELY(!(TEST)) ) \ { \ std::cerr << localized( __VA_ARGS__ ) << std::endl; \ FC_THROW_EXCEPTION( explained_exception, #TEST ); \ } \ FC_MULTILINE_MACRO_END \ ) string program = "eosc"; string host = "localhost"; uint32_t port = 8888; // restricting use of wallet to localhost string wallet_host = "localhost"; uint32_t wallet_port = 8888; inline std::vector sort_names( const std::vector& names ) { auto results = std::vector(names); std::sort( results.begin(), results.end() ); auto itr = std::unique( results.begin(), results.end() ); results.erase( itr, results.end() ); return results; } auto tx_expiration = fc::seconds(30); bool tx_force_unique = false; void add_standard_transaction_options(CLI::App* cmd) { CLI::callback_t parse_exipration = [](CLI::results_t res) -> bool { double value_s; if (res.size() == 0 || !CLI::detail::lexical_cast(res[0], value_s)) { return false; } tx_expiration = fc::seconds(static_cast(value_s)); return true; }; cmd->add_option("-x,--expiration", parse_exipration, localized("set the time in seconds before a transaction expires, defaults to 30s")); cmd->add_flag("-f,--force-unique", tx_force_unique, localized("force the transaction to be unique. this will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times")); } string generate_nonce_value() { return fc::to_string(fc::time_point::now().time_since_epoch().count()); } chain::action generate_nonce() { auto v = generate_nonce_value(); variant nonce = fc::mutable_variant_object() ("value", v); return chain::action( {}, config::system_account_name, "nonce", fc::raw::pack(nonce)); } vector get_account_permissions(const vector& permissions) { auto fixedPermissions = permissions | boost::adaptors::transformed([](const string& p) { vector pieces; split(pieces, p, boost::algorithm::is_any_of("@")); EOSC_ASSERT(pieces.size() == 2, "Invalid permission: ${p}", ("p", p)); return chain::permission_level{ .actor = pieces[0], .permission = pieces[1] }; }); vector accountPermissions; boost::range::copy(fixedPermissions, back_inserter(accountPermissions)); return accountPermissions; } template fc::variant call( const std::string& server, uint16_t port, const std::string& path, const T& v ) { return eosio::client::http::call( server, port, path, fc::variant(v) ); } template fc::variant call( const std::string& path, const T& v ) { return eosio::client::http::call( host, port, path, fc::variant(v) ); } eosio::chain_apis::read_only::get_info_results get_info() { return call(host, port, get_info_func ).as(); } void sign_transaction(signed_transaction& trx) { // TODO better error checking const auto& public_keys = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_public_keys); auto get_arg = fc::mutable_variant_object ("transaction", (transaction)trx) ("available_keys", public_keys); const auto& required_keys = call(host, port, get_required_keys, get_arg); // TODO determine chain id fc::variants sign_args = {fc::variant(trx), required_keys["required_keys"], fc::variant(chain_id_type{})}; const auto& signed_trx = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_sign_trx, sign_args); trx = signed_trx.as(); } fc::variant push_transaction( signed_transaction& trx, bool skip_sign, packed_transaction::compression_type compression = packed_transaction::none ) { auto info = get_info(); trx.expiration = info.head_block_time + tx_expiration; trx.set_reference_block(info.head_block_id); if (!skip_sign) { sign_transaction(trx); } return call( push_txn_func, packed_transaction(trx, compression) ); } fc::variant push_actions(std::vector&& actions, bool skip_sign, packed_transaction::compression_type compression = packed_transaction::none ) { signed_transaction trx; trx.actions = std::forward(actions); return push_transaction(trx, skip_sign, compression); } void send_actions(std::vector&& actions, bool skip_sign, packed_transaction::compression_type compression = packed_transaction::none ) { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(push_actions(std::forward(actions), skip_sign, compression)) << std::endl; } void send_transaction( signed_transaction& trx, bool skip_sign, packed_transaction::compression_type compression = packed_transaction::none ) { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(push_transaction(trx, skip_sign, compression)) << std::endl; } void create_account(name creator, name newaccount, public_key_type owner, public_key_type active, bool skip_sign) { auto owner_auth = eosio::chain::authority{1, {{owner, 1}}, {}}; auto active_auth = eosio::chain::authority{1, {{active, 1}}, {}}; auto recovery_auth = eosio::chain::authority{1, {}, {{{creator, "active"}, 1}}}; vector actions; actions.emplace_back( vector{{creator,"active"}}, contracts::newaccount{creator, newaccount, owner_auth, active_auth, recovery_auth}); send_actions(std::move(actions), skip_sign); } chain::action create_updateauth(const name& account, const name& permission, const name& parent, const authority& auth, const name& permissionAuth) { return action { vector{{account,permissionAuth}}, contracts::updateauth{account, permission, parent, auth}}; } chain::action create_deleteauth(const name& account, const name& permission, const