/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { isMacintosh, language } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { app, shell, Menu, MenuItem, BrowserWindow, MenuItemConstructorOptions, WebContents, Event, KeyboardEvent } from 'electron'; import { getTitleBarStyle, IWindowOpenable } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { OpenContext, IRunActionInWindowRequest, IRunKeybindingInWindowRequest } from 'vs/platform/windows/node/window'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IUpdateService, StateType } from 'vs/platform/update/common/update'; import product from 'vs/platform/product/common/product'; import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { mnemonicMenuLabel as baseMnemonicLabel } from 'vs/base/common/labels'; import { IWindowsMainService, IWindowsCountChangedEvent } from 'vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windows'; import { IWorkspacesHistoryMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/electron-main/workspacesHistoryMainService'; import { IMenubarData, IMenubarKeybinding, MenubarMenuItem, isMenubarMenuItemSeparator, isMenubarMenuItemSubmenu, isMenubarMenuItemAction, IMenubarMenu, isMenubarMenuItemUriAction } from 'vs/platform/menubar/node/menubar'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { IStateService } from 'vs/platform/state/node/state'; import { ILifecycleMainService } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/electron-main/lifecycleMainService'; import { WorkbenchActionExecutedEvent, WorkbenchActionExecutedClassification } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { IElectronMainService } from 'vs/platform/electron/electron-main/electronMainService'; import { INativeEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService'; const telemetryFrom = 'menu'; interface IMenuItemClickHandler { inDevTools: (contents: WebContents) => void; inNoWindow: () => void; } type IMenuItemInvocation = ( { type: 'commandId'; commandId: string; } | { type: 'keybinding'; userSettingsLabel: string; } ); interface IMenuItemWithKeybinding { userSettingsLabel?: string; } export class Menubar { private static readonly lastKnownMenubarStorageKey = 'lastKnownMenubarData'; private willShutdown: boolean | undefined; private appMenuInstalled: boolean | undefined; private closedLastWindow: boolean; private menuUpdater: RunOnceScheduler; private menuGC: RunOnceScheduler; // Array to keep menus around so that GC doesn't cause crash as explained in #55347 // TODO@sbatten Remove this when fixed upstream by Electron private oldMenus: Menu[]; private menubarMenus: { [id: string]: IMenubarMenu }; private keybindings: { [commandId: string]: IMenubarKeybinding }; private fallbackMenuHandlers: { [id: string]: (menuItem: MenuItem, browserWindow: BrowserWindow, event: Event) => void } = {}; constructor( @IUpdateService private readonly updateService: IUpdateService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IWindowsMainService private readonly windowsMainService: IWindowsMainService, @IEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: INativeEnvironmentService, @ITelemetryService private readonly telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IWorkspacesHistoryMainService private readonly workspacesHistoryMainService: IWorkspacesHistoryMainService, @IStateService private readonly stateService: IStateService, @ILifecycleMainService private readonly lifecycleMainService: ILifecycleMainService, @ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService, @IElectronMainService private readonly electronMainService: IElectronMainService ) { this.menuUpdater = new RunOnceScheduler(() => this.doUpdateMenu(), 0); this.menuGC = new RunOnceScheduler(() => { this.oldMenus = []; }, 10000); this.menubarMenus = Object.create(null); this.keybindings = Object.create(null); if (isMacintosh || getTitleBarStyle(this.configurationService, this.environmentService) === 'native') { this.restoreCachedMenubarData(); } this.addFallbackHandlers(); this.closedLastWindow = false; this.oldMenus = []; this.install(); this.registerListeners(); } private restoreCachedMenubarData() { const menubarData = this.stateService.getItem(Menubar.lastKnownMenubarStorageKey); if (menubarData) { if (menubarData.menus) { this.menubarMenus = menubarData.menus; } if (menubarData.keybindings) { this.keybindings = menubarData.keybindings; } } } private addFallbackHandlers(): void { // File Menu Items this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile'] = () => this.windowsMainService.openEmptyWindow(OpenContext.MENU); this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.newWindow'] = () => this.windowsMainService.openEmptyWindow(OpenContext.MENU); this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.files.openFileFolder'] = (menuItem, win, event) => this.electronMainService.pickFileFolderAndOpen(undefined, { forceNewWindow: this.isOptionClick(event), telemetryExtraData: { from: telemetryFrom } }); this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openWorkspace'] = (menuItem, win, event) => this.electronMainService.pickWorkspaceAndOpen(undefined, { forceNewWindow: this.isOptionClick(event), telemetryExtraData: { from: telemetryFrom } }); // Recent Menu Items this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.clearRecentFiles'] = () => this.workspacesHistoryMainService.clearRecentlyOpened(); // Help Menu Items const twitterUrl = product.twitterUrl; if (twitterUrl) { this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openTwitterUrl'] = () => this.openUrl(twitterUrl, 'openTwitterUrl'); } const requestFeatureUrl = product.requestFeatureUrl; if (requestFeatureUrl) { this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openRequestFeatureUrl'] = () => this.openUrl(requestFeatureUrl, 'openUserVoiceUrl'); } const reportIssueUrl = product.reportIssueUrl; if (reportIssueUrl) { this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openIssueReporter'] = () => this.openUrl(reportIssueUrl, 'openReportIssues'); } const licenseUrl = product.licenseUrl; if (licenseUrl) { this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openLicenseUrl'] = () => { if (language) { const queryArgChar = licenseUrl.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?'; this.openUrl(`${licenseUrl}${queryArgChar}lang=${language}`, 'openLicenseUrl'); } else { this.openUrl(licenseUrl, 'openLicenseUrl'); } }; } const privacyStatementUrl = product.privacyStatementUrl; if (privacyStatementUrl && licenseUrl) { this.fallbackMenuHandlers['workbench.action.openPrivacyStatementUrl'] = () => { if (language) { const queryArgChar = licenseUrl.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?'; this.openUrl(`${privacyStatementUrl}${queryArgChar}lang=${language}`, 'openPrivacyStatement'); } else { this.openUrl(privacyStatementUrl, 'openPrivacyStatement'); } }; } } private registerListeners(): void { // Keep flag when app quits this.lifecycleMainService.onWillShutdown(() => this.willShutdown = true); // // Listen to some events from window service to update menu this.windowsMainService.onWindowsCountChanged(e => this.onWindowsCountChanged(e)); } private get currentEnableMenuBarMnemonics(): boolean { let enableMenuBarMnemonics = this.configurationService.getValue('window.enableMenuBarMnemonics'); if (typeof enableMenuBarMnemonics !== 'boolean') { enableMenuBarMnemonics = true; } return enableMenuBarMnemonics; } private get currentEnableNativeTabs(): boolean { if (!isMacintosh) { return false; } let enableNativeTabs = this.configurationService.getValue('window.nativeTabs'); if (typeof enableNativeTabs !== 'boolean') { enableNativeTabs = false; } return enableNativeTabs; } updateMenu(menubarData: IMenubarData, windowId: number) { this.menubarMenus = menubarData.menus; this.keybindings = menubarData.keybindings; // Save off new menu and keybindings this.stateService.setItem(Menubar.lastKnownMenubarStorageKey, menubarData); this.scheduleUpdateMenu(); } private scheduleUpdateMenu(): void { this.menuUpdater.schedule(); // buffer multiple attempts to update the menu } private doUpdateMenu(): void { // Due to limitations in Electron, it is not possible to update menu items dynamically. The suggested // workaround from Electron is to set the application menu again. // See also https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/846 // // Run delayed to prevent updating menu while it is open if (!this.willShutdown) { setTimeout(() => { if (!this.willShutdown) { this.install(); } }, 10 /* delay this because there is an issue with updating a menu when it is open */); } } private onWindowsCountChanged(e: IWindowsCountChangedEvent): void { if (!isMacintosh) { return; } // Update menu if window count goes from N > 0 or 0 > N to update menu item enablement if ((e.oldCount === 0 && e.newCount > 0) || (e.oldCount > 0 && e.newCount === 0)) { this.closedLastWindow = e.newCount === 0; this.scheduleUpdateMenu(); } } private install(): void { // Store old menu in our array to avoid GC to collect the menu and crash. See #55347 // TODO@sbatten Remove this when fixed upstream by Electron const oldMenu = Menu.getApplicationMenu(); if (oldMenu) { this.oldMenus.push(oldMenu); } // If we don't have a menu yet, set it to null to avoid the electron menu. // This should only happen on the first launch ever if (Object.keys(this.menubarMenus).length === 0) { Menu.setApplicationMenu(isMacintosh ? new Menu() : null); return; } // Menus const menubar = new Menu(); // Mac: Application let macApplicationMenuItem: MenuItem; if (isMacintosh) { const applicationMenu = new Menu(); macApplicationMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: product.nameShort, submenu: applicationMenu }); this.setMacApplicationMenu(applicationMenu); menubar.append(macApplicationMenuItem); } // Mac: Dock if (isMacintosh && !this.appMenuInstalled) { this.appMenuInstalled = true; const dockMenu = new Menu(); dockMenu.append(new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'miNewWindow', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "New &&Window")), click: () => this.windowsMainService.openEmptyWindow(OpenContext.DOCK) })); app.dock.setMenu(dockMenu); } // File const fileMenu = new Menu(); const fileMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mFile', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&File")), submenu: fileMenu }); this.setMenuById(fileMenu, 'File'); menubar.append(fileMenuItem); // Edit const editMenu = new Menu(); const editMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mEdit', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Edit")), submenu: editMenu }); this.setMenuById(editMenu, 'Edit'); menubar.append(editMenuItem); // Selection const selectionMenu = new Menu(); const selectionMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mSelection', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Selection")), submenu: selectionMenu }); this.setMenuById(selectionMenu, 'Selection'); menubar.append(selectionMenuItem); // View const viewMenu = new Menu(); const viewMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mView', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&View")), submenu: viewMenu }); this.setMenuById(viewMenu, 'View'); menubar.append(viewMenuItem); // Go const gotoMenu = new Menu(); const gotoMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mGoto', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Go")), submenu: gotoMenu }); this.setMenuById(gotoMenu, 'Go'); menubar.append(gotoMenuItem); // Debug const debugMenu = new Menu(); const debugMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mRun', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Run")), submenu: debugMenu }); this.setMenuById(debugMenu, 'Run'); menubar.append(debugMenuItem); // Terminal const terminalMenu = new Menu(); const terminalMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mTerminal', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Terminal")), submenu: terminalMenu }); this.setMenuById(terminalMenu, 'Terminal'); menubar.append(terminalMenuItem); // Mac: Window let macWindowMenuItem: MenuItem | undefined; if (this.shouldDrawMenu('Window')) { const windowMenu = new Menu(); macWindowMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize('mWindow', "Window")), submenu: windowMenu, role: 'window' }); this.setMacWindowMenu(windowMenu); } if (macWindowMenuItem) { menubar.append(macWindowMenuItem); } // Help const helpMenu = new Menu(); const helpMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'mHelp', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Help")), submenu: helpMenu, role: 'help' }); this.setMenuById(helpMenu, 'Help'); menubar.append(helpMenuItem); if (menubar.items && menubar.items.length > 0) { Menu.setApplicationMenu(menubar); } else { Menu.setApplicationMenu(null); } // Dispose of older menus after some time this.menuGC.schedule(); } private setMacApplicationMenu(macApplicationMenu: Menu): void { const about = this.createMenuItem(nls.localize('mAbout', "About {0}", product.nameLong), 'workbench.action.showAboutDialog'); const checkForUpdates = this.getUpdateMenuItems(); let preferences; if (this.shouldDrawMenu('Preferences')) { const preferencesMenu = new Menu(); this.setMenuById(preferencesMenu, 'Preferences'); preferences = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'miPreferences', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Preferences")), submenu: preferencesMenu }); } const servicesMenu = new Menu(); const services = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mServices', "Services"), role: 'services', submenu: servicesMenu }); const hide = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mHide', "Hide {0}", product.nameLong), role: 'hide', accelerator: 'Command+H' }); const hideOthers = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mHideOthers', "Hide Others"), role: 'hideOthers', accelerator: 'Command+Alt+H' }); const showAll = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mShowAll', "Show All"), role: 'unhide' }); const quit = new MenuItem(this.likeAction('workbench.action.quit', { label: nls.localize('miQuit', "Quit {0}", product.nameLong), click: () => { const lastActiveWindow = this.windowsMainService.getLastActiveWindow(); if ( this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() === 0 || // allow to quit when no more windows are open !!BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() || // allow to quit when window has focus (fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/39191) lastActiveWindow?.isMinimized() // allow to quit when window has no focus but is minimized (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/63000) ) { this.electronMainService.quit(undefined); } } })); const actions = [about]; actions.push(...checkForUpdates); if (preferences) { actions.push(...[ __separator__(), preferences ]); } actions.push(...[ __separator__(), services, __separator__(), hide, hideOthers, showAll, __separator__(), quit ]); actions.forEach(i => macApplicationMenu.append(i)); } private shouldDrawMenu(menuId: string): boolean { // We need to draw an empty menu to override the electron default if (!isMacintosh && getTitleBarStyle(this.configurationService, this.environmentService) === 'custom') { return false; } switch (menuId) { case 'File': case 'Help': if (isMacintosh) { return (this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() === 0 && this.closedLastWindow) || (!!this.menubarMenus && !!this.menubarMenus[menuId]); } case 'Window': if (isMacintosh) { return (this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() === 0 && this.closedLastWindow) || !!this.menubarMenus; } default: return this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() > 0 && (!!this.menubarMenus && !!this.menubarMenus[menuId]); } } private setMenu(menu: Menu, items: Array) { items.forEach((item: MenubarMenuItem) => { if (isMenubarMenuItemSeparator(item)) { menu.append(__separator__()); } else if (isMenubarMenuItemSubmenu(item)) { const submenu = new Menu(); const submenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(item.label), submenu: submenu }); this.setMenu(submenu, item.submenu.items); menu.append(submenuItem); } else if (isMenubarMenuItemUriAction(item)) { menu.append(this.createOpenRecentMenuItem(item.uri, item.label, item.id)); } else if (isMenubarMenuItemAction(item)) { if (item.id === 'workbench.action.showAboutDialog') { this.insertCheckForUpdatesItems(menu); } if (isMacintosh) { if (this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() === 0 && this.closedLastWindow) { // In the fallback scenario, we are either disabled or using a fallback handler if (this.fallbackMenuHandlers[item.id]) { menu.append(new MenuItem(this.likeAction(item.id, { label: this.mnemonicLabel(item.label), click: this.fallbackMenuHandlers[item.id] }))); } else { menu.append(this.createMenuItem(item.label, item.id, false, item.checked)); } } else { menu.append(this.createMenuItem(item.label, item.id, item.enabled === false ? false : true, !!item.checked)); } } else { menu.append(this.createMenuItem(item.label, item.id, item.enabled === false ? false : true, !!item.checked)); } } }); } private setMenuById(menu: Menu, menuId: string): void { if (this.menubarMenus && this.menubarMenus[menuId]) { this.setMenu(menu, this.menubarMenus[menuId].items); } } private