import copy import subprocess import time import glob import shutil import os import re import string import signal import datetime import sys import random import json from core_symbol import CORE_SYMBOL from testUtils import Utils from testUtils import Account from Node import BlockType from Node import Node from WalletMgr import WalletMgr # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods class Cluster(object): __chainSyncStrategies=Utils.getChainStrategies() __chainSyncStrategy=None __WalletName="MyWallet" __localHost="localhost" __BiosHost="localhost" __BiosPort=8788 __LauncherCmdArr=[] __bootlog="eosio-ignition-wd/bootlog.txt" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # walletd [True|False] Is keosd running. If not load the wallet plugin def __init__(self, walletd=False, localCluster=True, host="localhost", port=8888, walletHost="localhost", walletPort=9899, enableMongo=False , mongoHost="localhost", mongoPort=27017, mongoDb="EOStest", defproduceraPrvtKey=None, defproducerbPrvtKey=None, staging=False): """Cluster container. walletd [True|False] Is wallet keosd running. If not load the wallet plugin localCluster [True|False] Is cluster local to host. host: eos server host port: eos server port walletHost: eos wallet host walletPort: wos wallet port enableMongo: Include mongoDb support, configures eos mongo plugin mongoHost: MongoDB host mongoPort: MongoDB port defproduceraPrvtKey: Defproducera account private key defproducerbPrvtKey: Defproducerb account private key """ self.accounts={} self.nodes={} self.localCluster=localCluster self.wallet=None self.walletd=walletd self.enableMongo=enableMongo self.mongoHost=mongoHost self.mongoPort=mongoPort self.mongoDb=mongoDb self.walletMgr=None self.port=port self.walletHost=walletHost self.walletPort=walletPort self.mongoEndpointArgs="" self.mongoUri="" if self.enableMongo: self.mongoUri="mongodb://%s:%d/%s" % (mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoDb) self.mongoEndpointArgs += "--host %s --port %d %s" % (mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoDb) self.staging=staging # init accounts self.defProducerAccounts={} self.defproduceraAccount=self.defProducerAccounts["defproducera"]= Account("defproducera") self.defproducerbAccount=self.defProducerAccounts["defproducerb"]= Account("defproducerb") self.eosioAccount=self.defProducerAccounts["eosio"]= Account("eosio") self.defproduceraAccount.ownerPrivateKey=defproduceraPrvtKey self.defproduceraAccount.activePrivateKey=defproduceraPrvtKey self.defproducerbAccount.ownerPrivateKey=defproducerbPrvtKey self.defproducerbAccount.activePrivateKey=defproducerbPrvtKey self.useBiosBootFile=False self.filesToCleanup=[] def setChainStrategy(self, chainSyncStrategy=Utils.SyncReplayTag): self.__chainSyncStrategy=self.__chainSyncStrategies.get(chainSyncStrategy) if self.__chainSyncStrategy is None: self.__chainSyncStrategy=self.__chainSyncStrategies.get("none") def setWalletMgr(self, walletMgr): self.walletMgr=walletMgr # launch local nodes and set self.nodes # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def launch(self, pnodes=1, totalNodes=1, prodCount=1, topo="mesh", p2pPlugin="net", delay=1, onlyBios=False, dontBootstrap=False, totalProducers=None, extraNodeosArgs=None, useBiosBootFile=True, specificExtraNodeosArgs=None): """Launch cluster. pnodes: producer nodes count totalNodes: producer + non-producer nodes count prodCount: producers per producer node count topo: cluster topology (as defined by launcher, and "bridge" shape that is specific to this launch method) delay: delay between individual nodes launch (as defined by launcher) delay 0 exposes a bootstrap bug where producer handover may have a large gap confusing nodes and bringing system to a halt. onlyBios: When true, only loads the bios contract (and not more full bootstrapping). dontBootstrap: When true, don't do any bootstrapping at all. extraNodeosArgs: string of arguments to pass through to each nodoes instance (via --nodeos flag on launcher) useBiosBootFile: determines which of two bootstrap methods is used (when both dontBootstrap and onlyBios are false). The default value of true uses the file generated by the launcher. A value of false uses manual bootstrapping in this script, which does not do things like stake votes for producers. specificExtraNodeosArgs: dictionary of arguments to pass to a specific node (via --specific-num and --specific-nodeos flags on launcher), example: { "5" : "--plugin eosio::test_control_api_plugin" } """ assert(isinstance(topo, str)) if not self.localCluster: Utils.Print("WARNING: Cluster not local, not launching %s." % (Utils.EosServerName)) return True if len(self.nodes) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Cluster already running.") if self.walletMgr is None: self.walletMgr=WalletMgr(True) producerFlag="" if totalProducers: assert(isinstance(totalProducers, (str,int))) producerFlag="--producers %s" % (totalProducers) tries = 30 while not Utils.arePortsAvailable(set(range(self.port, self.port+totalNodes+1))): Utils.Print("ERROR: Another process is listening on nodeos default port. wait...") if tries == 0: return False tries = tries - 1 time.sleep(2) cmd="%s -p %s -n %s -d %s -i %s -f --p2p-plugin %s %s" % ( Utils.EosLauncherPath, pnodes, totalNodes, delay, datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3], p2pPlugin, producerFlag) cmdArr=cmd.split() if self.staging: cmdArr.append("--nogen") nodeosArgs="--max-transaction-time -1 --abi-serializer-max-time-ms 990000 --filter-on * --p2p-max-nodes-per-host %d" % (totalNodes) if not self.walletd: nodeosArgs += " --plugin eosio::wallet_api_plugin" if self.enableMongo: nodeosArgs += " --plugin eosio::mongo_db_plugin --mongodb-wipe --delete-all-blocks --mongodb-uri %s" % self.mongoUri if extraNodeosArgs is not None: assert(isinstance(extraNodeosArgs, str)) nodeosArgs += extraNodeosArgs if Utils.Debug: nodeosArgs += " --contracts-console" if nodeosArgs: cmdArr.append("--nodeos") cmdArr.append(nodeosArgs) if specificExtraNodeosArgs is not None: assert(isinstance(specificExtraNodeosArgs, dict)) for nodeNum,arg in specificExtraNodeosArgs.items(): assert(isinstance(nodeNum, (str,int))) assert(isinstance(arg, str)) cmdArr.append("--specific-num") cmdArr.append(str(nodeNum)) cmdArr.append("--specific-nodeos") cmdArr.append(arg) cmdArr.append("--max-block-cpu-usage") cmdArr.append(str(2000000)) # must be last cmdArr.append before, so that everything is on the command line # before constructing the shape.json file for "bridge" if topo=="bridge": shapeFilePrefix="shape_bridge" shapeFile=shapeFilePrefix+".json" cmdArrForOutput=copy.deepcopy(cmdArr) cmdArrForOutput.append("--output") cmdArrForOutput.append(shapeFile) s=" ".join(cmdArrForOutput) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (s)) if 0 != Utils.Print("ERROR: Launcher failed to create shape file \"%s\"." % (shapeFile)) return False f = open(shapeFile, "r") shapeFileJsonStr = f.close() shapeFileObject = json.loads(shapeFileJsonStr) Utils.Print("shapeFileObject=%s" % (shapeFileObject)) # retrieve the nodes, which as a map of node name to node definition, which the fc library prints out as # an array of array, the first level of arrays is the pair entries of the map, the second is an array # of two entries - [ , ] with first being the name and second being the node definition shapeFileNodes = shapeFileObject["nodes"] numProducers=totalProducers if totalProducers is not None else totalNodes maxProducers=ord('z')-ord('a')+1 assert numProducers 0) node=self.nodes[0] targetBlockNum=node.getBlockNum(blockType) #retrieve node 0's head or irrevercible block number targetBlockNum+=blockAdvancing if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("%s block number on root node: %d" % (blockType.type, targetBlockNum)) if targetBlockNum == -1: return False return self.waitOnClusterBlockNumSync(targetBlockNum, timeout) def waitOnClusterBlockNumSync(self, targetBlockNum, timeout=None, blockType=BlockType.head): """Wait for all nodes to have targetBlockNum finalized.""" assert(self.nodes) def doNodesHaveBlockNum(nodes, targetBlockNum, blockType): for node in nodes: try: if (not node.killed) and (not node.isBlockPresent(targetBlockNum, blockType=blockType)): return False except (TypeError) as _: # This can happen if client connects before server is listening return False return True lam = lambda: doNodesHaveBlockNum(self.nodes, targetBlockNum, blockType) ret=Utils.waitForBool(lam, timeout) return ret @staticmethod def getClientVersion(verbose=False): """Returns client version (string)""" p = re.compile(r'^Build version:\s(\w+)\n$') try: cmd="%s version client" % (Utils.EosClientPath) if verbose: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) response=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) assert(response) assert(isinstance(response, str)) if verbose: Utils.Print("response: <%s>" % (response)) m=p.match(response) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: client version regex mismatch") return None return verStr except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during client version query. %s" % (msg)) raise @staticmethod def createAccountKeys(count): accounts=[] p = re.compile('Private key: (.+)\nPublic key: (.+)\n', re.MULTILINE) for _ in range(0, count): try: cmd="%s create key --to-console" % (Utils.EosClientPath) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) keyStr=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Owner key creation regex mismatch") break cmd="%s create key --to-console" % (Utils.EosClientPath) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) keyStr=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) m=p.match(keyStr) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Active key creation regex mismatch") break name=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(12)) account=Account(name) account.ownerPrivateKey=ownerPrivate account.ownerPublicKey=ownerPublic account.activePrivateKey=activePrivate account.activePublicKey=activePublic