name& permissionAuth) { return action { vector{{account,permissionAuth}}, contracts::deleteauth{account, permission}}; } chain::action create_linkauth(const name& account, const name& code, const name& type, const name& requirement) { return action { vector{{account,"active"}}, contracts::linkauth{account, code, type, requirement}}; } chain::action create_unlinkauth(const name& account, const name& code, const name& type) { return action { vector{{account,"active"}}, contracts::unlinkauth{account, code, type}}; } struct set_account_permission_subcommand { string accountStr; string permissionStr; string authorityJsonOrFile; string parentStr; string permissionAuth = "active"; bool skip_sign; set_account_permission_subcommand(CLI::App* accountCmd) { auto permissions = accountCmd->add_subcommand("permission", localized("set parmaters dealing with account permissions")); permissions->add_option("-p,--permission", permissionAuth,localized("Permission level to authorize, (Defaults to: 'active'")); permissions->add_option("account", accountStr, localized("The account to set/delete a permission authority for"))->required(); permissions->add_option("permission", permissionStr, localized("The permission name to set/delete an authority for"))->required(); permissions->add_option("authority", authorityJsonOrFile, localized("[delete] NULL, [create/update] JSON string or filename defining the authority"))->required(); permissions->add_option("parent", parentStr, localized("[create] The permission name of this parents permission (Defaults to: \"Active\")")); permissions->add_flag("-s,--skip-sign", skip_sign, localized("Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(permissions); permissions->set_callback([this] { name account = name(accountStr); name permission = name(permissionStr); bool is_delete = boost::iequals(authorityJsonOrFile, "null"); if (is_delete) { send_actions({create_deleteauth(account, permission, name(permissionAuth))}, skip_sign); } else { authority auth; if (boost::istarts_with(authorityJsonOrFile, "EOS")) { try { auth = authority(public_key_type(authorityJsonOrFile)); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(public_key_type_exception, "") } else { fc::variant parsedAuthority; try { if (boost::istarts_with(authorityJsonOrFile, "{")) { parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_string(authorityJsonOrFile); } else { parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_file(authorityJsonOrFile); } auth = parsedAuthority.as(); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(authority_type_exception, "Fail to parse Authority JSON") } name parent; if (parentStr.size() == 0 && permissionStr != "owner") { // see if we can auto-determine the proper parent const auto account_result = call(get_account_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("account_name", accountStr)); const auto& existing_permissions = account_result.get_object()["permissions"].get_array(); auto permissionPredicate = [this](const auto& perm) { return perm.is_object() && perm.get_object().contains("permission") && boost::equals(perm.get_object()["permission"].get_string(), permissionStr); }; auto itr = boost::find_if(existing_permissions, permissionPredicate); if (itr != existing_permissions.end()) { parent = name((*itr).get_object()["parent"].get_string()); } else { // if this is a new permission and there is no parent we default to "active" parent = name("active"); } } else { parent = name(parentStr); } send_actions({create_updateauth(account, permission, parent, auth, name(permissionAuth))}, skip_sign); } }); } }; struct set_action_permission_subcommand { string accountStr; string codeStr; string typeStr; string requirementStr; bool skip_sign; set_action_permission_subcommand(CLI::App* actionRoot) { auto permissions = actionRoot->add_subcommand("permission", localized("set parmaters dealing with account permissions")); permissions->add_option("account", accountStr, localized("The account to set/delete a permission authority for"))->required(); permissions->add_option("code", codeStr, localized("The account that owns the code for the action"))->required(); permissions->add_option("type", typeStr, localized("the type of the action"))->required(); permissions->add_option("requirement", requirementStr, localized("[delete] NULL, [set/update] The permission name require for executing the given action"))->required(); permissions->add_flag("-s,--skip-sign", skip_sign, localized("Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(permissions); permissions->set_callback([this] { name account = name(accountStr); name code = name(codeStr); name type = name(typeStr); bool is_delete = boost::iequals(requirementStr, "null"); if (is_delete) { send_actions({create_unlinkauth(account, code, type)}, skip_sign); } else { name requirement = name(requirementStr); send_actions({create_linkauth(account, code, type, requirement)}, skip_sign); } }); } }; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { fc::path binPath = argv[0]; if (binPath.is_relative()) { binPath = relative(binPath, current_path()); } setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(locale_domain, locale_path); textdomain(locale_domain); CLI::App