typedef Name AccountName typedef Name PermissionName typedef Name FuncName typedef FixedString32 MessageName typedef FixedString32 TypeName # import account type as localtype struct AccountPermission account AccountName permission PermissionName struct Message code AccountName # the contract defining the primary code to execute for code/type type FuncName # the action to be taken authorization AccountPermission[] # the accounts and permission levels provided data Bytes # opaque data processed by code struct AccountPermissionWeight permission AccountPermission weight UInt16 struct Transaction refBlockNum UInt16 refBlockPrefix UInt32 expiration Time scope AccountName[] # the data may be accessed while processing this transaction messages Message[] struct SignedTransaction inherits Transaction signatures Signature[] struct KeyPermissionWeight key PublicKey weight UInt16 struct Authority threshold UInt32 keys KeyPermissionWeight[] accounts AccountPermissionWeight[] struct BlockchainConfiguration maxBlockSize UInt32 targetBlockSize UInt32 maxStorageSize UInt64 electedPay ShareType runnerUpPay ShareType minEosBalance ShareType maxTrxLifetime UInt32 struct TypeDef newTypeName TypeName type TypeName struct Action action Name type TypeName struct Table table Name type TypeName struct Abi types TypeDef[] structs Struct[] actions Action[] tables Table[] struct transfer from AccountName # may not be the message.sender if message.sender has delegated authority by from to AccountName amount UInt64 struct lock from AccountName to AccountName amount ShareType struct unlock account AccountName amount ShareType struct claim account AccountName amount ShareType struct newaccount creator AccountName name AccountName owner Authority active Authority recovery Authority deposit Asset struct setcode account AccountName # the account that is handling the message vmtype UInt8 # the virtual machine type vmversion UInt8 # the virtual machine version code Bytes # the apply abi Abi # the interface description of the code struct setproducer name AccountName key PublicKey configuration BlockchainConfiguration # implies message.sender account struct okproducer voter AccountName # The account casting a vote producer AccountName # The producer being voted on approve Int8 # 1 to approve, or 0 to disapprove struct setproxy stakeholder AccountName # The account with stake to be proxied proxy AccountName # The account to cast votes with stakeholder's stake weight struct UpdatePermission account AccountName permission PermissionName parent PermissionName authority Authority struct DeletePermission account AccountName permission PermissionName struct linkauth account AccountName # The account to require permissions for code AccountName # The contract to require permissions to invoke type FuncName requirement PermissionName # The permission name to require