accounts.append(account) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("name: %s, key(owner): ['%s', '%s], key(active): ['%s', '%s']" % (name, ownerPublic, ownerPrivate, activePublic, activePrivate)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during key creation. %s" % (msg)) break if count != len(accounts): Utils.Print("Account keys creation failed. Expected %d, actual: %d" % (count, len(accounts))) return None return accounts # create account keys and import into wallet. Wallet initialization will be user responsibility # also imports defproducera and defproducerb accounts def populateWallet(self, accountsCount, wallet): if self.walletMgr is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: WalletMgr hasn't been initialized.") return False accounts=None if accountsCount > 0: Utils.Print ("Create account keys.") accounts = self.createAccountKeys(accountsCount) if accounts is None: Utils.Print("Account keys creation failed.") return False Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(self.defproduceraAccount, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(self.defproducerbAccount, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False for account in accounts: Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(account, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False self.accounts=accounts return True def getNode(self, nodeId=0, exitOnError=True): if exitOnError and nodeId >= len(self.nodes): Utils.cmdError("cluster never created node %d" % (nodeId)) Utils.errorExit("Failed to retrieve node %d" % (nodeId)) if exitOnError and self.nodes[nodeId] is None: Utils.cmdError("cluster has None value for node %d" % (nodeId)) Utils.errorExit("Failed to retrieve node %d" % (nodeId)) return self.nodes[nodeId] def getNodes(self): return self.nodes # Spread funds across accounts with transactions spread through cluster nodes. # Validate transactions are synchronized on root node def spreadFunds(self, source, accounts, amount=1): assert(source) assert(isinstance(source, Account)) assert(accounts) assert(isinstance(accounts, list)) assert(len(accounts) > 0) Utils.Print("len(accounts): %d" % (len(accounts))) count=len(accounts) transferAmount=(count*amount)+amount transferAmountStr=Node.currencyIntToStr(transferAmount, CORE_SYMBOL) node=self.nodes[0] fromm=source to=accounts[0] Utils.Print("Transfer %s units from account %s to %s on eos server port %d" % ( transferAmountStr,,, node.port)) trans=node.transferFunds(fromm, to, transferAmountStr) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if transId is None: return False if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Funds transfered on transaction id %s." % (transId)) nextEosIdx=-1 for i in range(0, count): account=accounts[i] nextInstanceFound=False for _ in range(0, count): #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d, n: %d" % (nextEosIdx, n)) nextEosIdx=(nextEosIdx + 1)%count if not self.nodes[nextEosIdx].killed: #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d" % (nextEosIdx)) nextInstanceFound=True break if nextInstanceFound is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: No active nodes found.") return False #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d, count: %d" % (nextEosIdx, count)) node=self.nodes[nextEosIdx] if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Wait for transaction id %s on node port %d" % (transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransInBlock(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, node.port)) return False transferAmount -= amount transferAmountStr=Node.currencyIntToStr(transferAmount, CORE_SYMBOL) fromm=account to=accounts[i+1] if i < (count-1) else source Utils.Print("Transfer %s units from account %s to %s on eos server port %d." % (transferAmountStr,,, node.port)) trans=node.transferFunds(fromm, to, transferAmountStr) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if transId is None: return False if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Funds transfered on block num %s." % (transId)) # As an extra step wait for last transaction on the root node node=self.nodes[0] if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Wait for transaction id %s on node port %d" % (transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransInBlock(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, node.port)) return False return True def validateSpreadFunds(self, initialBalances, transferAmount, source, accounts): """Given initial Balances, will validate each account has the expected balance based upon transferAmount. This validation is repeated against every node in the cluster.""" assert(source) assert(isinstance(source, Account)) assert(accounts) assert(isinstance(accounts, list)) assert(len(accounts) > 0) assert(initialBalances) assert(isinstance(initialBalances, dict)) assert(isinstance(transferAmount, int)) for node in self.nodes: if node.killed: continue if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Validate funds on %s server port %d." % (Utils.EosServerName, node.port)) if