/* * st_asio_wrapper_connector.h * * Created on: 2012-3-2 * Author: youngwolf * email: mail2tao@163.com * QQ: 676218192 * Community on QQ: 198941541 * * this class only used at client endpoint */ #ifndef ST_ASIO_WRAPPER_CONNECTOR_H_ #define ST_ASIO_WRAPPER_CONNECTOR_H_ #include "st_asio_wrapper_tcp_socket.h" #ifndef SERVER_IP #define SERVER_IP "" #endif #ifndef SERVER_PORT #define SERVER_PORT 5050 #endif #ifndef RE_CONNECT_INTERVAL #define RE_CONNECT_INTERVAL 500 //millisecond(s) #endif #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL #define RE_CONNECT_CHECK prepare_re_connect() #else #define RE_CONNECT_CHECK true #endif namespace st_asio_wrapper { template class st_connector_base : public st_tcp_socket_base { public: st_connector_base(boost::asio::io_service& io_service_) : st_tcp_socket_base(io_service_), connected(false), reconnecting(true) #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL , re_connect_times(-1) #endif {set_server_addr(SERVER_PORT, SERVER_IP);} template st_connector_base(boost::asio::io_service& io_service_, Arg& arg) : st_tcp_socket_base(io_service_, arg), connected(false), reconnecting(true) #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL , re_connect_times(-1) #endif {set_server_addr(SERVER_PORT, SERVER_IP);} //reset all, be ensure that there's no any operations performed on this st_connector_base when invoke it //notice, when reusing this st_connector_base, st_object_pool will invoke reset(), child must re-write this to initialize //all member variables, and then do not forget to invoke st_connector_base::reset() to initialize father's //member variables virtual void reset() {connected = false; reconnecting = true; st_tcp_socket_base::reset();} bool set_server_addr(unsigned short port, const std::string& ip = SERVER_IP) { boost::system::error_code ec; auto addr = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(ip, ec); if (ec) return false; server_addr = boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(addr, port); return true; } const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& get_server_addr() const {return server_addr;} #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL void set_re_connect_times(size_t times) {re_connect_times = times;} #endif bool is_connected() const {return connected;} //the following three functions can only be used when the connection is OK and you want to reconnect to the server. //if the connection is broken unexpectedly, st_connector will try to reconnect to the server automatically. void disconnect(bool reconnect = false) {force_close(reconnect);} void force_close(bool reconnect = false) {reconnecting = reconnect; connected = false; st_tcp_socket_base::force_close();} void graceful_close(bool reconnect = false) { if (!is_connected()) force_close(reconnect); else { reconnecting = reconnect; connected = false; st_tcp_socket_base::graceful_close(); } } protected: virtual bool do_start() //connect or receive { if (!ST_THIS get_io_service().stopped()) { if (reconnecting && !is_connected()) ST_THIS lowest_layer().async_connect(server_addr, boost::bind(&st_connector_base::connect_handler, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); else ST_THIS do_recv_msg(); return true; } return false; } virtual void on_connect() {unified_out::info_out("connecting success.");} virtual bool is_send_allowed() const {return is_connected() && st_tcp_socket_base::is_send_allowed();} virtual void on_unpack_error() {unified_out::info_out("can not unpack msg."); force_close();} virtual void on_recv_error(const boost::system::error_code& ec) { unified_out::error_out("connection closed."); auto reconnect = reconnecting; if (ST_THIS is_closing()) force_close(reconnecting); else { force_close(reconnecting); if (reconnect && (!ec || boost::asio::error::operation_aborted == ec || !RE_CONNECT_CHECK)) reconnect = false; } if (reconnect) do_start(); } virtual bool on_timer(unsigned char id, const void* user_data) { switch(id) { case 10: do_start(); break; case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: //reserved break; default: return st_tcp_socket_base::on_timer(id, user_data); break; } return false; } void connect_handler(const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (!ec) { connected = reconnecting = true; on_connect(); ST_THIS send_msg(); //send msg buffer may have msgs, send them do_start(); } else if ((boost::asio::error::operation_aborted != ec || reconnecting) && RE_CONNECT_CHECK && !ST_THIS get_io_service().stopped()) ST_THIS set_timer(10, RE_CONNECT_INTERVAL, nullptr); } #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL bool prepare_re_connect() { if (0 == re_connect_times) { unified_out::info_out("re-connecting abandoned!"); return false; } --re_connect_times; return true; } #endif protected: boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint server_addr; bool connected; bool reconnecting; #ifdef RE_CONNECT_CONTROL size_t re_connect_times; #endif }; typedef st_connector_base<> st_connector; } //namespace #endif /* ST_ASIO_WRAPPER_CONNECTOR_H_ */