import copy import decimal import subprocess import time import glob import shutil import time import os from collections import namedtuple import re import string import signal import time import datetime import inspect import sys import random import io import json ########################################################################################### class Utils: Debug=False FNull = open(os.devnull, 'w') EosClientPath="programs/eosioc/eosioc" EosWalletName="eosiowd" EosWalletPath="programs/eosiowd/"+ EosWalletName EosServerName="eosiod" EosServerPath="programs/eosiod/"+ EosServerName EosLauncherPath="programs/eosio-launcher/eosio-launcher" MongoPath="mongo" @staticmethod def Print(*args, **kwargs): stackDepth=len(inspect.stack())-2 str=' '*stackDepth sys.stdout.write(str) print(*args, **kwargs) SyncStrategy=namedtuple("ChainSyncStrategy", "name id arg") SyncNoneTag="none" SyncReplayTag="replay" SyncResyncTag="resync" SigKillTag="kill" SigTermTag="term" systemWaitTimeout=60 # mongoSyncTime: eosiod mongodb plugin seems to sync with a 10-15 seconds delay. This will inject # a wait period before the 2nd DB check (if first check fails) mongoSyncTime=25 amINoon=True # Configure for the NOON branch @staticmethod def iAmNotNoon(): Utils.amINoon=False Utils.EosClientPath="programs/eosc/eosc" Utils.EosWalletName="eos-walletd" Utils.EosWalletPath="programs/eos-walletd/"+ Utils.EosWalletName Utils.EosServerName="eosd" Utils.EosServerPath="programs/eosd/"+ Utils.EosServerName @staticmethod def setMongoSyncTime(syncTime): Utils.mongoSyncTime=syncTime @staticmethod def setSystemWaitTimeout(timeout): Utils.systemWaitTimeout=timeout @staticmethod def getChainStrategies(): chainSyncStrategies={} chainSyncStrategy=Utils.SyncStrategy(Utils.SyncNoneTag, 0, "") chainSyncStrategies[]=chainSyncStrategy chainSyncStrategy=Utils.SyncStrategy(Utils.SyncReplayTag, 1, "--replay-blockchain") chainSyncStrategies[]=chainSyncStrategy chainSyncStrategy=Utils.SyncStrategy(Utils.SyncResyncTag, 2, "--resync-blockchain") chainSyncStrategies[]=chainSyncStrategy return chainSyncStrategies @staticmethod def checkOutput(cmd): assert(isinstance(cmd, list)) retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") return retStr @staticmethod def errorExit(msg="", raw=False, errorCode=1): Utils.Print("ERROR:" if not raw else "", msg) exit(errorCode) ########################################################################################### class Table(object): def __init__(self, name): self.keys=[][] ########################################################################################### class Transaction(object): def __init__(self, transId): self.transId=transId self.tType=None self.amount=0 ########################################################################################### class Account(object): def __init__(self, name): self.balance=0 self.ownerPrivateKey=None self.ownerPublicKey=None self.activePrivateKey=None self.activePublicKey=None def __str__(self): return "Name; %s" % ( ########################################################################################### class Node(object): def __init__(self, host, port, pid=None, cmd=None, alive=None, enableMongo=False, mongoHost="localhost", mongoPort=27017, mongoDb="EOStest"): self.port=port self.cmd=cmd self.alive=alive self.enableMongo=enableMongo self.mongoSyncTime=None if Utils.mongoSyncTime < 1 else Utils.mongoSyncTime self.mongoHost=mongoHost self.mongoPort=mongoPort self.mongoDb=mongoDb self.endpointArgs="--host %s --port %d" % (, self.port) self.mongoEndpointArgs="" if self.enableMongo: self.mongoEndpointArgs += "--host %s --port %d %s" % (mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoDb) def __str__(self): #return "Host: %s, Port:%d, Pid:%s, Alive:%s, Cmd:\"%s\"" % (, self.port,, self.alive, self.cmd) return "Host: %s, Port:%d" % (, self.port) @staticmethod def runCmdReturnJson(cmd, trace=False): retStr=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) jStr=Node.filterJsonObject(retStr) trace and Utils.Print ("RAW > %s"% retStr) trace and Utils.Print ("JSON> %s"% jStr) try: jsonData=json.loads(jStr) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex: Utils.Print ("RAW > %s"% retStr) Utils.Print ("JSON> %s"% jStr) return jsonData @staticmethod def __runCmdArrReturnJson(cmdArr, trace=False): retStr=Utils.checkOutput(cmdArr) jStr=Node.filterJsonObject(retStr) trace and Utils.Print ("RAW > %s"% retStr) trace and Utils.Print ("JSON> %s"% jStr) jsonData=json.loads(jStr) return jsonData @staticmethod def runCmdReturnStr(cmd, trace=False): retStr=Node.__checkOutput(cmd.split()) trace and Utils.Print ("RAW > %s"% retStr) return retStr @staticmethod def filterJsonObject(data): firstIdx=data.find('{') lastIdx=data.rfind('}') retStr=data[firstIdx:lastIdx+1] return retStr @staticmethod def __checkOutput(cmd): retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") #retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8") return retStr # Passes input to stdin, executes cmd. Returns tuple with return code(int), # stdout(byte stream) and stderr(byte stream). @staticmethod def stdinAndCheckOutput(cmd, subcommand): outs=None errs=None try: popen=subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) outs,errs=popen.communicate(input=subcommand.encode("utf-8")) ret=popen.wait() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output return (ex.returncode, msg, None) return (0, outs, errs) @staticmethod def normalizeJsonObject(extJStr): tmpStr=extJStr tmpStr=re.sub(r'ObjectId\("(\w+)"\)', r'"ObjectId-\1"', tmpStr) tmpStr=re.sub(r'ISODate\("([\w|\-|\:|\.]