node.validateFunds(initialBalances, transferAmount, source, accounts) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate funds on eos node port: %d" % (node.port)) return False return True def spreadFundsAndValidate(self, transferAmount=1): """Sprays 'transferAmount' funds across configured accounts and validates action. The spray is done in a trickle down fashion with account 1 receiving transferAmount*n SYS and forwarding x-transferAmount funds. Transfer actions are spread round-robin across the cluster to vaidate system cohesiveness.""" if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Get initial system balances.") initialBalances=self.nodes[0].getEosBalances([self.defproduceraAccount] + self.accounts) assert(initialBalances) assert(isinstance(initialBalances, dict)) if False == self.spreadFunds(self.defproduceraAccount, self.accounts, transferAmount): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to spread funds across nodes.") return False Utils.Print("Funds spread across all accounts. Now validate funds") if False == self.validateSpreadFunds(initialBalances, transferAmount, self.defproduceraAccount, self.accounts): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate funds transfer across nodes.") return False return True def validateAccounts(self, accounts, testSysAccounts=True): assert(len(self.nodes) > 0) node=self.nodes[0] myAccounts = [] if testSysAccounts: myAccounts += [self.eosioAccount, self.defproduceraAccount, self.defproducerbAccount] if accounts: assert(isinstance(accounts, list)) myAccounts += accounts node.validateAccounts(myAccounts) def createAccountAndVerify(self, account, creator, stakedDeposit=1000, stakeNet=100, stakeCPU=100, buyRAM=10000): """create account, verify account and return transaction id""" assert(len(self.nodes) > 0) node=self.nodes[0] trans=node.createInitializeAccount(account, creator, stakedDeposit, stakeNet=stakeNet, stakeCPU=stakeCPU, buyRAM=buyRAM, exitOnError=True) assert(node.verifyAccount(account)) return trans # # create account, verify account and return transaction id # def createAccountAndVerify(self, account, creator, stakedDeposit=1000): # if len(self.nodes) == 0: # Utils.Print("ERROR: No nodes initialized.") # return None # node=self.nodes[0] # transId=node.createAccount(account, creator, stakedDeposit) # if transId is not None and node.verifyAccount(account) is not None: # return transId # return None def createInitializeAccount(self, account, creatorAccount, stakedDeposit=1000, waitForTransBlock=False, stakeNet=100, stakeCPU=100, buyRAM=10000, exitOnError=False): assert(len(self.nodes) > 0) node=self.nodes[0] trans=node.createInitializeAccount(account, creatorAccount, stakedDeposit, waitForTransBlock, stakeNet=stakeNet, stakeCPU=stakeCPU, buyRAM=buyRAM) return trans @staticmethod def nodeNameToId(name): r"""Convert node name to decimal id. Node name regex is "node_([\d]+)". "node_bios" is a special name which returns -1. Examples: node_00 => 0, node_21 => 21, node_bios => -1. """ if name == "node_bios": return -1"node_([\d]+)", name) return int( @staticmethod def parseProducerKeys(configFile, nodeName): """Parse node config file for producer keys. Returns dictionary. (Keys: account name; Values: dictionary objects (Keys: ["name", "node", "private","public"]; Values: account name, node id returned by nodeNameToId(nodeName), private key(string)and public key(string))).""" configStr=None with open(configFile, 'r') as f: pattern=r"^\s*private-key\s*=\W+(\w+)\W+(\w+)\W+$", configStr, re.MULTILINE) regMsg="None" if m is None else "NOT None" if m is None: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Failed to find producer keys") return None pattern=r"^\s*producer-name\s*=\W*(\w+)\W*$" matches=re.findall(pattern, configStr, re.MULTILINE) if matches is None: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Failed to find producers.") return None producerKeys={} for m in matches: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print ("Found producer : %s" % (m)) nodeId=Cluster.nodeNameToId(nodeName) keys={"name": m, "node": nodeId, "private": privateKey, "public": pubKey} producerKeys[m]=keys return producerKeys @staticmethod def parseProducers(nodeNum): """Parse node config file for producers.""" node="node_%02d" % (nodeNum) configFile="etc/eosio/%s/config.ini" % (node) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Parsing config file %s" % configFile) configStr=None with open(configFile, 'r') as f: pattern=r"^\s*producer-name\s*=\W*(\w+)\W*$" producerMatches=re.findall(pattern, configStr, re.MULTILINE) if producerMatches is None: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Failed to find producers.") return None return producerMatches @staticmethod def parseClusterKeys(totalNodes): """Parse cluster config file. Updates producer keys data members.""" node="node_bios" configFile="etc/eosio/%s/config.ini" % (node) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Parsing config file %s" % configFile) producerKeys=Cluster.parseProducerKeys(configFile, node) if