/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import 'vs/css!./media/fileactions'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import { isWindows, isLinux, isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { sequence, ITask } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths'); import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import { toErrorMessage } from 'vs/base/common/errorMessage'; import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings'); import { EventType as CommonEventType } from 'vs/base/common/events'; import severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import diagnostics = require('vs/base/common/diagnostics'); import { Action, IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { MessageType, IInputValidator } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox'; import { ITree, IHighlightEvent } from 'vs/base/parts/tree/browser/tree'; import { dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { VIEWLET_ID } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/files'; import labels = require('vs/base/common/labels'); import { ITextFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { IFileService, IFileStat } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { toResource, IEditorIdentifier, EditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { FileStat, NewStatPlaceholder } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/explorerViewModel'; import { ExplorerView } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/browser/views/explorerView'; import { ExplorerViewlet } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/browser/explorerViewlet'; import { IActionProvider } from 'vs/base/parts/tree/browser/actionsRenderer'; import { IUntitledEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/untitled/common/untitledEditorService'; import { IWorkbenchEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { CollapseAction } from 'vs/workbench/browser/viewlet'; import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding'; import { IEditorGroupService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService'; import { IQuickOpenService, IFilePickOpenEntry } from 'vs/platform/quickOpen/common/quickOpen'; import { IHistoryService } from 'vs/workbench/services/history/common/history'; import { IViewletService } from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/browser/viewlet'; import { Position, IResourceInput, IEditorInput } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IInstantiationService, IConstructorSignature2 } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IMessageService, IMessageWithAction, IConfirmation, Severity, CancelAction } from 'vs/platform/message/common/message'; import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { Keybinding, KeyMod, KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; import { getCodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/common/services/codeEditorService'; export interface IEditableData { action: IAction; validator: IInputValidator; } export interface IFileViewletState { actionProvider: IActionProvider; getEditableData(stat: IFileStat): IEditableData; setEditable(stat: IFileStat, editableData: IEditableData): void; clearEditable(stat: IFileStat): void; } export class BaseFileAction extends Action { private _element: FileStat; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IFileService private _fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService private _messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService private _textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(id, label); this.enabled = false; } public get messageService() { return this._messageService; } public get fileService() { return this._fileService; } public get textFileService() { return this._textFileService; } public get element() { return this._element; } public set element(element: FileStat) { this._element = element; } _isEnabled(): boolean { return true; } _updateEnablement(): void { this.enabled = !!(this._fileService && this._isEnabled()); } protected onError(error: any): void { this._messageService.show(Severity.Error, error); } protected onWarning(warning: any): void { this._messageService.show(Severity.Warning, warning); } protected onErrorWithRetry(error: any, retry: () => TPromise, extraAction?: Action): void { const actions = [ new Action(this.id, nls.localize('retry', "Retry"), null, true, () => retry()), CancelAction ]; if (extraAction) { actions.unshift(extraAction); } const errorWithRetry: IMessageWithAction = { actions, message: toErrorMessage(error, false) }; this._messageService.show(Severity.Error, errorWithRetry); } } export class TriggerRenameFileAction extends BaseFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.triggerRename'; private tree: ITree; private renameAction: BaseRenameAction; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService, @IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService ) { super(TriggerRenameFileAction.ID, nls.localize('rename', "Rename"), fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; this.renameAction = instantiationService.createInstance(RenameFileAction, element); this._updateEnablement(); } public validateFileName(parent: IFileStat, name: string): string { return this.renameAction.validateFileName(this.element.parent, name); } public run(context?: any): TPromise { if (!context) { return TPromise.wrapError('No context provided to BaseEnableFileRenameAction.'); } const viewletState = context.viewletState; if (!viewletState) { return TPromise.wrapError('Invalid viewlet state provided to BaseEnableFileRenameAction.'); } const stat = context.stat; if (!stat) { return TPromise.wrapError('Invalid stat provided to BaseEnableFileRenameAction.'); } viewletState.setEditable(stat, { action: this.renameAction, validator: (value) => { const message = this.validateFileName(this.element.parent, value); if (!message) { return null; } return { content: message, formatContent: true, type: MessageType.ERROR }; } }); this.tree.refresh(stat, false).then(() => { this.tree.setHighlight(stat); const unbind = this.tree.addListener2(CommonEventType.HIGHLIGHT, (e: IHighlightEvent) => { if (!e.highlight) { viewletState.clearEditable(stat); this.tree.refresh(stat).