app{"Command Line Interface to Eos Client"}; app.require_subcommand(); app.add_option( "-H,--host", host, localized("the host where eosd is running"), true ); app.add_option( "-p,--port", port, localized("the port where eosd is running"), true ); app.add_option( "--wallet-host", wallet_host, localized("the host where eos-walletd is running"), true ); app.add_option( "--wallet-port", wallet_port, localized("the port where eos-walletd is running"), true ); bool verbose_errors = false; app.add_flag( "-v,--verbose", verbose_errors, localized("output verbose actions on error")); auto version = app.add_subcommand("version", localized("Retrieve version information"), false); version->require_subcommand(); version->add_subcommand("client", localized("Retrieve version information of the client"))->set_callback([] { std::cout << localized("Build version: ${ver}", ("ver", eosio::client::config::version_str)) << std::endl; }); // Create subcommand auto create = app.add_subcommand("create", localized("Create various items, on and off the blockchain"), false); create->require_subcommand(); // create key create->add_subcommand("key", localized("Create a new keypair and print the public and private keys"))->set_callback( [](){ auto pk = private_key_type::generate(); auto privs = string(pk); auto pubs = string(pk.get_public_key()); std::cout << localized("Private key: ${key}", ("key", privs) ) << std::endl; std::cout << localized("Public key: ${key}", ("key", pubs ) ) << std::endl; }); // create account string creator; string account_name; string owner_key_str; string active_key_str; bool skip_sign = false; auto createAccount = create->add_subcommand("account", localized("Create a new account on the blockchain"), false); createAccount->add_option("creator", creator, localized("The name of the account creating the new account"))->required(); createAccount->add_option("name", account_name, localized("The name of the new account"))->required(); createAccount->add_option("OwnerKey", owner_key_str, localized("The owner public key for the new account"))->required(); createAccount->add_option("ActiveKey", active_key_str, localized("The active public key for the new account"))->required(); createAccount->add_flag("-s,--skip-signature", skip_sign, localized("Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(createAccount); createAccount->set_callback([&] { public_key_type owner_key, active_key; try { owner_key = public_key_type(owner_key_str); active_key = public_key_type(active_key_str); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(public_key_type_exception, "Invalid Public Key") create_account(creator, account_name, owner_key, active_key, skip_sign); }); // Get subcommand auto get = app.add_subcommand("get", localized("Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain"), false); get->require_subcommand(); // get info get->add_subcommand("info", localized("Get current blockchain information"))->set_callback([] { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(get_info()) << std::endl; }); // get block string blockArg; auto getBlock = get->add_subcommand("block", localized("Retrieve a full block from the blockchain"), false); getBlock->add_option("block", blockArg, localized("The number or ID of the block to retrieve"))->required(); getBlock->set_callback([&blockArg] { auto arg = fc::mutable_variant_object("block_num_or_id", blockArg); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_block_func, arg)) << std::endl; }); // get account string accountName; auto getAccount = get->add_subcommand("account", localized("Retrieve an account from the blockchain"), false); getAccount->add_option("name", accountName, localized("The name of the account to retrieve"))->required(); getAccount->set_callback([&] { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_account_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("account_name", accountName))) << std::endl; }); // get code string codeFilename; string abiFilename; auto getCode = get->add_subcommand("code", localized("Retrieve the code and ABI for an account"), false); getCode->add_option("name", accountName, localized("The name of the account whose code should be retrieved"))->required(); getCode->add_option("-c,--code",codeFilename, localized("The name of the file to save the contract .wast to") ); getCode->add_option("-a,--abi",abiFilename, localized("The name of the file to save the contract .abi to") ); getCode->set_callback([&] { auto result = call(get_code_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("account_name", accountName)); std::cout << localized("code hash: ${code_hash}", ("code_hash", result["code_hash"].as_string())) << std::endl; if( codeFilename.size() ){ std::cout << localized("saving wast to ${codeFilename}", ("codeFilename", codeFilename)) << std::endl; auto code = result["wast"].as_string(); std::ofstream out( codeFilename.c_str() ); out << code; } if( abiFilename.size() ) { std::cout << localized("saving abi to ${abiFilename}", ("abiFilename", abiFilename)) << std::endl; auto abi = fc::json::to_pretty_string( result["abi"] ); std::ofstream