producerKeys is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to parse eosio private keys from cluster config files.") return None for i in range(0, totalNodes): node="node_%02d" % (i) configFile="etc/eosio/%s/config.ini" % (node) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Parsing config file %s" % configFile) keys=Cluster.parseProducerKeys(configFile, node) if keys is not None: producerKeys.update(keys) keyMsg="None" if keys is None else len(keys) return producerKeys @staticmethod def bios_bootstrap(totalNodes, biosHost, biosPort, walletMgr): """Bootstrap cluster using the script generated by eosio-launcher.""" Utils.Print("Starting cluster bootstrap.") biosNode=Node(biosHost, biosPort, walletMgr=walletMgr) if not biosNode.checkPulse(): Utils.Print("ERROR: Bios node doesn't appear to be running...") return None cmd="bash" if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): if not silent: Utils.Print("Launcher failed to shut down eos cluster.") return None p = re.compile('error', re.IGNORECASE) with open(Cluster.__bootlog) as bootFile: for line in bootFile: if Utils.Print("ERROR: script resulted in errors. See %s" % (Cluster.__bootlog)) Utils.Print(line) return None producerKeys=Cluster.parseClusterKeys(totalNodes) # should have totalNodes node plus bios node if producerKeys is None or len(producerKeys) < (totalNodes+1): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to parse private keys from cluster config files.") return None walletMgr.killall() walletMgr.cleanup() if not walletMgr.launch(): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to launch bootstrap wallet.") return None ignWallet=walletMgr.create("ignition") if ignWallet is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create ignition wallet.") return None eosioName="eosio" eosioKeys=producerKeys[eosioName] eosioAccount=Account(eosioName) eosioAccount.ownerPrivateKey=eosioKeys["private"] eosioAccount.ownerPublicKey=eosioKeys["public"] eosioAccount.activePrivateKey=eosioKeys["private"] eosioAccount.activePublicKey=eosioKeys["public"] producerKeys.pop(eosioName) if not walletMgr.importKey(eosioAccount, ignWallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import %s account keys into ignition wallet." % (eosioName)) return None initialFunds="1000000.0000 {0}".format(CORE_SYMBOL) Utils.Print("Transfer initial fund %s to individual accounts." % (initialFunds)) trans=None contract="eosio.token" action="transfer" for name, keys in producerKeys.items(): data="{\"from\":\"eosio\",\"to\":\"%s\",\"quantity\":\"%s\",\"memo\":\"%s\"}" % (name, initialFunds, "init transfer") opts="--permission eosio@active" if name != "eosio": trans=biosNode.pushMessage(contract, action, data, opts) if trans is None or not trans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to transfer funds from eosio.token to %s." % (name)) return None Node.validateTransaction(trans[1]) Utils.Print("Wait for last transfer transaction to become finalized.") transId=Node.getTransId(trans[1]) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None Utils.Print("Cluster bootstrap done.") return biosNode @staticmethod def bootstrap(totalNodes, prodCount, totalProducers, biosHost, biosPort, walletMgr, onlyBios=False): """Create 'prodCount' init accounts and deposits 10000000000 SYS in each. If prodCount is -1 will initialize all possible producers. Ensure nodes are inter-connected prior to this call. One way to validate this will be to check if every node has block 1.""" Utils.Print("Starting cluster bootstrap.") if totalProducers is None: totalProducers=totalNodes biosNode=Node(biosHost, biosPort, walletMgr=walletMgr) if not biosNode.checkPulse(): Utils.Print("ERROR: Bios node doesn't appear to be running...") return None producerKeys=Cluster.parseClusterKeys(totalNodes) # should have totalNodes node plus bios node if producerKeys is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to parse any producer keys from config files.") return None elif len(producerKeys) < (totalProducers+1): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to parse %d producer keys from cluster config files, only found %d." % (totalProducers+1,len(producerKeys))) return None walletMgr.killall() walletMgr.cleanup() if not walletMgr.launch(): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to launch bootstrap wallet.") return None ignWallet=walletMgr.create("ignition") eosioName="eosio" eosioKeys=producerKeys[eosioName] eosioAccount=Account(eosioName) eosioAccount.ownerPrivateKey=eosioKeys["private"] eosioAccount.ownerPublicKey=eosioKeys["public"] eosioAccount.activePrivateKey=eosioKeys["private"] eosioAccount.activePublicKey=eosioKeys["public"] if not walletMgr.importKey(eosioAccount, ignWallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import %s account keys into ignition wallet." % (eosioName)) return None contract="eosio.bios" contractDir="contracts/%s" % (contract) wasmFile="%s.wasm" % (contract) abiFile="%s.abi" % (contract) Utils.Print("Publish %s