+)"\)', r'"ISODate-\1"', tmpStr) return tmpStr @staticmethod def runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmdArr, subcommand, trace=False): retId,outs,errs=Node.stdinAndCheckOutput(cmdArr, subcommand) if retId is not 0: return None outStr=Node.byteArrToStr(outs) if not outStr: return None extJStr=Node.filterJsonObject(outStr) if not extJStr: return None jStr=Node.normalizeJsonObject(extJStr) if not jStr: return None trace and Utils.Print ("RAW > %s"% outStr) #trace and Utils.Print ("JSON> %s"% jStr) jsonData=json.loads(jStr) return jsonData @staticmethod def getTransId(trans): #Utils.Print("%s" % trans) transId=trans["transaction_id"] return transId @staticmethod def byteArrToStr(arr): return arr.decode("utf-8") def setWalletEndpointArgs(self, args): self.endpointArgs="--host %s --port %d %s" % (, self.port, args) def getBlock(self, blockNum, retry=True, silentErrors=False): if not self.enableMongo: cmd="%s %s get block %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, blockNum) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get block. %s" % (msg)) return None else: for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Blocks.findOne( { "block_num": %s } )' % (blockNum) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) if trans is not None: return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get db node get block. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def getBlockById(self, blockId, retry=True, silentErrors=False): for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Blocks.findOne( { "block_id": "%s" } )' % (blockId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) if trans is not None: return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during db get block by id. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def doesNodeHaveBlockNum(self, blockNum): assert isinstance(blockNum, int) info=self.getInfo(silentErrors=True) last_irreversible_block_num=int(info["last_irreversible_block_num"]) if blockNum > last_irreversible_block_num: return False else: return True def getTransaction(self, transId, retry=True, silentErrors=False): if not self.enableMongo: cmd="%s %s get transaction %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, transId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during account by transaction retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None else: for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Transactions.findOne( { $and : [ { "transaction_id": "%s" }, {"pending":false} ] } )' % (transId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get db node get trans. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def getTransByBlockId(self, blockId, retry=True, silentErrors=False): for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Transactions.find( { "block_id": "%s" } )' % (blockId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand, True) if trans is not None: return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during db get trans by blockId. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def getActionFromDb(self, transId, retry=True, silentErrors=False): for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Actions.findOne( { "transaction_id": "%s" } )' % (transId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) if trans is not None: return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get db node get message. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def getMessageFromDb(self, transId, retry=True, silentErrors=False): for i in range(2): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Messages.findOne( { "transaction_id": "%s" } )' % (transId) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) if trans is not None: return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get db node get message. %s" % (msg)) return None if not retry: break if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def doesNodeHaveTransId(self, transId): trans=self.getTransaction(transId, silentErrors=True) if trans is None: return False blockNum=None if not self.enableMongo: blockNum=int(trans["transaction"]["data"]["ref_block_num"]) else: blockNum=int(trans["ref_block_num"]) blockNum += 1 return self.doesNodeHaveBlockNum(blockNum) def createInitAccounts(self): eosio = copy.copy(Cluster.initaAccount) = "eosio" # publish system contract wastFile="contracts/eosio.system/eosio.system.wast" abiFile="contracts/eosio.system/eosio.system.abi" Utils.Print("Publish eosio.system contract") trans=self.publishContract(, wastFile, abiFile, waitForTransBlock=True) if trans is None: Utils.errorExit("Failed to publish eosio.system.") Utils.Print("push issue action to eosio contract") action="issue" data="{\"to\":\"eosio\",\"quantity\":\"1000000000.0000 EOS\"}" opts="--permission eosio@active" trans=self.pushMessage(contract, action, data, opts) transId=Node.getTransId(trans[1]) self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId) expectedAmount=10000000000000 Utils.Print("Verify eosio issue, Expected: %d" % (expectedAmount)) actualAmount=self.getAccountBalance( if expectedAmount != actualAmount: Utils.errorExit("Issue verification failed. Excepted %d, actual: %d" % (expectedAmount, actualAmount)) initx = copy.copy(Cluster.initaAccount) self.createAccount(Cluster.initaAccount, eosio, 0) for i in range(2, 21): = "init" + chr(ord('a')+i) self.createAccount(initx, eosio, 0) self.createAccount(Cluster.initbAccount, eosio, 0, True) for i in range(0, 21): = "init" + chr(ord('a')+i) trans = self.transferFunds(eosio, initx, 10000000000, "init") transId=Node.getTransId(trans) self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId) # Create account and return creation transactions. Return transaction json object # waitForTransBlock: wait on creation transaction id to appear in a block def createAccount(self, account, creatorAccount, stakedDeposit=1000, waitForTransBlock=False): cmd=None if Utils.amINoon: cmd="%s %s create account %s %s %s %s" % ( Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs,,, account.ownerPublicKey, account.activePublicKey) else: cmd="%s %s create account %s %s %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs,,, account.ownerPublicKey, account.activePublicKey) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) trans=None try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during account creation. %s" % (msg)) return None if waitForTransBlock and not self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId): return