/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import {createDecorator, IInstantiationService} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import {EventType} from 'vs/base/common/events'; import arrays = require('vs/base/common/arrays'); import {UntitledEditorInput} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledEditorInput'; export const IUntitledEditorService = createDecorator('untitledEditorService'); export interface IUntitledEditorService { _serviceBrand: any; /** * Returns the untitled editor input matching the provided resource. */ get(resource: URI): UntitledEditorInput; /** * Returns all untitled editor inputs. */ getAll(resources?: URI[]): UntitledEditorInput[]; /** * Returns dirty untitled editors as resource URIs. */ getDirty(): URI[]; /** * Returns true iff the provided resource is dirty. */ isDirty(resource: URI): boolean; /** * Reverts the untitled resources if found. */ revertAll(resources?: URI[]): URI[]; /** * Creates a new untitled input with the optional resource URI or returns an existing one * if the provided resource exists already as untitled input. * * It is valid to pass in a file resource. In that case the path will be used as identifier. * The use case is to be able to create a new file with a specific path with VSCode. */ createOrGet(resource?: URI, modeId?: string): UntitledEditorInput; /** * A check to find out if a untitled resource has a file path associated or not. */ hasAssociatedFilePath(resource: URI): boolean; } export class UntitledEditorService implements IUntitledEditorService { public _serviceBrand: any; private static CACHE: { [resource: string]: UntitledEditorInput } = Object.create(null); private static KNOWN_ASSOCIATED_FILE_PATHS: { [resource: string]: boolean } = Object.create(null); constructor(@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) { } public get(resource: URI): UntitledEditorInput { return UntitledEditorService.CACHE[resource.toString()]; } public getAll(resources?: URI[]): UntitledEditorInput[] { if (resources) { return arrays.coalesce(resources.map((r) => this.get(r))); } return Object.keys(UntitledEditorService.CACHE).map((key) => UntitledEditorService.CACHE[key]); } public revertAll(resources?: URI[], force?: boolean): URI[] { const reverted: URI[] = []; const untitledInputs = this.getAll(resources); untitledInputs.forEach(input => { if (input) { input.revert(); input.dispose(); reverted.push(input.getResource()); } }); return reverted; } public isDirty(resource: URI): boolean { let input = this.get(resource); return input && input.isDirty(); } public getDirty(): URI[] { return Object.keys(UntitledEditorService.CACHE) .map((key) => UntitledEditorService.CACHE[key]) .filter((i) => i.isDirty()) .map((i) => i.getResource()); } public createOrGet(resource?: URI, modeId?: string): UntitledEditorInput { let hasAssociatedFilePath = false; if (resource) { hasAssociatedFilePath = (resource.scheme === 'file'); resource = this.resourceToUntitled(resource); // ensure we have the right scheme if (hasAssociatedFilePath) { UntitledEditorService.KNOWN_ASSOCIATED_FILE_PATHS[resource.toString()] = true; // remember for future lookups } } // Return existing instance if asked for it if (resource && UntitledEditorService.CACHE[resource.toString()]) { return UntitledEditorService.CACHE[resource.toString()]; } // Create new otherwise return this.doCreate(resource, hasAssociatedFilePath, modeId); } private doCreate(resource?: URI, hasAssociatedFilePath?: boolean, modeId?: string): UntitledEditorInput { if (!resource) { // Create new taking a resource URI that is not already taken let counter = Object.keys(UntitledEditorService.CACHE).length + 1; do { resource = URI.from({ scheme: UntitledEditorInput.SCHEMA, path: 'Untitled-' + counter }); counter++; } while (Object.keys(UntitledEditorService.CACHE).indexOf(resource.toString()) >= 0); } let input = this.instantiationService.createInstance(UntitledEditorInput, resource, hasAssociatedFilePath, modeId); // Remove from cache on dispose input.addOneTimeDisposableListener(EventType.DISPOSE, () => { delete UntitledEditorService.CACHE[input.getResource().toString()]; delete UntitledEditorService.KNOWN_ASSOCIATED_FILE_PATHS[input.getResource().toString()]; }); // Add to cache UntitledEditorService.CACHE[resource.toString()] = input; return input; } private resourceToUntitled(resource: URI): URI { if (resource.scheme === UntitledEditorInput.SCHEMA) { return resource; } return URI.from({ scheme: UntitledEditorInput.SCHEMA, path: resource.fsPath }); } public hasAssociatedFilePath(resource: URI): boolean { return !!UntitledEditorService.KNOWN_ASSOCIATED_FILE_PATHS[resource.toString()]; } }