# Contribution ## Contributing Code ## Before You Start **Signing the Developer Certificate of Origin** You must sign the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) before you can contribute to the community. Click [here](https://dco.openharmony.io/sign/Z2l0ZWUlMkZvcGVuX2hhcm1vbnk=) to sign the DCO, and click [here](https://dco.openharmony.io/check-sign-status) to check the signing status. **Code of Conduct** OpenHarmony is an open source community that relies entirely on the friendly, welcoming environment of the community. Read and abide by the community's [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct.md#EN-US_TOPIC_0000001055368056) before contributing to the community. ## **Finding the SIG Group You Are Interested** For details about how to participate in Special Interest Group (SIG), see **SIG Governance**. ## Starting Contributing For details about how to contribute to code, see [Contributing Code](code-contribution.md). ## Contributing Documents For details, see [Documentation Contribution](documentation-contribution.md). ## Communication in Community For details, see [Communication in Community](communication-in-community.md#EN-US_TOPIC_0000001054608107).