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); unbind.dispose(); } }); }).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); } } export abstract class BaseRenameAction extends BaseFileAction { constructor( id: string, label: string, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(id, label, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.element = element; } public run(context?: any): TPromise { if (!context) { return TPromise.wrapError('No context provided to BaseRenameFileAction.'); } let name = context.value; if (!name) { return TPromise.wrapError('No new name provided to BaseRenameFileAction.'); } // Automatically trim whitespaces and trailing dots to produce nice file names name = getWellFormedFileName(name); const existingName = getWellFormedFileName(this.element.name); // Return early if name is invalid or didn't change if (name === existingName || this.validateFileName(this.element.parent, name)) { return TPromise.as(null); } // Call function and Emit Event through viewer const promise = this.runAction(name).then(null, (error: any) => { this.onError(error); }); return promise; } public validateFileName(parent: IFileStat, name: string): string { let source = this.element.name; let target = name; if (!isLinux) { // allow rename of same file also when case differs (e.g. Game.js => game.js) source = source.toLowerCase(); target = target.toLowerCase(); } if (getWellFormedFileName(source) === getWellFormedFileName(target)) { return null; } return validateFileName(parent, name, false); } public abstract runAction(newName: string): TPromise; } class RenameFileAction extends BaseRenameAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.renameFile'; constructor( element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(RenameFileAction.ID, nls.localize('rename', "Rename"), element, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this._updateEnablement(); } public runAction(newName: string): TPromise { // Handle dirty let revertPromise: TPromise = TPromise.as(null); const dirty = this.textFileService.getDirty().filter(d => paths.isEqualOrParent(d.fsPath, this.element.resource.fsPath)); if (dirty.length) { let message: string; if (this.element.isDirectory) { if (dirty.length === 1) { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFolderOne', "You are renaming a folder with unsaved changes in 1 file. Do you want to continue?"); } else { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFolder', "You are renaming a folder with unsaved changes in {0} files. Do you want to continue?", dirty.length); } } else { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFile', "You are renaming a file with unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?"); } const res = this.messageService.confirm({ message, type: 'warning', detail: nls.localize('dirtyWarning', "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them."), primaryButton: nls.localize({ key: 'renameLabel', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Rename") }); if (!res) { return TPromise.as(null); } revertPromise = this.textFileService.revertAll(dirty); } return revertPromise.then(() => { return this.fileService.rename(this.element.resource, newName).then(null, (error: Error) => { this.onErrorWithRetry(error, () => this.runAction(newName)); }); }); } } /* Base New File/Folder Action */ export class BaseNewAction extends BaseFileAction { private presetFolder: FileStat; private tree: ITree; private isFile: boolean; private renameAction: BaseRenameAction; constructor( id: string, label: string, tree: ITree, isFile: boolean, editableAction: BaseRenameAction, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(id, label, fileService, messageService, textFileService); if (element) { this.presetFolder = element.isDirectory ? element : element.parent; } this.tree = tree; this.isFile = isFile; this.renameAction = editableAction; } public run(context?: any): TPromise { if (!context) { return TPromise.wrapError('No context provided to BaseNewAction.'); } const viewletState = context.viewletState; if (!viewletState) { return TPromise.wrapError('Invalid viewlet state provided to BaseNewAction.'); } let folder: FileStat = this.presetFolder; if (!folder) { const focus = this.tree.getFocus(); if (focus) { folder = focus.isDirectory ? focus : focus.parent; } else { folder = this.tree.getInput(); } } if (!folder) { return TPromise.wrapError('Invalid parent folder to create.'); } return this.tree.reveal(folder, 0.5).then(() => { return this.tree.expand(folder).then(() => { const stat = NewStatPlaceholder.addNewStatPlaceholder(folder, !this.isFile); this.renameAction.element = stat; viewletState.setEditable(stat, { action: this.renameAction, validator: (value) => { const message = this.renameAction.validateFileName(folder, value); if (!message) { return null; } return { content: message, formatContent: true, type: MessageType.ERROR }; } }); return this.tree.refresh(folder).then(() => { return this.tree.expand(folder).then(() => { return this.tree.reveal(stat, 0.5).then(() => { this.tree.setHighlight(stat); const unbind = this.tree.addListener2(CommonEventType.HIGHLIGHT, (e: IHighlightEvent) => { if (!e.highlight) { stat.destroy(); this.tree.refresh(folder).