abiout( abiFilename.c_str() ); abiout << abi; } }); // get table string scope; string code; string table; string lower; string upper; bool binary = false; uint32_t limit = 10; auto getTable = get->add_subcommand( "table", localized("Retrieve the contents of a database table"), false); getTable->add_option( "scope", scope, localized("The account scope where the table is found") )->required(); getTable->add_option( "contract", code, localized("The contract within scope who owns the table") )->required(); getTable->add_option( "table", table, localized("The name of the table as specified by the contract abi") )->required(); getTable->add_option( "-b,--binary", binary, localized("Return the value as BINARY rather than using abi to interpret as JSON") ); getTable->add_option( "-l,--limit", limit, localized("The maximum number of rows to return") ); getTable->add_option( "-k,--key", limit, localized("The name of the key to index by as defined by the abi, defaults to primary key") ); getTable->add_option( "-L,--lower", lower, localized("JSON representation of lower bound value of key, defaults to first") ); getTable->add_option( "-U,--upper", upper, localized("JSON representation of upper bound value value of key, defaults to last") ); getTable->set_callback([&] { auto result = call(get_table_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("json", !binary) ("scope",scope) ("code",code) ("table",table) ); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(result) << std::endl; }); // currency accessors // get currency balance string symbol; auto get_currency = get->add_subcommand( "currency", localized("Retrieve information related to standard currencies"), true); auto get_balance = get_currency->add_subcommand( "balance", localized("Retrieve the balance of an account for a given currency"), false); get_balance->add_option( "contract", code, localized("The contract that operates the currency") )->required(); get_balance->add_option( "account", accountName, localized("The account to query balances for") )->required(); get_balance->add_option( "symbol", symbol, localized("The symbol for the currency if the contract operates multiple currencies") ); get_balance->set_callback([&] { auto result = call(get_currency_balance_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("json", false) ("account", accountName) ("code", code) ("symbol", symbol) ); const auto& rows = result.get_array(); if (symbol.empty()) { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(rows) << std::endl; } else if ( rows.size() > 0 ){ std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(rows[0]) << std::endl; } }); auto get_currency_stats = get_currency->add_subcommand( "stats", localized("Retrieve the stats of for a given currency"), false); get_currency_stats->add_option( "contract", code, localized("The contract that operates the currency") )->required(); get_currency_stats->add_option( "symbol", symbol, localized("The symbol for the currency if the contract operates multiple currencies") ); get_currency_stats->set_callback([&] { auto result = call(get_currency_stats_func, fc::mutable_variant_object("json", false) ("code", code) ("symbol", symbol) ); if (symbol.empty()) { std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(result) << std::endl; } else { const auto& mapping = result.get_object(); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(mapping[symbol]) << std::endl; } }); // get accounts string publicKey; auto getAccounts = get->add_subcommand("accounts", localized("Retrieve accounts associated with a public key"), false); getAccounts->add_option("public_key", publicKey, localized("The public key to retrieve accounts for"))->required(); getAccounts->set_callback([&] { auto arg = fc::mutable_variant_object( "public_key", publicKey); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_key_accounts_func, arg)) << std::endl; }); // get servants string controllingAccount; auto getServants = get->add_subcommand("servants", localized("Retrieve accounts which are servants of a given account "), false); getServants->add_option("account", controllingAccount, localized("The name of the controlling account"))->required(); getServants->set_callback([&] { auto arg = fc::mutable_variant_object( "controlling_account", controllingAccount); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_controlled_accounts_func, arg)) << std::endl; }); // get transaction string transactionId; auto getTransaction = get->add_subcommand("transaction", localized("Retrieve a transaction from the blockchain"), false); getTransaction->add_option("id", transactionId, localized("ID of the transaction to retrieve"))->required(); getTransaction->set_callback([&] { auto arg= fc::mutable_variant_object( "transaction_id", transactionId); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_transaction_func, arg)) << std::endl; }); // get transactions string skip_seq; string num_seq; auto getTransactions = get->add_subcommand("transactions", localized("Retrieve all transactions with specific account name referenced in their scope"), false); getTransactions->add_option("account_name", account_name, localized("name