insertCheckForUpdatesItems(menu: Menu) { const updateItems = this.getUpdateMenuItems(); if (updateItems.length) { updateItems.forEach(i => menu.append(i)); menu.append(__separator__()); } } private createOpenRecentMenuItem(uri: URI, label: string, commandId: string): MenuItem { const revivedUri = URI.revive(uri); const openable: IWindowOpenable = (commandId === 'openRecentFile') ? { fileUri: revivedUri } : (commandId === 'openRecentWorkspace') ? { workspaceUri: revivedUri } : { folderUri: revivedUri }; return new MenuItem(this.likeAction(commandId, { label, click: (menuItem, win, event) => { const openInNewWindow = this.isOptionClick(event); const success = this.windowsMainService.open({ context: OpenContext.MENU, cli: this.environmentService.args, urisToOpen: [openable], forceNewWindow: openInNewWindow, gotoLineMode: false }).length > 0; if (!success) { this.workspacesHistoryMainService.removeRecentlyOpened([revivedUri]); } } }, false)); } private isOptionClick(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean { return !!(event && ((!isMacintosh && (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey)) || (isMacintosh && (event.metaKey || event.altKey)))); } private createRoleMenuItem(label: string, commandId: string, role: any): MenuItem { const options: MenuItemConstructorOptions = { label: this.mnemonicLabel(label), role, enabled: true }; return new MenuItem(this.withKeybinding(commandId, options)); } private setMacWindowMenu(macWindowMenu: Menu): void { const minimize = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mMinimize', "Minimize"), role: 'minimize', accelerator: 'Command+M', enabled: this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() > 0 }); const zoom = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mZoom', "Zoom"), role: 'zoom', enabled: this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() > 0 }); const bringAllToFront = new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('mBringToFront', "Bring All to Front"), role: 'front', enabled: this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() > 0 }); const switchWindow = this.createMenuItem(nls.localize({ key: 'miSwitchWindow', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "Switch &&Window..."), 'workbench.action.switchWindow'); const nativeTabMenuItems: MenuItem[] = []; if (this.currentEnableNativeTabs) { nativeTabMenuItems.push(__separator__()); nativeTabMenuItems.push(this.createMenuItem(nls.localize('mNewTab', "New Tab"), 'workbench.action.newWindowTab')); nativeTabMenuItems.push(this.createRoleMenuItem(nls.localize('mShowPreviousTab', "Show Previous Tab"), 'workbench.action.showPreviousWindowTab', 'selectPreviousTab')); nativeTabMenuItems.push(this.createRoleMenuItem(nls.localize('mShowNextTab', "Show Next Tab"), 'workbench.action.showNextWindowTab', 'selectNextTab')); nativeTabMenuItems.push(this.createRoleMenuItem(nls.localize('mMoveTabToNewWindow', "Move Tab to New Window"), 'workbench.action.moveWindowTabToNewWindow', 'moveTabToNewWindow')); nativeTabMenuItems.push(this.createRoleMenuItem(nls.localize('mMergeAllWindows', "Merge All Windows"), 'workbench.action.mergeAllWindowTabs', 'mergeAllWindows')); } [ minimize, zoom, __separator__(), switchWindow, ...nativeTabMenuItems, __separator__(), bringAllToFront ].forEach(item => macWindowMenu.append(item)); } private getUpdateMenuItems(): MenuItem[] { const state = this.updateService.state; switch (state.type) { case StateType.Uninitialized: return []; case StateType.Idle: return [new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize('miCheckForUpdates', "Check for &&Updates...")), click: () => setTimeout(() => { this.reportMenuActionTelemetry('CheckForUpdate'); const window = this.windowsMainService.getLastActiveWindow(); const context = window && `window:${window.id}`; // sessionId this.updateService.checkForUpdates(context); }, 0) })]; case StateType.CheckingForUpdates: return [new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('miCheckingForUpdates', "Checking for Updates..."), enabled: false })]; case StateType.AvailableForDownload: return [new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize('miDownloadUpdate', "D&&ownload Available Update")), click: () => { this.updateService.downloadUpdate(); } })]; case StateType.Downloading: return [new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('miDownloadingUpdate', "Downloading Update..."), enabled: false })]; case StateType.Downloaded: return [new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize('miInstallUpdate', "Install &&Update...")), click: () => { this.reportMenuActionTelemetry('InstallUpdate'); this.updateService.applyUpdate(); } })]; case StateType.Updating: return [new MenuItem({ label: nls.localize('miInstallingUpdate', "Installing Update..."), enabled: false })]; case StateType.Ready: return [new MenuItem({ label: this.mnemonicLabel(nls.localize('miRestartToUpdate', "Restart to &&Update")), click: () => { this.reportMenuActionTelemetry('RestartToUpdate'); this.updateService.quitAndInstall(); } })]; } } private static _menuItemIsTriggeredViaKeybinding(event: KeyboardEvent, userSettingsLabel: string): boolean { // The event coming in from Electron will inform us only about the modifier keys pressed. // The strategy here is to check if the modifier keys match those of the keybinding, // since it is highly unlikely to use modifier keys when clicking with the mouse if (!userSettingsLabel) { // There is no keybinding return false; } let ctrlRequired = /ctrl/.test(userSettingsLabel); let shiftRequired = /shift/.test(userSettingsLabel); let altRequired = /alt/.test(userSettingsLabel); let metaRequired = /cmd/.test(userSettingsLabel) || /super/.test(userSettingsLabel); if (!ctrlRequired && !shiftRequired && !altRequired && !metaRequired) { // This keybinding does not use any modifier keys, so we cannot use this heuristic return false; } return ( ctrlRequired === event.ctrlKey && shiftRequired === event.shiftKey && altRequired === event.altKey && metaRequired === event.metaKey ); } private createMenuItem(label: string, commandId: string | string[], enabled?: boolean, checked?: boolean): MenuItem; private createMenuItem(label: string, click: () => void, enabled?: boolean, checked?: boolean): MenuItem; private createMenuItem(arg1: string, arg2: any, arg3?: boolean, arg4?: boolean): MenuItem { const label = this.mnemonicLabel(arg1); const click: () => void = (typeof arg2 === 'function') ? arg2 : (menuItem: MenuItem & IMenuItemWithKeybinding, win: BrowserWindow, event: Event) => { const userSettingsLabel = menuItem ? menuItem.userSettingsLabel : null; let commandId = arg2; if (Array.isArray(arg2)) { commandId = this.isOptionClick(event) ? arg2[1] : arg2[0]; // support alternative action if we got multiple action Ids and the option key was pressed while invoking } if (userSettingsLabel && Menubar._menuItemIsTriggeredViaKeybinding(event, userSettingsLabel)) { this.runActionInRenderer({ type: 'keybinding', userSettingsLabel }); } else { this.runActionInRenderer({ type: 'commandId', commandId }); } }; const enabled = typeof arg3 === 'boolean' ? arg3 : this.windowsMainService.getWindowCount() > 0; const checked = typeof arg4 === 'boolean' ? arg4 : false; const options: MenuItemConstructorOptions = { label, click, enabled }; if (checked) { options.type = 'checkbox'; options.checked = checked; } let commandId: string | undefined; if (typeof arg2 === 'string') { commandId = arg2; } else if (Array.isArray(arg2)) { commandId = arg2[0]; } if (isMacintosh) { // Add role for special case menu items if (commandId === 'editor.action.clipboardCutAction') { options.role = 'cut'; } else if (commandId === 'editor.action.clipboardCopyAction') { options.role = 'copy'; } else if (commandId === 'editor.action.clipboardPasteAction') { options.role = 'paste'; } // Add context aware click handlers for special case menu items if (commandId === 'undo') { options.click = this.makeContextAwareClickHandler(click, { inDevTools: devTools => devTools.undo(), inNoWindow: () => Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('undo:') }); } else if (commandId === 'redo') { options.click = this.makeContextAwareClickHandler(click, { inDevTools: devTools => devTools.redo(), inNoWindow: () => Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('redo:') }); } else if (commandId === 'editor.action.selectAll') { options.click = this.makeContextAwareClickHandler(click, { inDevTools: devTools => devTools.selectAll(), inNoWindow: () => Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('selectAll:') }); } } return new MenuItem(this.withKeybinding(commandId, options)); } private