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); unbind.dispose(); } }); }); }); }); }); }); } } /* New File */ export class NewFileAction extends BaseNewAction { constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService, @IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService ) { super('workbench.action.files.newFile', nls.localize('newFile', "New File"), tree, true, instantiationService.createInstance(CreateFileAction, element), null, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.class = 'explorer-action new-file'; this._updateEnablement(); } } /* New Folder */ export class NewFolderAction extends BaseNewAction { constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService, @IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService ) { super('workbench.action.files.newFolder', nls.localize('newFolder', "New Folder"), tree, false, instantiationService.createInstance(CreateFolderAction, element), null, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.class = 'explorer-action new-folder'; this._updateEnablement(); } } export abstract class BaseGlobalNewAction extends Action { private toDispose: Action; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IMessageService private messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, true).then((viewlet) => { return TPromise.timeout(100).then(() => { // use a timeout to prevent the explorer from revealing the active file viewlet.focus(); const explorer = viewlet; const explorerView = explorer.getExplorerView(); // Not having a folder opened if (!explorerView) { return this.messageService.show(Severity.Info, nls.localize('openFolderFirst', "Open a folder first to create files or folders within.")); } if (!explorerView.isExpanded()) { explorerView.expand(); } const action = this.toDispose = this.instantiationService.createInstance(this.getAction(), explorerView.getViewer(), null); return explorer.getActionRunner().run(action); }); }); } protected abstract getAction(): IConstructorSignature2; public dispose(): void { super.dispose(); if (this.toDispose) { this.toDispose.dispose(); this.toDispose = null; } } } /* Create new file from anywhere: Open untitled */ export class GlobalNewUntitledFileAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('newUntitledFile', "New Untitled File"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IUntitledEditorService private untitledEditorService: IUntitledEditorService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { const input = this.untitledEditorService.createOrGet(); return this.editorService.openEditor(input, { pinned: true }); // untitled are always pinned } } /* Create new file from anywhere */ export class GlobalNewFileAction extends BaseGlobalNewAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.newFile'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('newFile', "New File"); protected getAction(): IConstructorSignature2 { return NewFileAction; } } /* Create new folder from anywhere */ export class GlobalNewFolderAction extends BaseGlobalNewAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.newFolder'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('newFolder', "New Folder"); protected getAction(): IConstructorSignature2 { return NewFolderAction; } } /* Create New File/Folder (only used internally by explorerViewer) */ export abstract class BaseCreateAction extends BaseRenameAction { public validateFileName(parent: IFileStat, name: string): string { if (this.element instanceof NewStatPlaceholder) { return validateFileName(parent, name, false); } return super.validateFileName(parent, name); } } /* Create New File (only used internally by explorerViewer) */ export class CreateFileAction extends BaseCreateAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.createFileFromExplorer'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('createNewFile', "New File"); constructor( element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(CreateFileAction.ID, CreateFileAction.LABEL, element, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this._updateEnablement(); } public runAction(fileName: string): TPromise { return this.fileService.createFile(URI.file(paths.join(this.element.parent.resource.fsPath, fileName))).then(null, (error) => { this.onErrorWithRetry(error, () => this.runAction(fileName)); }); } } /* Create New Folder (only used internally by explorerViewer) */ export class CreateFolderAction extends BaseCreateAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.createFolderFromExplorer'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('createNewFolder', "New Folder"); constructor( element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(CreateFolderAction.ID, CreateFolderAction.LABEL, null, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this._updateEnablement(); } public runAction(fileName: string): TPromise { return this.fileService.createFolder(URI.file(paths.join(this.element.parent.resource.fsPath, fileName))).then(null, (error) => { this.onErrorWithRetry(error, () => this.runAction(fileName)); }); } } export class BaseDeleteFileAction extends BaseFileAction { private tree: ITree; private useTrash: boolean; private skipConfirm: boolean; constructor( id: string, label: string, tree: ITree, element: FileStat, useTrash: boolean, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(id, label, fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; this.useTrash = useTrash && !paths.isUNC(element.resource.fsPath); // on UNC shares there is no trash this._updateEnablement(); } public run(context?: any): TPromise { // Remove highlight if (this.tree) { this.tree.clearHighlight(); } // Read context if (context && context.event) { const bypassTrash = (isMacintosh && context.event.altKey) || (!isMacintosh && context.event.shiftKey); if (bypassTrash) { this.useTrash = false; } } let primaryButton: string; if (this.useTrash) { primaryButton = isWindows ? nls.localize('deleteButtonLabelRecycleBin', "&&Move to Recycle Bin") : nls.localize({ key: 'deleteButtonLabelTrash', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Move to Trash"); } else { primaryButton = nls.localize({ key: 'deleteButtonLabel', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Delete"); } // Handle dirty let revertPromise: TPromise = TPromise.as(null); const dirty = this.textFileService.getDirty().filter(d => paths.isEqualOrParent(d.fsPath, this.element.resource.fsPath)); if (dirty.length) { let