None if stakedDeposit > 0: trans = self.transferFunds(creatorAccount, account, stakedDeposit, "init") transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and not self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId): return None return trans def getEosAccount(self, name): cmd="%s %s get account %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get account. %s" % (msg)) return None def getEosAccountFromDb(self, name): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand='db.Accounts.findOne({"name" : "%s"})' % (name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo '%s' | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get account from db. %s" % (msg)) return None def getEosCurrencyBalance(self, name): cmd="%s %s get currency balance eosio %s EOS" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnStr(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get EOS balance. %s" % (msg)) return None def getCurrencyBalance(self, contract, account, symbol): cmd="%s %s get currency balance %s %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, contract, account, symbol) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnStr(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get currency balance. %s" % (msg)) return None def getCurrencyStats(self, contract, symbol=""): cmd="%s %s get currency stats %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, contract, symbol) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get currency stats. %s" % (msg)) return None # Verifies account. Returns "get account" json return object def verifyAccount(self, account): if not self.enableMongo: ret=self.getEosAccount( if ret is not None: account_name=ret["account_name"] if account_name is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to verify account creation.", return None return ret else: for i in range(2): ret=self.getEosAccountFromDb( if ret is not None: account_name=ret["name"] if account_name is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to verify account creation.", return None return ret if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) return None def waitForBlockNumOnNode(self, blockNum, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout startTime=time.time() remainingTime=timeout Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (remainingTime)) while time.time()-startTime < timeout: if self.doesNodeHaveBlockNum(blockNum): return True sleepTime=3 if remainingTime > 3 else (3 - remainingTime) remainingTime -= sleepTime Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (sleepTime)) time.sleep(sleepTime) return False def waitForTransIdOnNode(self, transId, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout startTime=time.time() remainingTime=timeout Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (remainingTime)) while time.time()-startTime < timeout: if self.doesNodeHaveTransId(transId): return True sleepTime=3 if remainingTime > 3 else (3 - remainingTime) remainingTime -= sleepTime Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (sleepTime)) time.sleep(sleepTime) return False def waitForNextBlock(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout startTime=time.time() remainingTime=timeout Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (remainingTime)) num=self.getIrreversibleBlockNum() Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Current block number: %s" % (num)) while time.time()-startTime < timeout: nextNum=self.getIrreversibleBlockNum() if nextNum > num: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Next block number: %s" % (nextNum)) return True sleepTime=.5 if remainingTime > .5 else (.5 - remainingTime) remainingTime -= sleepTime Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (sleepTime)) time.sleep(sleepTime) return False # Trasfer funds. Returns "transfer" json return object def transferFunds(self, source, destination, amount, memo="memo", force=False): cmd="%s %s -v transfer %s %s %d" % ( Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs,,, amount) cmdArr=cmd.split() cmdArr.append(memo) if force: cmdArr.append("-f") Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmdArr)) trans=None try: trans=Node.__runCmdArrReturnJson(cmdArr) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during funds transfer. %s" % (msg)) return None def validateSpreadFundsOnNode(self, adminAccount, accounts, expectedTotal): actualTotal=self.getAccountBalance( for account in accounts: fund = self.getAccountBalance( if fund != account.balance: Utils.Print("ERROR: validateSpreadFunds> Expected: %d, actual: %d for account %s" % (account.balance, fund, return False actualTotal += fund if actualTotal != expectedTotal: Utils.Print("ERROR: validateSpreadFunds> Expected total: %d , actual: %d" % ( expectedTotal, actualTotal)) return False return True def getSystemBalance(self, adminAccount, accounts): balance=self.getAccountBalance( for account in accounts: balance += self.getAccountBalance( return balance # Gets accounts mapped to key. Returns json object def getAccountsByKey(self, key): cmd="%s %s get accounts %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, key) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during accounts by key retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None # Gets accounts mapped to key. Returns array def getAccountsArrByKey(self, key): trans=self.getAccountsByKey(key) accounts=trans["account_names"] return accounts def getServants(self, name): cmd="%s %s get servants %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during servants retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None def getServantsArr(self, name): trans=self.getServants(name) servants=trans["controlled_accounts"] return servants def getAccountBalance(self, name): if not self.enableMongo: amount=self.getEosCurrencyBalance(name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("getEosCurrencyBalance", name, amount) balanceStr=amount.split()[0] balance=int(decimal.Decimal(balanceStr[1:])*10000) return balance