of account to query on"))->required(); getTransactions->add_option("skip_seq", skip_seq, localized("Number of most recent transactions to skip (0 would start at most recent transaction)")); getTransactions->add_option("num_seq", num_seq, localized("Number of transactions to return")); getTransactions->set_callback([&] { auto arg = (skip_seq.empty()) ? fc::mutable_variant_object( "account_name", account_name) : (num_seq.empty()) ? fc::mutable_variant_object( "account_name", account_name)("skip_seq", skip_seq) : fc::mutable_variant_object( "account_name", account_name)("skip_seq", skip_seq)("num_seq", num_seq); auto result = call(get_transactions_func, arg); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_transactions_func, arg)) << std::endl; const auto& trxs = result.get_object()["transactions"].get_array(); for( const auto& t : trxs ) { const auto& tobj = t.get_object(); int64_t seq_num = tobj["seq_num"].as(); string id = tobj["transaction_id"].as_string(); const auto& trx = tobj["transaction"].get_object(); const auto& data = trx["data"].get_object(); const auto& exp = data["expiration"].as(); const auto& msgs = data["actions"].get_array(); std::cout << tobj["seq_num"].as_string() <<"] " << id << " " << data["expiration"].as_string() << std::endl; } }); // set subcommand auto setSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("set", localized("Set or update blockchain state")); setSubcommand->require_subcommand(); // set contract subcommand string account; string wastPath; string abiPath; auto contractSubcommand = setSubcommand->add_subcommand("contract", localized("Create or update the contract on an account")); contractSubcommand->add_option("account", account, localized("The account to publish a contract for"))->required(); contractSubcommand->add_option("wast-file", wastPath, localized("The file containing the contract WAST or WASM"))->required() ->check(CLI::ExistingFile); auto abi = contractSubcommand->add_option("abi-file,-a,--abi", abiPath, localized("The ABI for the contract")) ->check(CLI::ExistingFile); contractSubcommand->add_flag("-s,--skip-sign", skip_sign, localized("Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(contractSubcommand); contractSubcommand->set_callback([&] { std::string wast; std::cout << localized("Reading WAST...") << std::endl; fc::read_file_contents(wastPath, wast); vector wasm; const string binary_wasm_header = "\x00\x61\x73\x6d"; if(wast.compare(0, 4, binary_wasm_header) == 0) { std::cout << localized("Using already assembled WASM...") << std::endl; wasm = vector(wast.begin(), wast.end()); } else { std::cout << localized("Assembling WASM...") << std::endl; wasm = wast_to_wasm(wast); } contracts::setcode handler; handler.account = account; handler.code.assign(wasm.begin(), wasm.end()); vector actions; actions.emplace_back( vector{{account,"active"}}, handler); if (abi->count()) { contracts::setabi handler; handler.account = account; try { handler.abi = fc::json::from_file(abiPath).as(); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(abi_type_exception, "Fail to parse ABI JSON") actions.emplace_back( vector{{account,"active"}}, handler); } std::cout << localized("Publishing contract...") << std::endl; send_actions(std::move(actions), skip_sign, packed_transaction::zlib); }); // set account auto setAccount = setSubcommand->add_subcommand("account", localized("set or update blockchain account state"))->require_subcommand(); // set account permission auto setAccountPermission = set_account_permission_subcommand(setAccount); // set action auto setAction = setSubcommand->add_subcommand("action", localized("set or update blockchain action state"))->require_subcommand(); // set action permission auto setActionPermission = set_action_permission_subcommand(setAction); // Transfer subcommand string sender; string recipient; uint64_t amount; string memo; auto transfer = app.add_subcommand("transfer", localized("Transfer EOS from account to account"), false); transfer->add_option("sender", sender, localized("The account sending EOS"))->required(); transfer->add_option("recipient", recipient, localized("The account receiving EOS"))->required(); transfer->add_option("amount", amount, localized("The amount of EOS to send"))->required(); transfer->add_option("memo", memo, localized("The memo for the transfer")); transfer->add_flag("-s,--skip-sign", skip_sign, localized("Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(transfer); transfer->set_callback([&] { auto transfer = fc::mutable_variant_object ("from", sender) ("to", recipient) ("quantity", asset(amount)) ("memo", memo); auto args = fc::mutable_variant_object ("code", name(config::system_account_name)) ("action", "transfer") ("args", transfer); auto result = call(json_to_bin_func, args); std::vector actions; actions.emplace_back(vector{{sender,"active"}}, config::system_account_name, "transfer", result.get_object()["binargs"].as()); if (tx_force_unique) { actions.emplace_back( generate_nonce() ); } send_actions(std::move(actions), skip_sign); }); // Net subcommand string new_host; auto net = app.add_subcommand( "net", localized("Interact with local p2p network connections"), false ); net->require_subcommand(); auto connect = net->add_subcommand("connect", localized("start a new connection to a peer"), false); connect->add_option("host", new_host, localized("The hostname:port to connect to."))