#!/bin/bash # prevent bc from adding \ at end of large hex values export BC_LINE_LENGTH=9999 # $1 - error message error() { (>&2 echo $1) killAll exit 1 } verifyErrorCode() { rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - $1 returned error code $rc" fi } killAll() { programs/launcher/launcher -k 9 kill -9 $WALLETD_PROC_ID } cleanup() { rm -rf tn_data_0 rm -rf test_wallet_0 } # $1 - string that contains "transaction_id": "", in it # result stored in TRANS_ID getTransactionId() { TRANS_ID="$(echo "$1" | awk '/transaction_id/ {print $2}')" # remove leading/trailing quotes TRANS_ID=${TRANS_ID#\"} TRANS_ID=${TRANS_ID%\",} } # result stored in HEAD_BLOCK_NUM getHeadBlockNum() { INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc get info)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get info" HEAD_BLOCK_NUM="$(echo "$INFO" | awk '/head_block_num/ {print $2}')" # remove trailing coma HEAD_BLOCK_NUM=${HEAD_BLOCK_NUM%,} } waitForNextBlock() { getHeadBlockNum NEXT_BLOCK_NUM=$((HEAD_BLOCK_NUM+1)) while [ "$HEAD_BLOCK_NUM" -lt "$NEXT_BLOCK_NUM" ]; do sleep 0.25 getHeadBlockNum done } # cleanup from last run cleanup INITA_PRV_KEY="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3" INITB_PRV_KEY="5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3" LOG_FILE=eosd_run_test.log # eosd programs/launcher/launcher verifyErrorCode "launcher" sleep 7 count=`grep -c "generated block" tn_data_0/stderr.txt` if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - no blocks produced" fi # save starting block number getHeadBlockNum START_BLOCK_NUM=$HEAD_BLOCK_NUM # create 3 keys KEYS="$(programs/eosc/eosc create key)" verifyErrorCode "eosc create key" PRV_KEY1="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Private/ {print $3}')" PUB_KEY1="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Public/ {print $3}')" KEYS="$(programs/eosc/eosc create key)" verifyErrorCode "eosc create key" PRV_KEY2="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Private/ {print $3}')" PUB_KEY2="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Public/ {print $3}')" KEYS="$(programs/eosc/eosc create key)" verifyErrorCode "eosc create key" PRV_KEY3="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Private/ {print $3}')" PUB_KEY3="$(echo "$KEYS" | awk '/Public/ {print $3}')" if [ -z "$PRV_KEY1" ] || [ -z "$PRV_KEY2" ] || [ -z "$PRV_KEY3" ] || [ -z "$PUB_KEY1" ] || [ -z "$PUB_KEY2" ] || [ -z "$PUB_KEY3" ]; then error "FAILURE - create keys" fi # # Wallet Tests # # walletd programs/eos-walletd/eos-walletd --data-dir test_wallet_0 --http-server-endpoint= > test_walletd_output.log 2>&1 & verifyErrorCode "eos-walletd" WALLETD_PROC_ID=$! sleep 3 # import into a wallet PASSWORD="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet create --name test)" verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet create" # strip out password from output PASSWORD="$(echo "$PASSWORD" | awk '/PW/ {print $1}')" # remove leading/trailing quotes PASSWORD=${PASSWORD#\"} PASSWORD=${PASSWORD%\"} programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet import --name test $PRV_KEY1 verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet import" programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet import --name test $PRV_KEY2 verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet import" programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet import --name test $PRV_KEY3 verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet import" # create wallet for inita PASSWORD_INITA="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet create --name inita)" verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet create" # strip out password from output PASSWORD_INITA="$(echo "$PASSWORD_INITA" | awk '/PW/ {print $1}')" # remove leading/trailing quotes PASSWORD_INITA=${PASSWORD_INITA#\"} PASSWORD_INITA=${PASSWORD_INITA%\"} programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet import --name inita $INITA_PRV_KEY verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet import" # lock wallet programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet lock --name test verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet lock" # unlock wallet echo $PASSWORD | programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet unlock --name test verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet unlock" # lock via lock_all programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet lock_all verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet lock_all" # unlock wallet again echo $PASSWORD | programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet unlock --name test verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet unlock" # wallet list OUTPUT=$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet list) verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet list" count=`echo $OUTPUT | grep "test" | grep -c "\*"` if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - wallet list did not include \*" fi # wallet keys OUTPUT=$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet keys) verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet keys" count=`echo $OUTPUT | grep -c "$PRV_KEY1"` if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - wallet keys did not include $PRV_KEY1" fi count=`echo $OUTPUT | grep -c "$PRV_KEY2"` if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - wallet keys did not include $PRV_KEY2" fi # lock via lock_all programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet lock_all verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet lock_all" # unlock wallet inita echo $PASSWORD_INITA | programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet unlock --name inita verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet unlock inita" OUTPUT=$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet keys) count=`echo $OUTPUT | grep -c "$INITA_PRV_KEY"` if [[ $count == 0 ]]; then error "FAILURE - wallet keys did not include $INITA_PRV_KEY" fi # # Account and Transfer Tests # # create new account ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 create account inita testera $PUB_KEY1 $PUB_KEY3)" verifyErrorCode "eosc create account" waitForNextBlock # verify account created ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get account testera)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get account" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "staked_balance"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - account creation failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # transfer TRANSFER_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 transfer inita testera 975321 "test transfer")" verifyErrorCode "eosc transfer" # verify transfer ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get account testera)" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "97.5321"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - transfer failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # create another new account via initb ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 create account initb currency $PUB_KEY2 $PUB_KEY3)" verifyErrorCode "eosc create account" waitForNextBlock ## now transfer from testera to currency using keys from testera # lock via lock_all programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet lock_all verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet lock_all" # unlock wallet echo $PASSWORD | programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 wallet unlock --name test verifyErrorCode "eosc wallet unlock" # transfer TRANSFER_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 transfer testera currency 975311 "test transfer a->b")" verifyErrorCode "eosc transfer" waitForNextBlock getTransactionId "$TRANSFER_INFO" # verify transfer ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get account currency)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get account currency" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "97.5311"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - transfer failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # get accounts via public key ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get accounts $PUB_KEY3)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get accounts pub_key3" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "testera"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get accounts failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "currency"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get accounts failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get accounts $PUB_KEY1)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get accounts pub_key1" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "testera"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get accounts failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "currency"` if [ $count != 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get accounts failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # get servant accounts ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get servants inita)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get servants inita" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "testera"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get servants failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "currency"` if [ $count != 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get servants failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get servants testera)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get servants testera" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep -c "testera"` if [ $count != 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get servants failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # get transaction TRANS_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get transaction $TRANS_ID)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get transaction trans_id of $TRANS_INFO" count=`echo $TRANS_INFO | grep -c "transfer"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get transaction trans_id failed: $TRANS_INFO" fi count=`echo $TRANS_INFO | grep -c "975311"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get transaction trans_id failed: $TRANS_INFO" fi # get transactions TRANS_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get transactions testera)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get transactions testera" count=`echo $TRANS_INFO | grep -c "$TRANS_ID"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get transactions testera failed: $TRANS_INFO" fi # # Currency Contract Tests # # verify no contract in place CODE_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get code currency)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get code currency" # convert to num CODE_HASH="$(echo "$CODE_INFO" | awk '/code hash/ {print $3}')" CODE_HASH="$(echo $CODE_HASH | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" CODE_HASH="$(echo "ibase=16; $CODE_HASH" | bc)" if [ $CODE_HASH != 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get code currency failed: $CODE_INFO" fi # upload a contract INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 set contract currency contracts/currency/currency.wast contracts/currency/currency.abi)" verifyErrorCode "eosc set contract testera" count=`echo $INFO | grep -c "processed"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - set contract failed: $INFO" fi getTransactionId "$INFO" waitForNextBlock # verify transaction exists TRANS_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get transaction $TRANS_ID)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get transaction trans_id of $TRANS_INFO" # verify code is set CODE_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get code currency)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get code currency" # convert to num CODE_HASH="$(echo "$CODE_INFO" | awk '/code hash/ {print $3}')" CODE_HASH="$(echo $CODE_HASH | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" CODE_HASH="$(echo "ibase=16; $CODE_HASH" | bc)" if [ $CODE_HASH == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get code currency failed: $CODE_INFO" fi # verify currency contract has proper initial balance INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get table currency currency account)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get table currency account" count=`echo $INFO | grep -c "1000000000"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get table currency account failed: $INFO" fi # push message to currency contract INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 push message currency transfer '{"from":"currency","to":"inita","amount":50}' --scope currency,inita --permission currency@active)" verifyErrorCode "eosc push message currency transfer" getTransactionId "$INFO" # verify transaction exists waitForNextBlock TRANS_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get transaction $TRANS_ID)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get transaction trans_id of $TRANS_INFO" # read current contract balance ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get table inita currency account)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get table currency account" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep "balance" | grep -c "50"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get table inita account failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi ACCOUNT_INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc --wallet-port 8899 get table currency currency account)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get table currency account" count=`echo $ACCOUNT_INFO | grep "balance" | grep -c "999999950"` if [ $count == 0 ]; then error "FAILURE - get table currency account failed: $ACCOUNT_INFO" fi # should be able to get every block from beginning to end getHeadBlockNum CURRENT_BLOCK_NUM=$HEAD_BLOCK_NUM NEXT_BLOCK_NUM=1 while [ "$NEXT_BLOCK_NUM" -le "$HEAD_BLOCK_NUM" ]; do INFO="$(programs/eosc/eosc get block $NEXT_BLOCK_NUM)" verifyErrorCode "eosc get block" NEXT_BLOCK_NUM=$((NEXT_BLOCK_NUM+1)) done killAll cleanup echo SUCCESS!