else: if self.mongoSyncTime is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: sleep %d seconds" % (self.mongoSyncTime)) time.sleep(self.mongoSyncTime) account=self.getEosAccountFromDb(name) if account is not None: field=account["eos_balance"] balanceStr=field.split()[0] balance=int(float(balanceStr)*10000) return balance return None # transactions lookup by id. Returns json object def getTransactionsByAccount(self, name): cmd="%s %s get transactions %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during transactions by account retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None # transactions lookup by id. Returns list of transaction ids def getTransactionsArrByAccount(self, name): trans=self.getTransactionsByAccount(name) transactions=trans["transactions"] transArr=[] for transaction in transactions: id=transaction["transaction_id"] transArr.append(id) return transArr def getAccountCodeHash(self, account): cmd="%s %s get code %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, account) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: retStr=Utils.checkOutput(cmd.split()) #Utils.Print ("get code> %s"% retStr) p=re.compile('code\shash: (\w+)\n', re.MULTILINE) if m is None: msg="Failed to parse code hash." Utils.Print("ERROR: "+ msg) return None return trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd, True) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during code hash retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None # publish contract and return transaction as json object def publishContract(self, account, wastFile, abiFile, waitForTransBlock=False, shouldFail=False): cmd="%s %s -v set contract %s %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, account, wastFile, abiFile) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) trans=None try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not shouldFail: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during code hash retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None else: retMap={} retMap["returncode"]=ex.returncode retMap["cmd"]=ex.cmd retMap["output"]=ex.output # commented below as they are available only in Python3.5 and above # retMap["stdout"]=ex.stdout # retMap["stderr"]=ex.stderr return retMap if shouldFail: Utils.Print("ERROR: The publish contract did not fail as expected.") return None transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and not self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId): return None return trans # create producer and return transaction as json object def createProducer(self, account, ownerPublicKey, waitForTransBlock=False): cmd="%s %s create producer %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, account, ownerPublicKey) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) trans=None try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during producer creation. %s" % (msg)) return None transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and not self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId): return None return trans def getTable(self, account, contract, table): cmd="%s %s get table %s %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, account, contract, table) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during table retrieval. %s" % (msg)) return None def getTableRows(self, account, contract, table): jsonData=self.getTable(account, contract, table) if jsonData is None: return None rows=jsonData["rows"] return rows def getTableRow(self, account, contract, table, idx): if idx < 0: Utils.Print("ERROR: Table index cannot be negative. idx: %d" % (idx)) return None rows=self.getTableRows(account, contract, table) if rows is None or idx >= len(rows): Utils.Print("ERROR: Retrieved table does not contain row %d" % idx) return None row=rows[idx] return row def getTableColumns(self, account, contract, table): row=self.getTableRow(account, contract, table, 0) keys=list(row.keys()) return keys # returns tuple with transaction and def pushMessage(self, contract, action, data, opts, silentErrors=False): cmd=None if Utils.amINoon: cmd="%s %s push action %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, contract, action) else: cmd="%s %s push message %s %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, contract, action) cmdArr=cmd.split() if data is not None: cmdArr.append(data) if opts is not None: cmdArr += opts.split() Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmdArr)) try: trans=Node.__runCmdArrReturnJson(cmdArr) return (True, trans) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") if not silentErrors: Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during push message. %s" % (msg)) return (False, msg) def setPermission(self, account, code, pType, requirement, waitForTransBlock=False): cmd="%s %s set action permission %s %s %s %s" % ( Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, account, code, pType, requirement) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) trans=None try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during set permission. %s" % (msg)) return None transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and not self.