/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/css!./media/notificationsToasts'; import { INotificationsModel, NotificationChangeType, INotificationChangeEvent, INotificationViewItem, NotificationViewItemLabelKind } from 'vs/workbench/common/notifications'; import { IDisposable, dispose, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { addClass, removeClass, isAncestor, addDisposableListener, EventType, Dimension } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { NotificationsList } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsList'; import { once } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IPartService, Parts } from 'vs/workbench/services/part/common/partService'; import { Themable, NOTIFICATIONS_TOAST_BORDER } from 'vs/workbench/common/theme'; import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import { widgetShadow } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry'; import { IEditorGroupsService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/editorGroupsService'; import { NotificationsToastsVisibleContext } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsCommands'; import { IContextKeyService, IContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { Severity } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification'; import { ScrollbarVisibility } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable'; import { ILifecycleService, LifecyclePhase } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/common/lifecycle'; import { IWindowService } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; interface INotificationToast { item: INotificationViewItem; list: NotificationsList; container: HTMLElement; toast: HTMLElement; disposeables: IDisposable[]; } enum ToastVisibility { HIDDEN_OR_VISIBLE, HIDDEN, VISIBLE } export class NotificationsToasts extends Themable { private static MAX_WIDTH = 450; private static MAX_NOTIFICATIONS = 3; private static PURGE_TIMEOUT: { [severity: number]: number } = (() => { const intervals = Object.create(null); intervals[Severity.Info] = 15000; intervals[Severity.Warning] = 18000; intervals[Severity.Error] = 20000; return intervals; })(); private notificationsToastsContainer: HTMLElement; private workbenchDimensions: Dimension; private windowHasFocus: boolean; private isNotificationsCenterVisible: boolean; private mapNotificationToToast: Map; private notificationsToastsVisibleContextKey: IContextKey; constructor( private container: HTMLElement, private model: INotificationsModel, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IPartService private partService: IPartService, @IThemeService themeService: IThemeService, @IEditorGroupsService private editorGroupService: IEditorGroupsService, @IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService, @ILifecycleService private lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, @IWindowService private windowService: IWindowService ) { super(themeService); this.mapNotificationToToast = new Map(); this.notificationsToastsVisibleContextKey = NotificationsToastsVisibleContext.bindTo(contextKeyService); this.windowService.isFocused().then(isFocused => this.windowHasFocus = isFocused); this.registerListeners(); } private registerListeners(): void { // Wait for the running phase to ensure we can draw notifications properly this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Running).then(() => { // Show toast for initial notifications if any this.model.notifications.forEach(notification => this.addToast(notification)); // Update toasts on notification changes this._register(this.model.onDidNotificationChange(e => this.onDidNotificationChange(e))); }); // Track window focus this.windowService.onDidChangeFocus(hasFocus => this.windowHasFocus = hasFocus); } private onDidNotificationChange(e: INotificationChangeEvent): void { switch (e.kind) { case NotificationChangeType.ADD: return this.addToast(e.item); case NotificationChangeType.REMOVE: return this.removeToast(e.item); } } private addToast(item: INotificationViewItem): void { if (this.isNotificationsCenterVisible) { return; // do not show toasts while notification center is visibles } // Lazily create toasts containers if (!this.notificationsToastsContainer) { this.notificationsToastsContainer = document.createElement('div'); addClass(this.notificationsToastsContainer, 'notifications-toasts'); this.container.appendChild(this.notificationsToastsContainer); } // Make Visible addClass(this.notificationsToastsContainer, 'visible'); const itemDisposeables: IDisposable[] = []; // Container const notificationToastContainer = document.createElement('div'); addClass(notificationToastContainer, 'notification-toast-container'); const firstToast = this.notificationsToastsContainer.firstChild; if (firstToast) { this.notificationsToastsContainer.insertBefore(notificationToastContainer, firstToast); // always first } else { this.notificationsToastsContainer.appendChild(notificationToastContainer); } // Toast const notificationToast = document.createElement('div'); addClass(notificationToast, 'notification-toast'); notificationToastContainer.appendChild(notificationToast); // Create toast with item and show const notificationList = this.instantiationService.createInstance(NotificationsList, notificationToast, { ariaLabel: localize('notificationsToast', "Notification Toast"), verticalScrollMode: ScrollbarVisibility.Hidden }); itemDisposeables.push(notificationList); const toast: INotificationToast = { item, list: notificationList, container: notificationToastContainer, toast: notificationToast, disposeables: itemDisposeables }; this.mapNotificationToToast.set(item, toast); itemDisposeables.push(toDisposable(() => { if (this.isVisible(toast)) { this.notificationsToastsContainer.removeChild(toast.container); } })); // Make visible notificationList.show(); // Layout lists const maxDimensions = this.computeMaxDimensions(); this.layoutLists(maxDimensions.width); // Show notification notificationList.updateNotificationsList(0, 0, [item]); // Layout container: only after we show the notification to ensure that // the height computation takes the content of it into account! this.layoutContainer(maxDimensions.height); // Update when item height changes due to expansion itemDisposeables.push(item.onDidExpansionChange(() => { notificationList.updateNotificationsList(0, 1, [item]); })); // Update when item height potentially changes due to label changes itemDisposeables.push(item.onDidLabelChange(e => { if (e.kind === NotificationViewItemLabelKind.ACTIONS || e.kind === NotificationViewItemLabelKind.MESSAGE) { notificationList.updateNotificationsList(0, 1, [item]); } })); // Remove when item gets closed once(item.onDidClose)(() => { this.removeToast(item); }); // Automatically purge non-sticky notifications this.purgeNotification(item, notificationToastContainer, notificationList, itemDisposeables); // Theming this.updateStyles(); // Context Key this.notificationsToastsVisibleContextKey.set(true); // Animate in addClass(notificationToast, 'notification-fade-in'); itemDisposeables.push(addDisposableListener(notificationToast, 'transitionend', () => { removeClass(notificationToast, 'notification-fade-in'); addClass(notificationToast, 'notification-fade-in-done'); })); } private purgeNotification(item: INotificationViewItem, notificationToastContainer: HTMLElement, notificationList: NotificationsList, disposables: IDisposable[]): void { // Track mouse over item let isMouseOverToast = false; disposables.push(addDisposableListener(notificationToastContainer, EventType.MOUSE_OVER, () => isMouseOverToast = true)); disposables.push(addDisposableListener(notificationToastContainer, EventType.MOUSE_OUT, () => isMouseOverToast = false)); // Install Timers let purgeTimeoutHandle: any; let pendingPurgeTimeoutHandle: any; const hideAfterTimeout = () => { purgeTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { if ( item.sticky || // never hide sticky notifications notificationList.hasFocus() || // never hide notifications with focus isMouseOverToast || // never hide notifications under mouse !this.windowHasFocus // never hide when window has no focus ) { // If the notification should not be hidden yet for the reasons outlined // above, we delay an additional check by at least PURGE_TIMEOUT so that // if the condition changes to hide the notification, the timeout will // be at least PURGE_TIMEOUT (+ the time it took to change the state) pendingPurgeTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { hideAfterTimeout(); }, NotificationsToasts.PURGE_TIMEOUT[item.severity]); } else { this.removeToast(item); } }, NotificationsToasts.PURGE_TIMEOUT[item.severity]); }; hideAfterTimeout(); disposables.push(toDisposable(() => clearTimeout(purgeTimeoutHandle))); disposables.push(toDisposable(() => clearTimeout(pendingPurgeTimeoutHandle))); } private removeToast(item: INotificationViewItem): void { const notificationToast = this.mapNotificationToToast.get(item); let focusGroup = false; if (notificationToast) { const toastHasDOMFocus = isAncestor(document.activeElement, notificationToast.container); if (toastHasDOMFocus) { focusGroup = !(this.focusNext() || this.focusPrevious()); // focus next if any, otherwise focus editor } // Listeners dispose(notificationToast.disposeables); // Remove from Map this.mapNotificationToToast.delete(item); } // Layout if we still have toasts if (this.mapNotificationToToast.size > 0) { this.layout(this.workbenchDimensions); } // Otherwise hide if no more toasts to show else { this.doHide(); // Move focus back to editor group as needed if (focusGroup) { this.editorGroupService.activeGroup.focus(); } } } private removeToasts(): void { this.mapNotificationToToast.forEach(toast => dispose(toast.disposeables)); this.mapNotificationToToast.clear(); this.doHide(); } private doHide(): void { if (this.notificationsToastsContainer) { removeClass(this.notificationsToastsContainer, 'visible'); } // Context Key this.notificationsToastsVisibleContextKey.set(false); } hide(): void { const focusGroup = isAncestor(document.activeElement, this.notificationsToastsContainer); this.removeToasts(); if (focusGroup) { this.editorGroupService.activeGroup.focus(); } } focus(): boolean { const toasts = this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.VISIBLE); if (toasts.length > 0) { toasts[0].list.focusFirst(); return true; } return false; } focusNext(): boolean { const toasts = this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.VISIBLE); for (let i = 0; i < toasts.length; i++) { const toast = toasts[i]; if (toast.list.hasFocus()) { const nextToast = toasts[i + 1]; if (nextToast) { nextToast.list.focusFirst(); return true; } break; } } return false; } focusPrevious(): boolean { const toasts = this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.VISIBLE); for (let i = 0; i < toasts.length; i++) { const toast = toasts[i]; if (toast.list.hasFocus()) { const previousToast = toasts[i - 1]; if (previousToast) { previousToast.list.focusFirst(); return true; } break; } } return false; } focusFirst(): boolean { const toast = this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.VISIBLE)[0]; if (toast) { toast.list.focusFirst(); return true; } return false; } focusLast(): boolean { const toasts = this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.VISIBLE); if (toasts.length > 0) { toasts[toasts.length - 1].list.focusFirst(); return true; } return false; } update(isCenterVisible: boolean): void { if (this.isNotificationsCenterVisible !== isCenterVisible) { this.isNotificationsCenterVisible = isCenterVisible; // Hide all toasts when the notificationcenter gets visible if (this.isNotificationsCenterVisible) { this.removeToasts(); } } } protected updateStyles(): void { this.mapNotificationToToast.forEach(t => { const widgetShadowColor = this.getColor(widgetShadow); t.toast.style.boxShadow = widgetShadowColor ? `0 0px 8px ${widgetShadowColor}` : null; const borderColor = this.getColor(NOTIFICATIONS_TOAST_BORDER); t.toast.style.border = borderColor ? `1px solid ${borderColor}` : null; }); } private getToasts(state: ToastVisibility): INotificationToast[] { const notificationToasts: INotificationToast[] = []; this.mapNotificationToToast.forEach(toast => { switch (state) { case ToastVisibility.HIDDEN_OR_VISIBLE: notificationToasts.push(toast); break; case ToastVisibility.HIDDEN: if (!this.isVisible(toast)) { notificationToasts.push(toast); } break; case ToastVisibility.VISIBLE: if (this.isVisible(toast)) { notificationToasts.push(toast); } break; } }); return notificationToasts.reverse(); // from newest to oldest } layout(dimension: Dimension): void { this.workbenchDimensions = dimension; const maxDimensions = this.computeMaxDimensions(); // Hide toasts that exceed height if (maxDimensions.height) { this.layoutContainer(maxDimensions.height); } // Layout all lists of toasts this.layoutLists(maxDimensions.width); } private computeMaxDimensions(): Dimension { let maxWidth = NotificationsToasts.MAX_WIDTH; let availableWidth = maxWidth; let availableHeight: number; if (this.workbenchDimensions) { // Make sure notifications are not exceding available width availableWidth = this.workbenchDimensions.width; availableWidth -= (2 * 8); // adjust for paddings left and right // Make sure notifications are not exceeding available height availableHeight = this.workbenchDimensions.height; if (this.partService.isVisible(Parts.STATUSBAR_PART)) { availableHeight -= 22; // adjust for status bar } if (this.partService.isVisible(Parts.TITLEBAR_PART)) { availableHeight -= 22; // adjust for title bar } availableHeight -= (2 * 12); // adjust for paddings top and bottom } availableHeight = Math.round(availableHeight * 0.618); // try to not cover the full height for stacked toasts return new Dimension(Math.min(maxWidth, availableWidth), availableHeight); } private layoutLists(width: number): void { this.mapNotificationToToast.forEach(toast => toast.list.layout(width)); } private layoutContainer(heightToGive: number): void { let visibleToasts = 0; this.getToasts(ToastVisibility.HIDDEN_OR_VISIBLE).forEach(toast => { // In order to measure the client height, the element cannot have display: none toast.container.style.opacity = '0'; this.setVisibility(toast, true); heightToGive -= toast.container.offsetHeight; let makeVisible = false; if (visibleToasts === NotificationsToasts.MAX_NOTIFICATIONS) { makeVisible = false; // never show more than MAX_NOTIFICATIONS } else if (heightToGive >= 0) { makeVisible = true; // hide toast if available height is too little } // Hide or show toast based on context this.setVisibility(toast, makeVisible); toast.container.style.opacity = null; if (makeVisible) { visibleToasts++; } }); } private setVisibility(toast: INotificationToast, visible: boolean): void { if (this.isVisible(toast) === visible) { return; } if (visible) { this.notificationsToastsContainer.appendChild(toast.container); } else { this.notificationsToastsContainer.removeChild(toast.container); } } private isVisible(toast: INotificationToast): boolean { return !!toast.container.parentElement; } }