contract" % (contract)) trans=biosNode.publishContract(, contractDir, wasmFile, abiFile, waitForTransBlock=True) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to publish contract %s." % (contract)) return None Node.validateTransaction(trans) Utils.Print("Creating accounts: %s " % ", ".join(producerKeys.keys())) producerKeys.pop(eosioName) accounts=[] for name, keys in producerKeys.items(): initx = None initx = Account(name) initx.ownerPrivateKey=keys["private"] initx.ownerPublicKey=keys["public"] initx.activePrivateKey=keys["private"] initx.activePublicKey=keys["public"] trans=biosNode.createAccount(initx, eosioAccount, 0) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s" % (name)) return None Node.validateTransaction(trans) accounts.append(initx) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None Utils.Print("Validating system accounts within bootstrap") biosNode.validateAccounts(accounts) if not onlyBios: if prodCount == -1: setProdsFile="setprods.json" if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Reading in setprods file %s." % (setProdsFile)) with open(setProdsFile, "r") as f: Utils.Print("Setting producers.") opts="--permission eosio@active" myTrans=biosNode.pushMessage("eosio", "setprods", setProdsStr, opts) if myTrans is None or not myTrans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to set producers.") return None else: counts=dict.fromkeys(range(totalNodes), 0) #initialize node prods count to 0 setProdsStr='{"schedule": [' firstTime=True prodNames=[] for name, keys in producerKeys.items(): if counts[keys["node"]] >= prodCount: continue if firstTime: firstTime = False else: setProdsStr += ',' setProdsStr += ' { "producer_name": "%s", "block_signing_key": "%s" }' % (keys["name"], keys["public"]) prodNames.append(keys["name"]) counts[keys["node"]] += 1 setProdsStr += ' ] }' if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("setprods: %s" % (setProdsStr)) Utils.Print("Setting producers: %s." % (", ".join(prodNames))) opts="--permission eosio@active" # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type trans=biosNode.pushMessage("eosio", "setprods", setProdsStr, opts) if trans is None or not trans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to set producer %s." % (keys["name"])) return None trans=trans[1] transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None # wait for block production handover (essentially a block produced by anyone but eosio). lam = lambda: biosNode.getInfo(exitOnError=True)["head_block_producer"] != "eosio" ret=Utils.waitForBool(lam) if not ret: Utils.Print("ERROR: Block production handover failed.") return None eosioTokenAccount=copy.deepcopy(eosioAccount)"eosio.token" trans=biosNode.createAccount(eosioTokenAccount, eosioAccount, 0) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s" % ( return None eosioRamAccount=copy.deepcopy(eosioAccount)"eosio.ram" trans=biosNode.createAccount(eosioRamAccount, eosioAccount, 0) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s" % ( return None eosioRamfeeAccount=copy.deepcopy(eosioAccount)"eosio.ramfee" trans=biosNode.createAccount(eosioRamfeeAccount, eosioAccount, 0) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s" % ( return None eosioStakeAccount=copy.deepcopy(eosioAccount)"eosio.stake" trans=biosNode.createAccount(eosioStakeAccount, eosioAccount, 0) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s" % ( return None Node.validateTransaction(trans) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None contract="eosio.token" contractDir="contracts/%s" % (contract) wasmFile="%s.wasm" % (contract) abiFile="%s.abi" % (contract) Utils.Print("Publish %s contract" % (contract)) trans=biosNode.publishContract(, contractDir, wasmFile, abiFile, waitForTransBlock=True) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to publish contract %s." % (contract)) return None # Create currency0000, followed by issue currency0000 Utils.Print("push create action to %s contract" % (contract)) action="create" data="{\"issuer\":\"%s\",\"maximum_supply\":\"1000000000.0000 %s\",\"can_freeze\":\"0\",\"can_recall\":\"0\",\"can_whitelist\":\"0\"}" % (, CORE_SYMBOL) opts="--permission %s@active" % (contract) trans=biosNode.pushMessage(contract, action, data, opts) if trans is None or not trans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to push create action to eosio contract.") return None Node.validateTransaction(trans[1]) transId=Node.getTransId(trans[1]) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None Utils.Print("push issue action to %s contract" % (contract)) action="issue" data="{\"to\":\"%s\",\"quantity\":\"1000000000.0000 %s\",\"memo\":\"initial issue\"}" % (, CORE_SYMBOL) opts="--permission %s@active" % (contract) trans=biosNode.pushMessage(contract, action, data, opts) if trans is None or not trans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to push issue action to eosio contract.") return None Node.validateTransaction(trans[1]) Utils.Print("Wait for issue action transaction to become