makeContextAwareClickHandler(click: () => void, contextSpecificHandlers: IMenuItemClickHandler): () => void { return () => { // No Active Window const activeWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); if (!activeWindow) { return contextSpecificHandlers.inNoWindow(); } // DevTools focused if (activeWindow.webContents.isDevToolsFocused()) { return contextSpecificHandlers.inDevTools(activeWindow.webContents.devToolsWebContents); } // Finally execute command in Window click(); }; } private runActionInRenderer(invocation: IMenuItemInvocation): void { // We make sure to not run actions when the window has no focus, this helps // for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/25907 and specifically for // https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11928 // Still allow to run when the last active window is minimized though for // https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/63000 let activeBrowserWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); if (!activeBrowserWindow) { const lastActiveWindow = this.windowsMainService.getLastActiveWindow(); if (lastActiveWindow?.isMinimized()) { activeBrowserWindow = lastActiveWindow.win; } } const activeWindow = activeBrowserWindow ? this.windowsMainService.getWindowById(activeBrowserWindow.id) : undefined; if (activeWindow) { this.logService.trace('menubar#runActionInRenderer', invocation); if (isMacintosh && !this.environmentService.isBuilt && !activeWindow.isReady) { if ((invocation.type === 'commandId' && invocation.commandId === 'workbench.action.toggleDevTools') || (invocation.type !== 'commandId' && invocation.userSettingsLabel === 'alt+cmd+i')) { // prevent this action from running twice on macOS (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/62719) // we already register a keybinding in bootstrap-window.js for opening developer tools in case something // goes wrong and that keybinding is only removed when the application has loaded (= window ready). return; } } if (invocation.type === 'commandId') { activeWindow.sendWhenReady('vscode:runAction', { id: invocation.commandId, from: 'menu' } as IRunActionInWindowRequest); } else { activeWindow.sendWhenReady('vscode:runKeybinding', { userSettingsLabel: invocation.userSettingsLabel } as IRunKeybindingInWindowRequest); } } else { this.logService.trace('menubar#runActionInRenderer: no active window found', invocation); } } private withKeybinding(commandId: string | undefined, options: MenuItemConstructorOptions & IMenuItemWithKeybinding): MenuItemConstructorOptions { const binding = typeof commandId === 'string' ? this.keybindings[commandId] : undefined; // Apply binding if there is one if (binding?.label) { // if the binding is native, we can just apply it if (binding.isNative !== false) { options.accelerator = binding.label; options.userSettingsLabel = binding.userSettingsLabel; } // the keybinding is not native so we cannot show it as part of the accelerator of // the menu item. we fallback to a different strategy so that we always display it else if (typeof options.label === 'string') { const bindingIndex = options.label.indexOf('['); if (bindingIndex >= 0) { options.label = `${options.label.substr(0, bindingIndex)} [${binding.label}]`; } else { options.label = `${options.label} [${binding.label}]`; } } } // Unset bindings if there is none else { options.accelerator = undefined; } return options; } private likeAction(commandId: string, options: MenuItemConstructorOptions, setAccelerator = !options.accelerator): MenuItemConstructorOptions { if (setAccelerator) { options = this.withKeybinding(commandId, options); } const originalClick = options.click; options.click = (item, window, event) => { this.reportMenuActionTelemetry(commandId); if (originalClick) { originalClick(item, window, event); } }; return options; } private openUrl(url: string, id: string): void { shell.openExternal(url); this.reportMenuActionTelemetry(id); } private reportMenuActionTelemetry(id: string): void { this.telemetryService.publicLog2('workbenchActionExecuted', { id, from: telemetryFrom }); } private mnemonicLabel(label: string): string { return baseMnemonicLabel(label, !this.currentEnableMenuBarMnemonics); } } function __separator__(): MenuItem { return new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }); }