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId): return None return trans def getInfo(self, silentErrors=False): cmd="%s %s get info" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: trans=Node.runCmdReturnJson(cmd) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if not silentErrors: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get info. %s" % (msg)) return None def getBlockFromDb(self, idx): cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand="db.Blocks.find().sort({\"_id\":%d}).limit(1).pretty()" % (idx) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: echo \"%s\" | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) try: trans=Node.runMongoCmdReturnJson(cmd.split(), subcommand) return trans except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during get db block. %s" % (msg)) return None def checkPulse(self): info=self.getInfo(True) if info is not None: self.alive=True return True else: self.alive=False return False def getHeadBlockNum(self): if not self.enableMongo: info=self.getInfo() if info is not None: headBlockNumTag="head_block_num" return info[headBlockNumTag] else: block=self.getBlockFromDb(-1) if block is not None: blockNum=block["block_num"] return blockNum return None def getIrreversibleBlockNum(self): if not self.enableMongo: info=self.getInfo() if info is not None: return info["last_irreversible_block_num"] else: block=self.getBlockFromDb(-1) if block is not None: blockNum=block["block_num"] return blockNum return None ########################################################################################### Wallet=namedtuple("Wallet", "name password host port") class WalletMgr(object): __walletLogFile="test_walletd_output.log" __walletDataDir="test_wallet_0" # walletd [True|False] Will wallet me in a standalone process def __init__(self, walletd, eosiodPort=8888, eosiodHost="localhost", port=8899, host="localhost"): self.walletd=walletd self.eosiodPort=eosiodPort self.eosiodHost=eosiodHost self.port=port self.wallets={} self.__walletPid=None self.endpointArgs="--host %s --port %d" % (self.eosiodHost, self.eosiodPort) if self.walletd: self.endpointArgs += " --wallet-host %s --wallet-port %d" % (, self.port) def launch(self): if not self.walletd: Utils.Print("ERROR: Wallet Manager wasn't configured to launch walletd") return False cmd="%s --data-dir %s --config-dir %s --http-server-address=%s:%d" % ( Utils.EosWalletPath, WalletMgr.__walletDataDir, WalletMgr.__walletDataDir,, self.port) Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) with open(WalletMgr.__walletLogFile, 'w') as sout, open(WalletMgr.__walletLogFile, 'w') as serr: popen=subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=sout, stderr=serr) # Give walletd time to warm up time.sleep(1) return True def create(self, name): wallet=self.wallets.get(name) if wallet is not None: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Wallet \"%s\" already exists. Returning same." % name) return wallet p = re.compile('\n\"(\w+)\"\n', re.MULTILINE) cmd="%s %s wallet create --name %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, name) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf-8") #Utils.Print("create: %s" % (retStr)) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: wallet password parser failure") return None wallet=Wallet(name, p,, self.port) self.wallets[name] = wallet return wallet def importKey(self, account, wallet): warningMsg="This key is already imported into the wallet" cmd="%s %s wallet import --name %s %s" % ( Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs,, account.ownerPrivateKey) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") if warningMsg in msg: Utils.Print("WARNING: This key is already imported into the wallet.") else: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import account owner key %s. %s" % (account.ownerPrivateKey, msg)) return False if account.activePrivateKey is None: Utils.Print("WARNING: Active private key is not defined for account \"%s\"" % ( else: cmd="%s %s wallet import --name %s %s" % ( Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs,, account.activePrivateKey) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) try: retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") if warningMsg in msg: Utils.Print("WARNING: This key is already imported into the wallet.") else: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import account active key %s. %s" % (account.activePrivateKey, msg)) return False return True def lockWallet(self, wallet): cmd="%s %s wallet lock --name %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to lock wallet %s." % ( return False return True def unlockWallet(self, wallet): cmd="%s %s wallet unlock --name %s" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs, Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) popen=subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=Utils.FNull, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) outs, errs = popen.communicate(input=wallet.password.encode("utf-8")) if 0 != popen.wait(): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to unlock wallet %s: %s" % (, errs.decode("utf-8"))) return False return True def lockAllWallets(self): cmd="%s %s wallet lock_all" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to lock all wallets.") return False return True def getOpenWallets(self): wallets=[] p = re.compile('\s+\"(\w+)\s\*\",?\n', re.MULTILINE) cmd="%s %s wallet list" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf-8") #Utils.Print("retStr: %s" % (retStr)) m=p.findall(retStr) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: wallet list parser failure") return None wallets=m return wallets def getKeys(self): keys=[] p = re.compile('\n\s+\"(\w+)\"\n', re.MULTILINE) cmd="%s %s wallet keys" % (Utils.EosClientPath, self.endpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) retStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf-8") #Utils.Print("retStr: %s" % (retStr)) m=p.findall(retStr) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: wallet keys parser failure") return None keys=m return keys def dumpErrorDetails(self): Utils.Print("=================================================================") if self.__walletPid is not None: Utils.Print("Contents of %s:" % (WalletMgr.__walletLogFile)) Utils.Print("=================================================================") with open(WalletMgr.__walletLogFile, "r") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout) def killall(self): cmd="pkill %s" % (Utils.EosWalletName) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) def cleanup(self): dataDir=WalletMgr.__walletDataDir if os.path.isdir(dataDir) and os.path.exists(dataDir): shutil.rmtree(WalletMgr.