/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import { IReplElement, IStackFrame, IExpression, IReplElementSource, IDebugSession } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/debug/common/debug'; import { ExpressionContainer } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/debug/common/debugModel'; import { isString, isUndefinedOrNull, isObject } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { basenameOrAuthority } from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { endsWith } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid'; const MAX_REPL_LENGTH = 10000; let topReplElementCounter = 0; export class SimpleReplElement implements IReplElement { constructor( private id: string, public value: string, public severity: severity, public sourceData?: IReplElementSource, ) { } toString(): string { return this.value; } getId(): string { return this.id; } } export class RawObjectReplElement implements IExpression { private static readonly MAX_CHILDREN = 1000; // upper bound of children per value constructor(private id: string, public name: string, public valueObj: any, public sourceData?: IReplElementSource, public annotation?: string) { } getId(): string { return this.id; } get value(): string { if (this.valueObj === null) { return 'null'; } else if (Array.isArray(this.valueObj)) { return `Array[${this.valueObj.length}]`; } else if (isObject(this.valueObj)) { return 'Object'; } else if (isString(this.valueObj)) { return `"${this.valueObj}"`; } return String(this.valueObj) || ''; } get hasChildren(): boolean { return (Array.isArray(this.valueObj) && this.valueObj.length > 0) || (isObject(this.valueObj) && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.valueObj).length > 0); } getChildren(): Promise { let result: IExpression[] = []; if (Array.isArray(this.valueObj)) { result = (this.valueObj).slice(0, RawObjectReplElement.MAX_CHILDREN) .map((v, index) => new RawObjectReplElement(`${this.id}:${index}`, String(index), v)); } else if (isObject(this.valueObj)) { result = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.valueObj).slice(0, RawObjectReplElement.MAX_CHILDREN) .map((key, index) => new RawObjectReplElement(`${this.id}:${index}`, key, this.valueObj[key])); } return Promise.resolve(result); } toString(): string { return `${this.name}\n${this.value}`; } } export class ReplEvaluationInput implements IReplElement { private id: string; constructor(public value: string) { this.id = generateUuid(); } toString(): string { return this.value; } getId(): string { return this.id; } } export class ReplEvaluationResult extends ExpressionContainer implements IReplElement { constructor() { super(undefined, undefined, 0, generateUuid()); } toString(): string { return `${this.value}`; } } export class ReplModel { private replElements: IReplElement[] = []; getReplElements(): IReplElement[] { return this.replElements; } async addReplExpression(session: IDebugSession, stackFrame: IStackFrame | undefined, name: string): Promise { this.addReplElement(new ReplEvaluationInput(name)); const result = new ReplEvaluationResult(); await result.evaluateExpression(name, session, stackFrame, 'repl'); this.addReplElement(result); } appendToRepl(data: string | IExpression, sev: severity, source?: IReplElementSource): void { const clearAnsiSequence = '\u001b[2J'; if (typeof data === 'string' && data.indexOf(clearAnsiSequence) >= 0) { // [2J is the ansi escape sequence for clearing the display http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php this.removeReplExpressions(); this.appendToRepl(nls.localize('consoleCleared', "Console was cleared"), severity.Ignore); data = data.substr(data.lastIndexOf(clearAnsiSequence) + clearAnsiSequence.length); } if (typeof data === 'string') { const previousElement = this.replElements.length ? this.replElements[this.replElements.length - 1] : undefined; if (previousElement instanceof SimpleReplElement && previousElement.severity === sev && !endsWith(previousElement.value, '\n') && !endsWith(previousElement.value, '\r\n')) { previousElement.value += data; } else { const element = new SimpleReplElement(`topReplElement:${topReplElementCounter++}`, data, sev, source); this.addReplElement(element); } } else { // TODO@Isidor hack, we should introduce a new type which is an output that can fetch children like an expression (data).severity = sev; (data).sourceData = source; this.addReplElement(data); } } private addReplElement(newElement: IReplElement): void { this.replElements.push(newElement); if (this.replElements.length > MAX_REPL_LENGTH) { this.replElements.splice(0, this.replElements.length - MAX_REPL_LENGTH); } } logToRepl(session: IDebugSession, sev: severity, args: any[], frame?: { uri: URI, line: number, column: number }) { let source: IReplElementSource | undefined; if (frame) { source = { column: frame.column, lineNumber: frame.line, source: session.getSource({ name: basenameOrAuthority(frame.uri), path: frame.uri.fsPath }) }; } // add output for each argument logged let simpleVals: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { let a = args[i]; // undefined gets printed as 'undefined' if (typeof a === 'undefined') { simpleVals.push('undefined'); } // null gets printed as 'null' else if (a === null) { simpleVals.push('null'); } // objects & arrays are special because we want to inspect them in the REPL else if (isObject(a) || Array.isArray(a)) { // flush any existing simple values logged if (simpleVals.length) { this.appendToRepl(simpleVals.join(' '), sev, source); simpleVals = []; } // show object this.appendToRepl(new RawObjectReplElement(`topReplElement:${topReplElementCounter++}`, (a).prototype, a, undefined, nls.localize('snapshotObj', "Only primitive values are shown for this object.")), sev, source); } // string: watch out for % replacement directive // string substitution and formatting @ https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/console else if (typeof a === 'string') { let buf = ''; for (let j = 0, len = a.length; j < len; j++) { if (a[j] === '%' && (a[j + 1] === 's' || a[j + 1] === 'i' || a[j + 1] === 'd' || a[j + 1] === 'O')) { i++; // read over substitution buf += !isUndefinedOrNull(args[i]) ? args[i] : ''; // replace j++; // read over directive } else { buf += a[j]; } } simpleVals.push(buf); } // number or boolean is joined together else { simpleVals.push(a); } } // flush simple values // always append a new line for output coming from an extension such that separate logs go to separate lines #23695 if (simpleVals.length) { this.appendToRepl(simpleVals.join(' ') + '\n', sev, source); } } removeReplExpressions(): void { if (this.replElements.length > 0) { this.replElements = []; } } }