message: string; if (this.element.isDirectory) { if (dirty.length === 1) { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFolderOneDelete', "You are deleting a folder with unsaved changes in 1 file. Do you want to continue?"); } else { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFolderDelete', "You are deleting a folder with unsaved changes in {0} files. Do you want to continue?", dirty.length); } } else { message = nls.localize('dirtyMessageFileDelete', "You are deleting a file with unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?"); } const res = this.messageService.confirm({ message, type: 'warning', detail: nls.localize('dirtyWarning', "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them."), primaryButton }); if (!res) { return TPromise.as(null); } this.skipConfirm = true; // since we already asked for confirmation revertPromise = this.textFileService.revertAll(dirty); } // Check if file is dirty in editor and save it to avoid data loss return revertPromise.then(() => { // Ask for Confirm if (!this.skipConfirm) { let confirm: IConfirmation; if (this.useTrash) { confirm = { message: this.element.isDirectory ? nls.localize('confirmMoveTrashMessageFolder', "Are you sure you want to delete '{0}' and its contents?", this.element.name) : nls.localize('confirmMoveTrashMessageFile', "Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'?", this.element.name), detail: isWindows ? nls.localize('undoBin', "You can restore from the recycle bin.") : nls.localize('undoTrash', "You can restore from the trash."), primaryButton }; } else { confirm = { message: this.element.isDirectory ? nls.localize('confirmDeleteMessageFolder', "Are you sure you want to permanently delete '{0}' and its contents?", this.element.name) : nls.localize('confirmDeleteMessageFile', "Are you sure you want to permanently delete '{0}'?", this.element.name), detail: nls.localize('irreversible', "This action is irreversible!"), primaryButton }; } if (!this.messageService.confirm(confirm)) { return TPromise.as(null); } } // Call function const servicePromise = this.fileService.del(this.element.resource, this.useTrash).then(() => { if (this.element.parent) { this.tree.setFocus(this.element.parent); // move focus to parent } }, (error: any) => { // Allow to retry let extraAction: Action; if (this.useTrash) { extraAction = new Action('permanentDelete', nls.localize('permDelete', "Delete Permanently"), null, true, () => { this.useTrash = false; this.skipConfirm = true; return this.run(); }); } this.onErrorWithRetry(error, () => this.run(), extraAction); // Focus back to tree this.tree.DOMFocus(); }); return servicePromise; }); } } /* Move File/Folder to trash */ export class MoveFileToTrashAction extends BaseDeleteFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.moveFileToTrash'; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(MoveFileToTrashAction.ID, nls.localize('delete', "Delete"), tree, element, true, fileService, messageService, textFileService); } } /* Import File */ export class ImportFileAction extends BaseFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.importFile'; private tree: ITree; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, clazz: string, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(ImportFileAction.ID, nls.localize('importFiles', "Import Files"), fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; if (clazz) { this.class = clazz; } this._updateEnablement(); } public getViewer(): ITree { return this.tree; } public run(context?: any): TPromise { const importPromise = TPromise.as(null).then(() => { const input = context.input; if (input.files && input.files.length > 0) { // Find parent for import let targetElement: FileStat; if (this.element) { targetElement = this.element; } else { targetElement = this.tree.getFocus() || this.tree.getInput(); } if (!targetElement.isDirectory) { targetElement = targetElement.parent; } // Create real files array const filesArray: File[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < input.files.length; i++) { const file = input.files[i]; filesArray.push(file); } // Resolve target to check for name collisions and ask user return this.fileService.resolveFile(targetElement.resource).then((targetStat: IFileStat) => { // Check for name collisions const targetNames: { [name: string]: IFileStat } = {}; targetStat.children.forEach((child) => { targetNames[isLinux ? child.name : child.name.toLowerCase()] = child; }); let overwrite = true; if (filesArray.some((file) => { return !!targetNames[isLinux ? file.name : file.name.toLowerCase()]; })) { const confirm: IConfirmation = { message: nls.localize('confirmOverwrite', "A file or folder with the same name already exists in the destination folder. Do you want to replace it?"), detail: nls.localize('irreversible', "This action is irreversible!"), primaryButton: nls.localize({ key: 'replaceButtonLabel', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Replace") }; overwrite = this.messageService.confirm(confirm); } if (!overwrite) { return; } // Run import in sequence const importPromisesFactory: ITask>[] = []; filesArray.forEach((file) => { importPromisesFactory.push(() => { const sourceFile = URI.file(file.path); return this.fileService.importFile(sourceFile, targetElement.resource).then(null, (error: any) => { this.messageService.show(Severity.Error, error); }); }); }); return sequence(importPromisesFactory); }); } }); return importPromise.then(() => { this.tree.clearHighlight(); }, (error: any) => { this.onError(error); this.tree.clearHighlight(); }); } } // Copy File/Folder let fileToCopy: FileStat; export class CopyFileAction extends BaseFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.copyFile'; private tree: ITree; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(CopyFileAction.ID, nls.localize('copyFile', "Copy"), fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; this._updateEnablement(); } public run(): TPromise { // Remember as file/folder to copy fileToCopy = this.element; // Remove highlight if (this.tree) { this.tree.clearHighlight(); } this.tree.DOMFocus(); return TPromise.as(null); } } // Paste File/Folder export class PasteFileAction extends BaseFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.pasteFile'; private tree: ITree; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService ) { super(PasteFileAction.ID, nls.localize('pasteFile', "Paste"), fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; this._updateEnablement(); } _isEnabled(): boolean { // Need at least a file to copy if (!fileToCopy) { return false; } // Check if file was deleted or moved meanwhile const root: FileStat = this.tree.getInput(); const exists = root.find(fileToCopy.resource); if (!exists) { fileToCopy = null; return false; } // Check if target is ancestor of pasted folder if (this.element.resource.toString() !