/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import Event, { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { ContextKeyExpr } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { ITreeViewDataProvider } from 'vs/workbench/common/views'; export class ViewLocation { static readonly Explorer = new ViewLocation('explorer'); static readonly Debug = new ViewLocation('debug'); static readonly Extensions = new ViewLocation('extensions'); static readonly SCM = new ViewLocation('scm'); constructor(private _id: string) { } get id(): string { return this._id; } static getContributedViewLocation(value: string): ViewLocation { switch (value) { case ViewLocation.Explorer.id: return ViewLocation.Explorer; case ViewLocation.Debug.id: return ViewLocation.Debug; } return void 0; } } export interface IViewDescriptor { readonly id: string; readonly name: string; readonly location: ViewLocation; // TODO do we really need this?! readonly ctor: any; readonly when?: ContextKeyExpr; readonly order?: number; readonly size?: number; readonly canToggleVisibility?: boolean; } export interface IViewsRegistry { readonly onViewsRegistered: Event; readonly onViewsDeregistered: Event; readonly onTreeViewDataProviderRegistered: Event; registerViews(views: IViewDescriptor[]): void; deregisterViews(ids: string[], location: ViewLocation): void; registerTreeViewDataProvider(id: string, factory: ITreeViewDataProvider): void; deregisterTreeViewDataProviders(): void; getViews(loc: ViewLocation): IViewDescriptor[]; getTreeViewDataProvider(id: string): ITreeViewDataProvider; } export const ViewsRegistry: IViewsRegistry = new class { private _onViewsRegistered: Emitter = new Emitter(); readonly onViewsRegistered: Event = this._onViewsRegistered.event; private _onViewsDeregistered: Emitter = new Emitter(); readonly onViewsDeregistered: Event = this._onViewsDeregistered.event; private _onTreeViewDataProviderRegistered: Emitter = new Emitter(); readonly onTreeViewDataProviderRegistered: Event = this._onTreeViewDataProviderRegistered.event; private _views: Map = new Map(); private _treeViewDataPoviders: Map = new Map(); registerViews(viewDescriptors: IViewDescriptor[]): void { if (viewDescriptors.length) { for (const viewDescriptor of viewDescriptors) { let views = this._views.get(viewDescriptor.location); if (!views) { views = []; this._views.set(viewDescriptor.location, views); } views.push(viewDescriptor); } this._onViewsRegistered.fire(viewDescriptors); } } deregisterViews(ids: string[], location: ViewLocation): void { const views = this._views.get(location); if (!views) { return; } const viewsToDeregister = views.filter(view => ids.indexOf(view.id) !== -1); if (viewsToDeregister.length) { this._views.set(location, views.filter(view => ids.indexOf(view.id) === -1)); } this._onViewsDeregistered.fire(viewsToDeregister); } registerTreeViewDataProvider(id: string, factory: ITreeViewDataProvider) { if (!this.isViewRegistered(id)) { // TODO: throw error } this._treeViewDataPoviders.set(id, factory); this._onTreeViewDataProviderRegistered.fire(id); } deregisterTreeViewDataProviders(): void { this._treeViewDataPoviders.clear(); } getViews(loc: ViewLocation): IViewDescriptor[] { return this._views.get(loc) || []; } getTreeViewDataProvider(id: string): ITreeViewDataProvider { return this._treeViewDataPoviders.get(id); } private isViewRegistered(id: string): boolean { let registered = false; this._views.forEach(views => registered = registered || views.some(view => view.id === id)); return registered; } };