__walletDataDir) ########################################################################################### class Cluster(object): __chainSyncStrategies=Utils.getChainStrategies() __WalletName="MyWallet" __localHost="localhost" __lastTrans=None # init accounts initaAccount=Account("inita") initaAccount.ownerPrivateKey="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"; initaAccount.ownerPublicKey="EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV"; initaAccount.activePrivateKey="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"; initaAccount.activePublicKey="EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV"; initbAccount=Account("initb") initbAccount.ownerPrivateKey="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"; initbAccount.ownerPublicKey="EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV"; initbAccount.activePrivateKey="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"; initbAccount.activePublicKey="EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV"; # walletd [True|False] Is walletd running. If not load the wallet plugin def __init__(self, walletd=False, localCluster=True, host="localhost", port=8888, walletHost="localhost", walletPort=8899, enableMongo=False, mongoHost="localhost", mongoPort=27017, mongoDb="EOStest", initaPrvtKey=initaAccount.ownerPrivateKey, initbPrvtKey=initbAccount.ownerPrivateKey, staging=False): self.accounts={} self.nodes={} self.localCluster=localCluster self.wallet=None self.walletd=walletd self.enableMongo=enableMongo self.mongoHost=mongoHost self.mongoPort=mongoPort self.mongoDb=mongoDb self.walletMgr=None self.port=port self.walletHost=walletHost self.walletPort=walletPort self.walletEndpointArgs="" if self.walletd: self.walletEndpointArgs += " --wallet-host %s --wallet-port %d" % (self.walletHost, self.walletPort) self.mongoEndpointArgs="" self.mongoUri="" if self.enableMongo: self.mongoUri="mongodb://%s:%d/%s" % (mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoDb) self.mongoEndpointArgs += "--host %s --port %d %s" % (mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoDb) Cluster.initaAccount.ownerPrivateKey=initaPrvtKey Cluster.initbAccount.ownerPrivateKey=initbPrvtKey self.staging=staging def setChainStrategy(self, chainSyncStrategy=Utils.SyncReplayTag): self.__chainSyncStrategy=self.__chainSyncStrategies.get(chainSyncStrategy) if self.__chainSyncStrategy is None: self.__chainSyncStrategy= __chainSyncStrategies.get("none") def setWalletMgr(self, walletMgr): self.walletMgr=walletMgr # launch local nodes and set self.nodes def launch(self, pnodes=1, total_nodes=1, topo="mesh", delay=1): if not self.localCluster: Utils.Print("WARNING: Cluster not local, not launching %s." % (Utils.EosServerName)) return True if len(self.nodes) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Cluster already running.") cmd="%s -p %s -n %s -s %s -d %s" % ( Utils.EosLauncherPath, pnodes, total_nodes, topo, delay) cmdArr=cmd.split() if self.staging: cmdArr.append("--nogen") if not self.walletd or self.enableMongo: if Utils.amINoon: cmdArr.append("--eosiod") else: cmdArr.append("--eosd") if not self.walletd: cmdArr.append("--plugin eosio::wallet_api_plugin") if self.enableMongo: if Utils.amINoon: cmdArr.append("--plugin eosio::mongo_db_plugin --resync --mongodb-uri %s" % self.mongoUri) else: cmdArr.append("--plugin eosio::db_plugin --mongodb-uri %s" % self.mongoUri) Utils.Print("cmd: ", cmdArr) if 0 != Utils.Print("ERROR: Launcher failed to launch.") return False self.nodes=range(total_nodes) # placeholder for cleanup purposes only nodes=self.discoverLocalNodes(total_nodes) if total_nodes != len(nodes): Utils.Print("ERROR: Unable to validate %s instances, expected: %d, actual: %d" % (Utils.EosServerName, total_nodes, len(nodes))) return False self.nodes=nodes return True # Initialize the default nodes (at present just the root node) def initializeNodes(self): node=Node(, self.port, enableMongo=self.enableMongo, mongoHost=self.mongoHost, mongoPort=self.mongoPort, mongoDb=self.mongoDb) node.setWalletEndpointArgs(self.walletEndpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Node:", node) node.checkPulse() self.nodes=[node] return True # Initialize nodes from the Json nodes string def initializeNodesFromJson(self, nodesJsonStr): nodesObj= json.loads(nodesJsonStr) if nodesObj is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Invalid Json string.") return False if "keys" in nodesObj: keysMap=nodesObj["keys"] if "initaPrivateKey" in keysMap: initaPrivateKey=keysMap["initaPrivateKey"] Cluster.initaAccount.ownerPrivateKey=initaPrivateKey if "initbPrivateKey" in keysMap: initbPrivateKey=keysMap["initbPrivateKey"] Cluster.initbAccount.ownerPrivateKey=initbPrivateKey nArr=nodesObj["nodes"] nodes=[] for n in nArr: port=n["port"] host=n["host"] node=Node(host, port) node.setWalletEndpointArgs(self.walletEndpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Node:", node) node.checkPulse() nodes.append(node) self.nodes=nodes return True # manually set nodes, alternative to explicit launch def setNodes(self, nodes): self.nodes=nodes # If a last transaction exists wait for it on root node, then collect its head block number. # Wait on this block number on each cluster node def waitOnClusterSync(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout startTime=time.time() Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (timeout)) if self.nodes[0].alive is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Root node is down.") return False; if self.__lastTrans is not None: if self.nodes[0].waitForTransIdOnNode(self.__lastTrans) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to wait for last known transaction(%s) on root node." % (self.