== fileToCopy.resource.toString() && paths.isEqualOrParent(this.element.resource.fsPath, fileToCopy.resource.fsPath)) { return false; } return true; } public run(): TPromise { // Find target let target: FileStat; if (this.element.resource.toString() === fileToCopy.resource.toString()) { target = this.element.parent; } else { target = this.element.isDirectory ? this.element : this.element.parent; } // Reuse duplicate action const pasteAction = this.instantiationService.createInstance(DuplicateFileAction, this.tree, fileToCopy, target); return pasteAction.run().then(() => { this.tree.DOMFocus(); }); } } // Duplicate File/Folder export class DuplicateFileAction extends BaseFileAction { private tree: ITree; private target: IFileStat; constructor( tree: ITree, element: FileStat, target: FileStat, @IFileService fileService: IFileService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @ITextFileService textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super('workbench.files.action.duplicateFile', nls.localize('duplicateFile', "Duplicate"), fileService, messageService, textFileService); this.tree = tree; this.element = element; this.target = (target && target.isDirectory) ? target : element.parent; this._updateEnablement(); } public run(): TPromise { // Remove highlight if (this.tree) { this.tree.clearHighlight(); } // Copy File const result = this.fileService.copyFile(this.element.resource, this.findTarget()).then(null, (error: any) => { this.onError(error); }); return result; } public onError(error: any): void { this.messageService.show(Severity.Error, error); } private findTarget(): URI { const root: FileStat = this.tree.getInput(); let name = this.element.name; let candidate = URI.file(paths.join(this.target.resource.fsPath, name)); while (true) { if (!root.find(candidate)) { break; } name = this.toCopyName(name, this.element.isDirectory); candidate = URI.file(paths.join(this.target.resource.fsPath, name)); } return candidate; } private toCopyName(name: string, isFolder: boolean): string { // file.1.txt=>file.2.txt if (!isFolder && name.match(/(\d+)(\..*)$/)) { return name.replace(/(\d+)(\..*)$/, (match, g1?, g2?) => { return (parseInt(g1) + 1) + g2; }); } // file.txt=>file.1.txt const lastIndexOfDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (!isFolder && lastIndexOfDot >= 0) { return strings.format('{0}.1{1}', name.substr(0, lastIndexOfDot), name.substr(lastIndexOfDot)); } // folder.1=>folder.2 if (isFolder && name.match(/(\d+)$/)) { return name.replace(/(\d+)$/, (match: string, ...groups: any[]) => { return String(parseInt(groups[0]) + 1); }); } // file/folder=>file.1/folder.1 return strings.format('{0}.1', name); } } // Open to the side export class OpenToSideAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.openToSide'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('openToSide', "Open to the Side"); private tree: ITree; private resource: URI; private preserveFocus: boolean; constructor( tree: ITree, resource: URI, preserveFocus: boolean, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService ) { super(OpenToSideAction.ID, OpenToSideAction.LABEL); this.tree = tree; this.preserveFocus = preserveFocus; this.resource = resource; this.updateEnablement(); } private updateEnablement(): void { const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); this.enabled = (!activeEditor || activeEditor.position !== Position.THREE); } public run(): TPromise { // Remove highlight this.tree.clearHighlight(); // Set side input return this.editorService.openEditor({ resource: this.resource, options: { preserveFocus: this.preserveFocus } }, true); } } let globalResourceToCompare: URI; export class SelectResourceForCompareAction extends Action { private resource: URI; private tree: ITree; constructor(resource: URI, tree: ITree) { super('workbench.files.action.selectForCompare', nls.localize('compareSource', "Select for Compare")); this.tree = tree; this.resource = resource; this.enabled = true; } public run(): TPromise { // Remember as source file to compare globalResourceToCompare = this.resource; // Remove highlight if (this.tree) { this.tree.clearHighlight(); this.tree.DOMFocus(); } return TPromise.as(null); } } // Global Compare with export class GlobalCompareResourcesAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.compareFileWith'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('globalCompareFile', "Compare Active File With..."); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IHistoryService private historyService: IHistoryService, @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, @IMessageService private messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { const fileResource = toResource(this.editorService.getActiveEditorInput(), { filter: 'file' }); if (fileResource) { // Keep as resource to compare globalResourceToCompare = fileResource; // Pick another entry from history interface IHistoryPickEntry extends IFilePickOpenEntry { input: IEditorInput | IResourceInput; } const history = this.historyService.getHistory(); const picks: IHistoryPickEntry[] = history.map(input => { let resource: URI; let label: string; let description: string; if (input instanceof EditorInput) { return void 0; // only files supported } const resourceInput = input as IResourceInput; resource = resourceInput.resource; label = paths.basename(resourceInput.resource.fsPath); description = labels.getPathLabel(paths.dirname(resource.fsPath), this.contextService); return { input, resource, label, description }; }).filter(p => !!p); return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickHistory', "Select an editor history entry to compare with"), autoFocus: { autoFocusFirstEntry: true }, matchOnDescription: true }).then(pick => { if (pick) { const compareAction = this.instantiationService.createInstance(CompareResourcesAction, pick.resource, null); if (compareAction._isEnabled()) { compareAction.run().done(() => compareAction.dispose()); } else { this.messageService.show(Severity.Info, nls.localize('unableToFileToCompare', "The selected file can not be compared with '{0}'.", paths.basename(globalResourceToCompare.fsPath))); } } }); } else { this.messageService.show(Severity.Info, nls.localize('openFileToCompare', "Open a file first to compare it with another file.")); } return TPromise.as(true); } } // Compare with Resource export class CompareResourcesAction extends Action { private tree: ITree; private resource: URI; constructor( resource: URI, tree: ITree, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService ) { super('workbench.files.action.compareFiles', CompareResourcesAction.computeLabel()); this.tree = tree; this.resource = resource; } private static computeLabel(): string { if (globalResourceToCompare) { return nls.localize('compareWith', "Compare with '{0}'", paths.basename(globalResourceToCompare.fsPath)); } return nls.localize('compareFiles', "Compare Files"); } public getLabel(): string { return CompareResourcesAction.computeLabel(); } _isEnabled(): boolean { // Need at least a resource to compare if (!globalResourceToCompare) { return false; } // Check if file was deleted or moved meanwhile (explorer only) if (this.tree) { const root: FileStat = this.tree.getInput(); if (root instanceof FileStat) { const exists = root.find(globalResourceToCompare); if (!exists) { globalResourceToCompare = null; return false; } } } // Check if target is identical to source if (this.resource.toString() === globalResourceToCompare.toString()) { return false; } return true; } public run(): TPromise { // Remove highlight if (this.tree) { this.tree.clearHighlight(); } return this.editorService.openEditor({ leftResource: globalResourceToCompare, rightResource: this.resource }); } } // Refresh Explorer Viewer export class RefreshViewExplorerAction extends Action { constructor(explorerView: ExplorerView, clazz: string) { super('workbench.files.action.refreshFilesExplorer', nls.localize('refresh', "Refresh"), clazz, true, (context: any) => explorerView.refresh()); } } export abstract class BaseActionWithErrorReporting extends Action { constructor( id: string, label: string, private messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label); } public run(context?: any): TPromise { return this.doRun(context).then(() => true, (error) => { this.messageService.show(Severity.Error, toErrorMessage(error, false)); }); } protected abstract doRun(context?: any): TPromise; } export abstract class BaseSaveFileAction extends BaseActionWithErrorReporting { private resource: URI; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService, @IUntitledEditorService private untitledEditorService: IUntitledEditorService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label, messageService); this.enabled = true; } public abstract isSaveAs(): boolean; public setResource(resource: URI): void { this.resource = resource; } protected doRun(context: any): TPromise { let source: URI; if (this.resource) { source = this.resource; } else { source = toResource(this.editorService.getActiveEditorInput(), { supportSideBySide: true, filter: ['file', 'untitled'] }); } if (source) { // Save As (or Save untitled with associated path) if (this.isSaveAs() || source.scheme === 'untitled') { let encodingOfSource: string; if (source.scheme === 'untitled') { encodingOfSource = this.untitledEditorService.get(source).getEncoding(); } else if (source.scheme === 'file') { const textModel = this.textFileService.models.get(source); encodingOfSource = textModel && textModel.getEncoding(); // text model can be null e.g. if this is a binary file! } let selectionOfSource: Selection; const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const editor = getCodeEditor(activeEditor); if (editor) { const activeResource = toResource(activeEditor.input, { supportSideBySide: true, filter: ['file', 'untitled'] }); if (activeResource && activeResource.toString() === source.toString()) { selectionOfSource = editor.getSelection(); } } // Special case: an untitled file with associated path gets saved directly unless "saveAs" is true let savePromise: TPromise; if (!this.isSaveAs() && source.scheme === 'untitled' && this.untitledEditorService.hasAssociatedFilePath(source)) { savePromise = this.textFileService.save(source).then((result) => { if (result) { return URI.file(source.fsPath); } return null; }); } // Otherwise, really "Save As..." else { savePromise = this.textFileService.saveAs(source); } return savePromise.then((target) => { if (!target || target.toString() === source.toString()) { return; // save canceled or same resource used } const replaceWith: IResourceInput = { resource: target, encoding: encodingOfSource, options: { pinned: true, selection: selectionOfSource } }; return this.editorService.replaceEditors([{ toReplace: { resource: source }, replaceWith: replaceWith }]).then(() => true); }); } // Just save return this.textFileService.save(source, { force: true /* force a change to the file to trigger external watchers if any */ }); } return TPromise.as(false); } } export class SaveFileAction extends BaseSaveFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.save'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('save', "Save"); public isSaveAs(): boolean { return false; } } export class SaveFileAsAction extends BaseSaveFileAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.saveAs'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('saveAs', "Save As..."); public isSaveAs(): boolean { return true; } } export abstract class BaseSaveAllAction extends BaseActionWithErrorReporting { private toDispose: IDisposable[]; private lastIsDirty: boolean; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService protected editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IEditorGroupService private editorGroupService: IEditorGroupService, @ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService, @IUntitledEditorService private untitledEditorService: IUntitledEditorService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label, messageService); this.toDispose = []; this.lastIsDirty = this.textFileService.isDirty(); this.enabled = this.lastIsDirty; this.registerListeners(); } protected abstract getSaveAllArguments(context?: any): any; protected abstract includeUntitled(): boolean; private registerListeners(): void { // listen to files being changed locally this.toDispose.push(this.textFileService.models.onModelsDirty(e => this.updateEnablement(true))); this.toDispose.push(this.textFileService.models.onModelsSaved(e => this.updateEnablement(false))); this.toDispose.push(this.textFileService.models.onModelsReverted(e => this.updateEnablement(false))); this.toDispose.push(this.textFileService.models.onModelsSaveError(e => this.updateEnablement(true))); if (this.includeUntitled()) { this.toDispose.push(this.untitledEditorService.onDidChangeDirty(resource => this.updateEnablement(this.untitledEditorService.isDirty(resource)))); } } private updateEnablement(isDirty: boolean): void { if (this.lastIsDirty !== isDirty) { this.enabled = this.textFileService.isDirty(); this.lastIsDirty = this.enabled; } } protected doRun(context: any): TPromise { const stacks = this.editorGroupService.getStacksModel(); // Store some properties per untitled file to restore later after save is completed const mapUntitledToProperties: { [resource: string]: { encoding: string; indexInGroups: number[]; activeInGroups: boolean[] } } = Object.create(null); this.textFileService.getDirty() .filter(r => r.scheme === 'untitled') // All untitled resources .map(r => this.untitledEditorService.get(r)) // Mapped to their inputs .filter(input => !!input) // If possible :) .forEach(input => { mapUntitledToProperties[input.getResource().toString()] = { encoding: input.getEncoding(), indexInGroups: stacks.groups.map(g => g.indexOf(input)), activeInGroups: stacks.groups.map(g => g.isActive(input)) }; }); // Save all return this.textFileService.saveAll(this.getSaveAllArguments(context)).then(results => { // Reopen saved untitled editors const untitledToReopen: { input: IResourceInput, position: Position }[] = []; results.results.forEach(result => { if (!result.success || result.source.scheme !== 'untitled') { return; } const untitledProps = mapUntitledToProperties[result.source.toString()]; if (!untitledProps) { return; } // For each position where the untitled file was opened untitledProps.indexInGroups.forEach((indexInGroup, index) => { if (indexInGroup >= 0) { untitledToReopen.push({ input: { resource: result.target, encoding: untitledProps.encoding, options: { pinned: true, index: indexInGroup, preserveFocus: true, inactive: !untitledProps.activeInGroups[index] } }, position: index }); } }); }); if (untitledToReopen.length) { return this.editorService.openEditors(untitledToReopen).then(() => true); } }); } public dispose(): void { this.toDispose = dispose(this.toDispose); super.dispose(); } } export class SaveAllAction extends BaseSaveAllAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.saveAll'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('saveAll', "Save All"); public get class(): string { return 'explorer-action save-all'; } protected getSaveAllArguments(): boolean { return this.includeUntitled(); } protected includeUntitled(): boolean { return true; } } export class SaveAllInGroupAction extends BaseSaveAllAction { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.saveAllInGroup'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('saveAllInGroup', "Save All in Group"); public get class(): string { return 'explorer-action save-all'; } protected getSaveAllArguments(editorIdentifier: IEditorIdentifier): any { if (!editorIdentifier) { return this.includeUntitled(); } const editorGroup = editorIdentifier.group; const resourcesToSave: URI[] = []; editorGroup.getEditors().forEach(editor => { const resource = toResource(editor, { supportSideBySide: true, filter: ['file', 'untitled'] }); if (resource) { resourcesToSave.push(resource); } }); return resourcesToSave; } protected includeUntitled(): boolean { return true; } } export class SaveFilesAction extends BaseSaveAllAction { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.saveFiles'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('saveFiles', "Save Dirty Files"); protected getSaveAllArguments(): boolean { return this.includeUntitled(); } protected includeUntitled(): boolean { return false; } } export class RevertFileAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.files.revert'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('revert', "Revert File"); private resource: URI; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService ) { super(id, label); this.enabled = true; } public setResource(resource: URI): void { this.resource = resource; } public run(): TPromise { let resource: URI; if (this.resource) { resource = this.resource; } else { resource = toResource(this.editorService.getActiveEditorInput(), { supportSideBySide: true, filter: 'file' }); } if (resource && resource.scheme !