finalized.") transId=Node.getTransId(trans[1]) # biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId) # guesstimating block finalization timeout. Two production rounds of 12 blocks per node, plus 60 seconds buffer timeout = .5 * 12 * 2 * len(producerKeys) + 60 if not biosNode.waitForTransFinalization(transId, timeout=timeout): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a finalized block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None expectedAmount="1000000000.0000 {0}".format(CORE_SYMBOL) Utils.Print("Verify eosio issue, Expected: %s" % (expectedAmount)) actualAmount=biosNode.getAccountEosBalanceStr( if expectedAmount != actualAmount: Utils.Print("ERROR: Issue verification failed. Excepted %s, actual: %s" % (expectedAmount, actualAmount)) return None contract="eosio.system" contractDir="contracts/%s" % (contract) wasmFile="%s.wasm" % (contract) abiFile="%s.abi" % (contract) Utils.Print("Publish %s contract" % (contract)) trans=biosNode.publishContract(, contractDir, wasmFile, abiFile, waitForTransBlock=True) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to publish contract %s." % (contract)) return None Node.validateTransaction(trans) initialFunds="1000000.0000 {0}".format(CORE_SYMBOL) Utils.Print("Transfer initial fund %s to individual accounts." % (initialFunds)) trans=None action="transfer" for name, keys in producerKeys.items(): data="{\"from\":\"%s\",\"to\":\"%s\",\"quantity\":\"%s\",\"memo\":\"%s\"}" % (, name, initialFunds, "init transfer") opts="--permission %s@active" % ( trans=biosNode.pushMessage(contract, action, data, opts) if trans is None or not trans[0]: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to transfer funds from %s to %s." % (, name)) return None Node.validateTransaction(trans[1]) Utils.Print("Wait for last transfer transaction to become finalized.") transId=Node.getTransId(trans[1]) if not biosNode.waitForTransInBlock(transId): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, biosNode.port)) return None Utils.Print("Cluster bootstrap done.") return biosNode @staticmethod def pgrepEosServers(timeout=None): cmd=Utils.pgrepCmd(Utils.EosServerName) def myFunc(): psOut=None try: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) psOut=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) return psOut except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: call of \"%s\" failed. %s" % (cmd, msg)) return None return None return Utils.waitForObj(myFunc, timeout) @staticmethod def pgrepEosServerPattern(nodeInstance): if isinstance(nodeInstance, str): return r"[\n]?(\d+) (.* --data-dir var/lib/node_%s .*)\n" % nodeInstance else: nodeInstanceStr="%02d" % nodeInstance return Cluster.pgrepEosServerPattern(nodeInstanceStr) # Populates list of EosInstanceInfo objects, matched to actual running instances def discoverLocalNodes(self, totalNodes, timeout=None): nodes=[] psOut=Cluster.pgrepEosServers(timeout) if psOut is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: No nodes discovered.") return nodes if len(psOut) < 6660: psOutDisplay=psOut else: psOutDisplay=psOut[:6660]+"..." if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("pgrep output: \"%s\"" % psOutDisplay) for i in range(0, totalNodes): pattern=Cluster.pgrepEosServerPattern(i), psOut, re.MULTILINE) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to find %s pid. Pattern %s" % (Utils.EosServerName, pattern)) break instance=Node(, self.port + i, pid=int(,, walletMgr=self.walletMgr, enableMongo=self.enableMongo, mongoHost=self.mongoHost, mongoPort=self.mongoPort, mongoDb=self.mongoDb) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Node>", instance) nodes.append(instance) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Found %d nodes" % (len(nodes))) return nodes def discoverBiosNodePid(self, timeout=None): psOut=Cluster.pgrepEosServers(timeout=timeout) pattern=Cluster.pgrepEosServerPattern("bios") Utils.Print("pattern={\n%s\n}, psOut=\n%s\n" % (pattern,psOut)), psOut, re.MULTILINE) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to find %s pid. Pattern %s" % (Utils.EosServerName, pattern)) else: # Kills a percentange of Eos instances starting from the tail and update eosInstanceInfos state def killSomeEosInstances(self, killCount, killSignalStr=Utils.SigKillTag): killSignal=signal.SIGKILL if killSignalStr == Utils.SigTermTag: killSignal=signal.SIGTERM Utils.Print("Kill %d %s instances with signal %s." % (killCount, Utils.EosServerName, killSignal)) killedCount=0 for node in reversed(self.nodes): if not node.kill(killSignal): return False killedCount += 1 if killedCount >= killCount: break time.sleep(1) # Give processes time to stand down return True def relaunchEosInstances(self): chainArg=self.