->required(); connect->set_callback([&] { const auto& v = call(host, port, net_connect, new_host); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); auto disconnect = net->add_subcommand("disconnect", localized("close an existing connection"), false); disconnect->add_option("host", new_host, localized("The hostname:port to disconnect from."))->required(); disconnect->set_callback([&] { const auto& v = call(host, port, net_disconnect, new_host); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); auto status = net->add_subcommand("status", localized("status of existing connection"), false); status->add_option("host", new_host, localized("The hostname:port to query status of connection"))->required(); status->set_callback([&] { const auto& v = call(host, port, net_status, new_host); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); auto connections = net->add_subcommand("peers", localized("status of all existing peers"), false); connections->set_callback([&] { const auto& v = call(host, port, net_connections, new_host); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // Wallet subcommand auto wallet = app.add_subcommand( "wallet", localized("Interact with local wallet"), false ); wallet->require_subcommand(); // create wallet string wallet_name = "default"; auto createWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("create", localized("Create a new wallet locally"), false); createWallet->add_option("-n,--name", wallet_name, localized("The name of the new wallet"), true); createWallet->set_callback([&wallet_name] { const auto& v = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_create, wallet_name); std::cout << localized("Creating wallet: ${wallet_name}", ("wallet_name", wallet_name)) << std::endl; std::cout << localized("Save password to use in the future to unlock this wallet.") << std::endl; std::cout << localized("Without password imported keys will not be retrievable.") << std::endl; std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // open wallet auto openWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("open", localized("Open an existing wallet"), false); openWallet->add_option("-n,--name", wallet_name, localized("The name of the wallet to open")); openWallet->set_callback([&wallet_name] { /*const auto& v = */call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_open, wallet_name); //std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; std::cout << localized("Opened: ${wallet_name}", ("wallet_name", wallet_name)) << std::endl; }); // lock wallet auto lockWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("lock", localized("Lock wallet"), false); lockWallet->add_option("-n,--name", wallet_name, localized("The name of the wallet to lock")); lockWallet->set_callback([&wallet_name] { /*const auto& v = */call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_lock, wallet_name); std::cout << localized("Locked: ${wallet_name}", ("wallet_name", wallet_name)) << std::endl; //std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // lock all wallets auto locakAllWallets = wallet->add_subcommand("lock_all", localized("Lock all unlocked wallets"), false); locakAllWallets->set_callback([] { /*const auto& v = */call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_lock_all); //std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; std::cout << localized("Locked All Wallets") << std::endl; }); // unlock wallet string wallet_pw; auto unlockWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("unlock", localized("Unlock wallet"), false); unlockWallet->add_option("-n,--name", wallet_name, localized("The name of the wallet to unlock")); unlockWallet->add_option("--password", wallet_pw, localized("The password returned by wallet create")); unlockWallet->set_callback([&wallet_name, &wallet_pw] { if( wallet_pw.size() == 0 ) { std::cout << localized("password: "); fc::set_console_echo(false); std::getline( std::cin, wallet_pw, '\n' ); fc::set_console_echo(true); } fc::variants vs = {fc::variant(wallet_name), fc::variant(wallet_pw)}; /*const auto& v = */call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_unlock, vs); std::cout << localized("Unlocked: ${wallet_name}", ("wallet_name", wallet_name)) << std::endl; //std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // import keys into wallet string wallet_key; auto importWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("import", localized("Import private key into wallet"), false); importWallet->add_option("-n,--name", wallet_name, localized("The name of the wallet to import key into")); importWallet->add_option("key", wallet_key, localized("Private key in WIF format to import"))->required(); importWallet->set_callback([&wallet_name, &wallet_key] { private_key_type key( wallet_key ); public_key_type pubkey = key.get_public_key(); fc::variants vs = {fc::variant(wallet_name), fc::variant(wallet_key)}; const