__lastTrans)) return False; targetHeadBlockNum=self.nodes[0].getHeadBlockNum() #get root nodes head block num Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Head block number on root node: %d" % (targetHeadBlockNum)) if targetHeadBlockNum == -1: return False currentTimeout=timeout-(time.time()-startTime) return self.waitOnClusterBlockNumSync(targetHeadBlockNum, currentTimeout) def waitOnClusterBlockNumSync(self, targetHeadBlockNum, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout startTime=time.time() remainingTime=timeout Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (remainingTime)) while time.time()-startTime < timeout: synced=True for node in self.nodes: if node.alive: if node.doesNodeHaveBlockNum(targetHeadBlockNum) is False: synced=False break if synced is True: return True #Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Brief pause to allow nodes to catch up.") sleepTime=3 if remainingTime > 3 else (3 - remainingTime) remainingTime -= sleepTime Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: remaining time %d seconds" % (remainingTime)) time.sleep(sleepTime) return False @staticmethod def createAccountKeys(count): accounts=[] p = re.compile('Private key: (.+)\nPublic key: (.+)\n', re.MULTILINE) for i in range(0, count): try: cmd="%s create key" % (Utils.EosClientPath) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) keyStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") m=p.match(keyStr) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Owner key creation regex mismatch") break cmd="%s create key" % (Utils.EosClientPath) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) keyStr=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8") m=p.match(keyStr) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Owner key creation regex mismatch") break name=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)) account=Account(name) account.ownerPrivateKey=ownerPrivate account.ownerPublicKey=ownerPublic account.activePrivateKey=activePrivate account.activePublicKey=activePublic accounts.append(account) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: msg=ex.output.decode("utf-8") Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during key creation. %s" % (msg)) break if count != len(accounts): Utils.Print("Account keys creation failed. Expected %d, actual: %d" % (count, len(accounts))) return None return accounts # create account keys and import into wallet. Wallet initialization will be user responsibility def populateWallet(self, accountsCount, wallet): if self.walletMgr is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: WalletMgr hasn't been initialized.") return False accounts=None if accountsCount > 0: Utils.Print ("Create account keys.") accounts = self.createAccountKeys(accountsCount) if accounts is None: Utils.Print("Account keys creation failed.") return False Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(Cluster.initaAccount, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(Cluster.initbAccount, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False for account in accounts: Utils.Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not self.walletMgr.importKey(account, wallet): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to import key for account %s" % ( return False self.accounts=accounts return True def getNode(self, id=0): return self.nodes[id] def getNodes(self): return self.nodes # Spread funds across accounts with transactions spread through cluster nodes. # Validate transactions are synchronized on root node def spreadFunds(self, amount=1): Utils.Print("len(self.accounts): %d" % (len(self.accounts))) if len(self.accounts) == 0: return True count=len(self.accounts) transferAmount=(count*amount)+amount node=self.nodes[0] fromm=Cluster.initaAccount to=self.accounts[0] Utils.Print("Transfer %d units from account %s to %s on eos server port %d" % ( transferAmount,,, node.port)) trans=node.transferFunds(fromm, to, transferAmount) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if transId is None: return False self.__lastTrans=transId Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Funds transfered on transaction id %s." % (transId)) self.accounts[0].balance += transferAmount nextEosIdx=-1 for i in range(0, count): account=self.accounts[i] nextInstanceFound=False for n in range(0, count): #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d, n: %d" % (nextEosIdx, n)) nextEosIdx=(nextEosIdx + 1)%count if self.nodes[nextEosIdx].alive: #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d" % (nextEosIdx)) nextInstanceFound=True break if nextInstanceFound is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: No active nodes found.") return False #Utils.Print("nextEosIdx: %d, count: %d" % (nextEosIdx, count)) node=self.nodes[nextEosIdx] Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Wait for trasaction id %s on node port %d" % (transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Selected node never received transaction id %s" % (transId)) return False transferAmount -= amount fromm=account to=self.accounts[i+1] if i < (count-1) else Cluster.initaAccount Utils.Print("Transfer %d units from account %s to %s on eos server port %d." % (transferAmount,,, node.port)) trans=node.transferFunds(fromm, to, transferAmount) transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if transId is None: return False self.__lastTrans=transId Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Funds transfered on block num %s." % (transId)) self.accounts[i].balance -= transferAmount if i < (count-1): self.accounts[i+1].balance += transferAmount # As an extra step wait for last transaction on the root node node=self.nodes[0] Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Wait for trasaction id %s on node port %d" % (transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Selected node never received transaction id %s" % (transId)) return False return True def validateSpreadFunds(self, expectedTotal): for node in self.nodes: if node.alive: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Validate funds on %s server port %d." % (Utils.EosServerName, node.port)) if node.validateSpreadFundsOnNode(Cluster.initaAccount, self.accounts, expectedTotal) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate funds on eos node port: %d" % (node.port)) return False return True def spreadFundsAndValidate(self, amount=1): Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Get system