__chainSyncStrategy.arg newChain= False if in [Utils.SyncHardReplayTag, Utils.SyncNoneTag] else True for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)): node=self.nodes[i] if node.killed and not node.relaunch(i, chainArg, newChain=newChain): return False return True @staticmethod def dumpErrorDetailImpl(fileName): Utils.Print("=================================================================") Utils.Print("Contents of %s:" % (fileName)) if os.path.exists(fileName): with open(fileName, "r") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout) else: Utils.Print("File %s not found." % (fileName)) def dumpErrorDetails(self): fileName="etc/eosio/node_bios/config.ini" Cluster.dumpErrorDetailImpl(fileName) fileName="var/lib/node_bios/stderr.txt" Cluster.dumpErrorDetailImpl(fileName) for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)): fileName="etc/eosio/node_%02d/config.ini" % (i) Cluster.dumpErrorDetailImpl(fileName) fileName="var/lib/node_%02d/stderr.txt" % (i) Cluster.dumpErrorDetailImpl(fileName) if self.useBiosBootFile: Cluster.dumpErrorDetailImpl(Cluster.__bootlog) def killall(self, silent=True, allInstances=False): """Kill cluster nodeos instances. allInstances will kill all nodeos instances running on the system.""" cmd="%s -k 9" % (Utils.EosLauncherPath) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): if not silent: Utils.Print("Launcher failed to shut down eos cluster.") if allInstances: # ocassionally the launcher cannot kill the eos server cmd="pkill -9 %s" % (Utils.EosServerName) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): if not silent: Utils.Print("Failed to shut down eos cluster.") # another explicit nodes shutdown for node in self.nodes: try: if is not None: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError as _: pass def bounce(self, nodes, silent=True): """Bounces nodeos instances as indicated by parameter nodes. nodes should take the form of a comma-separated list as accepted by the launcher --bounce command (e.g. '00' or '00,01')""" cmdArr = Cluster.__LauncherCmdArr.copy() cmdArr.append("--bounce") cmdArr.append(nodes) cmd=" ".join(cmdArr) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 != if not silent: Utils.Print("Launcher failed to bounce nodes: %s." % (nodes)) return False return True def down(self, nodes, silent=True): """Brings down nodeos instances as indicated by parameter nodes. nodes should take the form of a comma-separated list as accepted by the launcher --bounce command (e.g. '00' or '00,01')""" cmdArr = Cluster.__LauncherCmdArr.copy() cmdArr.append("--down") cmdArr.append(nodes) cmd=" ".join(cmdArr) if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 != if not silent: Utils.Print("Launcher failed to take down nodes: %s." % (nodes)) return False return True def isMongodDbRunning(self): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand="db.version()" if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("echo %s | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) ret,outs,errs=Node.stdinAndCheckOutput(cmd.split(), subcommand) if ret is not 0: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to check database version: %s" % (Node.byteArrToStr(errs)) ) return False if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("MongoDb response: %s" % (outs)) return True def waitForNextBlock(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout node=self.nodes[0] return node.waitForNextBlock(timeout) def cleanup(self): for f in glob.glob("var/lib/node_*"): shutil.rmtree(f) for f in glob.glob("etc/eosio/node_*"): shutil.rmtree(f) for f in self.filesToCleanup: os.remove(f) if self.enableMongo: cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand="db.dropDatabase()" if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("echo %s | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) ret,_,errs=Node.stdinAndCheckOutput(cmd.split(), subcommand) if ret is not 0: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to drop database: %s" % (Node.byteArrToStr(errs)) ) # Create accounts and validates that the last transaction is received on root node def createAccounts(self, creator, waitForTransBlock=True, stakedDeposit=1000): if self.accounts is None: return True transId=None for account in self.accounts: if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Create account %s." % ( trans=self.createAccountAndVerify(account, creator, stakedDeposit) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s." % ( return False if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Account %s created." % ( transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and transId is not None: node=self.nodes[0] if Utils.Debug: Utils.Print("Wait for transaction id %s on server port %d." % ( transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransInBlock(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate transaction %s got rolled into a block on server port %d." % (transId, node.port)) return False return True def getInfos(self, silentErrors=False, exitOnError=False): infos=[] for node in self.nodes: infos.append(node.getInfo(silentErrors=silentErrors, exitOnError=exitOnError)) return infos def reportStatus(self): if hasattr(self, "biosNode") and self.biosNode is not None: self.biosNode.reportStatus() if hasattr(self, "nodes"): for node in self.nodes: try: node.reportStatus() except: Utils.Print("No reportStatus")