auto& v = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_import_key, vs); std::cout << localized("imported private key for: ${pubkey}", ("pubkey", std::string(pubkey))) << std::endl; //std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // list wallets auto listWallet = wallet->add_subcommand("list", localized("List opened wallets, * = unlocked"), false); listWallet->set_callback([] { std::cout << localized("Wallets:") << std::endl; const auto& v = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_list); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // list keys auto listKeys = wallet->add_subcommand("keys", localized("List of private keys from all unlocked wallets in wif format."), false); listKeys->set_callback([] { const auto& v = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_list_keys); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(v) << std::endl; }); // Push subcommand auto push = app.add_subcommand("push", localized("Push arbitrary transactions to the blockchain"), false); push->require_subcommand(); // push action string contract; string action; string data; vector permissions; auto actionsSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("action", localized("Push a transaction with a single action")); actionsSubcommand->fallthrough(false); actionsSubcommand->add_option("contract", contract, localized("The account providing the contract to execute"), true)->required(); actionsSubcommand->add_option("action", action, localized("The action to execute on the contract"), true) ->required(); actionsSubcommand->add_option("data", data, localized("The arguments to the contract"))->required(); actionsSubcommand->add_option("-p,--permission", permissions, localized("An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission'")); actionsSubcommand->add_flag("-s,--skip-sign", skip_sign, localized("Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction")); add_standard_transaction_options(actionsSubcommand); actionsSubcommand->set_callback([&] { ilog("Converting argument to binary..."); fc::variant action_args_var; try { action_args_var = fc::json::from_string(data); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(action_type_exception, "Fail to parse action JSON") auto arg= fc::mutable_variant_object ("code", contract) ("action", action) ("args", action_args_var); auto result = call(json_to_bin_func, arg); auto accountPermissions = get_account_permissions(permissions); vector actions; actions.emplace_back(accountPermissions, contract, action, result.get_object()["binargs"].as()); if (tx_force_unique) { actions.emplace_back( generate_nonce() ); } send_actions(std::move(actions), skip_sign); }); // push transaction string trxJson; auto trxSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("transaction", localized("Push an arbitrary JSON transaction")); trxSubcommand->add_option("transaction", trxJson, localized("The JSON of the transaction to push"))->required(); trxSubcommand->set_callback([&] { fc::variant trx_var; try { trx_var = fc::json::from_string(trxJson); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(transaction_type_exception, "Fail to parse transaction JSON") auto trx_result = call(push_txn_func, trx_var); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(trx_result) << std::endl; }); string trxsJson; auto trxsSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("transactions", localized("Push an array of arbitrary JSON transactions")); trxsSubcommand->add_option("transactions", trxsJson, localized("The JSON array of the transactions to push"))->required(); trxsSubcommand->set_callback([&] { fc::variant trx_var; try { trx_var = fc::json::from_string(trxsJson); } EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(transaction_type_exception, "Fail to parse transaction JSON") auto trxs_result = call(push_txns_func, trx_var); std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(trxs_result) << std::endl; }); try { app.parse(argc, argv); } catch (const CLI::ParseError &e) { return app.exit(e); } catch (const explained_exception& e) { return 1; } catch (const fc::exception& e) { auto errorString = e.to_detail_string(); if (errorString.find("Connection refused") != string::npos) { if (errorString.find(fc::json::to_string(port)) != string::npos) { std::cerr << localized("Failed to connect to eosd at ${ip}:${port}; is eosd running?", ("ip", host)("port", port)) << std::endl; } else if (errorString.find(fc::json::to_string(wallet_port)) != string::npos) { std::cerr << localized("Failed to connect to eos-walletd at ${ip}:${port}; is eos-walletd running?", ("ip", wallet_host)("port", wallet_port)) << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << localized("Failed to connect") << std::endl; } if (verbose_errors) { elog("connect error: ${e}", ("e", errorString)); } } else { // attempt to extract the error code if one is present if (!print_recognized_errors(e, verbose_errors)) { // Error is not recognized if (!print_help_text(e) || verbose_errors) { elog("Failed with error: ${e}", ("e", verbose_errors ? e.to_detail_string() : e.to_string())); } } } return 1; } return 0; }