balance.") initialFunds=self.nodes[0].getSystemBalance(Cluster.initaAccount, self.accounts) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Initial system balance: %d" % (initialFunds)) if False == self.spreadFunds(amount): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to spread funds across nodes.") return False Utils.Print("Funds spread across all accounts") Utils.Print("Validate funds.") if False == self.validateSpreadFunds(initialFunds): Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to validate funds transfer across nodes.") return False return True # create account, verify account and return transaction id def createAccountAndVerify(self, account, creator, stakedDeposit=1000): if len(self.nodes) == 0: Utils.Print("ERROR: No nodes initialized.") return None node=self.nodes[0] transId=node.createAccount(account, creator, stakedDeposit) if transId is not None and node.verifyAccount(account) is not None: return transId return None # Populates list of EosInstanceInfo objects, matched to actual running instances def discoverLocalNodes(self, totalNodes): nodes=[] try: pgrepOpts="-a" if sys.platform == "darwin": pgrepOpts="-fl" cmd="pgrep %s %s" % (pgrepOpts, Utils.EosServerName) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) psOut=subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf-8") #Utils.Print("psOut: <%s>" % psOut) for i in range(0, totalNodes): pattern="[\n]?(\d+) (.* --data-dir tn_data_%02d)" % (i), psOut, re.MULTILINE) if m is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to find %s pid. Pattern %s" % (Utils.EosServerName, pattern)) break instance=Node(, self.port + i, pid=int(,, alive=True, enableMongo=self.enableMongo, mongoHost=self.mongoHost, mongoPort=self.mongoPort, mongoDb=self.mongoDb) instance.setWalletEndpointArgs(self.walletEndpointArgs) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Node:", instance) nodes.append(instance) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: Utils.Print("ERROR: Exception during Nodes creation:", ex) raise return nodes # Check state of running eosiod process and update EosInstanceInfos #def updateEosInstanceInfos(eosInstanceInfos): def updateNodesStatus(self): for node in self.nodes: node.checkPulse() # Kills a percentange of Eos instances starting from the tail and update eosInstanceInfos state def killSomeEosInstances(self, killCount, killSignalStr=Utils.SigKillTag): killSignal=signal.SIGKILL if killSignalStr == Utils.SigTermTag: killSignal=signal.SIGTERM Utils.Print("Kill %d %s instances with signal %s." % (killCount, Utils.EosServerName, killSignal)) killedCount=0 for node in reversed(self.nodes): try: os.kill(, killSignal) except Exception as ex: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to kill process pid %d." % (, ex) return False killedCount += 1 if killedCount >= killCount: break time.sleep(1) # Give processes time to stand down return self.updateNodesStatus() def relaunchEosInstances(self): chainArg=self.__chainSyncStrategy.arg for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)): node=self.nodes[i] running=True try: os.kill(, 0) #check if instance is running except Exception as ex: running=False if running is False: dataDir="tn_data_%02d" % (i) dt = dateStr="%d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d" % ( dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second) stdoutFile="%s/stdout.%s.txt" % (dataDir, dateStr) stderrFile="%s/stderr.%s.txt" % (dataDir, dateStr) with open(stdoutFile, 'w') as sout, open(stderrFile, 'w') as serr: cmd=node.cmd + ("" if chainArg is None else (" " + chainArg)) Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) popen=subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=sout, stderr=serr) self.nodes[i] return self.updateNodesStatus() def dumpErrorDetails(self): for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)): for f in ("config.ini", "stderr.txt"): Utils.Print("=================================================================") fileName="tn_data_%02d/%s" % (i, f) Utils.Print("Contents of %s:" % (fileName)) with open(fileName, "r") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout) def killall(self): cmd="%s -k 15" % (Utils.EosLauncherPath) Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("cmd: %s" % (cmd)) if 0 !=, stdout=Utils.FNull): Utils.Print("Launcher failed to shut down eos cluster.") for node in self.nodes: try: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) except: pass def waitForNextBlock(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout=Utils.systemWaitTimeout node=self.nodes[0] return node.waitForNextBlock(timeout) def cleanup(self): for f in glob.glob("tn_data_*"): shutil.rmtree(f) if self.enableMongo: cmd="%s %s" % (Utils.MongoPath, self.mongoEndpointArgs) subcommand="db.dropDatabase()" Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("echo %s | %s" % (subcommand, cmd)) ret,outs,errs=Node.stdinAndCheckOutput(cmd.split(), subcommand) if ret is not 0: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to drop database: %s" % (Node.byteArrToStr(errs)) ) # Create accounts and validates that the last transaction is received on root node def createAccounts(self, creator, waitForTransBlock=True, stakedDeposit=1000): if self.accounts is None: return True transId=None for account in self.accounts: Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Create account %s." % ( trans=self.createAccountAndVerify(account, creator, stakedDeposit) if trans is None: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed to create account %s." % ( return False Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Account %s created." % ( transId=Node.getTransId(trans) if waitForTransBlock and transId is not None: node=self.nodes[0] Utils.Debug and Utils.Print("Wait for transaction id %s on server port %d." % ( transId, node.port)) if node.waitForTransIdOnNode(transId) is False: Utils.Print("ERROR: Failed waiting for transaction id %s on server port %d." % ( transId, node.port)) return False return True ###########################################################################################