== 'untitled') { return this.textFileService.revert(resource, true /* force */); } return TPromise.as(true); } } export class FocusOpenEditorsView extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.focusOpenEditorsView'; public static LABEL = nls.localize({ key: 'focusOpenEditors', comment: ['Open is an adjective'] }, "Focus on Open Editors View"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, true).then((viewlet: ExplorerViewlet) => { const openEditorsView = viewlet.getOpenEditorsView(); if (openEditorsView) { openEditorsView.expand(); openEditorsView.getViewer().DOMFocus(); } }); } } export class FocusFilesExplorer extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('focusFilesExplorer', "Focus on Files Explorer"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, true).then((viewlet: ExplorerViewlet) => { const view = viewlet.getExplorerView(); if (view) { view.expand(); view.getViewer().DOMFocus(); } }); } } export class ShowActiveFileInExplorer extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('showInExplorer', "Show Active File in Explorer"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, @IMessageService private messageService: IMessageService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { const fileResource = toResource(this.editorService.getActiveEditorInput(), { supportSideBySide: true, filter: 'file' }); if (fileResource) { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, false).then((viewlet: ExplorerViewlet) => { const isInsideWorkspace = this.contextService.isInsideWorkspace(fileResource); if (isInsideWorkspace) { const explorerView = viewlet.getExplorerView(); if (explorerView) { explorerView.expand(); explorerView.select(fileResource, true); } } else { const openEditorsView = viewlet.getOpenEditorsView(); if (openEditorsView) { openEditorsView.expand(); } } }); } else { this.messageService.show(severity.Info, nls.localize('openFileToShow', "Open a file first to show it in the explorer")); } return TPromise.as(true); } } export class CollapseExplorerView extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.collapseExplorerFolders'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('collapseExplorerFolders', "Collapse Folders in Explorer"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, true).then((viewlet: ExplorerViewlet) => { const explorerView = viewlet.getExplorerView(); if (explorerView) { const viewer = explorerView.getViewer(); if (viewer) { const action = new CollapseAction(viewer, true, null); action.run().done(); action.dispose(); } } }); } } export class RefreshExplorerView extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.files.action.refreshFilesExplorer'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('refreshExplorer', "Refresh Explorer"); constructor( id: string, label: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService ) { super(id, label); } public run(): TPromise { return this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID, true).then((viewlet: ExplorerViewlet) => { const explorerView = viewlet.getExplorerView(); if (explorerView) { explorerView.refresh(); } }); } } export function keybindingForAction(id: string, keybindingService: IKeybindingService): Keybinding { switch (id) { case GlobalNewUntitledFileAction.ID: return new Keybinding(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_N); case TriggerRenameFileAction.ID: return new Keybinding(isMacintosh ? KeyCode.Enter : KeyCode.F2); case SaveFileAction.ID: return new Keybinding(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_S); case MoveFileToTrashAction.ID: return new Keybinding(isMacintosh ? KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.Backspace : KeyCode.Delete); case CopyFileAction.ID: return new Keybinding(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_C); case PasteFileAction.ID: return new Keybinding(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_V); case OpenToSideAction.ID: if (isMacintosh) { return new Keybinding(KeyMod.WinCtrl | KeyCode.Enter); } else { return new Keybinding(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.Enter); } } if (keybindingService) { const keys = keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(id); if (keys.length > 0) { return keys[0]; // only take the first one } } return null; } export function validateFileName(parent: IFileStat, name: string, allowOverwriting: boolean = false): string { // Produce a well formed file name name = getWellFormedFileName(name); // Name not provided if (!name || name.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(name)) { return nls.localize('emptyFileNameError', "A file or folder name must be provided."); } // Do not allow to overwrite existing file if (!allowOverwriting) { if (parent.children && parent.children.some((c) => { if (isLinux) { return c.name === name; } return c.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); })) { return nls.localize('fileNameExistsError', "A file or folder **{0}** already exists at this location. Please choose a different name.", name); } } // Invalid File name if (!paths.isValidBasename(name)) { return nls.localize('invalidFileNameError', "The name **{0}** is not valid as a file or folder name. Please choose a different name.", name); } // Max length restriction (on Windows) if (isWindows) { const fullPathLength = name.length + parent.resource.fsPath.length + 1 /* path segment */; if (fullPathLength > 255) { return nls.localize('filePathTooLongError', "The name **{0}** results in a path that is too long. Please choose a shorter name.", name); } } return null; } export function getWellFormedFileName(filename: string): string { if (!filename) { return filename; } // Trim whitespaces filename = strings.trim(strings.trim(filename, ' '), '\t'); // Remove trailing dots filename = strings.rtrim(filename, '.'); return filename; } // Diagnostics support let diag: (...args: any[]) => void; if (!diag) { diag = diagnostics.register('FileActionsDiagnostics', function (...args: any[]) { console.log(args[1] + ' - ' + args[0] + ' (time: ' + args[2].getTime() + ' [' + args[2].toUTCString() + '])'); }); }